Planning Commission Packet - 05/19/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . � � . . . � . . . . � � � . � � � ! � .. +1 . �' ... . � . . � � . . . .. v�� . . . + ' f� � �.� � � . � . . . . � . . � . � � .. AGENDA Ti�azd Planning ,�C Zon�ri�; Comm�_»�;c�n Re�ular Mseting m May ��3 I�70 Member Section � jo3�J �'aM� ` i Public Hearin�s � 8000 FoMa i �'owl�r Jro Hi�h School Zibrary 12080 SeW, Main St�e�i;, T.i�ard I Io CALZ `�0 O�DLR T T o ROZI, CAI,Z � IX� d APPI�OV�1� OI' 1�1NUTE�e Re�1:�7_ar m.e��ti.n:{�� Apri1 21q 1970 � IV, PUBI,IC HEARINGS � alo (Conti.nued Hearing from A.pril 21, 1970) � Z(7NING OftDINANCE AMENDMENTS � A public hearing wi�;h respect 1;0 "Cit,y a�' �i�ard �ona.n� Orc�inanc� oi 1.97Ut0 , (bein� a r.evision o� �Ll~�e �presEn�l;ly e�Efeetive Ordinanee No 0 67m21 adopted b,y the Czt,y Coun.czl on March 13, 1967) pr.oposed to be recomrrienc�ed i;o the to the City Gouncil , rec�d.i�'ying arne;ndments �nd su��l�� ments to the text, with revised zoning map depicting reclassified a,nnexed areas addition�,l to land use zones heretof�re in effect pursua.n�t to Ordinance Noo 67�-21. and � �� amenc�me�.ts thereto o � lo Sta�f Recommenclation , � 2, Public Heaxing � 3o Commission Di�cussion and Action � � B� Conditional Use DANIELS, WIGGTl�S F� DI�NIL'I,S, CON�'II�UCTION, Ap�a.licant � A request for a conditional use �`or a g�neral contractars � o�'fice a�.d warehouse in a Mm4 zane (Industri�,l Fark) on � <�, 0, 55 acre parcel of lan.d located at 8950 SoWo Burnham ; S�.reet (Map 2S1 2ADy �'ax T,ot 26Q0) ! 1 o S�al� Recomm�nda�Lion. 2 o Public Hea,rirl� 3a Cammission D.iscussion and Acti�n C a Con.di�tion�,l Use WII:,I,I�M L+'o C,-T'LL, �.pplican�; A rec�uest for a conditional. use �or a home occupation, �to � make so:�'t so].e gymnastic slip�aer� in a Fi�`7 zone (Si.ngle Famil,y Res�.den.tial) on a 9� 25 a�cr� parcel o:� 1:anc� 1oca�ec� �� 7955 SoWo Bonita Rbad (l�ia� 2S1 12B, Tax Lot �01) '1n Sta�'� R:ecommendation 2, Public I•iear.in:g 3:, Gommission Discussion and Action V o A�JOU�.NM:ENT , ` ���y+•�^ , `:`'�':'���'�.: .. . � .. . .. 4{/ � '. � . . 4. F ' g� � M I N U T E S � Tigard Planning & Zoning Commission Re�ular Meeting � May 19, 197n ' Fowler �Tro High S�hool Library 12080 SaWa Main' Sto , Tigard9 Oregon I, CAI,� TO ORDER A, The meeting was call�d to order by the Chairman, Allan , Paterson, at 8000 PoMo I II o ROLI, CAI,Z � Ao Present: Commissioners Fletcher9 Goslin9 Harriss I,ewis9 S�everson, Woodard9 and Chairman Paterson; Secxetary �mily Wied Bo Absent � Commissioner Nicoli . � III p Al'PROVAL OF NIINUTES ' Aa Tkie minutes af the Apri1 2�9 1970, regular meeting were � approved as submitted � IV, PUBZIC HEARINGS � Ao C�nditional Use DANILLS WIGGINS 8� DANIEI,S9 applicant A request for a conditional use for a general contracto�s office and warehouse in a M�4 zone (Industrial Park) on a Oo55 acre pareel of land located at 8950 SoWa Burnham Street (Map 2S1 2AD9 Tax Lot 2600) lo Staff recommen.dation for approval witYi conditions 2o Public Hearin� ao Jerry Daniels9 applicant, elaborated on the proposal saying that the face lifting for the hnuse9 the new warehouse, the sight-obscuring fence and th.e paving should all be completed within one yeara A possible addition to the warehouse is the only furth�r devel- opment envisioned orz the propertya b, Mro Goslin requir.ed about the previous conditional use which has now expiredo Mrs. Wied explained that � the previous use included one year° s temporary use of the house for an office, then a new building was to be comple�ted, co Mr, Goslin ask�d about the �ence hei�ht limit and suggested an 8' fenceo Mrso w�ea explained the , zoning ordinance provi�ion for a sigh'tm�screening fence 5 ° to 7° in hei�ht � do Mra McGarr, property ownero 8880 and 8900 SoWo Burnharn Street, a,sked the Commission to impo�e �.ny rest.rictions necessary, so that development would maintain th� same high 1eveT as that of the General Telephone Companyo _ _ _ __ _ _ _. . _ �_ . . �- ,. : . . .�S . .. . . � � �. �. . � � . .. .. . . .. �., . . . . . . . . . .. \ .. . � � � . . . � . . . . . eo The pub7.ic hearing was elosedo 3o Commission Diseussion and A�tion ao Mro I-iarris moved that the app]_ica�ion be approved, then withdrew the mot�.on for discussion ba Mra Gosli,n asked if somE aesthet,l.c qua.lity couldn° t be s�ecified and not just what is pz�actical.o He also r.ecommended that the word "sha11" be replaced with "must'a wher�ver it appears in the firs+ condition recommended by the staff, co Mro Harr�:s recommended that the wox°ds "site plan" be replaced with "�et of �lans" and that the words "no storage s:�all bE permitted above the height of the fence" be added to part "bo " o� conditiori #1 do It was moved (Harris) , secon.c�ed �Severson) , and passed by unanimous vote of the Commission present tYiat the reguest be approved witYi trie conditions as suggest�d by the staf�' and amenaed by the Commission� � lo That the development must be in aecordance with the :7et of plans submitted9 but with the �ollowing additions, which must be m�,de prior , to the application �or �, building permito '� a� the zoning ordinancP requires that "all areas used lor the s�tandin� an.d maneuvering of v�hicles be imp.roved accordin� to the same specifications �,s required �'or Ci.ty Streets" ; this is to be sllown oiz the plans, with �he exceptioa� that the rear 71° of the propertyg ma,y be plani;ed on or improved to lesser st�ndardse such � a� with gravelo � bd the ord�.nance also pz°oviaes �hat approved outside stora�;e areas must "be screened from view of all adjacent pro� perties by a s�_�ht�obscuring :�ence, not less than six 1'eet in h�i�;ht and/or b}r ; sight-obscuring; landscaping; this screen.ing must Y�e c�etailed on the plt�,n;�a No stora�e shall be permi�tted a.bove thE h�ight of the :Cenceo 2� That this conditi�nal use shall expire in one year if the project has not been started �,nd continual progress toward its completion is not in evidenceo Bo LONING ORDINANCE A1�lENDMENTS A public hearin� with respect to "City oi' Tigard Zonin.g Ordin�,nce of 1970'� 9 (bein� a revision of the pre�ently effective Ordinance Noo 67-�21 adopted by the City Counc�l � on March i3, 1967) proposed to be .r�conimended to the City Council•, recodzfy:ing amendm�nts and su�plernen,ts to th.e text, with revised zoning ma� depicting heretofore in effect pursuar.t to Ordinance N� o 67-21 and amendments ther.etov Pg, 2 PoBcZo Commission Minutes - May 19, 197Q t. : I \ lo Staff recommendation for approval with City �.tt�rney° s adclitions 2o Publi.c Hearing ao No one was present in the audienceo 3o Commission viscussion and Action aa Discussion by the Commissioners and Mrso Wied centered on the new "home occupation" 9 "conditional home use" , and "temporar,y use" permit provisionso The concensus was that such provision,s were desirable and should be incJ�uded in the ordinanceo bo Tt was moved (I,ew�_s) , seconded (F]:etcher) 9 and passed by unanimous vote o� the Commission present 'ch�,t the new zoning ordinance as presented and with the revisions added by the City Attorney be approved and recommen:ded by the Commission to the Cit,y Council for adoptiono Vo ADJOURNMENT Ao ^1he meeting w�,'s adjourned at 9� 50 PaMo ; � , � � ` Pge 3 — Pa&Zo Commission Minutes -� May 19, 1970 . .� �. .N.� � �.f � � . . . . � .. � . . .. . � .. � � . . . . . . . .. ,...... �,}. Apra.1 2�3 y 1970 NOTICE OF Pi1BI,IC HEARING, , Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tigard at Fowler r L' r 'r 2080 S W Main S�tr. et T' rd r �T . High SchooZ lb a y, 1 a o e � �.ga , 0 egc�n on May 19, 1970 at 8a00 ` PoM, with respect to the followinga An application by Daniels, Wi�gins & DaniPl � Construction f'or a conditional use for general contractor`s office an.d warehouse in a M-4 zone (Industrial Park) on a Qo55 acre arcel of land located a� 8950 SoWo Burnham Street (.Map �251 2AD, Tax Zot 2600) A11 inte;rested p�rsons may appear and be heard i.n favor of or against said propos�,l o � � 1 ,� i , Je Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN �' : _ i , i �� .. �� ;"� A0� ;� � � �;� ,� ' � ' t� �'h �;...`' i . � i , S `l�/ , ; � o 0 o sul�N�,q�y �T ' '� � ��`o � � `��w,� o �,�°° � �� � /� � �� N` I� OO . v/ e � � i'I ��� s� � �P�� � � � �� � . o�o � � 1�` _ � <C ����� . ..� . � �. . � . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . � . I . . . ., . � � . . . � � � � . � .. . ' . . . . . . • . YI . .. .. . ' ' .. . � . � . � r 1... � � . . . . � . � � � ��� �I,�1rTNING AND ZONING COMMIS5I011 l; _ aTAFF' Ft�;PC)RT Ar�NDA ITEM: 4-B �� M�.y 1.9, 1970 � � a, " � For a �;ener.al contract�rs oFfice � j CONDTmTC��IAL Ua�' APFZICA`l'ION: �riu 4rr�.rehouse in �, M-�; �oYie � �'� -- �. �i A,PPI,ICANT: Daniels, Wi�;gins & Daniels,, Con.struction �II • 8950 S.W. Burnham Street; Tigard �i 'i � � � � � � k pROPERTX INVOLVED: 8950 S e'�J. Burnham Street {Map 2SI 2AD, t`ax �ot 2600)` " . . . . . � . . � . . . . . � . � ��:E . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . ;o � � � � � � � � � � . . . � � . . .. . . . . . � . � .. . . :� . y SIZL OF P'ROPF•RTYe 0. `�5 acre � � STAP'�' RECOA9MF,I�iDA�It�N: , The staff recommends ap;;roval. of: �his a�plic�,tion with the . .followin� conditions: . l. That the d::�z�].o,�mant; �bF in accord�;nce with the si�te � �� ' � - ' t t e followin additi.or�s � �, . � but w.i h h b tPd plan .., z :n� , � . � which should be made �ri.or t� thF applica�i��on. for . a� huil.�lin� }?ermit : - a. thc; zonin� ordinance req�ui.res that "a11 � i� , are�as �.�ac.>d for. the st�.nding and maz�euverin� �. ot vehicles shall bF� impr,oved ar,c•ord�ing • s, to the same specificatio�s as x�Equix�ed .for i City s�tr��et:;" ; tYia� �haul:d be .�howri on the pl�,rls, u�ith the excention that tl�e rear 71 ' � of tr�e �.rop�r�,y, m�,y be r�lanted or. irr;proved J to 7.P.���r �tanciarcis, .�uch �s with �ravEl. t� b. �r�e or.dinance als� provides that. apr�r�ved , ` ou1;:�ide storage are�,s "sha.]:l be screened 4' from view ot �,11 adjacen.t prop��rtiN�� by � � a si�h-t,-ob:.�r.urin� fcnce, not l.e�,�� thr:�n �; six f.eet in hei�;hi� dnd/or by si;:ht- �; abtict�rin�; landsc�;ping; this :�cr•eFnin� i •sho�ul� l�e detail�d on the pl�tir�,;, j (�; 2. . Th��,t �:?zi:� c:onc�iti��n�,l use shr�:ll. e�pire in one y�:�:r if �� the }�r�o��r_;t ha;> n�t bE:en sta.rted ,�.nci ccn.�irival. pro�;x°e�.� towa.rd lts comj�lr.�;ior� is not in evidence. ; � � � �; � �; , t; �� x, ,.} �, �, ��