Planning Commission Packet - 04/21/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. - P . . . . . . � . . � . � . . � 1 .. *h� L . . . . . : . . � AGENDA Tigard �lanning 8c Zoning �ommi.ss�.on . Regular meeting m April. 21, 197� ��'owler �r, High School Library 12080 Se��To Ma�.n, Tiga.rd9 Ore�on Member Sectaon 7; 30 PoMo Public Hearings 8000 �'aMo I o CAI,Z TO ORDER IIe ROLL CALI, TII a APPROVAL OF MINUTES s R.egu7_a,r meeting March 17 a 1970 SV o PUnIrIG HEARINGS A, Cond.itional Use PEARZ ROSKOVICH9 ap�plicant A requ�st for a conditional use for a hame occupation (Be�.uty Shop} in an A-2 zone (Multi�familV Residential.) on a 0,2� acre pa,rcel o� land located at i14o5 SoWo I,omita Sto (Map #157� 35DA. tax lot 3���� lo Sta�f I�ecommendats.an 2o Public Hearin:g 3, Gommission Discussion and Action B, Conditional Us� GLEN STONE a�pl.icant request f�or conditional use for two dwelling units an a �ing1.� family lot in an R�7 zone �n a Qal9 acre pareel o� .l.and la�ated at 14-135 S.We 103rd Avenue (Map #25�. 11BB tax lot 1501) �.A Staff �,eaamznendation 20 �ubl�ia Hearin� ' 3, Commissian Disaus�ion and Ac�ian ; Ce Zoning Or�.inance Amendmen�s j A public h��ring with re�pect to "City of Tigard Zonirr� Ordinance of 1970", (being a revis�.on �f the pre�ently effecta.ve Ordinance Noo 67-�21 adopted by the Cit� Council on March 13, 1967) �r.o� posed to be recommended �o the C3�y Council, recodifying amend� ments an.d supplements to the text9 wit� r.evi�ed zoning map de�icting reclassified annexed areas additi.onal to land use zones heretn�ore in e�fect pursua;nt to Ordinance No e 67--2�. and amendment5 ther�to a ]., St�:ff Recommendatian 2. �ubli� Hearing 3, Cammission Discussion and Action V. OTHER MATTERS VIo ADJOURNMENT � �, c���j, `�)l�c��. ��c.'•T� , \ � 4 '1 • i M � N U T � S j � � � Tigard P1an.ning 8c Z.oning C,ommission �e�ul.ar Meeting � A.pril 21,, 1970 ` �°owlez° �Tr�o High School L�.br_ary � 12080 SaW, M�,in Stree�t, Tigard, Oreo I e CAI,� TO ORDER ' Ao The meeting wa,c called to order l�y �he e�h�,i�many Allan Patexsnri, a�: 8�00 PoMo ;. i T:I o ROI,T, CALL � A, Presenta Comm�ssioners Fletcher, Zewis9 Ni�oli, Sevprson, ;� Wo�c�ard� and Chairman. Paterson; Emily Wied, Plannin� Director, 1 Secretar�J; also Steve Te1�er� Ci.ty A;dmin.istrator . B, Absent: Comma�ssioners Gaslin and Harris '� � III, APPROVA�, OI' MINUTL+'S A, Th� minutes o� the March 17, i.97�� r. egular mee�ing were � appx°oved as submitted IV o 1'UBLIC HL�I2T��G�i Ae Conditi.anal Use PEART� KOSKO�ICH, applican�; A request �or a conditional use :�or a home oc�upation (beauty shop) in an A�2 z�ne (Multi-��amily Resident�.�.�) on a Oo�2 acr�e parc�l of, land 1.ocated at 11405 SaWo Zomita St;o (Map lsl 35D�, Tax I,o± 3000) 'la Staff recommendation for approval with condi�t�_ons 2, Publir Hearing �,o Mrso Wied rea,d le�ters i.n opposition fromo Lilah D, Hold.en, 1t4-35 S o W, Z��mi ta St o Chester Eo Klocky �ro 9 1141C S .W., :Lornii;a i�t;a b a C, E a Klo ek x Jr o � �.:L820 S a W o 90t" Avenue, spoke in opposition and presented a petition with si.�natures repre� s�ntin� 1U properties on I,omita Sto and y0th Avenu� in oppositian to the proposalo He cited additional. � tra:f�ic �,nc� �the precedence this cauld set for other �amm�rr:i�.1 useso c a Mr o V�rma:re, �].jB0 S o W, Lomz t�, S�o , spoke in oppc si- , �ion. to adcl�.tional traffic, and sai� 'there were shops in �Lgard where Mr�so Koskovich could wor.l�o do l�ira RS.chard Murray, 11440 SoWo Lomita., obj�c�ec� ta addltional tra�'.fic an.c1 s�,id he was a�°ra�d this would � set a preceden� for aomm�rcial uses in the neighborhood eo Mrso Blevins, I133o SoWo 90th Avenue, spoke in �avor of the propo�al, sayi�� she felt thi� wouldn°t he a,ny d��ferent and would have less tr�,.f�'ic than, say baby- sxtting � _. .: .. ., I . , _. •_. __ _ __ _ ' �,, �' . �I k;. fo Mrsa Kaskovichg applicant9 said she wouldnat be �� ( changing �he looks o� the property at all, tha,t sh:e �,{, doesnot drive, and isnQt able to walk very far to � an. otzts�de job, so she has applieci �or this very �� small k�.nd o� operation to keep herself l�usy arid to �z "he�.p pay h�r tax�s" a She also said that she would �� not need to have the si�n (as describea in the stafi' i' repo�t)���she �thougYz�t it would help ds.reci; someone sI, on hc;r pr�op�rty on.lyo �a ga The public he�,rin� was closedo Ii 3o Commission discussidz�. �,nd action �,! aa Mro I,ewis said he had had �, lot of experienc� with �; "home occupations" in the past, and that he had � never known one which Yiad evei been a problem to '�.� t; anyone in the ne.�ghborhood iravolv�da He moved tl�e �! a�plication be approveda The motion died �'o�° lack i! of a seconc�o c:: bo Tt was mov�d (Wooda,rd) , seconded� (�verson) 9 and x. p�,ssed by majority vote of the Commission present �i (M�o Lewis voting "no" 9 Mr, Paterson abstaining) �; that the applic�ation be den�.edo +' �; Be Conditional U�e ���I GI,�N STONE, applicant s`'' A r�quest for conditional use for -two dwellang units on a ` single lot in a R�7 zone (�ing1� Family Residen�tia"1) on a �' Ool9 acre parce7_ o� land located a�t 1�135 SaWo 103rd Aveo { �- (Map 2SI 11BB5 Tax Lot 1501) �� lo Sta�'f recommendat.ion for denial � 2, T'ub7_ic Heas��.ng �' aa M�o Stone9 applicant� appeared in suppor�t of his !'� a lication sa ing he would now l.�ke �o r_emod�l �'� P� Y , �;; n „ � r tel uld live _� a a his garage sa hi� sons co P Y s �;,' °k �o be able to recu erate h�.s �;, and would l�. e P investment by us�ng it as a ren�al unit when. they �' leave homeo � bo �'he public hearing was closeda �', 3, Commissio� c�i�cussion and actio�. ��z� ao It was moved (Woodard) , secnnded (Nicc�li) and � pa<ssed. by unanimous vote of the Commission. present fi, �that the application be deniedo ;;; �:, V, OTI-I�R MA.TTEHS A, Sign Code � lo Mro Telfer reported that the draft will soon be ready �a ; submi_t to the Planning Commission �or studyo � Bo Car�prehensive Plan lo Mro Telfer repozted that a px�eliminary draFt of the Plan has be�n drawn up by CH2M for presenta�lon to the citizens° in�ormal planning advlsoiy committeea They w�11 reva.ew ;. the draft� then ther� will be a m��ting, hopefu]�'ly sem�.nar- � � styl�, of the m�mbers o� the Commissa.ony the City Counci� r` and the Citizens9 Co2nmittee `to scrutinize the prop�sed � Plan, � VI. AD�'OURNI�'LENT; �0 00 P,M� � - � � f � � , � � � 1 ' p . E � ( � rr.��n�a n�n z�=�a cor�ssrox r Apri1 21. 1970 1�t�E�iDA ITE!!s 4-A' Staff Report CONDITIOIvAT, U�E AI�}.'ZTCA'.rION: ' Home Uccupation �B�,utv Shoro) in an A-�, �onP �..��. r w i . 7�PPL3C1�s Pearl Koskovich - 1I405 S.W. Lomita, Tigard PROP�RTY IDTVOLVEDs 11405 Sv1+V�. Lomita (:Map #1S1 35DA tax lot 30Q0) � � , . • i I�' % •i � � SIZE OF PROPERTYs 0. 22 acre ' . � I:� S�A�'! ItEC�I9MENDATIa�s i IK: ; !' The sta�f r_ecommends approval of this use, provided tk�at the op�er- � � �,tion af th� business is in stric-l; conformance with the City af. ; � Ti�ard definition of a home occupation as it appears in the zoning �� �rdinance. ,� '�Sec. 280�-21 Home Occupatione A lawful acti�rity com�- � � , monl,y carried on within a d.welling by member�s a� th� ' � � :eamily occupying the dwelling with no servant, ,emplayPe or .other person bein� en�;ager�, provided that: a, The residence characte� of the .building is m�,intained. � �:�_ b. Tr�e activity occupies less than one-� � quaz�ter of the ground f1QOr area of the ` �:� main bui 1d.in�. � c. The activity is conducted in such a man- i ner as not ta give an outward appearance � nor manifE��t any characteristic of a � busine�s in th� ordinary ineaning of the . � . term nor i.nfrin�e �.pon the r�ght of � � , nei;;hboring residenee to e�.joy the peace- `� £ul occupancy of their homes." ;; ` The applicant has si;ated that she wishe•s to remodel a room on the side of her. house to provic�e facilities for her beauty business, ��a t;ri�,t she would work alnne, an� that no �aare �than one or two patron� �J would be there at any one time ("which is . alJ. one- person can handle") . ','�!� , In ano•tr�er state she has had this kind o� a home occupation with no �I advertisir_�; other than by wor_c� of mouth. She said she had enough ' "� business to kPep her busy, but was not running, a large business by ;;i any s�;�etch af the im�,�;ination. !�; � . � ��� �' � � � � � i�'i . : '1 i., , ,,4, . ,.,. . _ K�.��,�, . , TY�E following conditions would be recommended ��vith approval: � l. That the business be conducted within the strict � � c��finition of the home occupatir�n, and that upon „ xeceiving any formal valid complaints, the Pla.n- ning :itaff may review the situation and recommend d reheaxin� of the conditional use to determine its continuarice. ' 2. That a small non-�illuminated directional sign (maximum size 1-� square feet) may be placed in � a window when patr:ons are exp�cted, in or.der to . direct them on the premises. jV� feel th�,t the home occupation run in com�l:iance with �hese con- ditions, will not alter or effect the 'fine residential quality of thi� nei�hborhood. Th� traffic should be no more �than anyone el�e ' on the street mir;ht create by occaaionally inviting a friend or i tw� over to tn�ix home. Tl�.e zoning is in no way affected, so p � that only triose tz�es permi+teci ri�ht now in this A,2 zane wi:1.1 be � perma.tted in t'he futu.re. � b � z � , . 4 • � : _ i i � i ; i I , i � ; � :. . � .: . . .. . � � � . � . .. . � �� . .. � I ;. . . . . . . .. ._ - � ..-, .. .. . .. . . � . , .:� � .... � � E E I'�. 2 � S�A.��F �tES�uRT - I�oskavich - April 21, �97b 3 � , �i � . � f . � �.:� ,. � ..:::.. ..... ... . .:. _ .,. _ .. . .. _ _. ,: .; � _ __ . .,. : ,. ,.:..,... _ � �; .:___ �___. _ _� ' ' R7 ,� April 7Q 1�70 �`� � P� � ��R� �7 � � ' � ����T NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAI�TNG � ���,p� �j00 28�3 28�1 `Tp Not�ce is hereby given �� �;ha+' � Publ� c H�a�°�:n,g will �=r P`2 �,2 I ��G�� be held by the P1ann.�.ng �nZ ,,�r and Zoni�.;; Commissior� o� „ A,� the Gi �y o:P �'a.ga.rd at. t�i �r W��v� Fowler �Tro H;igh �chool "� Q ?��+� lxbr_a�y� 12080 S,Wa Main �; C� 2q07 .,� 3�1B A,� Street� �igard, Oregon �, �' �` �"i �'� ,�� on �p�i1 2'1g 197J at ' 361Y 8000 P�Mo with respect ;i 36R 7 3�0� a� A y' I to the fc�ll.owing e �;� Ay G a 3�0'� �A Z � - -- — Aiz appl:�ca�cion by Pear:L ��� �)' I�v �15 A-� Koskovich �'�r a hom� j,;� p��' occupa�ion fo.r a bea,uty R'� , ��' �y► 3G1 ��i �-� ��SI�U I C'N shop �n�an Am?_ (multia= . 3�� �. �amil� yeside�tia�.) �one � d ��3 �R�� 2-�' on a Oo 22 acre parcel of. �2 � 1and. loca`t2d at 11q.05 � � �'�► (�2 Q, � � SoWo Zomita (Map :151 35DA �': �-- tax lot 3000} � �-2 — � � � ,�;V C""' All �nterested persons �2 � may appear arld be heard �,�� � i.n iavc�r of or �gainst r, said �roposalo A'PAf�Ti�lE NT.S q �-�.- � .. . . �Ta .P�?an •F��erson CHAIRMAN � � .�, �,i��o�e`,��� ��� � ��� � � �:� G� � . �� � ��. C�� . � -� �,-�- � � s�� o �- �. ��3 �� � . G� �,� �l �a`'''P� �� �a` � �����` , � �.. �.,, �, , , �. PLA�iNIN� 1�11DTD ZODTINa, COlr9l�3�IODT � R�V1:5�ll Sl�;.�F 1�:��CGi�?r:��ZvDATION � � � �..'�1 � l g 7 b ED�A TTEMs 4-B �p,....;.. � . �' To allow two dwellin� units oiz �. C•Illd'TlT'1'T(�:'AT� Ti;H Ai5'(��.y�.(`A�i�TClAi�i,��l a„e„l nt � j�yYy�,T�d-7 y•,,�,� APPLIC�NT: Glcn S. Stone 1�-135 S.W. 103rd, Tigard PROPERTY INVpLi�LDs 147_35 S.'nf. 103rd (Map 2S1 11BB ta.x lo� 1501) SIZL� OF PRQPE�iTY: �).1) acre STlIl�'1�'' RL�COMMENDATIOi�Y z This �ropP.rty i., loca�ed b�tween two duplexes, is acrous the street �'rocn a c3u�lex planned-:re��iderrti�l development, and backs up to A-2 z�niri�, Fr.oni a pl�.nnin; �taneipo:int, it is well loe�.ted for duplex ci�v�;lo}�ment if it were vacant. It is, however, alread,y developed witr� a hous�e and a b�,rn�st,yle gara�e, thE upper floo.r of the lat�er havin� be�n corlverted to sleepin�; quarters. Mr. Stone wishes to .retain the house and convert the �araae building to a separate rent�,l dwellin�; uni�;. The living quarters would be upstair� where i the sleepin� room ia now, at�d �:arkiri� For the unit would be down underneath. This proposal ha:� sev�ra.l pxoblems. ' First of all, th� City Attorney has advi�ed us that the zoning ard.in�nce says "c�uplex" c�evelo�ment rnay be allowed on 8,000 squaze �� feet of prop�rty, but that the minimum lot size for single family units is 7,000 squrzrc� ieet each. It is his o��nion th�t this is not a duplex propo;��.l but would be sepa.rate single family units. The:rs is notiv no provi��ion in ou:r ordinance fr�r pe.rmii�ting detached units on 1.ess tYian 7,000 square feet, except in the A-?_ zone. Secondl,y, thei°e are Uome n.on-conforming setbacks on these exiating � bu�.ldings: ' g l. The houCe on the �'ront of the groperty has or�ly az� " 1.1 ' setback from the 4C)' ri�ht of way line now on � 103r.d Avenue. Qur zonin�; orainance projects a 50' m,in.imlzm ri�rit-of-way on resiaential �treets such ' as 103r.d Avenue, �vhicYi w�u'ld reduce thi� 11 ' set- back to 6' . This would also �reciu�e the �ot'al 1ot ` area to 7721 aquare feet. ;' 2, �h� rear yarci af th� barn-�tyle garage `building ia . only 6 '4" ; the xequirement is 15 ' . �. One sic�e y��rd of this building lacks a couple af �° incrtes o:f the 6 ' reguirement. .f 4. The s�p�;ration between the existin� buildin�s is '� �' � on1?j about 7 ' ; thP minimum requirement in the R-�l � %; � zoriE i� 11 ' between a o�e-utory and a two-story ' Y.`; , � builcling ( trte sicJ;e. ,yards} . ; � , `,''_.; � � ��:���-; � . __ ; _ . . ;' �' �^' � Thirdly, no provision h�.s bPen made for landscapin�. The- stati' r.ecornmends denial of �he application :for ti�e �bove r�a,sons. Mr. Storre ha:� said hP could e:xtend the roo� of hi.� house to connect .` I with the gara�e, and technic�;7_ly make the two builciings become one. ' i'' x We w�ulel not r.ecomrr:end approval on thYS technicality in view of the �� oth�r prob"lems involved. A�proving this reauest and allorving th� ac�ditional density �ould only be based on the location and devel- ! oprn�nt of h'is neighborav The duplex-aeveloped ,�raperties on three �ia�;e, o� this p�ro�erty, have all �one through the cnnditional use �roeedu.re and Ytave been� requir,�d ta meet �tricter regui.remr�nts th�;n the minimum. This rPquest involves too many variances from ' �tr�e min'imum re�,�tirements, ' and there has beEn�no attempt made ta com�ensate �ox these nan-con.formities. . . . � � , � � fr � � � � � � � � � � � �� ��; ,� r. � _ ;: �, � . . . � . . . . � . . . . . �.. �� �k'.. , . . ' .. . . . . . . . � . . . . � ��' � - � . � . � . . � � . - . . . . • � . . ��,�.��. . .. ,�� .. . . .. . � . . . . . . � �. � �.�� i.� . � . .. . � . � . . . � � . � �.' S: � .. � � . � � � . . � � � .. � . ' . . . �. . � ��:���.�, . .. . . . . �. . . . � . � . . � . . � . . �i . . . . . . . .. . � .. � .... '� . . . . . ... �: . . , . � . . . � . .: t'. . . � � � � �. � . . . �. . � . �. . � � .. . . .. �� . � �' ...�'i',. _ .. �� . .. . .� � .. .. j�:. Gi" F,; � � � � � � p, Pg. 2 - Revised �taff Recomm��data.on - Glen S. 5tone -� 4/21/�0 �� �, �, R , � i ' , . ' � �- . � , PLANNIDTG A�D ZODiIN� C�55'TON � � �IT�Ns 4_B . ' . Staff Report , � To allow two dwelling units on a � C„`•�i.�:� �IOI���.I, UaL �1��-L�GATIGlJ: single 1ot in an R-7 zone APPLICRNT:: Glen S. 8tone ' . � 14135 S.W. 1O>`rd, Ti�;ard � � PROPERTY INVOL�D; 14135 S.W. 103rd (Map �251 11BB tax lot 1501) �:� t i �' ' � � �� . t �� SIZE OF PROPERTY: �.19 acre , • ; ,� , . �r' ST.AF'F RECOi�l1Sl�iDiATIOL�Ts � : 1he sta.f'f recommencls •a�pr�v�,l. of this appl.ication with conditions. �< 1hE>.re i� a duplex o.n both ;�ides ol the property, a planneci residential � du�.:1.ex c�eveLopmen�t; acra�s 1Q�rd Aven.ue, and A-2 zonin�; behind this � �-• lot. Tl�e a��plic��.nt want� to remoc�el. the second floor o:f:' a barn-styl.e � {�ar��.:;e 1�Lti1.d1.I1�T into a :�e���,rate c��r✓ellin�; unit. When he purchased - �;rie ��ro�.�er.ty in ly6�s, tnis :��c�n.d fl.00r a.lready had been finished a;� ��� s1E�ep:ir?£J qu�.rtF;rs, and hi:, c�J.de�� sonr� now use these �f'acilities. l�lr. Starie ' s p7.ar�;, �re to canve�r•t �;hi.:s to a separate rental dwelling ur�i t. Th� �i�e plan show:� adequr�,i;e parkin.g prov:j.ded in trie �ara�e below a�d. ari th� si�e, tha �.ot c�ntains sli'ghtly over 8000 square feet (the minimurr: :�'���r a �:�u7aley) and �the use would be com�;atibl� with its n.eighbox.��>. u i � � . � The condition, trlc sta:ff w�uld impose are: � - ^ � 1 . �ha't the us� he {?eveloped as the site plar� shows. , 2. Th�,t the parkina; ar�as anr driveway be paved as ' � }�rov9_ded ir� the zonina ordinance: tk�e driveway �" a mi.nimum oi 16 ' in width �,nd the paa.rkiri�; s�aces , � a �ninin::a�ri of � ' x 2O ' ir. d�mer�.�i:�i�rs. � ' -; `� , 3. � That landsc�ping be pro-videt� a�t l�as�t� alon� the ' � "� ' street, as required in the conditional uses for ` �the duplexes on either side of this p.roperty. ;, Plans for this landscaping are to be submitted. '� � , for staf.f approval at th� time of request for a `' ` buildan� �ermi� and should include at l�ast two �' � trees. This 1a:nd�ca��in� must be comp�.eted for � .:4 final inspection. E '' 4. That the non-confoxming set,backs of the existin�; ' � � buildin�;s have been considered in the request �;nd , , ?; �"} � are �elt �a be of no detrimental nature to the ° �, nei�;hbor.h�od. (` {(. . . , .... . � ,. ;'... . , ,_ . . ,; !� ; �•t � � . .. . . . .� , . . �•�� . . . . � . , . .. .. . . . � . . ' � � � . � �� � i'�� U� . � . . ' . . . . , . .. . .. � i�; � • . . � . . � . � . .. . , _ ._ . . . . .. . . . . . t,� ��,..�, , � � � � . �. . .. � � � .. .. . , . . . . . ���r _ - April 7, 1G70 ZdOTIC�. OF PJBZIC HEARING � Notice is hereby given t�iat a Public Hearing will be held by the Plannina and Zoning Commission of the City �f �igard at Fowler Jr� High School library, 12080 S.�J. Main Stre�et, Tigard, Oregon on April 21, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. with r�spect to the following: An application by Glen Se S�tQne �o allow two d�y�ling units an a single � family lot in an R-7 (single family resident�al) zone on a 0.19 acre � �arcel of land located at 14135 S.W. 103rd (Map 251� 11BB tax lot 1501) All interested persons may appear and Ue heard in .favor of or against said proposal. . ' J. Allan Paterson � CHAIR.i�'IAN McDO(�1€��:b STRECT Z�ol Z�oa �s�� �4�� � � I I � R-7 . ";iE�Ah'D�V�IASN.£0. � � ����5 . E � �2 � �r�or��'� _ ��opE� �t�A�: � '� ,�7 �` � � . � ►so2 Q ! �soo - � . . Rr � _ � _ A-2. �7 , — � _ : -� � _ 'r 6do lToo Tot � � � ( t � o ! p � - �T �7 ` � � � . ( � � -u��es� ' ` ..�. � . �,. � ' W�• CG, n .,. ,.. • �..rq. _ .... . . -- . "'wt�� ��" .rr.�...[•.e...�.n-��..:.._.J� °' . . . . . , � - ,__row:�r_.: _ . . ` � � - � - _ _ . 1.�. ,. �:.• _ . 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