Planning Commission Packet - 03/17/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . ..:. . . . __ . _ . _ _ . - ,� : � �,,��'' ��'�..;�.,'.,w, ���� , �, . � ��iY.r. ,��'.•71j . . �. . � . rq: -,'' p III I I 1. , .�; �,,�; .,� .�. �: : ._ . . ..::� AGENDA � w.. ��.�a�°d P1�nnin� � Zoning t�nrnrri�.�����.t��t RP�;u1.ar meet.i.n� � Mar�rh 17 fl 1�7�:� Member Section '7�30 Po1'�, Ptzbl.,i� Heazi.ngs 8oQO koMo Fowler Jro H.�gh S�hr�ol �,x,b�a.r.y 12080 �oWo Main �tr°e�ty �.�i��,rd �o GAI,L TO OF�DER :CI o ROLT, CAI,I, IZI:o APPROVAZ 0:� M�:NUT�S o Regular mee�;�n.g 9 �°ebx°u�,��y �.�g ].97� � TVa PUBLIC HEARZNGS I' A, Conditional Use I WILBUR SPOHN9 �.pplicant , 1� request �or a enndita�onal use �'or° aia.tom�bi�.e �°e��.:3..r ' servi�e �.n a Cy3 zone (general commer�i�,l.) on a o �/� ac:r� parcel o� land l�cated a�; 9�1G SoWo �i�ln�u� Str�e� (Nlap #2S1 2BD, Tax Lot 210U) , �_ lo Stafi Recommendation 2 o I'ub7_ic He��,r�z.n�; � 3, Commission discussion. a,nd act:�on Bo Conditional Use �7�RRY COXq DoVoMo 9 �pp�ir.cn�: A request �o� a cond7.tional use �or a p���c �1.inic in an � A�2 zone (multi�f.amily 2esidenti.a�.) on a � 60 acx�: pax°�e�. � o:£ 7_and located at 14330 S,W, Paci�`ic: £i�.ghw�,y (Map �251 � 10A, T�,x Lot 50U) � lo Sta�'� Recommendation 2o T'ubl� c Hearing 3o Commission discussion and a�ti�n Vo STUDY S�SSIOIJ Ao Zoning ordinance rPVisions VTo OTHER MATTERS Ao ReviEw n� final pl.anss Potter praper�tyo VZIo ADJOURNMENT i.:�„ � �_. _ y,,•t:.y . . � . � .. � . r%, r, .. . , . F;d.dr.;, \ NI J: N U T E S Tigax°d �1.�.nning & 7on.ing Commission Regul.ax° meeti.n� � March 174 Ia70 8�00 ��Ma �'owler Jx^o H�.gh S�hoal. Library _ ].2080 �o Y�o M�.i.i�.� �'igard� Oregon I o CAI,I, TO ORDER; 8 a OU P e M o IIe ROZZ CAZL Ao Presento Gommissianez°s �l��cher, Gos'linv Har�ri.s9 I�ewisy Nicol,i a �,nd Chaa.rm�n. �'a.�ter�son� StevE TelfEr�, City .A.dministra.tor. ; Emily V1i�dy Pl�.n.ning Director B. �bsent;o Gommissione:r�s �e�v�erson �,rid Waod�rd ZII . APPROVAL OP NI;�NUm�S Ao The minu�es of i;he �'ebruar,y 17y .LJ7Oy re�ular meeting were approved �,s submi t�i;ed.o IVs PUBLIC H�ARINGS A. Conditiona"1 UsF • WIZBUR SPOHN9 applican.t � request �or �, �onditional use �`or au�omobile repair serviee i.n a C-3 zone (�;eneral rommer�ial) on a G9,2� acre parcel af . land lo�atecl a�; 9910 S>Wo Walnut Str.eet (I�I�,� #2S1 2BD, Tax I,��t 2100j 1 o Sta:f�' re�ommr ndatior� :Coi d.enial. 2a Public hearing ao M�°o Wilbur Spohn, applicant� explained his proposal �or a small business of gene.ral. automobile repair with no body wo�k oz° paintingo He also explained tha�t; he had contaeted the Washin�ton County He�.lth Department on Marc�h 13 and that they had said he �ou1d solve his sanitary pz°oblem in one of three wayso use �,� �acilit�.es at the service station ` nexi� door°, use o�° chemical toilei;s y or use of a septic tank s,ystem with an eas�ment .for such on an adjoining pz°operty, He said he woulc� have no outm side stor�,ge ar.�d that he would be willan� to do anythin�; in �he wa,y o� fencin� or san.itary facilities which �th� City would want :�or approval o:f ��his use on this propertyo bo Mro Robert Dominico, mana�er o:L' the V1a,lnut Court � apartments across �the st.reet9 spoke in oppos:itxon t� the proposal, si;ating that the property is too srnall L'or such a use �,n.d tha,t a good mecharzi� would genera�e man.y mor� cars than �the lot wauld hn1d, and that if he was de�.ayed while waiting �or parts �or automobilea, �they woul.d h�,ve tr� be parked outsa.de and possibly aXc�n� the s�tree�e . . 'i co Mro Spohn f.urther. e�plained that ther�e would be five � stal.ls in the shop i.tself and that he woulc� oizly be t hiring one adda.tional man� and that therc. shouldn°t be anv need for oFf�•�property parking, d, The heaxing� was c�.c�sedo 1 3o Commission di.scussi�n and action ao Mra Zewis asked about c�ntrollin� the number of cars on the I.ot.o Mx�o Spohn answered that his customers woul.d be making appointmentsa � bo Mr, �letche�° askEd what kind o:f build.in.g would be constzuctedo Mro Spohn sa�d he was considering steel �r concr°e�;e bl.ocko co Mro Ni.coli sa,id th�. �a,xiitary facilities were not the Commission9s concerno da Mz° Goslln asked th�,t the memorandum �rom t�he Ci-ty Building Of�icial be reado Mrso W�.ed read the memo wh�.ch s�atecl a bui7_ding perm�.t could not be isstxed. wa.thou�� onv-premiNe sanztary �acilitiese Mra Goslin . asked what the surroundin� land use pattern wasa ea PZs�, Ni�oli saic he fel�: we shauld �onsider the invest- ment the applicant had already made in the land, and asked what sor_t o�' use the sta�'� would recommend far the propertya Mrs� Wied answered that the size of the p�optrty and it;s looation made it more su��table for a li�hter transitional commercial use such as an officeo fo Mro Lewis �,nd Mro G�slin said they fel�t the Commission° s decisian shou.ld be based on comprehen.sive plannin� and • that a �;�ansitianal f�se was important hereo go ��t was m�ved (Lewis) y seconded (Goslln) q and passed by majori�ty voi�e o�" the commission pxesen�; (Ms�n Nicoli , votin�; nc, Mr., ra�Lei 5oi�. absta.ining) tha� the request laE� d�n.i r ci. r �ie �:Upt�1.�;1r7r���� ? � , , � � � A�T �'OUI,IN, owrier�a�t?1.icant �. ��e;quer�t io.i a�conditiori�.l.�u�e f�r a pe� �lini� in an A�2 � �one (multi.-farnily r�sidential) on �, Q,60 a�re parcel of. land located at 1433�� S,Wp I'aei�ie Highway (Map �251 10A, Tax I,ot 500) o la Staff s�ecommendatian fo� approval with conditionso 2e Public hearing aa Mro Wooclman9 representing CantPrbury Grest sanitorium, distributed a pz�otest sheet list�.ng �ive objECtion� � to the propos�.l, citirig tra�'fic g noi.se and the oppor� tuni�ty for other sit�sn b, Mi s o Coi.t, also of Ca,nterbury :Crsst� spoke in oppo�itio.r�� co M��o Tarbell, mana�;er o:L' the Canterk�u.ry Hei�hts apart� ' ments, spoke in opp�sit�on because of noise and dis- truction o�' the view, do Dro Cox, DaVoMo � explained his proposal including a soundproofed9 airmconditioned buildzng which zs very � comp�,tzble with adjoin�ng residen.tialy and that an,y odor is really quite min�.mal due to dail,y sanitizing and carbon filte.r� �.n �he air cond�:t�.o�lin� systemo page 2 P<&Ze Minut�� � .. 3-17m70 ........ . ... . ....... . . ,.. . . ....,.. ,.. . ..._ ..... ..... .. . ' . . I, �: � . . . . � .I�� � N M � He �u.rth�r explairied tYia-t the entra�ce and exit would. '� � only be on Cante�bury T,ane� no�t �9�1a and that the build- a ing would bP a ma.x�imum of 13 to ?4 feet hi�h and wouldn° t N obsi�r_uet �,ny viewo y eo The public hearing was closedo �� 3o Commission. discussion arld action � aa Mro Goslin �,sked if Dro �ox had axi �;�tern�,te siteo �; ??i, �ax s�.ic� l�oq anc� �that new �ons�tructa �n �cahn�.ques �+ raave mad� suc;h a use very �ompa�tible ne.xt to residentsal� �; bo Mro Gosl.in asked �,f a ve�ter5.nary elinic w��.� a prom M'; �essional o�'�iceo ' co Mra S�ewis sa:�d he is � "�'oeYO of strip �ommer�ial devel� f' opment and �;hat he �°e1t tr,is would be a commer�ial use ;; whicY,. �houldn� t be allawed tc, d��%e�op he�e o d, Mro Nicali sa�d k�e felt �th��s o�`�°ice use wa� bette� - r� e�mitted out�i ht in this �! than ap�z tments whlc;ri a e p � zonP Y especially :f"r.°om a tz ai':�i�: ti tandpaint a �; eo Mro Harris s�,id he r�bjec-�s to piecemeal development and that the clin�.c shoulr� more a�propriately �ue�.te 4' �,cros� +,h� st:�eet witYi �,he sh.oppi.n,g cente:r, 'u; f, T� wa. moved (.i,ewis) 9 sec:o:��dEd ���s�in) � �,n.d passed by ma jority vote o� i�l�e �ammi_s:�ion pr°�sen� (��°o Harris � �,nd l�lz a Ni�oli voting no g M�� �atGr��oil ab�taining) �', that fihe rec�uest be de�zied o =�. i; i; V, ,TtTT�l SEaSION }i Aa Zonin� ordir�ance revisiaris �� la Mrso W1�d d�.st�°ib�z.ted copies o�' uh� x°etyped zoning OZ°C1].Y1�.Y1�E j which inc�.rpord.tes all the �orrectioYls �,nd new word:zn�g and .replaces the ez^ro�s an.cl. a1d wordinga This wa� done �Lo put all th� r-��visa.on� i?� tY�ei.r proper �ontext o ested �that �the ub'li�° heariri (whi�h wil.l `' 2o Ms�o Te:l..fez sug� P � �'�I, be h��1.d. at �;he ne�t meeting) on �;hese r�e v�is�ons rc�uld be }� �_; opened i'or publ� n cammen�i;g then c:lased y an.d tha�t a1:1. the ;;y actual chan�es nee� not be read� since ��h�;r are mostly ''' �;�, administray�ve ana co�ies w�11 bc available tor. publ.ic , inspection pr�.o.r to �he mPetinga `� ��I �i V'T , OTHLR MATTLI�� � A, Informal rev.iewo pl.anned reszdenti�,l prc��ect f�.rla� plans �� (121st �.venue� Potter appl.zcant� �' 1� After an in:�orma;� re�r�iew and d�s�ussion4 the cancensus �� of the Cammission was th�,�t t�e e�t��nal ch�,x^ac�ter of �; the �uildin.�s in such things as exte�°ior ma�terials, and �' �loor elevations were not SYic�wn on these plansy as had ;' been. ea�°lier r�epresen�te� dur�.ng �the preliminary approval o ;� The staf�° was asked. i�o m�et with the devel.opers to ��plain � the Commission" s r_e�r��w �,nd duty to the surrounding prop� �` per�y ownerso �� #,� Bo Sign Urdin.ance pro�;res� r' lo IKrso Wied ex�lained that a dr.a�'� has now been typed �or }' presenta�ion to and z°e`v�.ew by the �ign �c�de Adv'iso�°y t � Committee s thiN d�aft wi�.l be stiabm�.��ed with their reeom� � mendat�.oz�s to the Commission :next month �o�° studyo 2 0 �, Mro Lew�.s su�gested that study of mat�Le�°s uueh as tha.s � might better l�� �eminar-sty��e with 2 �r 3 c�.�,ys of con� '� central;ed e�for�o �he commissron. conctzrred o page 3 P o 8cZ o T�Ii.nut e s 3'�1(°°70 �.:,.., . . ._... � , �; � Ce New terms �or Commissioners � lo In �ine with the new State Law and policiea agreed to at the last meeting the �ollowing are the e�piration dates of �erms of the Gommissionerso Everett Severson 7/2/70 (new positionmvacant) 7/2/70 Clarence Nicoli 7/2/71 A11an Paterson 7/2/7� George Lewis 7/2/72 , Charl.es Woodard 7/2/72 . '' Bob Fletcher 7/2/73 Lew Gaslin 7/2/73 Jerry Harris 7/2�`73 2, These terms are essential.ly as before9 but include thP addition of the new positioris, Do Staff work on su��ested new zones �o-r �he Zr�ni,ng Orda.nanceo lo Mx, Pater�nn �a.id he wanted thP staff �o bri:ng some ideas �or addition.s of new ��n��s -'to� �he ordinance to the next meeti,ng, as �, starzirl� poin�; tor sc�r�e work by the Commission a1.on� this :l..ine � � VIIo ADJOURNMENTo 9: 50 PoM, � ; � i i I I • I � � � i � ; �4 ; �age 4 P��CZ o Minu-t�s 3�1.7-70 ' , �.,�;������.�.�x�� ��i� - , , Y ,, ; ,,� _ _ • n �..u.lki.+l..L..a......�Yn.��N.�z.}_�,.?.uv.i� Y ..� . i� . , . . , . . A2u i �, . . � . � � .. . . . . �. . . � . • , � r t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. � . �, .. . . . � • . . � � � . . � .. .. � . . . . . ' . , . , .. ' 1 �i:� . � , � D . ' ' . •� I CITY OF TI4�/1R :� Memorand��m . ;, T0: Mrso Emily Wied & City of Tigard Planning Cammission � FROM: Building De�artment . DATE: March 12, i97o � SUBJECT: Building Perinit for prpposed Wilbur S. Spohn Garage Buildin at 9910 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard. _ g . . . By reasQn o� th�e sewer connection ban I can not legally is�ue a buildin�; permit until such time as sewer conneetions are available. The 1967 Uniform Building Code {adopted by refer- • ence in the Cit,y Of Tigard Building Ordinance �67-53) • sta►tes as follows: . �very building or portion thereof where persons are employed shall be provided with at l�ast one . � -toilet. Every building and each subdivision there- ; of �where both sexes are� employed shall be provided � with access .to at least two toilets located either in such building or conveniently in a building ' � �± �;� adjacent trlereto on the same property. (I2art of section 1005, volume 1, 1967 U.BeC. ) . , - 2� ��•��ai� � • , � t J . . . . . .. ..�� � . � � � � . . .. . i� � . . . . .. . . . . .. . � � . � � � 1 � .� . . . . � . . .. � . . . � . �`�. � . . � • � . . . . . . . . .. .� . '�.� � . . . . . . . �. . . . . , . � . . . . . � � � . �' .' ... _. _ _ ... .. ..� . . . . r 1 . . . . � , i ' t':� .' �A � � 5Ptt,i �Gl''. . . : a' . Vs4 j:y�; � . .ti!. . . � . . :"��' �i 1 . � � � � � � � � ' � '� .. . . � . � . . . . .. .. . . . . �.:� 4^ �,.. . � � . . . . .� �. �� �� � � ' � �� t�r=�a � z�Txa.�GO�tss�+or ,� '� c h 19_7 0 '' � � DA 'IT�ls 4-A . :, , ; � � , , n � — ri l� r � y �. •, , UtOAlO �. ,.� � ;:�'tii. J.:;� ��i 1'L,CAIIGN: A . � - • . :�� APPLIC�►IJT: �i i.l h��.r �. Spohri :� ] �0�?O a.W. Locu��t St. �� PROpERTY INVOLVLD: y`�10 S.W. '�lalnut Street (Map �251 �2B�, Tax I,ot `2100)+ � � � 1 ;x� SI'ZE OF FRO�PER�'Y: 0.24 a��re �� � ' � � � �>, �TAP'F�'Tt�COIrlMF.1TDATIOAT: '� .�; : '.I'he st<�ff recommends denial of this agplica�ican for the ' . j; ` foll�wing re�sv,�s; ' � 1. From a planninq �tandpoint, we feel that th� site ia � in�ppropriat.e for a heaviQr commercia� use, such a� ; ; �`�' �utorrotive r�pair. Our present comprehensive plamninq � study has shown us that t�his lcind of h�eavier, non°reta�l use sho�zlc� be encouraged to develop in th� Comm�rcial St. -M�in St,dHurntaam St� ar�a, wh�re such ua�s have �-�lrea�3y been established. Concentration of cO�nanerei�l � � � ,.�ses should be encaurag�d, and no� strung out, as has E, ;� past. de?velopment along 9�Vi. We ft:el tk�is particular �, �`` site should more compatibly develop in a v�ry� lc�w � ,�. �� - intex�sity commercial use. ' F� i�� 2. The sewage disposal 'suggestions made by the WashinqtAn 'x{' ki roval. z; �� Gounty H�alth Department 'do not m@�t with aur a:pP (5ee attached memorandum). We have no re�i idea how �; �� lon the ban on new sewer connections will . laslt_ an3 <�? ��s� w�ulc�n' t even acecommend �his type of solution as an y�;, �'.'� interim measur'e. Fur�her�o�e, Mr. Brown of the Wash- ;; r , , ;;�,� ington County Health Depaxtment now tells us that ;� �, � . chemical toilets will no lnnqer be is��ed 'because of �� ;� � the lack ot disposal facilities fox tri�m. Also, becautse ;. ��a� af the passage of �ime anel change of conditi.Ans, sinee �� � � this memaranc�um was is�ued in OcL-ob�r, 1969, Mr. Brown ,t , � �; i, �� sa�js �hat Mr. Spohn would have to `reapplx for a disposal �' �i��� �errr�it from them. • �` �;�_.� 3. 'I'he s��te plan submitted was nat drawn to scale and we . �; s�� arE� not sure that if it were drawn to sca1P; aclequate i; i a'� par}�ing could be provided. If the appl,icant feels he s�,ould.� ,;` �'� redraw the plan to scale for, our bett�r c�onsid�ration, �hi� ;�� , "� ' hearing cauld be continued at tY�e next me�tin,g. A new site '>�; , pian should also shoW ,�rmanent �sphal�� or concre�e paving, � � ' i,�ndsc:�ping and sa.qht-screening, fencinq, Proposed signinq, , .�� and r�n autside storaqe of �upplies oz wa�k in p�ogz�ess. ' �; �,7� �av� azot asked �h`is of him pr�viouslyw beeause w�' felt �; �•, �� nn.ts� recommend denial, foac �he :�bo�e reasons�; arnd we �` �hai�l�:l r�oti ask him to make a ��rthsr expenc�itu�e or� plane �1 „ ��� t-��,i� �ite, - --- � �.�� ��:��r .-� � �. � �. �.ti Pv ;. �� ,�` ;L Q� .y . PP� � P ti ;v ;v �� _ . ' , , � � � , 1 ; ; I : c'�o� 3 � C 3 �3 �-3 � � � � �3 Z z� � - %o �3 �` C �� � � ' �3 —! ��� 2! o G 3 �� �N� P � PERTY ��o G'� c -� C� � C-,3 v, �, --� e 3 . —i �� z�Qo � C�3 � '° � C 3 �_3 � �� rn� � S.W. p,q,C�FrC �,.�,. �� —� . . � � : � ; C3 . :�� � c3 c-� �3 �3 k .t.:�: . . � . .. . . � . . � . . .. . .. � . . .,;., ..� ,V w; . . . . . . , . .� March 6, 197� I NOTICE OI�' PUBZIC �iEARING , Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be he-ld by the � Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tigard at Fowler �Tro High School library9 12080 SoWo Main Street, Tigard, Oregon, on March 17, ],970 at 8000 PoMa with respect to the followinga An; appli�ation by Wilbu.r So Spahn for a Conditional Use for �utomobile Repair. in a C-3 zon.e (genesal commerrial) on a 24 acre parcel o:` l.and loca'ted at 9910 SaWo Walnut Street (M�.� �25�. 2BD, Tax �,o� 2100) All a.ntere�ted persons may appear and be heard in f�.vor of Or against sa:id pro�osald . 4 ,t. J o ,�llan Paterson , CHAIRNfAN , . � . . . . . , . . �1",� 4 ,� _ � . '"�'S., 'e��q�r1'�.a"`'��'F '�' ..���...),�"�w.,:� si�rr,'�5:�1�.� .ye �:; �� A u�� 41R'(.�" ��„�: �x 4 �r.°:eS�._a. s�x.., .�u, ,a.i.,v.. �;G t ly1r:1�7� �dd.� � a . , � ..r ... Cl- . .. . . . . ' Y ` . ;i �.. . . . . . . . . ' ' �'��; f � . . . . . . . . . . .... . . , �.�:r . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . , ' � . .�:ft;;+ ` . � . . .. � . � . � . � � � . .. . . � . , .:t��.��: '�n : � � . . .� � � � . ' .�.. .. �� . � . � '(�� , �� . . G ij�.� sw Agn D�i�� `:��; . , Tigard, -0regon 972�3 ,<' , °� . . . ' . . � . . �.� . ..� .. ... . . . . ..•.�4.', � � �. � . . �. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. �'{ . � . . . .. . . � . �. .S„� . � . . . . . . . .. . . . . � � . .. � . � ... . . . :,j,.+ . , . � . � � . .. � � � . . � . . � �. ������i . . . . . . . . . �'.�i.'�:i City Hall. �:i I � . . . � . . . . . .�p 7 Tigard .i; Oz�egon 97 223 ' , �' r: Gentlemen: ' '"` ;t The conditional usP proviaion requee�ed an tai �.�t 500, W�ahinho�nitaLnty � I�ap 25-1-10.A, is for the purpose of con�tr��c�to��anivalefa�ci�ti�s�e.g� . r�' Thi.,; is to b e d i s t i n g u i shed �`xc�m o•ther ��p °; a kennel, bre�ding, training, or b��.�ding faci.lity. � '�he function of the hospital. facilit�' wou�.d be for the medica7. �n� surgical ' -'� , txe�:tment of sma11 animAls. All buainess operations �ould be aonductea within` an enclosed building, a'dequ�.tely saun�.Pxa°fed and air c�nditionea9 ;, � $� that there wnuld be no emiesion �f odox ot' nnise that wnuld be de.trimental �' to adjacez�t propPrtiPe. , �a � �, e of axchite�ture alreac3y �' The builling design would conform to th� typ t? present in the area. �'or exaYnple, Wd aPe planning a man�ard style roof � aesign. � � Sincere�;�r youre, !' ' . � -��� �, !;u. � . `^.. . . ..-r(,? r• . -�i� . ' . �_'..,,' �� � . ' � . �', . � . ,''� Jerry' R. COx DVI+! ')• .s I ��: � �i ; �.; �. «;;; ,� ;.; �� . � . � . �.�.F;:�� . . . .. , ��r. �{ . � _ . . � � . � I;::' . . . . . . . , . . � , j�_�. �t< � � . . � .. 1:� _��� � . . .. �. ... �� � . . � r�,). :i� � . . � .� . . " � ��� �� . . . . . (�� �. . . .. . � . � . �V�'� *Y . � . � . .. . .. . I.' .,... . . .. � . . . � � . , . '�'� � . � , � . . : . , � . . . .. , � � � .�� r � . . . � . � .. . � � . . . � � . .� � ��� �:'�, p} � . � . �. �. . � . . . . ... . . .. .. � . . � ��. . . . . . . . � . . . . ,� ,� . . . � , i � . . ' . � �� , . . . ... � ,� r , : � �+j� Ri st � ` � . '� ... �wix.hra��L;•e-'�£�',4u:aA...�.t ... i{':tt .3 � . . ... ,..:.�•� 'i.e�:� ' � . . �.�. � . . . � .. . -.� X,��'rti��4xr�aa . � . .. . � � . . � •�^ ,r . ' ' � r�"i' � . � . � . . . , . ����� .. , .. � . .. . � : . . . . . . � . . � .. '�.,� � h . . — ; .. . . � . � � . . � . � , :. � . .. . � .. � . . . . . . 7` �Y`i . . � . . � . . . � � � � � '`s t V` :er, . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . �. . . �t%. . . . . . . . . � � . . . .. . . �:�t: �.. � . . . . � � ..' . . . '� pj�l�ID1C� ADiD °Ii�IN�$ �COl�IS�It�; �;' �, . . . ''�,� �:�h�,l:'7.�,,,�1,97� ,;; � 11a�lIiD1► IT�i+l: 4-B . �r � . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . f� . .. . . . . . � . . . . . .. . .. � � � . . . . . � � . � . . :':� ') CUNDITIUiVAL U�iE A�k�LIC��!"IUNo Pet CYinic ube in n A-2 z � `rr; t s . Jerry k. Cox '�� . APPI,�C�►N'r; ,; • 13120 S,W. A,�h Drive . � !� � `.� � a 14330 S.Wa Pacific :Hwy. (Map �251 1OA tax lo�t SQ��` � PROPER'�.'Y INVOL�ED. ,� � ' ;, Y SIZE OF PZtOPERTY: 4.60 acre :k; �, 3Tl►��' 1tEGOM�iD1UTTO�is �''� The staff recomm�nd5 approval of this app�ication with the �al�.owin�'' ':� ;� c;onditions: • �' � �.. '' l. that the a.rea of the land coverec� by the condi�ional <� use be redlzced to �. 0.28 acre port�ion of tax 1ot 500 � (Map #2S1 "l0A) locatec�in the southwest corner of the `, lot and boz,dered by 99� ancl C�nterbury I,ane. � '�� 2. �that al.l land area not usPd fox the building, roads �,:.� and for p�.rkin� purposes shall be 1and.sc?.ped and :� , rnaintained in a neat and healthy candi,tion. , 3, that si�;nin;; on tYie premis�s be limit�d to: , y � a. one .f.ree�-5�andin� sign; .; ! 1) a.r.ea not to exceed l�sq. ft. for each , �"�� i li.neal ��ot of str�et froritage within A�' ; • � the conditional use �.imits. �, .,,�,: ' 2) maximum height �o be • 35 ' �� : 3) . r�o movement, ��ashing lights or exposed '� n.eon tubes or ixicandesc'ent bulbs permitted � ��7 r. �nP ���on-illuminated wall sign -�•;,�� � � l� �,rea not to exceed 2Oqd of the bu�ldin� ,':x'; f�,ce to wh.ich it is attached .� 4., tk��.t final approval ahall be condi�ti,oned upon verifi- A catic�n fz�m the Washington Gounty Health Department ;�:�� that a, sep�ic tank s�s�tem may be used on �his lot ; u,ntil sE���»r service is availab�e,. "�.:�', 5, th�,t this conditional use sha1�1 expire in one year ;4f ! (from t;hc� date of final. agproval) if the pro ject has ,� ,� n�t t�een star�ed and. con,tinual pror;ress toward its '`�% t' �M • complet��on is not in evidence. �''E � . .� �r� ',# -�i �. �� . .. ; ,� �� , :, . � ; { ! .. . ' {, T . . � . � . . . � . . . . F��, F - � iF;� '. � . � ... � . �. . .. .. . . . . � . . . . . � . . Y f' . i �r i! . �� �':! G, March 6, 1970 �;, NOTICE OF PUBI,IC HFARING � �.; t`; � E, . �' � [, �: �. �, ; 1;'! • ;, �, Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held �'` by the` Planning and Zoning Comm.ission o� the City pf Tigard �- at Fowler Jro High �chaol �ibrary, 12080 �oWo Main Street9 ?;, Tigardj O�egon on N`�arch 17, i97o �,t ao00 P,Ma with respect to the following: �'' An application by Jerry R� Cox for a Conditional r; � Use for a pet clinic in an Am2 zon.e (multi-family s'. residential) on a o60 acre parcel oF land located ;' at 1��330 SoWo Pacific �iighway (Ma,p �251 10A, Tax 4n.' � Lat 500) 0 �; All interested persons may appear and be heard in favor of ar against said proposalo 1 � �� � ��:; i� �'; �:', . � ; �� � Jo Allan Paterson � . C HA I R.MAN t� � �, �_ S o W e M��0��1� ST a �. � � ��� �_3 ' - {�s�. fi �'� 1 � .- � � � s � \ i A-�:-� ... ; ' � � . �. � - � -� � i � � I — ,�c � G . . � ��� . �� � � -� � 1 � �r `'' . �� � I � � �� � . , I G ,� ,� � ;� �a, , � A_�°ea o� � * � ! ,� Proposed-�j • �*�� Con�.itional ;50� '�, � . i V j Use �;.� ��� � ` � I -. �� A'�- ��� N I A'� � �� o ;cf�o � � � � � � � � : ' � � I — � _. _. / '� � CITIr l.iMITS .��a p-R � : : _ _ � 1 ____��-"��.__- ---------___ r_ ___�__�__�_�_.------_ �.:��--- -.�.= ------- _ -- - ----- -=--�-- �