Planning Commission Packet - 02/17/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � AG�NDA Tigard Planning 8c ti,oning Commission Regular Meeting - February 17, 1970 Mernber Section 7: 30 �.M. " Fowler Jr. High School L,ibrary 12080 S,W. Main Street, fiigard �; 14 CAI,L TU ORDER 2. ROI,I, CAZL 3: APFROVAI, OF MINUTES: Regul�.r m�eting, January 20, 1970 4. STUDY SESSION A. Zoning Ordinance Revisions � 5. OTHER MATTER.S _ ; ` A. Discussion of new statE law concerning planning commissions. i f 7. ADJ'OURNI�'�ENT k � � � i �.` ' �: I • �� I I /' ���. M I N U T E S — — — — — — — � , Tigard Planning and 7,oning Commiss:�on II, Regular Meeting - February 17, 197� �3000 I'oM, Fowler Jro High School I,i.br�,ly Tigard9 Oregon I, CAI,Z TO ORD'ER Ae The meeting was called to order by the chaa.rman, Allan Pa�erson, at 8�00 P�M, II� RQZL C�ZZ Aa Presen.t: Commissioners Bob Fletcher, Zew Goslin, rTeorge I,ewis, Everett Severson, Charles Woodard9 and Chairman Al1an Paterson; also Steve Telfer, City Admin�.strator and acting secretaryo Bo Absent : Commissioners Jerr;� Harris and Clarence N�.coli ; also Keith �hompson, Director of �ublic Works arid Emily Wied, 1'lannin� Di.rector and secretaryo TIT o APPROVAT� OF MINUT�S „ A.o The minutes of the regular meeting of Januar.y 2U, 1970 were approved aN �ubmitteda TVa STUDY SESSION• A� Zoning Ordinance revisions � l, The proposed Ordinanc� amenclments were discussed and ' it wa� decided to coritinu� this discussion at the next meetin�o Ve O1H�R MATT�CRS Ao Tde��� sta�te law con.cerning the composa.tion of planning com� missionsa lo The new state 1aw was �x�lained and di�cussed6 2� In line with the law, it was moved (Paterson) 9 secon.ded (Goslin) , and passed by unan_imous vote of the Gommission present, that �the Gity of Tigard Plannin.g and Zoning Commission be re-est�,bl�shed w�.th riine memberso the ninth seat., n.ow vacant9 ta be apPQin�;ec7. f.or a te.rm expiring July l, 1970; and �the other eight terms to rem�,in, as they now areo Bo Election of 0�':ficers lo President o� the Cornmissi�n, �.o Mro ��ewis nomi.na�ed A11an Pat�rson far Pre�S.dErito The nornination was SP,CU2�.Ca.P.(�. by Mra Sevelson.o b, Tt was mnvecl ('Lewi:�) , seco�de�d (Gosl.in) � and passed � by unanimous vote �;�' the Commission pres�nt tha� the nominations be closed and the Cammission cas� a unanimous ballat tor Mro Paterson �or Presicl�nto �` 2e Vice-President of the Commissio�. a, Mre Zewis nominated Mra Fletcher for Vice�Pr�sidento The nomination was s�conded by Mr, G�oslin, b, It was moved (Paterson) , secon.ded (Lewis) , and passed by unanimous vote of th� Commission pre�ent that the naminations be closed and the C�mmis�ion cast a unaniMOUS ba11o� far Mre Fletcher for Vice- Presid�nt, 3e S�cretar,y to the Commission aa Tt was moved (Pate.rson) , secanded (Goslin) 9 �nd passed by unanimous vote o�' tlze Commission presen� that Emily Wied, Planner, be appointed Seereta.r..y to the Commission, i C. Comprehensive Plan le Mro Paterson cir.culated material on the planning process and a discussion of this and the role of the Pla,nnin� and Zoning Commission in Phase II of the process �ollowede D� Sign Ordinance 1, Mr, �aterson informed the Commis�ion a�out the work of the Citizens ' Si�n Advisory Committeeo � E, Miscell�,rieous �I le Mr, Goslin indicated that the Commission.ers should have copies of State planning legislation and of the '� City Chartera i VT o ADJOURNI�ENT � � i i , : f i � i' � �. page 2 P.8cZ e Minute s 2-17�-70