Planning Commission Packet - 05/20/1969 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . o�xicnr minute t3ualc �G�NDA Tigard Pl�nning & Zoning Commission ReguTar Meeting - May 20 Y969 � Members Section - 7:00 F.M. Pub3.ic He�rings - II:00 P,M. � Y o ROI;L CAT�I, � 2, APPRdVAI', Ofi MrNUTES: Regul�r riIeeting April 15. 1969 i 3, PUBL'TC E�TEARINGS ! A, Condi�ion�Y. Use (continueci he�ring) ! C. 'L. MARDOCK �pplic�nt j A renuest for � conditional use for a Metzger W�ter District � w�ter storage t,nk in a R-7 zone on = le8 �cre p=�rcel of l:,nd � 1oc�ted ,t the northe,st corner• of' S.W. 72nd Avenue and S.W. i Varns Road (M�p #ZS1 1D. T�x T�ot 800) � T, 5t�ff recommend�tion ; 2. PubEic Hearing i 3. Commission discussion and action 1 B. Amended Conciition�T Use � DaLOR�S Eo ST0�7�R ap�lic=nt ' A renuest for an amended condi.tion�l use for � D�y Nursery for ZO children (with �� total c-+p�city of 30 by M�y 197o) ' in � R-7 zone on her property located �t 8485 S,W. Hunziker i Street (M�p #253. 1BC. T�x T,ot 1000) 1. Staff recommend�tion 2. Public He,ring 3o Comttiission discussion �nd action C.. Zone Change �nd Condition-+I Use CONI2�YD E. ANDERSON. �pplic�nt A renuest fbr a zone ch�nge from R-7 to C-3 �nd a condition:+l � use f'or � malt beverage outlet in aonjunction with a rest�u- a�,t and delic�tessen on a 1.91. �cre parcel of l:�nd l.oc�ted �t j the southwest corner of Be=verton-Tig:+rd Highway anc� Greenburg ' Ro�d (M�p #�1.�1 35II, Ttix I.ot 200) � 1, St�ff recommend�tic�n 2, Public He-ring 3, Commission discussion �nd �ction D� 2one Change �nd Condition�i Use COMMONUIEAT,TH PRUPERTIF"S, INC. , �pplic�+nt A renuest for� zone change from W�shington County S.R, to � City o� Tig�rd R-7 �nd , condition-+1 use for � pl�nnecl resi- � dential develupmpnt in the R-7 zone on � 108 acre p-�rcel of i land 1oc�ted on Scholls Ferry Ro�cl between 122nd Avenue and �1 F'anrio Creek (M^p #1SI 34A. part of T-x I�ot� 100 200 300 �� 60U and 603; M�p #TS1 34B T�x 7�ot 500 �nd part of 600} ,� y. Y. St�ff recc�mmendation � 2. Public He,ring � 3, Commission discussion and action � Ee �one Ch,nge ;! COMMON[vI:AT,TH PRQPERTIES, INC,, �pplic�nt �� A xentaest for a zone change from W�shington S-R to City of � Tigard C-� on � 5-acre p�rcel of 1�nd 1oc�ted �t 10330 $.W. � ScholYs P'erry Ro-+d (Map #1S1 34A. p�rt of T^x Lots 200 and �l 300) i3 r{ ;i page 1 � il , - 1, St�ff r.ecommend�tion 2, Pub3,ic He=ring 3. Commis�ion discussion and �ction F. Zoning dzdin�nce Amendment � REV'I3ION OE° CONAI�'IONAL TJSE PROCEDURE �., St��f Recommend�tion 2, Public He�rinq 3. Commission discussion tind aC't1011 G. S.ubdi.,vis.ion ,Orcli;nanca Amendment RE`7ISZON OF FEES 1., St:�ff recammend�tion 2. Public Helr.ing 3. Commission discussion ?nd a.ction �}, OTHER MATTERS An Preliminary Subdivision P1at - Foothills Project Commonwealth Properties. Inc� B, Progress Report on Gomprehensive P1an �4, 5, ADJOURNMENT � � �p i i4 C � � � � � ��ge � - P&Z Agend� � 5/20/69 , i , 1 . I 1 i i I I i. ' _ ' . .. . . . . . �3.� . � � . . . ��.. . . :�.:. _ ._ _ _ _ _ ^. . , . . .: _ . �� �; � �; �. �� PLANNING AND ZONIIJG COMMZS�ION �1 May 20, 1969 � AGENDA ,IR°EM: 3mB Fj STAFF REPORT �,,`'' � �r, AMENDED Cf3NDITTONFIL USE: Dav Nursery for 30 Children _____� APPLTCANT; Dalores Stover 8485 SoW, Hunziker Road, Tigard r:, PROPERTY INVOLVEDa 8485 SoW, Hunziker, Road (Map #2S1 1BC, � Tax T,ot #1000) �' E� STAFF RECOMMENDA'PIONa �II The sta£f reco¢nmends approval of this }°�: application with conditionso Mrs, Stover has submitted a � proposed parking and driveway layout which the staff feels �i' will adequately solve the traffic problemso !) The conditinns the staff would impose N' are: Ei�l lo that the construction of the driveway �I and parking facilities and the land� � scaping shown on i.he plans submitted �i be aompleted within 6 months of the date of apgroval by the Planning and 1I Zoning Commission� i' 2. that tentative ap�rov�al of this ze� (�, ques� be given at this time, and final ;+j approval upon campletion of the par�- II kinq improvementso at which time the j±l City will notify the State Licensing jq Bureau that Mrs, Stover has complied j{I with the City°s requirements and that C her Ccnditional Use request for the ;'�' day care o£ up to 30 �hildren is ap� � proved by the C3tyg � 3, wdiat �che new play area be fenced a� �! before, but not s� as t� obscure �; vision at th� corner o� fiunziker and �; Hal1. F31vda or at the new drivewayo � {f . I { I �. . . � ' � . . . � � . � � , f �. �- � � ` ► � '�o! ` �� � �� ' R_ R-7 soe �da � I �-Z �l11 p�L, ��30 b ---'�"'- /�� Sw 30� � 51 ao -�- \33�� � � i�oD I ` � � � \ � � b � R,7 � �_z �. �� ,�- p I ------__ L i boa -----�-� � ,/ �adr� m )'?�-3 _ /� �s. �aa \ �.� _ R-,7 ' � R--7 »aa �"—- 3�k� \- }1DD �` � �z � � t ��d � N �_z t? '�aoo \ � �Q�o - ,�--o�- __ S\\ �900 ... U�� . �� I � ` • ' f2-7 ' I , , / � � ' 1 �'� I R.� I �1 DD � �7 � tf �00 i I I 3 AZ $W I ,c� I � 2�� �U // �-Z / 3,f°oo 3 fl " N.z�,��c-R � 350� �` �r�-Z '�'Oq,c? A-z / � � z sT � � !�s �3� _ Z,ao i I�: SaoF�. o �-, ry�_3 � � / �-Z �p0 ' � � 'Yi-3 � \ aao � �—Z 1 �-3 I - � � 1 ' \ � A-Z aco -�- �`'`O' �-� ` ` �_ - � � \ � A-Z � �_ �� � _ � .� .�.I __ .�/ rn �`�•��r""'�-�-�,�s.�..—_ . . - --:�.��..�._._..-.--m.-T �., , ,..,> � _ _ _ �...._ �..r�_..�,..v �....,.� _ May 2, 196 9 NOT:ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �s.a� Notice is hereby qxven that a Publ,ic Hearing wi11 be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission o� the City of Tigard at City Ha1Y, 12420 SoWe Main Street, Tigard, Oxegon on May 20, 1969 at 8:00 PmM, with respect to the foZYowing: An application by Dol.ore� E� Stover far an amended Conditional Use for a L'ay Nursery for 20 childrPn (with a `" total capacity of 30 by May, 1970,) on her property lacated at 8485 S,W. Hunziker Street (Map #2S1 1BC, Tax Lot 3,OU0)� A11 intere�ted persons may appear and be heard in favox oE or against sai.d proposalo J, A�.lan Paterson CHAIl21NAN �'�,. � . FT,ANN�NG AND Z�3NING COMMI�S�ON May 200 1969 AGENDA TT�Mn 3w� STAE`F` REPORT ` ZONE CHANGE AND C�NDZTIONAL U5E APPI;:ICATYON�: Rm7 to C-3 wi'th Malt Bevera e OutYet APFLICANTe Conrad Anderson 6655 SeWa sean Roado P�rtlandB Oregon PROPERTSt IN�7��VEDe Southeast eorner r�f Greeralaurg Road and the Beaverton�T�.gard fiighway (Map #�.5�. 35BB Tax Lot #20'0) SIZE OF P1ftOPERTYe 1091 acres STAFF REICOMMENDATIONo The staff recommends approva3. of this appY,im cation for. a zone change to permit a restaurant and delicates�an and a conditional. use to allow beer to be s�rved in the restauranto We f�el this is a good location for a resta�trant w�:th its -easy � aceess to the new highway, its clase p�oximity to the .i.ndustria� park, the higher d�nsi�y now� in th� area, and prc�posed new deve2� opment of offzees ancl �nde�strial expans�:ono The propcssed fae�<�ity � is another '°Goose Ho11:ow �nn°` wh�eh i� an ex�rem�l�y papulax� ��.t� down restauxant in Portland featrxiing specia�.ty sandw�cheso The Conds.tiona5: Use request �.o allcaw be�r to � be sold on the premise� sho�2do w� �ee10 be approved with c.ondim tions, as long as it i� �.n eonjunction: with the reataurant, The � conditions �he staff wou3.d isnpose at th:a.s time are: 10 �hat the �use be approved onY,y in con�ept � at thi� timeo tha.t fs.nal site development glanso including landscapzng, be ap�roved k�y the Planning and �onzng Commission �; prior to the issuance of a building permit � 2o That adequate, improved g�ark�.ng faci3.ities ; be constructed on th� lot sc� that no on� ��. �,� s��eet parkinq i� n,er.essa�y � 3, That the use i� approved only for the one f� propased restaurant 4o That c�ther conditions may be a:mposed by the Planning and Zoning C:ommission a�t the , time of �ubmis�ion c�L �he pxopo�ed develm opnl�iYt plans tn themo �+� � �' � �' �� ' � xi.. �,I �' �: ; �. j I 4 _ �` .. . � , : :, ,,., .. r .� � _ � � , _ x�� _ _ 2Y'oo � 27po :— Z�ov 2a9o�z3c� st�f iz�oa z5o� 2bao I�s� 29a� z9oa � � [ �Z7D0 � ( ' .�� 2 �� � � � � �-h j �� �3 �_ /j � � 7 �OD 3ioa Z4ao �f10D��1��0 $9DD 3800 3�oD �36DD 3SO0 3400 33Dp 3 � `rU1 .. �� p / �/2D o � �. � � j � j��-� ( 3$Gl � i � 1340'1 3402 �� -- / I t � / Ci�"/� ( � �-� , Z � � . �i �3301 �02 33ff3I3$Dy 34U3 " � � ` � I � ; . ? � � � �� . ° / . . . � ��. I� �. �. M_3 / / ---- DAK S;Res7 � � ,00 sD�/ �U3 330 �0a �oo _ _ ���� �� � z. i :zao \ /� sa��---�-� f I—i / � oz ��V 3 � � _ _ �:�/ �9` saz � � M-3 -� � �� _ z� �=-� / / �D� se a zoo / � � / / `�1 �=7 �oZ � iJO� � _s WASH. (tQ.� �1/ . . T16fiQD }�—_� Z�l 00 t � 13vp 1 �j � �,�� �.vo � ''°� — 1�! f � � � �\\\ 1y � b0o 2000 � 1 1'r►3 / / � AwosasoN G/y� �5°°� �,'!-- � �r ! '�� \ / / . SHw�Y !�iNE f � r--- � � . . / ..� 203 �aua ?4z ZOt� �. f{�Z �-� o' zu i�DO 1(003 .Q ( C 3 ' R 7 ! A-Z ��°a i ' Yti�t-3 : �3 �A-z �-- ����o� � Z� ILDO ;IDn a _ A-Z � _— � 60� _ - — ——----�-- Saa ���' �aoo � � -�-� �=� i� � � � _� . � �� �� � -� ' ,::� � .-� -�.--x� , F - �--, --�- �� _.,�.�:�-.�.. - . , �, ,, -, -- - - - ��. .-��� �: . . , ,. _ .. _ - _ _ _ May 7, 1969 I � NOTI�E OF PUBL'IC HEARTNG Notice ss hereby g�,ven that a Public He�ring will j be held by the P1�nning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tigard �t City Ha11, 12420 S.W. M�in Street, �t B:00 P.M. with respect to the followinge ,h�� �; �9 6 y ! : An application by Conrad B. Anderson � for a zone ch�nc�e from R-7 (Single- 1 f�mily Residential} to C-3 (General Commercial) �nd � Conditional Use for � a malt beverage outlet in conjunction witli a rest�urant and delicatessen, I on a ls 91 acre p�•rcel of l,and located at the southwest corner of Be�verton- Tigard 1Highw�y and Greenburg Road (M�p #151 35B. Tax Lot 200). A].1 interested persons m�y appear and be haard in f�vor of or against said propos�lm ' � J, AZl�iz P�terson CHAIRMAN f � i f' � �- ! i�� � �� � I 1 9r � 'I 1 i � r a � , � . . . . . q.�. � .. i P'�NSIQ� ANB ZON�N� C(INIM:�5�:EC+N May 20,, Z969 A.GENDA ;B:TEMs 3�^D $'I`AE9� REPCpRT ZONE CHAN�E AND CJOND:ffT:IONAT, USE A�PIPZCP.R`�GNSo S•-R tC> R�7 �.larert�d � __ Resider�t�.a:� APPI�:�CANTa Commanwealth Prnper�.ies, ;Inca 421 ��Wo 6th A�enue9 Partland., Ore:goxo PROPERTY INWC9;[pVED� �i'ic::a.nity cr£ ].0330 S,Wo Seh�l3., Ferry Road (Map #3.5� 347�, part o£ T'ax Lats :LOG, 2009 300, 600, b03� Map #�S1 348, Tax I;ots S00 and 600) STZE OF PROP�IZ7'Yo �.08 ac�es ST1�F'F RECOMMENDAT�ONo The staff rec�mm�nds approvaL af t�ti.s appli�- ca�ion wi•th the fallowing ccnditionse .Lo That the "`P�.anned Resxdehtia7," is approv�sd �n ccaneept only, at this timeg f'inal site decre;�c�pmEnt p�ans for the mult�family and townhouse aY•Eas to be app�ovEd by � the P1an.ning a�d Z�ning Commisszon prior to the� issuanae of building permits for these ar�as, 2, T�hat tI-�e den.sity of the townhcr�se de�reP�p�� men•� b� �imit.ec� t� 8 m 9 unit� per acre, and the den�ity� af the mult�.fami].y devexopment to 15 ur�its per acree 3o That a:LI util.i.ties be undergroundo �o That the stz•eet x-,ig�iks-�f�way be improved as folYowss � ao Fo�thilT.s B1��rd,::60° �ight•-of'�way, 36° �u�b�•,to�c:urb pav'ing� 5° sidewalk ne�xt to the prcper�y lin�o 6° �urb, and a 6 z° parking strip for uti2iti.es and street tree .Locationso b, 1:1.5th Ave� and_119±h A�ye,= 5�° righ*-� ofmway, 34° �urb�to•�curb paving, 4" sidewalk next tr� the prop�rty line� 6`° curba and 3 33¢° parking strip for �,.. utiT.ities and street tree locations, co A�1 other streets: 50° right�of�-vray, �3�° r.urbmto•a�urb paving, 6" curb, 4° sidewalk next to the proper�r linea and a 4oS° parking strip fox� utilities and street tseee Y�cat:i,anso 5o That the sidewalk be completed c�re eaah lot before occupancy af the houseo 6o That a:f.�. street trees be planted in th� parking str�.gy a minimum of two trees per lot� l�f'° caliper:, spe�ies to b� approved by the c°,ity sta�fo Stra�t trees shall be plar�ted within 6 months of compS.c-ti.on of dwe�Iinga 7 a T.hat al.l :Lot and b:6.cck numbers shc�wn on the °°Preli.minary P;f.at'" be rep:Laced by a conse�uti�.re s�ries nf numbers from "1" through the total r�umber of latso 8e That al�. undevel,aped tc�ts be kept f,ree raf �ro �rash and t�re overgrowth of weeds and gra�s, 90 That the street �.ighti.ng be °7000 lumeca I.amps on �.6 fto aauminum po1,e�, :1,50° gpacing adjusted Ycz the nearest propa�ty l�.nee L0, `that wr�.t.t�n appraval. be abtained frc�m t.he '�ic�ard EvangET.ical Chu:r�h for� �ncr�oa�hm��t of 1JL9th. 1�veo ont� thei� p�oper�ys and the agreesn�nt for� khe isn�rovemeza�t o� this r^�ght�-of�way be guarantped p�ric�r ta the: appro�sal of tYie fina:i p:Lato � 1 .%" / � ; ti ;� � _ — — � :...�� ; a, � ► ' � � ? �� -- — , � �; ..,.� . � � U � - -�f�.. 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P'{e At� �1� �� f bir - 1 $ i�1';r k � t �'' �, � , , 1 � ���+ ,. �atapM1 i ��us t�; t ;r J� y r a st � r , � � Et� !' �1 .ae,}� . � I� y i�'PT_T"'_r_'�.I d-�'iF�r� ., ,li -�« ii.tx>k �TM�1 i t Ff y}! �yl!p i� r � r � �. t,f — p.! `"-.,'���"�,y�"'F'i��b � � ���t��' �'`y,`��' 3�` i F �� j �y 5�' b'�!}t i �"��� , (� �7 � i}�t`f:� i� 'k',, 'ti+ 'i:?i:i �f�1�'i'�� 1� i �� l� i ; �t aat���;�--�— i'.1 o t i's 1� � ��1 t�����t,��,�F�4r��.'r� �s� `s� "� � + ���———— — �. � q�+}-f,J�, ��a� -�i C�C �'Y .�r � , '� ' __ � Y Nl 9..� �" � �U4} j� } �' . Hi � s r�/� I L 11 p J �� � �� � '!� ����,�.s���������2191��t���,� �. e��. � Q � '�;�������� �{`' �Fr �}7�, ���a��'+�4 t r������ i i � .�� , 5}? � ,'�� � ly (J �y ti {Y' � q r �'��id � �Z+� ���� �u� ���j fev�y.' �� f t`'�p,�� ���' ¢ � w,o �� + s a � 9� k� r � 1-- 3 �C�nti�i91w��i �y��j';��` ��,� t, ���U ���,���, y��� �a;;���� � � ! ..,—.�. �� �� ��` ���'�r� ���'�S c r � �����r�� v����r`�� ��; � ,af(r�� a °y � W � ��'���,�}1Tjs� ���p�p{���� i �� `FZ� �4^'"���"4J'��� P r�� � ��j �����y��q�1�t1.� A1 H-' � � 2 �5,:��'�''ls����' ��L� �t � ��: �s '���:F� ,�' �q��},{k.��ir7 ��I�'� � F �..,���3 : 2 0 � i. ��_ .,�ns �k��i� � �,� v f��, k5 i�1"fi;.� ��.v�l ��x;. i ��'� 1 �� 4 ;n � � /y� 1,,�+`'�����{ '.. I t��f�a,i��i.e�}Sf�. r{5 ���ip.,A}�,�a� �i 4;, iL��A'��� 5����fl, }b`4•�. rJ l-i- y`.,��t�� Y 7 f�)'���, }' ��� �g�"a��'��������1�i k�i +1� ��' � � � �� � � � (r� i 4 t, � r;, , �� f �� a s „ — � � �'a����� �e������ +��,�fi! �,�� � �� � � r' 3 �y �tl`�.. �y �jn��'i���f������ri�l�.: �1 ��}� �.�Y 8���'��d *e�,� � � t� Y , t� �14 �5� �� � IR� 5���1��� � i�E� t; �' 'ui �,�P,,,,�� �� �.,g�� �±. � ���,�1� � ���,r�i. ��F��'�� 4 � ��:��'��.�`�'�" � • A a � `�` �� ^ST�rs ;il���( i'i1 sc � �hlp'�,�ar'��{{y�'� � . •�n �•M1611 �� ���yi S{i h d��Ayt 7 �ri�(4 �t {�+}�ia,"�S'�� I, a i:�i�l�lv���c�,��i*�f�t 16�� �w�a j�4y�,�+���� � � �1,nTi+�H 4 I,�{�rk �i��4.��� ,�j�ra�1��4�� i;�� � Z �'; yy��IS�Ty/��,'�il��@� Fi g i rt��� ���..xl D � r / ja p J'g ,+�yy��; '�Xii�S t��"i�����; i5 k��i�CL��.F r'� 6 U� � t,-�: 0 1 a �I.�r�' �i � �AU ,i 51:� ,9�o� I N ' �p <4� { 1, �,Q� �—_ a; � `�il���' 'ki� 1� } n ., > � � { �. W I vi � � � �1 ty7j11' � i �' i 6��. �st'�Z�;,�; "_� a�Q,�g� fi� c w.w � ��i�l'`�1i3�r'����� � J����t S p� �,� :yY�� i! /l/ r��y�e,�dij}G t it, i � if ;,;y �_�. r.�. i.��'� .�'f1,�, , ,�'1n�' 1 �r ';� � � �ry,�i "ON'LLt '(N'S `� �' � :r � o y°. ;, N � � Z V' V i' 0 � �, 1 P�ANNING AND ZON�NG COMM�SSI�N May 20, 1969 AGnNDA TTEMo 3�A STAFF REPORT � ZONE CHANG� APPT�XCATFONo S-R to ��-4 Neighborhood Gommercial APPLICANTo Commonweal.th Progerties, Inc, 4�1 �,�V, 6th Avenue. Portlando Qzegon PROPERTY INVOLVED: �icin;ity of 10330 SeWa Scnolls Ferry Road (Map #�YS�. 34A, part of Tax T,ots 200 and 300) SIZE OF PROPERTY: 5 acre� STAFF RECOMMENDATIGN> The staff recommends approval of this request, c+rhich wil�. be integrated with �he proposed Foothills Planned Residential subdivisione We feel it will .not only eerve the new devel-� opment, but wi'il alsa serve the surrounding deve 1.opznent, �:_: � i I � , i � 4 �I � 7 t ��� II i. �� 1 � . � C Y 6 � n � � P � � � � . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . _.. � . . . . ;...� . ... �� ��. � . .. , A �. . . �. . t�: . . . - . � � . . . , . CITX OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No.69- ,so � r i AN ORDIN,ANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE No.67-21 ' ' "CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1967" AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, ,f FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESERVING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FINAL APPROVAL OR ! � DISAPPROVAL OF ALL CONDITIONA�, USE APPLICATIONS AND APPEALS FRQM THE � DECISZONS OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES, i AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCX• � t THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS; � , t • , Section l: That Ordinance No.67-21 "City of Tigard Zoning Ordinano� , ot' 1967" as heretofore amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended as follows: (a) Section 230-1 is amended to read as follows: � , �, SECTION 230-1 AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT OR DENX � CONDTTTONAL USES Following the procedures set forth in Section 250-1, and in Section 250-4 as amended, uses designated in thia ordinance as "conditional uses permitted" may be permitted or enlarged or alterec� upon authorizatiox► of the City Council after hearing by the Planning Commission and by the City Council as provided in Chap�er 250 as amended of° Ordinance No.67-21. In reaommending approval of a conditional use, the Plan- ning Commisaion may reaommend, in addition to the � • r-�gii2a�i:,ri8 °c2d St�:�?►.�1c Axnressly soeclfled in this . o�^dinance, other con.ditions found nece�sary to protect the hest interests of the surrounding property or � neighborhoad or the city as a whole. The eonditions � , may include requir�ments increasing the required lot size or yard dimensions, controlling the loc�tior► and number of vehicular access points ta the property, increaaing street width, increasing the number of off- s����t parking ar loading spaces required, limiting the number of signa, limiting the coverage of Y�eight Y± of buildings because of obstruction to view or �� reduction of light or air to ad�acent prop�rty, requir- � ing sight-obscuring fencing and landscaping where nec- essary to reduce noise or glare or maintain the prop- erty in a character in keepin� with the surrounding • area, and requirements under which any future enlarge- ment or alteration oP the use shall be reviewed by the � Planning Commission and new conditions imposed. Change in use, expansion or contraction of site area, or • alteration of structures or uses classified as condi- � tional existing prior to the effective date of this ordinance, shall conform to the regulations pertaining to conditional uses. If the site is found inappropriate ;:1 for the use requested, the Planning Commission may deny approval of the conditional use. (b) . Section 250-4 is amended to read as follows: . SECTION 250-4 APPEAL FROM DECISTON OF PLANNING COMMISSTON �'; PBge 1 - ORDINANCE No.69-�Q . �'i � ���i . _?S�IIC'' i,�,. . �,., ,� � �. :� i � � I . , r Any person aggrieved by a determination of the Plan- ning Commission may appeal such determination to the �, City Council as proyided in Section 270-2. In the €� absence of any appeal, a decision of the Planning Com- mission denying the application for ennditional use shall become final as provided in Section 270-2. A • favorable determination of the Planning Commission with respect to a conditional use shall constitute a recommendation for hearing and cnnsideration by the City Council in the manner prescribed in Section 25�-5 of this ardinance. (c) Chapter 250 of Ordinance No.67-21 be, and the same is hereby amended and supplemented to add thereto a new sec- tion denoted SECTION 250-5 reading as followa: SECTTON 250-5 CITY COUNCIL HEARING ON CONDITIOHAL U5E APPLICATIONS ANp APPEALS a> Following the prPSCribed hearing befare the Plan- ning Commission, a written report containing the �, findings and recommendations of the Planning Com- mission shall be forwarded to the City Council by the City Recorde.r or Clerk. b. Upon receipt of the Planning Comm�ssion's recommenda- tion, the City Council shall set the time and place for a publlc hearing before the City Council an the proposed conditional use. c. Notice for the Council hearing shall be given in the manner prescx�ibed in ORS 227.260. • d. The C3�, G0�3::C�1 m?v recess a hearing in order to obtain addi.tional informatlon or to serve further notice upon other property owners or persons it decides may be interested in the proposed condi- � tional use. Upon r�cessing £or this purpose, council shall announce the time•and date when the hearing wi].1 be resumed. (d) Chapter 250 of Ord�.nance No.67-21 be, and the same is hereby amended and supplemented to add thereto a new sec- tion denoted SECTION 250-6 reading as follows: SECTION 250-6 NOTIFICATION OF ACTION Th� C�.ty Recorder shall notify the appllcant in wrfting � of the City's action within five (5) days af�er the declsion has been rendered. _ Sectiqn 2: Inasmuch as Ordinance No.67-21 as heretofore in effect � does not pravide for aonsideration of conditional use ; applications and appeals by the City Council, and it is necessary for the peace, health and safet�rrof the people of the City of Tigard that � final consideration af conditionaY uses be given by the City Council. � and such procedures should be invoked with the least possible delay, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be e£fective upon its passaga by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Page 2 - ORDINANCE No.69- �,1� .,,,�- _ ,a�r; ""�!" '�' . '� � � � ' �� .� • ' f PASSED: By the Council, by unanlmous vate of all Council members piesent after being read three timec� by number and title ' � only, this day of , 1969. �� � � ��'�� Recorder - City of Tigard � APPROVED: B� the Mayor, this day of , 19�9• Mayor - City of Tigar � i �� i i I'.� � il� '�� ,k,� ,y�_ '�'s � �:.'t" .. • . ��.�',..�. . �� . ��� ��'i � k �. r . Page 3 - ORDINANCE No.69-� r,; � ; �n<.,M.. ,. . . �. . .. . . . �.. ... . ::!%�li��" .. . - '.�_..t"'� �� :.r.� a _ �. : ,.. _ —---- _ � � ' . 1 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON 1 ORDII�IAIVC�: IQo.69- �I �; � `i� AN ORUIPdANCE AMEidDING SECZ'IONS IV, V"III ANL� X GF ORDINANC�. " " No. 68-48, "CI`I'Y OF TIGARD SUBDIVIGION ORDINANCE oF 1968"; DIRECTING ,�� THL' FILIIQG OF SUCH Ai'QLNllNENTS WITH �"H� RECORDING OFT'ICER OF WASHINGTON ;� COiJNTY AND PRESCRISTNG EFPEC'.CIVE DATE. � ( , � � TFIE CITY OP TIGARD ORllAI1�S AS FOLLOVIS: {� �� Sectiorl 1: That subsection )3-P11�ng Fee of SiCTION TV-PR�LIMINARY �k PLAT af Ordinance NoTS-148, °City of Tigard Subdivision �, Ordinanae of 19�5" enacted by the Gity Council of Ti�;ard on July 22, �4 1968, be, and the same is, hereb,y amended to read as follows: �'I "Li. Piling Fee. The prellminary plat and plans and � ather materials required pursuant to sub-section �w� (A) of this Section snall be accompaniecl by a minimum application fee of $50. in each instance, ; plus $1.00 for each lot in the pro�osed sub- k� division in excess of y� lots in each preliminary subdiv:ision plan. The City Plannin� Commission shall not schedule such preliminary plat for consicleration until the fees re�uired hereby have been made ava9.lable to enable the City to �artially defray the expenses lncurred in the administrative j! processin� of such proposals.° ,I � • :;� � Section 2: That subsection D��,ots of SECTION VIIL-ll�SIG1Q STF.NDARDS � ��I � of Ord3.nance 130.68-T1-S, "City of Pit;ard Subdivi.sion �. Ordinance of i968° enacted b,y the �1ty Council of `1'ir^ard on July 22, 196$, be, and bhe same is, heret�y amended to add to sa3.d subsection D-Lots under subhead l-Size atid Sha e, a new paraPraph denited (c) A readin as follows: � x:'rl i r. � "(c} Where the tract constitutes or is part of a ,��� �lanned residential conditional use approved as �_ + provided in the City of Ti�ard 7onin� Urdinance � No.67-21 as arnended, and �fu11y complies vrith specif3c canciit3ons 3mposed at the time of approval of the conditional use.° �'` a • � . ` r.,� tSection 3: That subsect:i.on A-Pees of SLCTIOAI '!.-II�IPROVEP%iEN`IS of r,I ti � Ord:tnance PJo. 60-�:B,�City of Ti�;ard Subdivision Ordinance �,; of 19�8" enacted b,y the City Counc2l of Ti;tard on July 22, 1968, be, ;` and the same is, nereby amended Lo read as .follov�s: f,:: A' � ��:_ �� . ,,. , � ; Page 1 - ORDIIvANCE rdo.69-____ �;ri ���id i� ,�q� . _ t � .'.11��`�.. . . . . . . . � :. ..�, . ^� . . � . �... ,... �' . �'a .. . .��"''�i� . . ... � . :� la,�qf�i ..: .: . �� } . . . . � . ... .. , .. �. : � � � � �. �� � � . _ . . . . : .. � � . .. ..� � � � � �� _ — ,� ' � � . s , , j , "A. Pees. No subdivision improvements, includinc� • sanitary sewers, storm sewers, streets, silde- walks, curbs, li�htin� or other requ�.rements, ;' � shall be undertaken except after the plans there- il for have been approved by the City of Ti�;ard, permit �� fee paid and permit issued. 'I'he permit fee is li required t;o defray in whole or in part the cost = ; and exp�nses incurred by the City for construction ,�� � and other services in connection wi.th the improve- �� ment, and such Pee shall be a sum equal to 1-1/2J fl I of the esi;imated cost of such subdivision improve- '� mei�t." • � 'I ISection 4: The City Recorder be, and she• is, hereby directed to �� cause to have a cop,y of this Ord:Lnance and the amend- ,II I ments herein contained, filed with the Recordin� Offioer of `nlashing- �� � ton County, pursuant to §92.U4$ O.R.S. ��� il r Section 5: That thi� Ordin�.nce shall be and become effective on '� � �° -" the 31st day aft�r its passa;e by the Council and � � " approval by tY�e Mayor. '� i . f � f PASSED: By Unanimous �vute of all Council members present after ;I being read three times by Number and Title only, this � � �� day o£ , 1969• ��� �, � � � � � Recorder - City o£ Ti�;ard � � � � �, ;;I t,, �; A�'p�OVED: By tYie Mayor, this day of , , 1969• ` ; � � �I�ayor - City of Ti;;ard �V, •z.,; . i; u� . `i: . ;;; r i; �'�t ��'. I; �. . . � . .�j.�'� .. . • . . . .I�! £�: i ;f r Page 2 - ORDIIJAIdCE No.Fi9- , i� � ;� 44 ,���° •�;�..-�. . . . .: � ......�. �!!n` _ _. , . ,. . �` i� � , � , M �: Ia� U T E S T�.g�ax�c7 I��.ararniaur� �s �rar�ung C.�mym�.s��.�m Req�z:�ar Me�tir�� rila;� �Op L969 , 8000 FoMo C�.ty Ha�,�'. C'raa�r�c.n.S Ch�mbe�� T�.g���tte (➢rec�c�ra � l �,:a P.C�TnTn �:�it�Tn .Ae P'��:�er�te �'a�:anma.ss�.r,�ne:r:� ���rg� T��xso ��.aren.cF I��r�T.io E:�.tom ��h�.V.9,:i�ZS� Ev�r�tt �ev�xsan �rad C.haS.rman �.g,bare �aL•��:�e�rco �C��.��.k� 7"hamps�anB I��.���'�rs� t�,E �a�la;ll.�,�: Ws�r,k:�o E�n�,?],,r W�.zdp �llarrr�ero AT��a �r��ern�.o �t�c��: Te7.ferB G;.t,�r �dYna.ra�,��Er.a,�o�a aracl L�s,c;k ;�;v�eYp �a�,arn�a�.mg crc�r2s�nIl.� �ara� �,va.�:Fz �orza�:�,�.o How�.arnci.o EIay�e: a�ad. Ma�ryfie5.do go A2���n��s C�.�m�rt:�.g,�:�arn�x�� �'.�ni As.tk�rn, az�d C.h�.��9.e:� W��c�a�d :d;�:o NC9,N�JTE�o P�ge��,a?° ni�ek�.rag Apri9. :6.58 �.969 :f4o Mso Te�w��.� a4ke:d t�raf a co��°�ct,�.ura ta the� snots.ora b� made con�a� a���u��.�,g tl�e F'�.�i�:E app:��.�ationo He e�sp:fl.aine:d tf��.t �.� �h�r�9.c� read a� �'e�L�czwrs�s °°�;t was mov�fl (��r�.�} amd �ac:anc��d (���re�r�on) that the app4�.caticsn 7�e d�n,ied, Ths.s rnatsan wa� de�eat.ed �vy a 3 ta 2 majar�.�.y vnta �f' �h� C.omm�s.�3.ezr� �r�es�nt.o arna �tta� a�,p�,�°s.� ca�ic�r� was a�g��c�r�:d fo� �ecumm�ridat:ion ta th� C'.o�ur�ra.]Lo'" �3, �Y�e Manvxt.�:s� werw apprn�sec7. as cc���e�t�d, :f��a F?UBY,��(: H�F+.TY:2btCr.`i Ao C'.�+nciitsa�nal I7s� (r.e�nt:�raued hears�gy �<__Tro .NI��Df�KA,�,ax�t�A���arat 1� req���t i'ar a carn��,�inna:�. u�e �or a M��.zg�r Wv.tEx� Ds,�t.Yic�t wate�� st�rrage ta�ak s�n � R='2 z�ra� vr� a �..08 �.cx:� �Sar�el a� �,amd 1nca��c� a#: t1�� rac�r�theast cox�ra�r. c�f �oT�7o '��rad A��r�u� and :,�To 'lf'a�n� Rr��d (IKa.� #Z�.Q. �no Tax Iaat 800) .lo �tat'f r�comme�dat3.an that app:�ica�iara be taki�,�c� p�repar.ecl ju�t �rt.aa� �cs m�eti�gd '��xe sEa�'� r��cnmm�r.ds �hat aw�a.arn om �:hia app:�icats�ara b� tak��.ede Y��terday, we �ece�.ved addi�:ional an��ix�mati�n� fr�m Mta C:a�i:.��o •rhe 13��t�c�ci: Engs�n�e�e cc>ne��r��.mg the pr��sed wat�� tatxko �u•t w�: are st�1Y not c�or�v�.nced that th�.� tarak urcatixT.d �Sao�rici� the wat.�r s�rv.�ce� n��ded kry the area a�. wr,u�.c� �ser�r�, Mr o �a�t�� ref'�rr�� �n h:a,� mesn��a�:ci�xn t� ���ibl.s� °`x.rat.��ia��.ara of th� rwt� �yvtem�°° (NY��.�gLr arac� T�garc��o W� Y,.av�: be�r: uracr���r�.a�.�.y t��.ci by r��>�e:;��nta��.�se� of' bmth th� E°�.�e P�.sts�ict �.a�d tlYe T�,ga�d Wa�:�x I�.a�t�rs,ct that� iit thp �venY Q� tih� cr�ra�a��.ida�:i�n of t'h�� �wo d3.s� tri.ct�e the� twc� mi.al.ion gaIl.loix Eank� af �h� ��.qax�d L��.�tric� �r� 66th :4�r�ra�a� c�u�.d ad�qrxat.��.gr �+�rve the �Fa ws.t'h b��k� £�.r� aruc� doan�:�t.fc wa�.er ws.th �.px�s.� e�ei�t.irng 1�.��' V,�.�e �a�u °7`>rdd A�rer��e�o �o F^ub:V.:�� ��a��.xs� ao Tha me�n�zi'aandu�n arad map r�c�sv�d �rom Ma°o Ca�•t.�ra �Ix� Metzcy�� Water L➢i.�tr�.�•� eare��1��.a.rag ��g',r.r���^ro vs.�� xead by' M:t:��e Wi�c10 lao M�o ��org� P�:n�o�e� zea�.taro a]L�r� �xp:p.air��d �h� ctaarng�� � �'r.s,m t,h� pr�erY,�us �ropr�sa�. arnd tha•t Mx�o �art�� fe:�V.� t:h�:�; thS.s ta�rk z� a �r��:�:. c�f' �he: m���a5,:�, p�.«m�a�.�g �e�� th�e ID'y��a:s�c:��a ca mh� 1�.ib.�l.a.r. Hear�ng wa� �c�,css��d page Y , � ' , f 3. Commiaeion discussion and action � a. Mr. Lew3s said he atill fee18 the appllcati,on ehould � be tabledi that engineering studies requeeted by th� ,� staff have not been submitt�d. He aleo said he would like to hear whether the P'ire District would recommend � it, that he wa� nnt yet sure that the proptaeed taak wouldn't be duplication, and that it was the duty of ! the Comaniaeion tn prevent such duplication whan possible. ( ( b, 1Mr. Phillips sai�d he felt the Commieeion ehould be de- f ciding whether or not the tank should be in thie parti- s cular location, not whethor or not there was nea8 for ; the tank. c. Mr. Pateraon concurr�d with Mr. Phillipe and aeked what � the Fire Dietrict's comment to the staff had been. MrO. Wied and Mr. melfer explained that Mr. Taylor k►ad eaid ' he felt tihis tank would not have aufficient capacity to y ser�ve the area if it were built, and that the Ti.gard ; District's 2 million gallon tanka on 66th Avenue couid ; sezve this area with Bull Rua water 1E it were requeeted � by the area, and could aerve it Adequately for both fire � and domeetic purpoaes fsom the alrea�y ax3stiag 12" l�.ne � which runs down 72nd Avenue. Mr. Telfer further�ex- , j plained that he could not with clear conscience renom- m�nd this at thie time, and enuld not until a lonq-range � plan ahowing that thie tank would not be a duplicate faaility and that it ia necessaxy to sesve the area. ( d. It wae maved (Lewie), aeconde8 (Sevexean) and paeaed by � unanimoua vate of the Commieai.on preeent that th� re- ; quest be tabled until the next meeting on June 17, in � order to get more information. B, Amsnded donditional Uae ' JDOIARES E. STOVER, aAplicant ' A reque�t for an amended aonditianal ude fox a Dag► Nureery for 2d ehildren (with a total capacity of 30 by May 1970) in a R-7 zone on her proparty located at 8485 S.W. Hunzikdr Stxeet (Map • #2S1 1HC, T�x Lot 1000) � Y 1. Staff r�commendation f4r approval with conditiona ` .s ra'�. i.. v,u�ri n? �• ra�.+1.�.. a. Mra. Wied read a letter as receiveci from Mr. and �lrs. zawa�ake, 12360 S.w. xaii sa.va., in o�poeition �o t�e �.pplicmtion. b. Mrso Daavid Martin, 8445 S.W. Hixn2i.k�r Road� Mr. Houeton ; Mayes, 124�0 S.iR. Knoll Drive, Mro Clia��on Craven, 12490 i S.W. Rnol1 Driv�, epo�e in oppneit�.an to Che �equ�r�t, ; citing heavlr traffic, the aize and tidineaa of the prn- ; perty as exieting p�obleme i,�► the azea. ' c. Mre. 3tover, applicant, spo'ke, say�3ng ��iat sk►e would b�a 3n better ehape fi,n,�nci.ally to keop ug the proper�y i! ehe were permit�ed to take in more childreae anS that she was r�ite �leae�ed with hex new pnrking plenm , d. The Pub11c Hearing was cioaed 3. csonnm�iceic�n discu�sion and ac�ion , 0 a. Ntr, t�icoli eaid he felt this plan wss mueh better. i b. Mr. Lewl.e asked if the uee would bm !ar day ca�r� only, ara�l w'hnt the hours woulfl be? Ffre. Stove� a�id yes, and � that the tim� epan was about 7:Q0 a.m. to 6a00 p.m. c. It wae moved (Lewie), aeconded (Nicoli) end pae�ad by � unaiszimoue vote Af tha ('x�nuniseion preseat that the appli- � cation be approved with the following conditione: (1) That t'he cone�ruc�ion o� the driveway and pnrk3.ng � facSlitiea .and the land�capiaig shown on th� plans eubmitted be campleted witihin 6 mor►ths o! the date ; of approval lsy the Plsnniaq arad Zoning Commiesioat � � I page 2 P.&Z. Minutes 5/2U/69 � � , (2) That tentative approval of this request be given at this timea and final approval upon completion of .the parking improvementa, at which time the � C�ty wil� notify the State Licenaing Bureau that Mrse �tover has complied with t;he City°a require- • ment� and that her conditional use request for the day care of u� to 30 children i� approved by the ��tya � (3) Z°hat th� new glay area be fenced ae before, but nnt ' so as to obseure vision at the corner of Hunziker and Ha�� Bgvd, or at the new driveway, G. Zone Change and Conditional Use CONRAD Eo ANDERSON, app�icant A reque�t for a zone change fr�m Rm7 to Cm3 and a conditional uae for a malt beverage out�et in conjunction with a restaurant and delicatesaen on a 1.9b acre parcel of 3and 3oea�ed at the south� � west corner of BeavertonmT�gard Highway and Greenburg Road (Map #1S1 35BB Tax I:ot 200) 1. Staff recommendation for approvaS. with conditions 2. Publi,e Heax�ing . a. Nir, �eister McGryff, 10840 SeWe 95th Averaue, Mr. Young, 10865 S,Wo y5th Avenue, Mro No3.an Browno 1Y405 SeWe 95th � Avenue, Mro Z°homas Moare, 11055 S<We 95th Avenue, Mrs, Fo CD Thomas, 11305 SeWe 95th Avenue, M7rs Lealfe Petera, ' 95th Avenuea Vicki Fride, 95t'� Avanue, and Mz. Minton, 9420 SoWe Oako spoke in oppc�sition to the proposal, �iting hEavy traffie, the poor conditian of 95th Avenue and the z°e�idential �haracter af the neighborhood as reaaans for denial of the taverno but some, said they wmuldn°t be oppo�ed to juat a restaurant. b. Mr. Andereon, appl3caa�to explained his pZ'c2poea3o and eaid it would prianarily be a restaaranto not a tavern, although beer could be sold without mea�.s. c. The Public �Tearing was c3aaed 3. Commieaion die�useion and action � a. Ni�e Lewis asked if a11 entranee�s and exits couldre't ba off �reenburg Ftoado rather than off Shady Lanee Mr. 7,'hom�aon said he f�1t the atafi� would probrnbly nat a�low thiso b. Y�Ir. Nicoli said he wauld like ta investigate this kind of operation before voting, c. Mr. Phillipa said he felt residential develop�nent was mot su�.table, but that perhaps industrial was more suitable. d. :[t was moved (Phillipa), eeeonded (Sevexaon) and px�aeed by unan3mous vote of the C°ommission preasnt, that the co,7]s�.nation zone �ha,nge and conditional use be denied. D.` Zona Change and Condi�innal Use COMMOL�WEALTfi PROPERTIES, INCo, applicant A requeat for� a zone change from Washington County SeR. to City of Tiqard R-7 and a conditional use for a pla�ned residerttial developnent in the R�7 �one on a 108 acre parcel of land located on 3cholls Ferxy Road between 122nd Ave�nue and Fanno Creek (Map #�131 34A, part of Tax Yaota 100, 200, 300, 600 snd 603p Map #1S1 34B, Taac ieo� 500 and part of 600) 1. Staff recommendation for approval with conditione� 2. Public Hearing a. Mrs. Evaneon, 10570 3.We North Dakota 8treat, asked what ( ef�ect the iske propoeed by Robert t�Seyera would haNe on the Oommomvealtts plan. b. Mr. E$w3Y$ L�11Ye c7ommornvealth Development, Znc„ pre- sented their propogal and introduced Eldon Edwarde and John Lane, their consulting engineere paqe 3 P.&Z. Minutee 5/20/69 � t c, Mre I�ws,s a�k�d �f t,he strEet plan had been apgroved by the ��a�fo Mr, Tho�pson �aid it had except for the we�t���� c�L d� sac �n b��ck 4 whsch shou�d be ar�qned wzth �h� �mad at the �auth e�d af bloek 3, and the dou��� c���� aYigrnm��� o� the road between lots 2 a�d 4 as a� ��t�r� F��thib�� ��,vd,g which ��hould be straaghtm ened o�•�., mro �a�� �a�d tha� the c�� de sac could b� a��grn�d, H� �a�d the s�ree� couYd be �t.raightenedo but t he pr�f��r�d c�r���o and th�t they might gose a 3ot if �hey d.�d ��, d. M�so �va��m� a�k�d ��w a�nexatio� �f th�s larnd would af�ec� ��� p�mp�,rty w�ich she did �at wan� to annex, Me°, �at����� �xglaiaa�d t.hat �� wou�d hav� n� effee�o ttaa� �h� �r�u.Il.d rn�t Js� forc�.d ta anneac, E'. �. ���: 4�ub�V.n.� HC�a��n�g wa� ��.c�aed 3. Commi�sia�n d�.�cn���s.cam aznd ac�aon a. �� was an�sv��Y (�vx�.�), �e�oraded (PhilZ3.p�) and passed by �n��a�n,3nco�.� ��ro�� m�' �,�ae Gommi�ss.on pr��ent t,hat th� zone charac3� a�ad ��a�da�t�.�a�a3. use �� app�ov�d with the fol� 3��r�.rag c�an�c�s.ts,c,ra�s (b) �a�t �.h� '°P.9.as�re�d ResidentiaY'° is appr�ved �.n conm cegrt �r��.y a� t.li�.� t�.mea fina�. site deve�.opment pPans f�x tFx� m�t9.tafamiY.y amd tawnhou�e areas to be ap� p��v�d kyy� the P�,arnning and Zaning Ccemmission prio� tm th� a��+uaan�� c�f bu3.lcla.ng p�ranits f�r these areass (�) That t'�e d�ra�s.ty �,f the townhouse deve�.opmer�t be 7l..�nnst�c� t� 8 � 9 urait� p�r acrea the densgty of the m��,�,�faan�.�.y desre;g.�pmeznt �0 15 unita per ac:�e, and the c��n��.�y mi: th� BPcack 1 cYu�ter deveYopm�nt to 4 m 5 iAl'G.'�1.�5 ge�r acr�g (3�) T'hat aV.�. uta]Li�ses be u�nd�rgrouradg (4} �hat t�,.l�e �ter��t rigksts=�fvtaay b� amproved as fnlYowsm ao ��mths,�3,a B]Lvd,s 6�° riqht�ofmwayo 36° curb�-to� curb p�vinga 5° sidewaYk next to the praperty l�.aue,a 5°° curb� arnd a 6�° parking strip f�or utilim ts.ea arad �tre�t t�e� Yocation�o Yr, 9.B.5th Aae, amd �.19�.h Aveo e 50° rfght-of�nray, 34° cur7smto�cuz°b pavingo 4° aidewalk next to the groperty �,in�o 6°° enrb, and a 3�' �$�kiny a�rip far utilitres and �t�re�t tree Tocationa. co A�.Y �th_er streetso 50° �ight=otmway� 32° curb� tomcurl� pavbngro 6'° curbo 4° sidewalk ne�st to the " property �.�n�, and a 4.5° parking etrip for util- , itie� and street tree locatione. (5) That tY�� szdewa�.k be catnp3.eted on each lot before nc�upancy of the houseo I (6) 7'Y,at a�S. stre�t trees be plant�d in the parking sfripo a mbnimqun of two trees per lo�.o l�t" caliper, specie� to be approved by the City ataff. Street �ree� �haA�. be planted within 6 months of completion of dw�]Llingo (7) �hat agl 3.ot and block numbers sl±mwn on the "Pre� � 3a�,ans,nas°y Flat°° be rep3aced by a cnnsecutive seriss ; of nuanb�rs frmm °°�10 through the total number of loke8 (9) R°ha� a��. undevelaped lots be kept free of trash and "� th� overg�owth of weeds and grasss ; (9) That the s�reet aight�ng be 7�00 bumen lampa on 16 ft, a3um.ir�um pol�s, 150° spacing �aju$tea to the neareat groperty l�nes •� (10) �.'hat written agprova�. be abtained from the Tigard �v�ngeZical �hurch for encroachment of 119th Avenue .. on� �their pr�pe�tya and the agxeement for the imm gacovmm�n� of th�.s rfght�oE�way be guarantoed priar �o �h� approvab of the £3n�aY platg I (11) 7.°hat a p�,an �lieswr�tng the �tages mf dpvelopment be aub- m�.t�.ed at the time of approval mf the final pgato page 4 P,&Z, Minutea ! � 5/20/69 ! � 3 � � . . . . . . . :a� ... . . . � � . Ee ��n� Ch��qry � CaMMt�NWE�LmE3 F�AC�ER.TdE� :Ft�C".e, a�.�.�.cant A reqta��t. E�Y a 4�r�ri rhangw fr�om Vrachs.ng�ton S�R t� �ity ea£ R'�.qa�d C.�4 r�r: a � acs.°� pa.�°�e�:F. oE' fl.and Y.racated at �.0�30 SoWo �ch��;1,1.� I'�s��y� ?na�T (Map #;LS:C. 34A� �Sart �f �ax �,pt� 200 a�id 3d0) ( ;�., �ta.#f r.�cc�nr�er�data�:r� i�r ap�pz�av�a:6. �a �`a�L.�r� H�ar�.nc� a� i:x�o Fater:�crn, a�ked s,�' th�.s larad v�u�.d b� �snd�r water ;if ti-h� bi�y��r� Z�ake k���ame a rea3.ity, Mz�o T��.1Y� said that � �rn�:•:?WF,r� �nf' it w�ruld b�, '�o Mr, T,�v���a� said he wras cc�ncern�d that the tax-payers s�iqh�. �a�e t� pay an irafT.ated price f�ar th�.s ]land when Yak� a.r�ea wra� k�ear�� �cq�ir�db zf the zone were chang�d .^.rb�vo Mro 1,gY.Ay saia tha�. thay co��.d wait six months if i t�� G°r:;;mra�;����,�n. ���f'�rx��c�m bu•t t�a� t,hi� h�s a�.ways 2a�en a �.ar. �:s che�r p�a�x in t'his 1�ca�ion even befor� th� I Meya�r� T�ak� �nra� a�ra�,�r��redo � co iFxe c�:�:t�'��i� H�arac.g wa� c�.os�d � 3, C�:orn�n:.��;f.�tlrN ct�.�:cax��a.�ra as�d ar.;��i�ra � ao �.:�, ;_,�v�r�.s ��*v�� �:hat �tz� z�sn� change be appro�r�do that � ��>, �:a� �"a��th that r���nvmw�a�.th wouPd nat jar.k up the � n*�:c^,�, � ��, '?"rr� ^n�:s.i��n, vra� w�r.�rac3�d (SE���sesr�l arnd pase�cY }yy rzn�ara�.m I ����•ww �c�•J':z ��r t.i3E C'��mma.s�3.dr� isre�er►t, Fa ���3.n�y :^r��:n�r�c,� A,^�etvd�m�n� ; Arn a�°d.znar^.c� a�^��xkdW^��c� amc� �r��gy.�m�n�arag Lrd.�nara�� #6°�m2;� 90City 3 oi� 7��.ga�r� ���r-ar�y 4�°��.�a,ar.{ce, cy� �.96�'°0 as h��°�t���ar� ame�.2i�d, for j f.h� p°x�a:�:.,a �:.z ��se�r�s,r�g �� tlx� C�ty C^c�ur�c��. f�.na� app�o�a�. ar i d.a�a�apres°;a;: �_f �.:4.L C�wi^�aA��.c�.�a�. U�� ap�V.a.cata.c��a� aa�d. a�ag�aYs fr:,an �'h� ae�c i:r':�n� ��f ±he C'.�.t�r ��.aa�r��.ng Ccamm�.ssiono gr��crsb�rag �v�•mc.�:d:ti:�e.y, an� a�c��ara�ug ara e�n��g�raclr, � to :�.at� L�,�:��ssryt.a�,:iosm amd z��r.:am���dats.�n fsa�° a�S�a�c�vaY. ' 2 0 �vx'�:Z:�: H�ax•i r.�p � ao Nr, c:��� war� g�re��ni te� cr��mm�rct � �o �^,�.y� �;;��ic fi�a��n�g was c�.ez�ed � 3a C��n�s-��r.; d°��ca��r��n¢a and act�e�r� ao M..o i�ar_�r�rrxs sa�d h� £ett it �houS.H be approvec? s.f the ; G�,arc.: r ?:a�; t.he tx_n� �,� harudl�� a1�. of th� r�quests, � :�o NL:o i:��w�� sa:�ri h� te:Yt th� ��ar�ras,ng Caminassion shrau�.ct r�a���e .f'.3�:a�.� say ari Car�di�ia�na�. Use� as the�.� re�poresi� � �,:::?!.y; th�t i.t .i� fre� of' th� p�e�sure o� th� wot�r�, co l�i.•o �:::�..'; '.:p>� �a:d h� t..'hought. 3.t uro+uld k�P1p the �ommasm s t,;r.. �.?�a:. t.t:ey .^.,n�a�d c�r�rv�mtrate mn p�.anning ths.s v�aye �o :': u,°aa ;�cr�� ��h:,�:il:g�s)o �ec�nd�d (Sev��r�ora) and pa�s�d t,4r N.ra:.:l:mcus vRka a� #.h� C�mim�..�sion pr�sent �at the ���dir:ance amerctm�m3: l�� recoanmend�d to the C'�unciY� for a��,��-�::a� G. Su�div�°:.�.::�., (�r:3::.ar;ce Axn�:adTMnerrt. Ara c�r�i::r�a�r,;� �,•m�r,:ci:r.� S�r.ts.wns ��3o V���B a�d X of O�cdanarac� N�so &8=98 "C;_^;• .f T.:garo �?.kad��y�.s:on O�ds.nanc� o� �.9680°o cli��c�txng t:1�� fa."J.:^;x :t ,;w.c'h amer��ms�a��ks ur.ath the reco�d�.ng s�t'fic�r �sf GvTash::.a;agg:-r. C'r:�..*:"_.v,; a:?.�3 �:•re��e�k.bir�g effeetiv� dat�o - �., �taf'f' ps�e�,�e�.�;ta�ion a:�:d rec��mm�ndatie�n fo� approval ' �o �tn'h T;,r fi�ax:,� ( ao ?%� nne� �ra� pY���en�: tea �Qmm�rat. � k�o 7'Fa� k����:��c: Ei�a�i�g c�a� �]La�ed �: �, Camsn::±si.<�n c�i.rc.x��sicsr� and arti.an � �o M�e if,�:kv:w�z rn���t.ed t:w�� car�e�ct�.ort.� �1�.ack� he €�1.� �Ft�u�.d be � :maue- ; (:..Y r�c�r.���c�n �„ 71��-n:� �� th� wo�rd '°dernitec�°° �hau7Lcl be � ; i page 5 F�&�, Mir...��s 5/�0/b9 � C�Y'r'G�t:ECi �'.O '0d2T&CS�Gdoa (2) ����n.¢�n 40 9.ax�� �.a the urrard 1°�}lA°° �h«�uald be deAeted b, �t wa� an��ed (Seversa��.)o sec�nded (L�wis) and pas��d by una�s.;mo�n� vote s�� the Ccsmm����.ora pre�erat tlhat the amend� m�a�+� «�x�d�.r��.r�r.e b�� r�co�run�s�ded t6 the C�azrnci]l fs�r approva�. a� c�r�����do IVo OTHER MAT'P�R� ` Ae I�re�.u�ns.na�y �caksda���.��,.c�a� E�7Lato°°�oesth�.9.]L�00 = Cmerumanwea�.th I�rop�rtiesa g�a�o le Mr�o Ws�d �e:c�mm�sn�.ed tha�t ap��o�ra�. �f thi�� be tabS.ed u�nts.7. the n��t me��ing oan �'r�s�e 3.7 in order �hat �:he changes pre= viou�7Ly c1�,��+uss�d i.n �he zcar�e change heariaxg may be madeo 2, Actaorn ,,�as fi:akrL�d by unanYmaus vmt� ot the Cotnmsssion pre�ento B. Correcti,�r� I3e�c� .at L�edscataon � Annand property ort Canterbury Lane ].. A motit�n �o rat�.fy this corr�ction deed was pa�ssed by unan�m mous v�+te of the C�anmi�sion preserato C. Progre�� R��Sr��t �ra Cramprehesx�ive Flan A. Mrs, W�.ed �x�lain�d �hat Carnella Howiando Hayes and Merry- �3�Yd had been s�9.e�t,ed to da csur consulti�g wor]s for the campr9h�n�3.vc� p�ara development and that work has begun on an outfl,3ne oP wrark t�a be accomgIl.i�hed. ' D. Other la Mro Cozarad And�rsmno applicant in 3tem F on this agendao asked for a c�.arafs.cat�.ax� of the vote taken on hfs proposal. �°he mat.s.on denied kras a cr�an}agnation �ne includs.ng both the zorie ch.ang� arsd the C'onditiomal U�eo Mr> Araderaon aeked the Commi�s�on°� fee3,ings �n a zone change to C=3 on�.yo whaah wou�:d alIl.�sw for a z�e�tararan�. a�.�raeo The c:ommi�ss.on voiced un�nim�us appre�vaY o£ this idea and asked tha� tYa3a be trarasanitt�d to the �ouncaIl. if Mro Anderson wants to appeal the mz���ro Mro Andersor� �a,�.d he did wi�h to appeaIl.. V. ADJOURNMENTa �.Os30 1�,Mo I �. page 6 Pe&2, Minutee 5/20/69 . i , l ,a ��� � � � � � �1i _