Planning Commission Packet - 02/18/1969 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ,, , �11N U�t �c:C.. AGENDA Tigard Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting - February 18, 1969 Member Section - 7:00 P.M. Public Hearings - 8:00 P.M. ( 1. ROLL CAL'L 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting January 21, 1969 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Zone Change and Conditional Use (continued hearing) LYLE GOODELL, applicant A request or a zone c ange from Washington County S-R (Suburban Residential} to R-7 (Single family residential) on 22,58 acres of land located at 12355 SW Walnut (Map #2S1 3II Tax Lots 200 and 202) 1. Staff recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission discussion and action F�. Zoning Ordinance Amendment REVISTON OF THE C-4 (Nei hborhood Commercial) ZONE Sta recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission discussion and action C. Zone Change HENRY POTTER, a licant A request or a zone c ange from R-7 (single family residential) to the new C-.4 (Neighborhood Commer.cial) on 1.35 acres of land located south of Summercrest Drive on the west side of 121st Avenue. (Map #1S1 34C a part of tax lot 1.100) . 1. Staff recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission discussion and aotion D. Zone Change and Conditional Use , H�NRY POTTER, a�plicant A request or a zone c ange from Washington County SR (Suburban Residential) to R-7 (Single family residential) on approximately 5 acres of land (Map #1S1 3AC tax lots 900, 1000) and a conditional use for planned residential in the R-7 zone on 8.5 acres of land (Map #1S1 34C tax lots 900, 1000 and a part of 1100) located west of 121st Avenue, south of Sw-nmercrest Drive. 1. Staff recommendation 2. Public Hearing 3. Commission discussion and action E. Zone Change ARTHUR VERAAREN, a licant A request or a zone c ange from R-7 (single family residential) to A-2 (multi-family residential) on 2.55 acres of land located � at 8320 SW Pfaffle Road (Map #1S1 36CC tax lot 200) . 1. Staff recommendation 2. Public Hearing t 3. Commission discussion and action F. Canditional Use C�2A�PER PROPERTI�S, a�pplicant A request for a conditfonal use for multi-family dwellzngs a.n �� a C-3 (General Commercial) zone on 1.fi4 acres o£ property located � at 9960 SW Walnut Street (Map #2S1 2IID, a part of tax lot 2200) . ! 1. Staff recommendation 2. Public Hearing ' 3. Commission discussion and action ��g� 1 , i !�+ ' � � G. Zone Chanqe CSRCLE A-W BRODUCTS, applacan� A zequest�or a zone---c�nge from R-7 (single family residential) to' M-3 (light industrial) on ,61 acre of land located at 13905 SW 72nd Avenue (Map #2S1 ],DC tax lot 1000) . 1. Staff recommendation 2. Publi.c Hearing 3. Commission discussion and action �•�� H. Zone Change and Conditional Use ROBERT G. ROGERS, a licant A request or a zone c ange from M-3 (light indu�trial) to C-3 (General Commercial) and a cond3.tional use for �ssed car sales in a C-3 zone on approximately three acres of J.and located at the SE corner of 72nd Avenue and Bonita Ro�d (Map #2S1 12A a part of Tax Lot 28-00) . 1. Stxff recommenaatinn 2. Pwblic Hearinq 3. Commission da�cussion and action 4. OTTiER MATTERS 5. ADJOURNMENT +n a ��� page 2 P&Z Agenda 2-18-69 � � _ ' f �M � , PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 18, 1969 ' • Item 3-A Staff Report Y� (CONTTNUPD HEARING) ZONE CHANG� AND CONDITIONAL USE 11PPLTCATION: Washington County SR to R-7 and Planned . �� Residential Use in the R-7 zone ;� i APPLICANT: Lyle Goodell �� 12355 SW �r7alnut Street ;� PROPERTY INVOLVED: 12355 SW Walnut (Map #2S1 3II tax lots 200 and 202) � STZE OF PROPERTY: 22.58 acres � STAFF RPCOMMENDATION: � The staff reconunends approval of this combination application with the following conditions: � � � �i ' 1. that tt�e g'ark area shown on the preliminary plat be dedicated to the City and a $1200 fund be put r� in trust for future development o£ the park f� 2. that the entrance to the park be paved and landscaped C'I and oriented to pedestrian traffic, although controlled X"', vehicular access should be provided for maintenance �I 3. that all utilitzes be underground j;. 4. that the total number of apartment units be limited �;I to 26: 10 units on lot 33 and 16 units on lot 63 �= ,, 5, that the apartment lots be labeled as townhouse units r" 6. that the h�iqht of the townhouse units not exceed 30' �. 7. that a site development plan for the townhouse areas ;i be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission prior ;i�,, to issuance of the building permit �:' . 8. that the major arterials i.n the development (124th, �,,� 125kh, and Katherine Street) be planted with trees: ;,' at leasb one tree per lot, 1�" caliper, along the entire length within the development � 9. that due to the topoqraphy and required building setbacks, lots 1-7 be increased to 85 feet minimum width 10. that lots 55 through 62 (excluding lot 61) be a minimum width of 90' 11. that a portion of lot 1 facing on Walnut 5treet and `,, 125th be landscaged heavily; such landscaping to be ;� maintained with that of the townhouse �'evelopments 12. that written confirmatior� be obtained from the adjoining � � property owner approving o£ the encroachment oE the road � on his property. , '�� , � ' .�. -� , , �: �, , �; . �.. s ?�.�' r�I r�:ro- �: , � ,. ., .:. ., .� .. , _, _ _ ,�, w i rrGA�?' q SF� ��� � I SR r' � � LYN rT , �`�� � ; R � � .. I 1 SR ��� � I I � � qNnt � Sa I sR � _ 2 I I . j S R �� r � � 'i' �� i � �`' �,, i � SR R-7 � �- .�1 � _,..� � �p-T N . i i . _ � � � '�`� � � . I Rf7 I � i „ . ! a R'7 � I � � +"� 1 � � .I ' T?` , �/ �; � R-7' i ,�R�G�' ��.._..� - i '� R.� _�1 �� � ► ,�, /- _ - i �'' i R-7 . �, + , � � I • i �: �� . �� i � R-T . � . 1 /�� I . � ' • j . . g . . .. ', f � , ; � 'CII7IVTP�I2 150 - NL:IG[II301�NOUll CONLKLRCIAL C-4 * aP'.CTIOt�t 150-1 - UuFS P?�RMTTTED OUTRIGHT �]o hui.lcaing strueture� or lancl shall L7e used and r�o !�uilctinc7 or strueture sha11 be hereafter erected, enlarcJed or altered in tj�is zone exc�pt for tl�e £ol'lowing uses rznd nrovicecl tliat an one cic ��.lo��ment in any on� area not �xceec. 2 ac.r`:� in sizc: un ess spcci. ica �y a���prove�d ������t�__�e��P�l�3nnin� an� 7oning Commissioii ,y�that tlzc nuc eus o sucti a r«i or i�c� evcT—elop- ment contain a minlinum of. four of the ollowin separaL•e uses; �� a. �3akery, provic:eQ any manufacture oF goods is lirlit•ed to goods retailec: on the �r�niisas only. b. 3arber sltop. c, tieauty parlor. d. Collection station for dry cleaning or laundry. e. Delicatessen stor�. f. Doetor,a� C�Ll1t.15t� �awi�er�in5uranae� Or ,1rC,•�!crl QFf�r.C. . g. urug stor� or plzarmacy incluAirig i.ncidental £ountain service but not including any other us� unless specifically permitted under this sect•ion. ' lZ. Plorist or flow�r shop. i. Gift shop. j. Grocery store. � ' k. Launciromat. 1. D4eat market. m. 5hoe repair. n. Stationery and boo}: storc. o. Tailor stiop, dr�ss shop, clot}iing store. Other similar service er retail use, if approveci by the Planning Commiss��n and suk�ject to the same conditions. SECTION 150-2 - CONllITIONAL USE;S PER�92TT�D !] {I In this zone the following uses and tneir accessory uses are nermitted as �� conditional uses when in aacordance with Chapter 250. a: v a. Conditional use as permitteci in an A-2 zone. j�, L. Garaen supPly store. P c. liome occupations. ;. d. Multi-family dwelling subject to the regulations of an A-2 zone. ( e. Public Utility. �,� f. Restaurants. g. Servic� Stations. (Incidental repairs only) . ;n� li. Any business, service, processing, sto.rage or display essential or incidental to any pc:rmitted use in this zone anci not conducted entirsly Ei .within an enclosed building. �; i. Governm�ntal structures or land uses, not including schoals. '' j. Other uses as approv�d by the Planninq and Zoning Commis is on. �, S�CTION 150-3 - LOT SI'LE �' In this zone the 1ot size shall be as f�llows: a. The minicnum lot area shall Le 20,000 square feet. , b. Thc. minirnum 1ot width shall be 100�eet. c. Ttie maximum lot coverage sliall be �5�. ' *Untlerlining indicates changes from the e:cisting C-9 zone. �' � �� � � � ' � � t, �''`�Pt�? : � , � C-� (P9. 11) SECTION 150-4 - S�TF313CK REQUIRLM�t7TS t Ex�e�t .as may ue otherwise provided in Section 210-8, the setbacks_for '� azon-residential uses in this zone sha11 be as f�llows: A. PRONT YARD se:tP�ack (nreasured from ttre property line at the rec3uired street right-of--way line) shall be 30' . The setback ma be less than �provicled thatit'is not less 'than 0 , and that an area equa to �lie area of encroachment be adciecl to the 20$ minimum landseaping recxuirement. �. B. SIDE AND R�AR YARI) setbacks shail be 20' . The setback may k�e less ttian � 20' provide� that it is not less than lA , that an area equa h.o the area of encr�achment be added i;o the 20� minimum landsca rn re uirement, ,' an t at the si e or rear yar is not a utting a resi entia. zone sing e � �amily or n.iulti- amily) . y SP�CTIOIV 150-5 I-IEIGI{T OF 13UILDINGS �xce�t as otherwise providecl in Seciion 21Q-9, no Y�uilding in tl�is zone ' sh�sll exceed a Yieight of one story with a mezzanine, but not more than 20' �j, SECTION 150-6 ADUTTIONAL P.�QUSR�'�IE[QTS k,' �1 Additional requirements applicaule to tttis zone include, Y�ut s11a11 not �e limited to, tht `following: �; a. The minitnum four uses re uired for t}ie initial develo ment a.n this zone s a e s��arati.e y so i wa ls, an s a naw� in v ua en ranoe�. �: b. Off�street parlcing and loadin�3 --<>�e i:li��t�r 19J {: c. Parkin sha11 be allot�eei in t11e setl�ack ar�as, but no clos�r than 6' to t e ro ert ine on �n si e. On a corner, no ar in s a be �; a owe in t e•trian e orme � t e corner and a o nt: measure ' �-: rom tk�e corner along eac street. ,,' d. Access ancl egress required --- see Chapter 200 �� e. Landsc_api.ng required__--- 20� o£ the total area shall be landscaped and � a portion of this shall be' along the perimr.ter of the property._ A � siqht-obscuring sereen of e.vergreen shrubs_sna11 be planted along a�' �;. side abuttinq a resi�ential zone. 2` I,andsc;�pinq shall be maintained�the �roperty owner in a neat_and, f"':I healthy condition. In the event that sucYi landscaping is not maintained, , .._T___,.._.^...__�.--- tFe Cxtv ma aause sucFi�maintenance to be done and assess the ro ert �° � tlWriOZ'��� S dCCOT 121�� 1��, . . . . � propw�l�v ��deo�iEicn+ion ' f.. ai n:; ermitte --- One free-stan.dinqlground sign shall be permitted ��' � or t e evelo ment on each side abut£ing a street. On a corner, a �`! roun si n ma not rotrude into the trian le�ormed b the corner an a oint measure xom t e corner a onc� eac i street; t ie maximum #;I eiq t o tiiis siqn s ial e , �n it shall not excee��i6 sq. t. in �;� dT�a. lhis si 'n sh�ll notba initry,rA! II1Vtrlh4EC0�61�t� IIVUTivia��en stia\1 be of law ink.ens;} . i'`a ne wa si n s a e ermi e or eac se ara e use, e area of g� w ic s a not excee s . t. in area. � No movin or �.ntermittentl� lashin si ns sliall ue ermittecl. �{ g. Fire zon�s --- see Section 210-10 �� ,;j h. Nuisances prohihitacl --- see Scetion 210-5 ; i. �ir Canciitioning units, exhausk fans, com ressors or <�n other noi - �; . �,�• ' , ice entrances, loadin oz unloadin doo s, �; ge cans or con siners, s a e so enc osed and haff7ad th�t no r� rs ur sng soun or vi ration� i�aterially affect adjacent residerr ial �, prop�rties. �:,? �_ � 4;. .. . . . t�'�'.. �''. j�µ'•�; 3" . � M5) 7. � . � � .. ��„aY �4, � � � }r�"i�� Zt Y ' .. '➢,� . . . . PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 18, 1969 . . Iiem 3-C Staff Report � ZON� CHAIdGL•' APPLICATION: R-7 to C-4 APPLICANT: flenry R. Potter . 7900 5[4 l�rentwoocl, Port.land . PROPE1tTY INVOLV�D: West side of 121st, south of Summercrest Drive (P4ap �{151 34C part of tax lot 1100) SIZL OF PROPER2'�: 1.3 ac�es � • ! i STAFF 12ECONINIENDATION: I The sta£f recommends approval of this application providing that � i the zoning is the revised C-4 and not the existing C-4. Under the new zoning, the size of the development would be limited, and i a great 3mount of lanascaping and sign control would be required, { which would provide convenient shopping without great neighborhood , ' disruption. ; I i � ( i f , , 4 � , � r � � � � '� '� � � �., �, , � �. ,., i . .. . � . , . Y .�. . . . . i' "... � . . . . � . .. ' � � .. � . . � . . . , . , . � � • . �. Pr�nzar;zv� A*�D zo:JING coru�tzsszorr �` t'�Uruary 18, 1969 � . Item 3-D Sta£f Report � k �.- � ZONE CHAIQGF. nPPliIC�1TIORd: SR (Washington County Suburban Residential) �� to R-7 , CQNI�ITIOUAL US� APPLICATIO[d: Plann�d Resiclential in tlie R-7 zone , �, � APPLICAP]T: Henry P.. Potter � 7900 SF7 I3rent���ood, Portland E: PROP�RTY II4VOL'V�D: tVest of. 121st, �outli of Sumr.lercrest �rive (zone change: Map 1�151 34C tax lots 900, 1000) �; (conditional use: Map ;�1S1 34C tax lots 900, R • 1000 and a part of 1100) • �' i` SI2E OF PROPERTY: £i.5 acres � STAFF R�CONIh1LNDAT20A1: �I �:�I ' �I (�✓�a{ h�a.;.�� .�.c,i m,:�.�1,, n� �, „ v J k , i; �� � , . ,, j' F t t k • i. �� � �, ,'�'", :�` �.�'. , �. � -� _ , ;. � i � i � . � \ � . . .r+� \ , I 1� � . . �� . ' . h .. r � ` � .I ` � ... . . . � �. ' � . .•..� .. . . " \ . s�l: sUMAiER ST. - z �R. y � . c _-�- �� � 3 �, ,�• . � � � t � � � � ' � . - _�-.-�- ; - - � _ , � -�- , _ _ � . , � �-'� , , , � , s . � - f - �'h! J'UMMERCRES� � ��• , � � ,�� . � � -� � � , � � `� , ' / A 1 M _ _�- '. � L . . . � NU_l � Co.� � �� ' 1 i � _� 9� 1100 \ ` s 'Ce f#-'7 - � � /�i;d f ' - --' � . . �R�coNQ.us R-"� � ,� _ _ _ � - o - i � � � � �ao �7��}� � Q� o�. � c-�+ � _ � �' � Q$/�LR/ / /7 UsE . �\ � /� � hd P CpN � _ t _ .' �_�- � �1 /----�-- _«L/ - � � . , N ; � _ _ _ � - T T � � o ,�, . �� - , � � � : . ��'R � � . . . ,fw KATHER/NE J°T. . L��ENa� � . . . . 1 . ' POTTER. . � _ - - � . ---�' _ � PROPERTY . _ , - . . _ � — -� . � _ , _ . _ _ _ - _ - - . - _ --' . - - �-l-�- - � ,.,M.. - - - �'�-:-�:-:����.�y.�-.X ._;-��,,._ ,;,.m � :-�--�------b:-}-..:. rK�:'-�. - - - ..-a.., r..,_w- __._,.� �_„w ._.-.�.�� ._., ,,--,...,. ,�-,-.,,-.. .-.- � ..�.,�-.--,c• .�_ �.-T- . w..-�--�----:-�-�. 1 � fl PLAIQNING AND 70NID1G COMMISSION February 18, 19G9 � �� Item 3-r; � _ Sta£f Report , �. , ZON� CI3AtJGL' APPLICAT20�: R-7 to A-2 , , APPLICANT: Arthur VerlXaren ' � PROPLRTY It7VOLV�D: 8320 SW Pfaffle Road (P9ap #1S1 36CC tax lot 200) ST'LL OF PROPERTY: 2.55 acres • , STAFF RECO�lI�1�1�DATION: The staff recommends approval of this application. 'Phe access • is good to this property and the staff feels �his use is comPatiUle with future planning. A-2 zoning would permit a maximum of GO units on the property. ; � � ' , � �, . . �. �". :'p�°�'S � �.w : � �': _ f--' - R-7 Ft-� i � R-'1 _ � � i R7 - - - ' �R-7 R, I R.7 R_� R-7 R-'1 �_ i �:.. - - � �t_� R-7 � R-� ;��'9G� Rr� � R'7 R-7 ' ��oZ SN/. PFAFFLE -- . R-7 � A-2 R-'1 , ' R-7 V�RHAREN _------._r _ v _�, PRoPFRry � i PROPO5E0 e-3 R�m Az ' - �-- _ � e-3 �y C-3 �q` - - c-a �_3 , , , � c-a , �'�j, , C-3 �-9. a-a � w �\ � . C^3/\/Q�� � . � e'� � � i .. �.3 e-s . �'c�3 � e-s ' ;�-3 , , �•3 ,� �c'� '��c-a C°3 � i • `�.3 � �"�, C�3 � �.� �• �, ' C''� , C-3 � C-� � • � C'3 •�� • C'3, c•3 , '�'1c �`� m �-3 , �"3 �'3,� `�C�3 ' � . �-3 , �'"3� \ �'3 �-3 'e��, ,`�a� ` � W �„ �-3���.� �'3 N��� � � �,a.3 �� v N . ,�,3 A�,I� � e_� e•s p o i,o� ,.3C SV�� � c-� � � C-3 � � c.3 � e-3 � � �� , _—_..----"" \ � . � � � t � _... . . . ..... :... . .. .: . .. . . ... .. ._...,� ' � � . ' 3 . ' �� PLANNING AND ZOIQIIJG COPMIISSION i February 18, 1969 ' � • Ti:em 3-F !� Sraff Report t' � �. � j , , CONDITIONAL US� APPLICATION: .�lulti-family use in the C-3 zone i APPLICANT: Graeper Properties 2041 SW 58th Avenue, Portland • .� a PROPERTY INVOLVED: 9960 SW Walnut (i4ap #2S1 2DB tax lot 100) i� SIZE OF PROP�RTY: 1.68 acres �� STAFF RECOMM�NDATIONp � .� The sta£f recommends approval of this application witlY cond'itions. , We feel the commercial zoning along 99W from `�Ialnut Street aouth • is now undercieveloped and should be re-evaluated in t'he Comprehensive i� Plan study. ; , The condikions the staff would impose are the following: .� `� � 1. that all utilities be underground -1 2. that landscaped fencing be installed at least along i; the rear of the property, along th� north side extending '� ' from the rear line to the rear property line of the j adjoining "Willovrs" a:partments, and along, those sides � adjoining the sinyle family home at 9960 SW Walnut. 3. tkiat der.ozative lighting be installed in the parking � areas --- plans to be approved by the city staff . � . 4, that a landscaping plan be submitted for staff �pproval prior to issuance of the building permit � 5. that catcti basins, roof leaders,and such�be connected � to the new storm drainage projeat on Walnut Street , 6. it is also suggested that the pool area be fenced with a glass sareen or sornething similar for reasons of • safety az�d lower maintenance � <I � . ; � � � t ; � ; �z ,,�`� ��' r�R A#. � � . .. . . . . � �.� �.: . ,-. .� . ' � . . . . . � e , _ � I e-a I ' - � � �r3 e-s� ��� C_3 I � � - p-2 � e-3. sr � : N1c K��yzl� s� , � �_3 e- � � ' A„2 ��3 � -'^��- � _ i ' s �-2 . , �'� � � y ' e-3 C- � � , `� c-� R-z A 2 I �/3 , I� � i' ' ' C-3 k 1 1 IC.3 I , c3�' � � C,g +� � c,3 , , --�.� Z � A 2 ,�y, e-3�� � A�Z ' CA `;; r' . ALNV� S'T ° � �e-s � }�:I � e-3 � ,;' f� , �.3 � � � f^i ' _ _ j �=`� � (,. p_� 1 � t � � _----- 3 � �. ���,� �'' e G r 'y A��__ G'RAEPER � � P�S'OPERTY �;; . � A-2 � , - � �:i 5 ;:d� �.� ...._---- e�-3 s� ��- � - - �'1 �;, � A�2 , � �,3 �.� . A�2 -� - - - y� . _� � � �_3 0 Ioo' `r'' ' � � v q-2 ,t - - :� '` ' �� �.: � � : I _ . . � _ �.. � February 7, 1969 I � 1 , NOTICE OF PUIILIC HEARING � . �. � � Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission af the City of Tigaxd at City Hall, 12420 S.W. Main Stre�t, Tigard, Oregon on February 18, 1969, at B:OD PaM. with respc:ct to the Following: An application by Graeper Pro��x.•�ies for a Conditional Use �or multi-Pamily dwellings in a C-3 zone (general commercial zone) on a�1.6 acre �arcel of land located at 99G0 S.W. Walnut Stxeet (Map #2S1 'li3D, part of Tax Lot 2200) , A11 in�erested p�rsons may a�rpear and be heard in �avor of or against said proposal. J. Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN � ' C � . . . � . .. . F � . . . .. .;; � ; PLl1NNIi�G ANI) ZO�II2JG COCZD�lISSION �t'�: February lII, 1469 � � It�m 3-G Staff Report ' �- �' �' �. • �f�1 ZONE CIiANGP:. APPLICATYOPd: R-7 to M-3 e; �1PPLICANT: Ci.rcle A;V Products PP.OP�RTY INVQL�ILD: 139'�5 STV 72.nc7 Avenu� (ila� #2S1 1DC tax lot 1000") �. SIZE OF PROPERTY: .61 acre � (o': STAFF RECOPSME;Ni)11TSON: � k' I ' The s'taff recommencis approval of this application 4�hzch wil•1 allow �'� for �lant warellouse expansion. • �!? }i �.'. c+; �;, ,; - . . �f..':: . 11 � � � ' � `..:'. � ��; � ��.^ r f". t'. � �. t:.�.��. }.? ': . � ''II R ''. � } 4 h�ii r � �.:� ii a ti � j ^ Y ; � �� . k°1 . f _'. � i.� �, r s i` �;;' � i �„ �.,;+ 4'� � � � ; ��.3 „�r��a ., k&�.yf xe�.+ � f� ( (. #f r A i— ,`t�� 1,- ; i �5 t . . � ,�;��. . : . � '..:�. ;.� ��,�:: 1 , ,Q`. _� i e. R'7 S _ R•7 � �p.� R-�' � '7 f - � R ry _ �l�— - ---s1 IC'.7 � R�7 � �;' _ �y - �! ; I R-� � /�,_7 R-7 R'7 � SW. CHFRRY sT �` i {?, R-7 S _ _ M_'1 �;, � � R-� R•� � R-� ' R-7 ' � — _ �,, �'i w.� ea. R-7 l;;: ;, r�y�,.eo s;'� i t,� i M-y� � R-7 ��li _ m !,' I y;I _� � R_ � M-2 �� M'`f ' � M.2 � ;;,� M-�� � �� _ -_°---�----- �� i I �',y + . '�� . � . ki; I — e ?'7d 1:- � k.; I M-s M-3 � M-2 �` I � m-z — o �; � R.7 � R-7 A`F ,_ t' IWAaN. ¢o. _,.._,!;`' _ - - ' '" 71sARp ':' �' ` � �. i`.: . M^2 �:' � M-.� �, �� N 4*" �.. � �,". , � i;;, o�, zoo {'. _ _ _ ('', � �`; I,;' LL_L_LLd C/RCLE A W PRDDli'CTS M-2 ;'-.. PROPERTy ;� PRorosEO R'! TO M'3 '' :r� F ,, �;. . . - . : .� .k. .. . .� . . . . . . . .. ..... ... . .. ,. . .. . .. . ����.. February 7, 1969 � II I � NoTiCE OF PUBLIC HEARINr, II� I I Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by #;he Planning and Zoning Commission oE the City of Tigard at City Ha�l, 12920 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, Oregon on February 18, 1969, at 8:00 P.M. with respect to the following: I An application by Circle A.W. Products Company, Inc. li, for a zone change from R--7 (single family residential zone) to M-3 (light industrial zone) on a .61 acre parcel of land �.ocated at 139D5 S.W. 72nd Avenue (Map #2S1 1DC, Tax Lot 1000) . A11 interested peraons may appear anci be heazd in favor of or ��� against said proposal. J. Al1an Paterson i C�IAIRMAN I • II I I I II i, j Ii II I , I . _. �: � � ,�; �b � � 4 PLA�INING AND ZONItJG COA'iMISSION �' � � � February 18, 1969 ��+ Item 3-II " s, � � ;i . . . . .e,... .... .. . �t�., � ��� ii LONE; CI•IAidGli APPLICATIOTI: M-3 to C-3 � f= CONDITIONAL US� APPLICATION: Used car sal�s in a C-3 zone ! � . . . . . . . . . . • �4 �11�PLTCANT: Rok�c:rt G. Rayers "� 1611 �JE Marine Drive, Portland � � E �; PROPERTY IT�VOLU�ll c SE corner o£ 72nd Flvenue arid IIonita Road (i�iap #�251 12A a part of tax lot 2800) ��, i:,�, �� SI7,E Oi' PROPLRTY: A�pror.imately 3 acr�s '(' f.�': STAL'F 12ECOiKhIPNDATTOtJ: The staff recommends denial of tliese F; ' applicationso Industrial land is limitecl �; in t}ie Tigard area, ana tiie proposed use � ` is not com�atil�le witli the surrounding �� l�.ylit industrial properL-ii:s. �� i�' !;+, . .. �. p'�.i, . i1 I.. � ����{. I. ' 1` F:: . t,�,.�'', Q;"ti . �:i ji�j 4,,:',. l.''-,: 1^�`�n kry ��� �:{� {g.:� t�," t� s,�:J i;z'¢i , r;i. . .�:E:ii�l �:`. ' `',�,i �� f;+;,� t�4 �it �:K. �. 1'. I Z`. k:�-a�: t k {.; �'. � ,v�;. a�'.,� •`'' ,�_'.' , � K � _ _ _ _ _ � 2 I � - - � _2 I m-2 M _ - ---� i �, M-2 __� T,�eou _ _ __ Q �-- ezb.co. ; � I I w �u M-2 � I � M-z � � ( �. � -'i , _ - - - - _ _ � ivt-z -_ I _ -J � � r�-�. , � - il I : �Vy _3 Z M-3 �= I � , M-3 > N33 � a � � -- - -- BONITA R�AD M-3 a � � M-3 � R06Ei?5 ��� i i � � a PRO��R'rY �� �� � I _ —J • q / ' �� � I � . ��3 i i 1 � - 1.�1 �"_ , _ � � _ _ _ E � M M M M-3 i1 4- `� � 4- I M 4 � - Z �M-3 I ( I � � Gl il I + J ♦� ~ � �' � � ! � a m � . �r�-3 T16A�2D 1 _ '_ T Wpiw. c0.� � -- ---�— '' - �-_�._ .. . / WASH. CO. ', TIGqRp . 1' �� � / � �r Z �I M-3 � : ' -- — — (I � -- — ---t� � �� ` - February 7, 1969 NOTICE OF PUBLIC IiEARING � Notice is hereby g�ven that a Public Hearing wi11 be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tigard at City Hall, 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tig�rd, Oregon on February 18, 1969, at 8:00 P.M. wi�h respect to the following: � An application by Robert G. Rogers for a zone change from M-3 (light industrial zone) to C-3 (general r,ommercial zone) and for a Conditional Use for used car sales in C�3 on a 3 acre parcel of land located at the southeast corner of intersection of S.W. ?2nd Avenue and Honita Road (Map #2S1 12A, part of Tax Lot 2800) . All interested persons may appear and be heard in favor of or against said proposal. J. Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN � �.. j ' I� _ i � � � �.w� � K M I N U T E S Tigard Planning & Zoning Commission Reqular Meeting - February 18, 1969 8:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers Tigard, Oreqon t 1. ROLL CALL j A. Preaent: Commissioners Aitken, Nicoli, Severrson and Woodard, and Chairman Patersan; Keith Thompson, Director of i Public Works; and F�nily Wied, Planner ; � B. Absent: Commissioners Lewis and Phillips � ; I 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES j A. The minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 21, 1969, were approved as written. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS � , (Due to the great crowd of people present, the order of the agenda � was revised) 1 A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment � REVISION OF THE C-4 (Neicrhborhood Commercial) ZONE t 1. Staff racommendation and explanation i a. Mrs. Wied read through the ordinance and made the ! recommendation that the proposal be a neMr zone labeled � C-5 rather than a revision of the existing C-4 zone, because there will probably be a need for another type of revised C-4 zone in the near future. y 2, Public Hearing a. Dar.r�ll Jones, 1219C1 S. W. Summer Street, �sked for an explanation of the existing C-4 zone. >; b. Gary Thomas, 11520 S. W. 121st Avenue, asked if this � type af development wauld hurt thp downtown businesses. E Mr. Woodard explained that adoption of this zone would � only provide � possibility of having such businesseso �; Mrs. Wied explained that the scale of C-5 developmeni: [ would �e small, and would not be considered as com- petition for downtown business. � �. Myron Robinson, 12045 S. W. 116th Avenue, said that most businessmen don't improve the commnunity, just get rich on it. �° d. The Public Hearing was closed � 3. Commission discusszon and action � a. It �as moved (Woodard), aeconded (Aitken) and passed 4 by unanimous vate of the Commission present that �he �1 proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinanae be enti- tled C-5 and be approved as written. g, HENRY POTTER, applicaat A request £or �. zone change from R-7 (sinqle family residential7 to the new C-4 ;Neiqhborhood Commercial) on 1.35 acres of land . located south of Summercrest Drive on the west side of 121at Avenue. (Map #1S,1 34C a part of tax lot 1100). k l. Staff recommendation for approval with the alteration of �I the application to be a request for the new C-5 zone, ;��, 2. Public Hearing '�' � a. George Penrose, representing the developer and oMty�r, F� explained the proposal and said it ahould be conaidered with the psopoaed P].anned Residential immediately west �' of thi,s parcel. ' b. Mr. Patexaon asked Nir. Penrose if the applicant would � still be interest�d in the C-5 if the other part of the application were to be denied. Nlr. Penrose answered � in th� affirmative. _ � page 1 � a I c. Darrell Jones, 12190 S. W. Summer Street, explained that there are now shopping areas within a mile and a half of this area, and that that wasn't very far to tzavel for the "lazy American in his big car.'° d. Susan Davis, I2150 S. W. Summ�rcrest, said that people moved out to this area to be in the countryo not near "conveniences." e. Mr. Paterson asked for a general concensus from the . � larqe group present - - the concansus was negatsve. f. Mr. Penrose said that, aside from this development, he had a personal deafre to see such a convenience center in his own neighborhood. g. Mr. Richard Nelsan, 11650 S, W. 121st Avenueo said he lives directly acrosa from this property, and he wouldn't like l��okinq at it. h. Mr. Chuck Downie, 12205 S. We Summercrest, said he fe].t that traffic along 121st wa$ now tor, fast and that ad- dinq this development would only add to an existing hazard. i. Darrell Jones ask�d if the creek on the property wouldn°t make the construction of the project unfeasi.ble. j. Gary Thomas, 11520 S. W. 121at Avenue, said he assumed this development would have a late-hour '°7-11°° type of market and that he felt this would be more disturbing in the neighborhood. k. Mr. Woodl.ey, i,eron Heights, explained that he felt that the area was already too large for a sma11-size shop- ping center and that, besides, neighborhood shoppinq days are a thing of the past. 1. Susan Davis asked, "who is to decicle our needs?" m. Darrell Jones asked if public opinion was considered. n. Mr. MeBee, Hurlcrest, and Mr. Davis alsa spoke in oppo- sition. 3. Commission discuasion and action a. It was maved (Severson), seconded (Woodard), and unani- mously pasaed 7�y vate of the Commissinn pre�ent, that � the applicatican be denied. �. Zone Change and C�nditional Use HENRY POTTER, anulicant. A request for a zone chanqe from Washington County 3R (Suburban Reaidential) to R-7 (Single family reaidential) on approxima�.ely 5 acres of land (Map #1S1 34C taac lots 900, 1000) and a condi- tional use for planned reaidential in the R-7 zone on 8.5 acres of land (Map #1S1 34C tax lats 900, 1000 and a part of 1100) located west of 121st Avenue, south of Summercrest Drive. 1. Staff recommendation for appr.oval with conditions � �. Public Hearing a. Mr. George Penrose explained the proposal with its mix- tnre of hei hts and typea of units includinq one-stor,y duplexes, 1�-atory four plexes and 2-story townhouses. bo Myron Roba.nson asked if all the units were to be mul.- tiple unita, and if there would be a w�ay to hold the developer to the plans presented, asked about the sewer capacity, anc� said he had no objection to the plans. c. Mr. Paterson explain�d that a Conditional Use wouYd hold the �eveloper to thege planse Mr. Penrose said that sewer aervice would be like any other development now - on a first-come, first-served � basis. d. Mr. Jones as;ced vrhat asauranc;e couZd be given �hat. the property would be maintained. Mr. Penrose answered that economics woulc7 assure that, if nothing slses eo Richard Greenly asked what would happen to the water, and Mro Penrose explained the ponda and dams Qroposed. f. The Public F3earinq was closed page 2 P.&Z, Minutea 2-18-69 � . _ � ° � 3. Commission discussion and action a. It was moved (�fcoli), seconded (Aitken), and pa�sed by unanimous vote of the Commission present that the zone change fram SR to R-7 be a�proved. b. It was moved (Nicoli), seconded (ai�ken), and passed by ` unanimous vote of the Coxnmission present that the appli- cation fox Planned Resi�ential be denied. D. Zone Change ARTHUR VERHAR.EN, anAliaant A request for a zone change from R-7 (single family residential) � to A-2 (multi-family residential) on 2.55 acres of land located at 8320 S. W. Pfaffle Road (Map #1S1 36CC tax lot 200). 1. Staff recommendaf:ion for approval 2. Pub19.c Hearing a. Bob Rogers, 11185 S, W. 82nd Avenue, spoke in opposition to transient people which are found in multi-family re- sidential, and in support of his own investment in the single family area. b. Paul Herberholz, 8400 S. W. PfaEfle, spoke, saying he lives next door to this property ar�d that he desires it to remain single family. c. Jerry Cash explained that the adjoining property is al- ready zoned A-2. d. Mr. Cowley, 8395 S, W. Pfaffle, Mr. Carl Pfaffle, 8225 S. W. PEaff3.e, Mr. Kauf_man, 8175 5e W. Pfaffle, i�rs. Pat McGuire, 8470 S. W. Pfaffle, and Mr. Aavis, 11215 S. W. 82nd, spoke in opposition to the zone change, ci- ting heavy traffic now on Pfaf£le Street, drainage prob- lems, and the sinqle family character of the area as reasons �or their opposition. e. Mr. Verharen, anplicant, was invited to speako but he said ha would leave it up to the Commission. f. The Fublic Fiea�ing was closed 3. Commission discussion and acti.on a. Mr. Aitken said �.he only reason he would vote against it would be because of the traffic problem. b. Mr. Paterson asked for an explanation of the exietiaq land use. c. It was moved (Woodard), seconded(Seversan), and passed by majority vote of the Commission (Mt. Paterson ab- staining) present that the zone change be flenied because of neiyhborYaood comment. E. Conditional Use GRAEPER PROPERTIES, a,pplicant A request for a conditional use for multi-family dwellings in a C-3 (General Commercial) zone on 1.64 acres of property loaated at 9960 S. W. Walnut Street (Map #2S1 2BD, a part of tax lnt 2200). 1. Staff recommendation for approval 2. Public Hearinq ' a. Mike Graeper, repres�nting the deve�.oper, explai,ned the development proposed. b. The Public Hearing was closed 3. Commis�ion diacussion and action a. Mr. Nicoli said he felt Walnut Street should be �.mproved first, and that the praperty should be used for C-3. � b. Mr. Severson and Mr. Aitken asked about the sewer situ- ationo Mr. Thompson said that right now, it: is on a �ixst-comea first-served basis. c. It was moved (Woodaxd), seconded (Ai.tken), and passed by majority vote of the Commission (Mr. Paterson ab- staining) preaent, that the application be denied in order to defer the matter to the City Council for decision page 3 P.&Z. Minutes 2-18-69 � , � because of the critical sewer gr�blem . F. Zone Change CIRCLE A-W PRODUCTS, ap�licant A request for a zone change from R-7 (single family residential) to M-3 (lig�t industrial? on .61 acrea of land located at 13905 S.W. 72nd Avenue (Ma� #2S1 1DC tax lot 1�00). ` 1. Staff recommendation for ap�roval i 2. Public Hearing ( a. No one was preaent in favor of or aqainst the proposal � b. The Public Hearing was closed 3. Commigsion diacussion and action a. It was m�ved (Aitken), seconded (Severson), and approved � by unanimoua vote of the Cpmmissson present� that th� applzcation be approved. t G. Zone Changp and Conditional Use 4 ROBERT G. ROGERS, applicant :; A request for a zone ehange from M-3 (light industrial) to C-3 ; (General Commercial) and a conditional use fos used car sales in �. a C-3 zone on approximately three aares �of land located at the i, S,E. corner of 72nd Avenue and Bo�ita Raad (Map #2S1 12A, a part ; ,; of tax lot 2800). " 1. St.aff recommendation for denial 4� 2. Public Hearing c; � a. Mr. Jos�ph Ruble, at�.orney for the applicant, explained ; the propasal and said that the property was not suitable I' for M-3 use in its present condition. He presented a �, topography map and photographs, Tlxe proposed use wr,uld E; consiat only oP aecond-hand small imported cars. b. Mre Paterson a�ked if ttie creek wouldn't still have to be dealt with for this kind of use. �' c. Mr. Aitkere said he felt th.at the land could be £illed and culverted arnd put to its highest and best use, which is industriaZ. d. Mr. Ruble asked if there were any objec�iAns from tlxe public. Mr. Paterson said that none had been received from the publi�, but that there was an objection frnm the staff. e. Mr, Ruble and Mlro Rogers aaid they felt the surroundinc� development was not compatible with M-3 zaning. f. Mr. 5everson asked what cauld be done with the corner the way it exists naw and without improving the land. ,' Mr. Rogers said it could �+�� landacaped. �" g. The Public �iearix�g was closed 3. Commission discussion and action a. Mr. Nicoli explained that he felt there was nice mann- :y facturing use in the area and that this land is expensive �s and ahould be industrial. � b. It �aas maved (Aitken), s�conded (Nicali), atxd pas3ed by �.• ;:; unanimous vote of the Commission present that th� appli- E; cation be denie3. ;�; H. Zone Change and Conditional Use (cantinued hearing) LYLE Gi00�Ef,L, applican�t �; A request for a zone change from Washinqton County S-R (Suburban F> Residential) to R-7 (aingle family residential) on 24.09 a�res ' of land located at 12355 S. ti�. Walnut (Map #2S1 3B �ax I�ts 200 ;, �„_ and 202). ` �.,� 1. Staff recommendation for approval with conditions 2. Public Heara.ng a. Mr. Jim Harris, engineeac for the development, explained the proposed subdivision and its development: 60 single f=`� famiiy homes, and 2 area$ (1�# acres and 1'� ac�ces) of %;: F;: I,`s ,; t:: �;; �r'. ` page 4 P.&Z. Minutes �';: 2-18-69 j-:;' i:,> q �' :: ' � � � . low density townhouse development which would be 2- and 3-bedroom family-type units. He also stated that the developer would like to use the $1200 for park develop- ment at the time of development of the subdivision, ra- ther than put it in trust for the future, and that the ntimber of townhouses on the 1'� acre area should not be � limited to 10 at this time, but that a limit should be diacussed after preparation of the sit� plan. b. Mr. Joe Chamberlain, 12305 S. W. Walnut Street, the easterly adjoining property owner, asked how the staff felt, unofficially, about his proposed developm�nt. Mr. Thompson and Mra. Wied said they could not speak for the whale staff, that only a possible idea had been dis- cussed, and that until a definite proposal was made, a recommendat�.on could not be made. c. Mr. Rolland Daniels, 12200 S. W. Walnut, spoke in oppo- sition, saying th� area should be reserved only for the type of single family use in which people in this area have already invested, and that Walnut Street was al- ready in bad condition and not adequate for the exis- ting traffic, let alonp more. Mr. Paterson, aa the developer, expTained that the � apartmenta will be screened and will be a family-type i of development. I d. Lucille Warren, Editor of the Tigard Ta.mes, asked about the condition of the sewers, and how it w�uld relatc to this development. � Mr. Paterson saa.d that this development will have to 1 wai.t in line, like any other development. � Mr. Thompson said the sewer line was already in, and ; the assessment paid. e. The Public Hearinq was closed 3. Commission diacusaion and action � a. Mr. Woodard asked about the development fund and said ( he felt the $3200; should be over and above initial mini- ; mal development. ` b. Mr. Nicoli asked Mr. Paterson to make public the fact ' that he would abstain from voting because of a "con- ' flict of interest." Mr. Pat�rson did so. c. It was moved (Waodard), seconded (Aitken), and passed by majcsrity vote of the Commission that the application for the zone chanqe be approved and the application for '; the Conditional Use be approved with the fnllowing con- �'', ditions: � 1. That the park area shown �n the preliminary plat `'I ,� be dedicated to the City and a $1200 fund be pnt in trust for futurp development of the park, above and beyond the development described in condition 2 (except for the pathways). 2. That the creek be drained, the park areas rough qraded and �teeded, and that pathwa.,ys of asphalt or comcrete approved by the City Staff be construct�d in the park areas. 3. That the entrance tt► the park be paved and land- � scaped and oriented to pedestrian traffic, aY.though �' controlled vehicular access should be provided for � maini;enance. ` 4. That all utilities be underground. ' 5. That the total number of aparttnent units be limi- ; ted to 26: 10 units on lot 33 and 16 units on lot � 63. i 6. ghat the height of the townhouse units not exaeed 30' . j; 7. That a site development plan for the townhouse areas ' be approved by the Plannirag & Zoning Commission C prior to issuance o� the building permit. �` �:. , i' page 5 P.&Z. Minutes �t 2-18-69 � i': 4� 1, .� . . . . . . � . ... � � . ) . 8. That the major arterials in the develo�xnent (124th, 1ZSth, and Katherine Street) ba planted with trees: at least one tree p�r lot, 1�" caliper, along the entire length wi�hin the developanent. 9. That due to the topography and required setbacks, lots 6 and 7 be increased to 85 feet minimum width, � and lots 1 - 5 be approved by the City Staff. 10. That a portion of lot 1 facing on Walnut Street and 125th be landscaped heavilyt such landscaping to be maintained with tha�t of the townhouse developments: 11. That written confirmation be obtained from the ad- , joining property owner approving of the encroach- ment of the road on his prc�perty. 12. That a 10-foot strip of land along Walnut Street be dedicated to the public for future street imprnve- menta. 4. ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 P.M. �t p � �: � €: 9� �i �,, Ii �; t`:i t:'. t.; �: :;; �, � �: Y.: �: t,� T:.. i'� �(y, :r3�' P: �'. !t�n t',' �S. ;�:; tpi:: I::' r.': t. V": .��-. �. f':`�i y,.; �:; i;`> k�.� �,;� �:� (a'i �;' page 6 P.&Z. Minutes r; 2-18-69 , �~` i' � �� � � . n „>.� , ,_.. , .._ �,- ",,,� ;, , ,�