Planning Commission Packet - 11/19/1968 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TIGARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 19, 1968, 8:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers Tigard, Oregon MINUTES 1. ROLL CALL A. Present: Commissioners John Perry, Clarence Nicoli, Everett Severson, Charles Woodard, Jim Aitken, Elton Phillips, and Allan Paterson, Chairman; Keith Thompson, Director of Public Works, and Emily Wied, Planning Administrator B. Absent: none 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes for the regular meeting on October 15, 1968, were approved as written. 3. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION A. Continued Hearing: Conditional Use Howard Adkins, Applicant Owner A request for a planned residential use (16 units) in the R-7 zone on his 1.35 acre property located at 10010 SW Garrett Street (Map #2S1 2CB Tax Lot 3600) 1. Staff recommendation for approval with conditions 2. Public Hearing a. Mrs. Wied read a letter submitted by the applicant 4" from the Tigard Water District saying that a new water line, sufficient for domestic use and fire protection, will be included in next year's budget for construction. b. Marion Sabisch, 9995 SW Garrett Street, and Mr. Frank Cresmer, 9980 SW Garrett Street, spoke in opposition explaining the single family nature of the area, the inadequacy of the road and their desire to see the area remain as it is in single family development with the existing apartments for a buffer zone. c. The public hearing was closed. 3. Commission discussion and action a. Mr. Paterson and Mr. Phillips explained to those in opposition that they felt the PR plan proposed by Mr. Adkins was really a better development, and better controlled by the City, than a single family subdivision would be with no control as to layout, sight-screening and such. 1 b. ft was moved (Phillips) , seconded (Severson) and passed by simple majority of the Commission, (Commissioners Nicoli, Aitken and Woodard dissenting) that the Condition- al Use for a planned residential development of sixteen be approved as the staff recommended with the �. following conditions: 1. That all utilities be underground 2. That a five foot strip of land be dedicated to the it City for future improvement of Garrett Street 3. That decorative lighting be installed along the driveway and in the parking areas . . . plans to be approved by the City Staff. 4. That landscaping plans be submitted for staff approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the property be fenced on the sides and the rear providing privacy to the property. page 1 IL B. Conditional Use Mr. Stuart Milne, Applicant Owner A request for a duplex conditional use in the R-7 zone on his 8,000 sq.ft. property located at 14135 SW 103rd Avenue (Map #2S1 11BB Tax Lots 1502 and 1701) 1. Staff recommendation for approval with conditions 2. Public Hearing a. No public comment was offered. lk b. Mr. Paterson asked the applicant if he understood the conditions. Mr. Milne said he did and that he planned to construct a sewer line from MacDonald Street. c. The public hearing was closed. 3. Commission discussion and action a. It was moved (Aitken) , seconded (Severson) and passed by unanimous vote of the Commission that the Conditional Use for a duplex be approved with the following conditions: 1. That inasmuch as connection to the existing 6" line serving the adjacent two lots would not meet State approval, a sewer line must be built as indicated in the City's plan for future expansion. 2. That a sight-obscuring evergreen hedge or fence (5' to 7' in height) providing screening for the adjoining single family properties, be installed along the property side lines. 3. That a 5' strip along SW 103rd for street improvement be dedicated to the City prior to building. 4. That a landscaping plan be submitted for approval at the time application is made for a building permit, showing areas of landscaping, species of plantings, and including at least two trees in the front yard (set back 10' to 15' from the front property line) . C. Zone Change Application Applicant: J. F. Corporation by William Holden, President A request for a zone change from R-7 to C-3 on a 2/3 acre property located on the NE corner of 72nd Avenue and Hampton Street (Map #2S1 lAC Tax Lots 1400 and 1500) 1. Staff recommendation for denial 2. Public hearing a. Mr. Bob Lucas, 7026 SW Gonzaga, Mrs. Anne Hicks, and Mr. Larter from Beveland Street spoke in opposition, stating they agreed with the staff recommendation, that the site was inappropriate for commercial use because of its close proximity to the school and that there is already enough hazardous traffic for the school children who must walk along 72nd Avenue which has no shoulders or sidewalks. Mr. Larter suggested that an applicant be required to state his use proposal on an application for a zone change. Mr. Paterson explained that this could not be required, but that the permitted uses were stated in the C-3 section of the zoning ordinance. b. Mr. Paterson asked if the applicant was present. He was not. c. The Public Hearing was closed. 3. Commission discussion and action a. It was moved (Woodard) , seconded (Perry) and passed by unanimous vote of the Commission that the zone change from R-7 to C-3 be denied as the staff recommended. D. Zone Change Lyle Goodell, Applicant i> A request for a zone change from Washington County SR to City R-7 on a 23 acre property located on the north side of Walnut Street in the vicinity of 121st Avenue (Map #2S1 3B Tax Lots 200 and 202) . 1. Staff recommendation for denial 2. Public Hearing a. Mrs. Wied read a letter from J. A. Paterson, developer for page 2 Lyle Goodell, stating that his plan was to develop a PR on the property as the staff recommended and requested that the application be tabled until a preliminary plat was prepared. b. It was moved (Aitken) , seconded (Severson) and unanimously passed by the Commission that the application be tabled as Mr. Paterson requested. E. Zone Change Stan Adkins, Applicant A request for a zone change from R-7 to A-2 on a 15' strip of land along the western side of the property located at 8345 SW Bonita Road (Map #2S1 12B western 15' of Tax Lot 1600) . 1. Staff recommendation for approval 2. Public Hearing a. No public comment was given. b. The Public Hearing was closed 3. Commission discussion and action a. It was moved (Woodard) , seconded (Aitken) , and passed by unanimous vote of the Commission that the zone change from R-7 to A-2 be approved as the staff recommended. 4. Other Matters A. Dairy Queen 1. Mr. Thompson reported on the traffic survey conducted by his department at the Dairy Queen: a. The traffic counter recorded an average of 320 cars per day. b. Three separate one hour observations were made of the parking habits of the customers: a total of 50 cars were observed, and 60% of these parked in violation of the painted parking stripes. c. The recommendation is that the parking plans approved previously by the Commission be complied with. 2. Mr. Paterson asked for comment. None was received. 3. The Commission voted unanimously to accept Mr. Thompson's recommendation. II B. Robert Cooper Proposal 1. Mr. Cooper informally presented plans for a planned residential development he is working on, and requested the Commissioners' comments. k' C. 91st Street Dedication f, 1. A dedication was received from Mr. MacKenzie for property along the west side of 91st Street near its junction with Lincoln Avenue for future street improvement. 2. The dedication was approved by unanimous vote of the Commission. D. Zoning Ordinance Amendment: C-4 1. Mrs. Wied presented the staff's rough draft of a revision of the C-4 zone. Various comments and suggestions were made by the Commissioners and further work by the staff was requested. E. Expiration of Conditional Uses 1. Mrs. Wied asked the Commission's feelings and suggestions P for an expiration of Conditional Uses granted by the Com- mission, but not put into effect. After discussion, the ?{ it general concensus was that one year was a reasonable time limit and that such an ordinance or zoning ordinance amend- ment would be appropriate. (` 5. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. (' page 3 F