Planning Commission Packet - 08/20/1968 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , TIGARD PLANNIDTG•AND ZON:CNG COMMISSION Regular Meeting; Tuesday, August 20, 1968, 8:00 P.Me l. RQLL C�1LT,: A. Preaent: John Perry, Charles Woodard, Jim Aitken, Clarence ,�" Nicoli, E1ton Phillips, Everett Severson; memberso '�1� Alan Pateraon, Chairman; Keith �hompson, Caty Engineer; and Emily Wied, City Planners B. Abaex�t: None. 2, APPROVAL OF MIP7[JTES A. Minutes for the July 16, 1968, regular meeting were approved as written. 3. APPLTCATIONS FOR ACTION: A. Zone Chanae and Conditional U�se: Brayson �nd Griffino Applicant Owner-Developers, A request for a change from 5-R(Washington County Suburban Residential) to R-7 (Single Family Reeidential) Planned �2e- sidential on a 50 acre �roperty in the vicinity of S,Wa Walnut and 130th. 1. Staff recommendati.an for approval with conditiona 2. Public Hearing a. Mr. Q.B. Griffin, applicant, spoke in �greement to all the conditions o£ the staff recommendations and sug- geated that the item indicating park improvementa be amended by the addikion of a statement that the de- veloper's cash outlay for play equipment be limited to $1,SOQ and that the equipment would be bought �ad in� ei:allerl by the developar, meeting �ity etaff approv�l, b. Mr. Jim Harris, Engineer for the dcveloper, sgoke explaining the propoaed �hree phases of development which �now shaw a total nf 210 unita. He requeeted that the third phase, which he prajects to be 2-3 ysso away in development, be left open tor review as to density when the area� is ready fOr development, 3, Commiasion diacuaeion and action 'i a. Commieeion agreed with the sta�f recommendation and amendments �uggested by the applicant and engi�neere � � b. St was moved(Aitken) , seconded (Phillips� �nd u�m animously passed by vote o� the Commisaion that t�e staff recommendation be approved as amendede th� ! application for conditional use for Planned Re$idemtial development under R-7 classification b� approved with the clear unders�anding that the property is not ap- proved for R-7 generally and with the following corn- ditiona � 1. that the preliminary plat dated A,ugust, 1968o be accepted with the exaeption that the lots s�ow� as 28 through 34 be developed ae garden apa�tments �i inetead of the area labeled lot 210 2. tfiat the public accesa to fhe park be gaar�n�.e�d to �' the City on the existing road easterly alang the ,� subdivision to S.W. Walnut Street until such time that this road is improved, At thie time publi,c i access shall be made by the developero meetiny the approval of the City Staff. `I 3, that the park land be donated to the Gity as �hawn ,'I� on the preliminary plat, but also including lot 21e i' 4. that the park land be cleared of brush by the d�� � velogers and the area in the vicinity of lo� 21 be leveled during development of the surrounding �.��s and graded as shown in the attached City plan for improvement by the developer dated August 150 19680 5. that improvements be made to the park as shawn in the Ci�y's plans dated August 15, 1968, Playgrnund equipment meeting city approval to be ins�a�led by j; ; the developer and his cost not to exceed $lo5dGo 6. that �he public walkways be lighted with low wa���ge lamps and paved 6 feet in wiath with concrete and planted 2 feet on �ach �ide with low-growing shrub- bery--plans €ar both to be approved by the Ci�y Staffo i 7. �hat the major arterials in the develoQm�nt (12g�h f'i and 127th) be planted with trees (one per loto T�" ! aaliper, Cleveland Norway Maple or equival�nt➢ �Tong the entire length within the development, �. i: 8. that the street right-nf-way be impraved ta Ci�y � atandarda as designated in the sub-diviaian o,�dinar�ce `' including asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, �tre�� light�so t', and underground utili.ties, with exception that the S'' cul-de-sac atreet w�idth may k�e 28 feet, �I 9. that Phase III of the development will be operc for �. � review as to densitY prior to improvement of �he are�o I� ,� Page 2-Auguet 20, 1968 ;°� r1 i� �! i; Fi. !' s; r is � t" i . I � I r I Bs Zone Chanae: Robert Ce Mooreo A�plic�nt ownera A request for a change frnm R-7 (Single family reaid�n�iaY➢ �� A-2 {Multi family xesident,ial) of hia 1,84 acre property 1�����d at 12575 S.W. Grante �, 1. Staff recommendation for denial 2, Public Hearing a. Mr. Dick Linkharta 12490 S.W. Brookside Aw�nu�o ', presented a petition in opposition to tt�e applica�.ion ; signed by fi0 residents, mainly in th� F3roaksid� �r�ae b. Mr. Moore, applicant, presented a land use map ef �the area, a�nd spoke saying that the "hiqhest and best"o us� of the 1.and was mu.lti-family development �nd th�£, sY.�gle � £amily development would be economically unfeasible�e c. Nei hbors, Dorse� Qlds and Mrs. Fisher inquir�d �s tc � 9 �, Mr. Moore°s plans. Chaixman Paterson said ther� �nr�r� none before the Commission which couZd nnly lead �:Q � suppositions at this time, Mre Moore said hs ha� �.� yet, had none drawn up; that he felt th� z�ne ch�n�� wras � the first step he should take� Brooksicie neighbavro Mra � Rau inquired as to how close ap�rtment� coul.d be built � to single family re�3.dences. Mr� Thompson expl�in�3 �he #' setback and scre�ning requir�ments for th� Am2 zaxa�a �iro � Rau then explained the Brookside siab-division hoi�h� restrietion of one story plus daylight basem�n� enns�ruc� �' �i tion. Grant Street neighbor, Chrichton Christens�n � spolce saying he had nc objection to zone changeo th�� he was paying taxes on land he also cauldn°t v�see ;', Brookside neighbor Carl Millex� explained the s�rs.ctly Ei aingle family character of the neighborhoad behi�ndt the j Moore propertye 3'ohnson Street neighborp Joe ��a�k�o �� inquired how long the City intended tcs keep thi� s3rie csf '� Grant Street in sxngle family residential, �h�irm�;n Paterson explained that Planning and Zoning �.s a ch�r�gs:mg thing and that, perhaps in the �uture this area w�uld be re�dx for apartments, Braokside nexghboro Mrso 'Fs.r:rH�ero asked if stipul�tions as to kind of development ant� h�'s.a�ht t of buildings could be put into the z4ne changee �h�irm�n �� Paterson explained that the Commisskon could n�t �ei1 � man what to do with hia property, and that it mr�st b� � �� c�uided by the zoning ardinance. Mre Moore expl�in�d �h�t �� there is increasing pre�sure for commercial in th� a.rea �� of which he dis�ppraves, but feels a hapgy m�diutm would � be for apartmenfis nowa Brookside neighborso Mro �,irikharto �, ��` Carl Miller, Mr.�a Fishe� & Mrs. Linkhart fur�her �spoke ;; �� regarding the very sing7.e family character of the area � ����� Page 3-August 20, 1968 � a 3 � � ��� �� �,. - � � � . .- 3. Commission diacussion and actione a. Mr. Woodard said he felt the change would be an es�xar un- less plans were presented showing better accessB and de- velopmpnt plans, He further indic:ated that the neighbors had not satisfactorily gotten together on a proposed road � connection with MeKenzie Street which he felt would bene£i�, all of the neighborsa Mr. Aitken suggested that Mr, Moo're talk to the neighbors and consider building a single story low density development which might be more acceptable to them. Mr, Perry asked if Planned Residential coe�ld b� considered on a smaller area such as thise Mra Pat�rson explained that although this might be a good ideao it wro��.d r.e�uire ame!iding the Zoning Ordinancee Mro Nicoli sazgc�estecl a bu€fer development with garden agartments on th� fr�nt af the lot facing Grant Street. b. It was moved(Perrx) , seconded(Nicoli) , arYd unanimously passed by vote of the Commission to DENY the Zone L'hang� �s the Staff recommends. C. Zone Change: Richard Oe Fimmel, Applicant Owner. A request fox a change from R-7 (Single Family Residential� �.o C-4 (Neighborhood Coznmercial) of his 4.03 aere property locat�d an S.E. corner of Bonita and Hoffarber Roads (14600 S,We Hoffar�er� 1. Staff recommendation for denial 2, Fublic Hearing a. The City Planner presented a petition xn opposition �a th� zone change signed by 36 residents mainly of the Pinebrook area. b. Mr. Fimmsl, applicant� explained his praposal, c. Pinebrook neighbors, Robert Burrow and Mrse Boggso spoke saying they each fel�t that downtown Tiqard had plenty of i shopping faail.ities and they were concerned that apprnving this zone change would set a precedent and lead to str�.p commercial along Hoff�rbe�, d. Iioff�rber neighbor, Mr. Pu11er, �aid he felt Tigard should be progressivee He £elt this development would look F�e��er than �he existing conditions and that it was a s�ra�egic �i location for small shopping complexa Mro Stan Adkinso � property owner in the area, spoke in favor saying he� Qrro�ld � like to do some convenience shopping thereo Ntxo Gearge ; Penrose of S.We Mountainview Lane also spoke ir► favor ; saying he felt the area needed this serviceo Mr, Ma�eso � � � Pinebr4ok residento spoke in opposition say3r�g he vras �fr�id of atrip commeraial, which. he said he thought was aga�.nst good zoning policye Chairman Patsrson explafned tha4: the } i � Page 4-Auguat 20, 1968 ; � � ` f'. � � _ � g . � Staff recommendation had said that a small neighborlaaod commercial facility could better be developed under a �e� sidential conditional use. Mr. Howard Gas3, property owner & developer in the area apoke in favor, saying rie didn°t think the area was sinqle family residential in char�et�r, Neighbors Mr. Burrow, Mr. Veat, Mr, Piland, Mr, Larson, Mrs. Boggs & Mrs� Gray apoke in opposition because of d hazardous traffic cond3.tions already on Hoffarber. Mr, \ Moore, 12575 S.W. Grant, said he felt that th�ere was a need to expand services in this area and that improvement w�as always met by objeation, that improvement can be made without bad effectse Mr. Fimmel said he had previously spoken with Mr� Logan� City Ac�ministrator about camriercial develo�ment of fiY!e �*-a- perty and upon his encouragement had had water brough� to ,� the property. Chairman Paterson reminded Mr. Fimmel the ataff recommendation for a amall development and said a 4 � acre development could not be conaidered small and that under the conditional use there cauld be control of the development. He also mentioned that the plans showed onYy � half the development and if the zone change were granted now it would be doing so without knowing what was proposed for the other half of the property. 3, Commission discussion and actinn a. Mr. Perry said he didn't agree that t'his zone change would lead to strip commercial, but felt the area was not y�t ready for commercial development although it might be in five yeara. b. Mr. Phillips said he agreed that a commercial deve7.opment v�vould be better under the conditional use, c. It was moved (Nicoli) , secondec3 (Severaon) an� passed by a majority vote (Mr. Ritken deacenting) that the zone change 7�e DENYED as the ataff. recommends. D. Zone Chanaes Howard S. Gass f: Applicant, owner. �;' h A request for a chan;ge from R-7 (Single Family Residential) to � A-2 (Multi-Family Residential) of his 7 acre property in the vicinity of the Beaverton-Tigard highway and Manzanita Roade �_ t�I 1. Staff recommendation for denial +?j �. �; 2. Public Hearing �? a, Mr. Gass, applicant, apoke in favor af hie request and corrected the staff statement that there was no acces� ? to a major street, saying that he had purchased a 75° ;� � wide lot (Map 1S1 35 DA, Tax lot 2402) which connects the � �roperty, he said, lies presently in the County, but he is planning for annexa�ion� �,� ;: b. Chairman Paterson asked if Mr. Gasa would like to have his � application table�3 until thP accesa strip was annexed i; since the ataff recom��iendation was based on accesse ;? � Page 5-August 20, 1968 t ,,` �' 9 � c. Mr. Thompson suggested that a aondition be put on the zone change requesting access to be dedicatedo Mr, Gass asked if conditiona could be put on county land, Mr, Thompaon interpreted a recent memorandum from the City At�orney that condition� may be put on zone changes. He said �hat in this case �uch a condition would be on the znne change of the city property and would not be on the county property. �. Mr. Gass spoke of the f:ine quality development he had planned i for the area. � , Mr. P�terson suggested th�t a planned reaidential develsp- � ment as suggeated in the Staff recommendation might be more auitable. � fl k Mr. Gaas said iche property was too expenaive for single family � development. ;. Mrs. Brown, a Hall Blvd. neighbor, wanted to know wh�t ` happened to the taxes on the surrounding groperties if �'' this development was allowed. 1' d?. Mr. Miller, a Spruce Street neighbor, wanted to kno�r if Mr. Gass planned on ueing 89th Street for access. Mr. Gass answered yes, Mr. Miller mentioned tha� �he surrounding pxoperty owners maintain 89th and Spruce Streets He said he also felt this would be spot znning if approvedo b�c�auae the freeway acted as a natural barrier betw�e�n an� exzsting aommercial or multiple zoning. Mr. Ed, Ii�nr�evi�, prapexty owner an Spruce Street, said that the adj�ining property owner ta the nozth (Map 1S1 35 AD, Tax lo� 170�.� had petitioned to the County for multiple aoning rec�rx�ly and been turned down. The County had said there was suffici�ent mul�iple zoning in th� area which was s�i11 un- developad. He also sai.d he felt the topogr�phy af the l,and wa� perf�ct for single family daylight �iasement developmen�, He mentioned further that in order for the County to take over 89th and Sprwce Streets, they must be brought up to �' County standards by the property owners, a cost which they hnven't been anxioua to bear. €:;r. �� Mr. Tk�ompson, klr. Paterson asked if the 75' strip to Hall S�7 Blvd. would provide adequate acceas according to City '_'� atand�rda. Mr. Thompson said it would. G;'` 3. Commiesion discussion and action � �,; a. Mr. Perry asked if 89th could be closed off at f:he� j,; property linee Mr. Thompaon said "no" as it was a "` dedicated street. ;' i.: � Mr,. Philli.ps said he thought the 75' access would become ;:' over-uaed and the rea��ents of the new developmen� w�uld � � have to use Spruce St, & 89th. He asked if Mro �asa wauld � be willing to improve the atreet. Page 6-Auguat 20, 1968 ' r', �,�'' I':�� 4 �;: t;;; �;; _ �::;I � � . , Mr. Gass eaid only with the aurrounding neighbors, not alone. Mr. Pat�rson auggeated that the hearing be continued ta tn� next meeting September 17, 1968, and that in the meantime Mr. Gass could tie up a few loose ends on his propas�l. Tt was moved (Aitken) seconded (Phillipa) and unanimously pasaed by, vote of the c�mmieaion that hearing be � continued at the next me�ting. 4. MISCELLANEO�S A. Mr. Pateraon pasaed out the George Fann proposal on zoning ardinanoe revision including a aertion each on implement- ntion, A-2 and a new P.U.D. zone. He asked that the com- mieaion memb�rs read ii in �he ndx� mo�t� far die�sss=en at the next meeting. B. Creemer Hills Subdivision - Mr. Jim Aitken, Sponaor 1. No ataff recommendation was given due to the late date of submiesion 2. Mr. Paterson asked if the street ahown on S.W. Creasmer �rive would eventually connect with Aah Street. Mrn Aitken aaid it would. Mr. Paterson asked if the 20a frontage of the bottleneck lo�a was in accoxdance with city atandards. Mr. Thompeon said it was, but that �he { Sta£f had not particularly liked these lots, but had � no ather euggestion for th�m. It wa� moved, s�conded, �nd pa�aed unanimously by vote "� of the Commisaion to approve the pr�liminary plat � for Cresm�r Hills Subdivision. �{ 5. ADJOURI�4IENT 10:20 P.M. Page 7-Auqust 20, 1968 � ,, , � ' . GC'��:,..,_:�.. C��� i� T�GARI7 PLANNTNG AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, Au�rust 20, 1968 Membex� Sectian 7:00 P.M., Publia Section 8e00P.M. City Hall Council Chambers, Tigard, Orega�► AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL i 2, APPROVAli OF MINUTES-July 16, 1968, Regular Meeting 3, APPLICATIONS FOR ACTTON � � A. Zone Chang� and Conditional Use: Brayson & Griffin, Applicant ch�me rs. � A request for a change from S-R (Washington County Suburban � Resicientialj to R-7 (Single Family Residential) - Planned Residential on a 50 acre property in the vicinity of S.W. i ; Walnut and 130th. j I le Staff Recommendati.on 2a Public Hearing ; 3e Commis�ion Discussion and Action � � Be Zane Change: Rabert C, Moore, Applicant Owner. ' A request fnr a ahange from R-7 (Single Family Reaidential) ; to A-2 {Multi6l'amily Residential} of his 1.84 acre property � lacated at 12575 S,W. Grant. i � 1, Staff ReaommPndation ; 2, Public Haaring 1 3, Commission Discussion and Action a ! Ca Zone Charige: Richard O. Fimmel, Applicant Ownera � A request for � ahange from R-7 (Single Family Residential) � � tn C-4 (Neighbarhood Commercial) of his 4.03 acre property located �n the S.E. Corner of Bonita and Hoffarber Roada. ° (14600 S.W. Hoffarber) � 1, Staff Recummendati�n 2. Public He�ring 3. Commissian Aiscussion and Action D. Zone CY�ange: Howrard S. Gass, Applicant Owner. � A request for a change from R-7 (Single Family Residential) tn A�2 (Mu1tY�Family Residential) of his 7 acre property in � the vicinity �f the Beaverton-Tigard Highway and Marizanita Road. � k 1, Staff Recammendation 2, Pub1i� Hearing � 3, Commissian Diecusaion and Action. �. 4. MTSCELT,ANEOUS � � A. "CresmPr HiZls'° Subdivision i B, Other Matters �I� � 5. ADJOURNMENT I . ,,; . _ ` a _ _ , Px.AIJNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Aragust 20, 1968 Item 3-A ZONE CHANGE AIQD Ca91�tA3;T'�ONAT�USE APYLICATION: Exom S-R to ft-7 PLANNED j � ftESTUENTIAL ' I � APPLICANT: Brayson and �riffin i 13015 S.W. Pa�:ffic Highway � P.O. Box 23578, Ts.g�rd, Oregon � i i PROPERTY TNVOL'VED: vicinity of S.W. Walnut and 130�th (map #2S1 4A tax � lot 100) t � STZE OF PROPERTYe 50 acres � STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The C�t.y Staff recommends approval of thia v applicxtion, for a candsti.o�ial use tor Planned Residential development � under the R-7 cl,assificatian with the clear understanding that khe � property is nat �pproved for R--7 generally, and with the following � conditions: � 1. That public access tu the park be guaranteed to the City on that existing road ��sterly along the subeiivision tc� S.W. Walnut Street, until saeh time that this road is improved. At this time publfc aa�ess shall be mad� by the developer, � meeting the appraval of the City StafE. � 2. That the park Iarzd be donated to the C�ty as shown on the preliminary plat, but also including lo� 21. � 3. That the park area be cleared of brush by the developer arid the area in the vicinity �f lot 21 be level.ed during develop- ment of the surrounding 1ot� to a grade compatible to the development grading and seed�ad with grase. 4. That impravement� be made to the park a� shown in th� City'e plans dated August 15, 1968. 5. Tk�at the public walkways be lighted with low wattage lampe and tY►e walkways paved 6' in width with conerete and planted 2' on eaah side with l�w-growing ahrubbery--plane for both to be approved by the City Staff. 6. That the lots shown as 28 thru 34 in the preliminary plat be developed �s garden apartmenta instead of the area labeled '' lot 21. � t'. 7. That the major arterials in the development (128th and 127th) be planted wi�h trees (one tre� per lot, l�" caliper, Clevelaad �'� ��; Nonvay MapYe or eguivaYent) along their entire length within '� � the develapment, !.� �� 8. That the street right�af�way be improved to City 3tandarde ��� as designated in the subdivision ordinance includiag asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, street ligk�ts and undergzound utilitiea, j;; with the exception that the cul-de-eac atreet wi8th m�y be 28'. �? t s E; s:: � � Y � � , . . . . � . . . . � � ; ; PLANNING AND ZONINC COMMISSION ; August 20, 1968 Ztem 3�B � `` � ZONE CHANGE_�1PPLY�S',7�2YTULV�� R�7 t�p A,�2, APPLZCANm� Fube��:� tio Moore !' i�575 S oG�t. ��'axit ;,I Tig�rd, or�:Jvri � �� PTtOP�RTY 7'N'VOLVEDo l25'75 S.W. Grant, Tig�rd (Map #251 2BB, Tax Lr�t �.9CC�) STZE dF PR�JPETt`Z'Y�� le$n• ac��.a � i; 5TAFF RCCCMM�N�AT'�CrN; E' The City Statf rEC�mmex;ds deixial of this application. City !; p�li.cy has b�e�� 3-<> use Grant Street as a boundary between the t high den��.�y ar�cl t.hE singlE Eamily developmentse '�his has given �hr� a�c� a.x, r,�rl7l.e�h �hhis };�roperty lies a low density character wi�±;..h w��;�l.c� be da.sturbed by multi�family development. The pr�scnt c.�ircutafizon cannot adequately handle A-2 develop- � - mnnt an bc�th eicl�s a� ��an� Street. The lo�ng depth of the . proparty (�145'� mi�ht reUuli: in a long cul-de-sac being ,'. cozistruc�l.efl HrYt.�cY� would be unsafe, based on fire protection � standardN, e.:�� wh.�.�.h wi11 not align properly with MeKenzi� { Strect, causir;g %z h�Mardc�us jog for motrement into and out of � the pxaperty. i F: �; � � � �# #;� !; �; �i �. � �e , ; �� lj � � ._, ,, . „ „ , .,- _ .,� � ' �T_.�=_.._. ;,��._.,- _ � _ r ;• �°- �, �"-_ �`.� ,, . , , 0 � , ��,.-=.�-��.:,� ` --�;-�.,=: �; � �;` ;� \\ j )E c, �� �g a '-�'�-- 2 � J ' \` f . ��,,Cl q l � � �.� � �J �� �\\� - ; �-. ► ,��___ -G - `��fcattti�R�obezt C� l60� �, `, ��'�`_=`�Cs :N!�ni-tfUS�N-gT c :t � { _ `_. ( - - Sr Px�g�sls Loe� Cl�an� troa 3t-7 to 1�-2 . Dl1'1'Es' l►ugust 20, 196� ' � �' ` '3 <ci .s �s �� � u — � , ,y: t C� A R D Y I L t � . 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HaLsey �r„rt'±atsc�, C)regcri PROPEFtTY 2N'VOLVI.t�; i�6U�1 HoFI't��:}aer (5.�. �:orner Ga` Hcs.��%�rber aCtc� k3oni�:a Rc.at�s) Ma�s 2SI ��Ei, T:,.x Lc•�t 1'�OOe 9:LZE OF' PROP�R�Y: 4•.03 dei'c:� STAL'F R�CGMhIPNDz�ZTUN� i �I"11E? �::1.'Cj/ �al'.°:.�'.` ]'�?!:'�C:rII1Mt:',l'3C�°' t�l^.T1:1Tci7 C)C.'��.l.l.S c'i.�i'�.�..:r.fi3�.:1.C71"i �I .f.c�r .., r���r,e ='si:.ia:�a� .ftom Ll�� Cz-�7 (�i.z�rg.xr, I':.mi9.y k2�.�a.dcr�i�a.�],) I tr: W�4 (N���.�?�bc>x'hr.,ud C:omtnr.:rr:i.al� , `�h� st:.�.�c`1 r���:�c,xa :�ur the z�r:e r.l��x!cre i> to ;�x��vi�ie ntsi�h�c.>:�hc�;se� serv•ir:c and sY.�c�p�.in� whf,::h co4i'ir9 k�v� mo•rra :ua.��k�iy dcv�;u�ped � r;indca a �:ux;d.lttic;s;a�.i:1 �se with2.n the: Ft 7 �:r.ric�„ Crant7ng tYic� C..�b Lnn.c: c.r: :: s��!c of th:i.� �:,>rr,x>c7 �.a,1 ���utct bt: � atlawing L•or. the cievc].a�mc.n� af an ��r .-:��-�vic�e �?-.�a��ing � � eente:r as a��gn�c:d t:c7 � neighbarhocct 5hop2�is�g �.x��u« 'Phe: � s�urraunding s��ti�Ysbaxhc�od is d��ina.te'1.y xe�,ic3eratia]. :�n � charac��er aa�d .t_�rgt c:ornm�rcial. d�_velcs�m�nt, wc�uJ�d di�tuxa� �kiis ah<zaci;er� A z,r.s;c: ch%�r�r�Y r..ucl�s a,a �hi5 c�u7.d 3e�c1 t;� highw�.y st�i�a �; cotnme:r.c:�,�l a1�7rt� �h;i� rc�u��, wYeich slloulcl bc; c13.sc:ouraged, �� � r: �, � r3 �1� e � � E; �: �, �� �- t � � 4 � �} f. � � x' . . , .. _ .. . ,, . , i , . _ . , _,rv 4 . . . . . .. .. . .:� , .-' . . ,. _ . ;.. : � M-� : . i � •`. 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Y � ' . � o _��-. � � '� < 1 : �.. , . , , � � , �� .. . . .�.3., � w �:-�r..* .�.x�,...�. �',;,��„t^` ^`�.�y���* ��,.-,. ��r 'f-�= � ,µz -.>*r-:??5:*�vc�;}y±�3�.bi,•�;-cvd. ,.�� --�- -=- - - �"� '� --- .�:.� K�c ��....>. '� ' �-,- r- -�''= - - " — � PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSYON August 20, 1968 � Ttem 3-D � ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION: R�7 to A-2 APPLICANT: Howard Ao Gass 9340 S.'Wo Durham Road• Tigard, Oregon AADRESS OF PROPERTY: vicinity of Beaverton-Tic�ard highway and Manzanita St. dedication (Map ## 1S1 35DA, tax lot 2500) (Map # 1S1 35AD. tax lot 1600, 1700) SIZE OF PROPERTY: 7+ acres STHFF RECOM1�lENDATTON: The City Staff recommends denial of this application. The j property is isolated trom any presently zoned A-2 or � Commercial areas and no adequate access exiats �re�ently whi.ch conneats to any major atreete. Rather than a zone i change to A-2, the Staff feels tha� Flanned Residential � � developmen� might be more suitable in the future if access could be pxavided� � ��I fl �% ��' � 1 �� I � �� G��l la �' � : a r��rt,~" r . tr� � ' 1 ` �. a�:�'.�.�.xi�..... y,� r � Q,2..:r.,,� � ; � � {� ��s � �j �.�Mr �r� � '�t rr`� t�'� +�� �°, � ��` ! I-cr'� y 1< J .. �' ,! J .•� � � ai! p�.� �'�y. . ;+�T� Ib� . � I � ..� O�rt � r� '^y°S RL( • �.�� � l G� r ..l �--�-_' .-'__"" ' - ; . . �# ` . i x �� r � � �i� . � �^� i 'I. �,H '' �S� t 1 .^i�.!1�i � � �"'� .�� � :J� �� . •�`` � 53 :�2 t," i ��r }� �� i ;� Applicant: Howard S. Gasa �=�4 � � t ' PG�, ' � ` ° ; Proposa�: Zome Change from R-7 to A-2 ;� ,vi�E � "°"° �. �' Date: Angust,20� 1968' � .� :i �2- � . � :'r ' r t.�i.ti. t�� p�� � � `�' �`� .i�' •�.`�^.?�� ... °'��°2.... 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