Planning Commission Packet - 05/21/1968 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i f � � � T�GARD PLANNTNG .ALvD �t9N�NG COMMT55:€CAN Reg•�xlar Meetz,ng, TL��ciay, May' 2I, I.9�i$ T�'i�sr.l�er �e�tiona 1 e 00 F.M. I AGENDA I�ztblic uec�ion: £ts00 �.M. l. RULL C7ALI, ! I 2. T�PPRt�'VAL OF MINUTES - APR;�T. 3U, 13�8 , I �' 3. ZONE CHANGE A reqaest t� ah�rage :.;:ingl.e f�.�tni.ly resid�ntial zr�rning to multi.ple famiiy� zcs�x;ir_� an grrp�erty located at ' 7580 S.W. Hur.ziicer Rd. M�:�re sp�cificalYy� tYie prop-- li er�y is apprc�xa.m�tely 700' N.iti'. of t��e S.w. corrier of I 72nd, and Hun�ikAr Rd. 'I�he applicant �.� Mr. Davi�on. Map 2S11DB; '.C�ac L�c,t 200 a. utaf�f Recommendati��ns i b: Fublia Hearing , �. ZdNE CFiAN�E A reqixest tn r,harsc�� s�ngle ���ailp r�s�iflorstial: zn�.ing I to znultip].e i'amily z:�r�i.axg csr pxapezty located at 11865 S.W. 95tT�t. Mare specifica3ly this pr�perty ia ap�rcaxi.ma�t�.ly 500 feet S��i;h af' t.he Se W. ca7rner I of Lewi.s Lane a�id S.G�*. 95th ;t. ThE applicar:t is Nir. Griffin, Map 191 35CD9 Tax Ie�t 2400 I a. Staff Recommenc3ations b. Pub],ic Hearing 5. ZONE CHANGE A reqtzest to changa sii7�.i.e family r�sid�ential zorli�t� . to multiple family z�:airng �n p�aperty locat�d 150' North of thh North West c:r.x�-ner c�P 164�.h and S.W. McBanald. Mc,x�e specr:.fica3ly', thi� prc�party i� to -�he �ast and alongside o� Three Boy's Food kla�7set. The applicant is Mr. .�ef� Lel�.. Map 2S12G� Tax Lot 3101. j a. Staff Recommendatians { b. Public Hearinr3 j 6. CONAIT'TONAL t75E A request by General T�12phor� C�mpany �o allow I the constructian of a cc�m any garage and ware- i P house. The propebi.y is larated across B'urnham � Street fz•�m Ai.r IZing Niari�ufactarir�g Corp��ra�ian, appr�ximataly 4�0' N.W, o� �:he �.W. corr�er �f �ur,rtham an3 Ho£�arbar Rd. Niap 2S12DB; Tax I,�t 100 a. Staff Recammenclatinns b. Fublic Hearing 7. CONDITTOP?AL CJSE A request to all.owv the cota��ructian +�� a s�rvi.ce station on �tr.e Sc�uth West corner of' TnTaln�tt: St. and Fiighway 99. The appliaant is Ntr. Zw3s�g:ti. 1Kap 2�12BD; Ta�c I,ot 2000 ancl 2100Q a. Sta£f Recammendations b. Public Hearing 8. PENMAk TERRACE ST7BDT'�TIS?�N A r.equ�st t� allo�,v' const�•�ctie�rt r�E subdivision without sidewak.ka. i,o- catecl �djacent t�o, and Narth af P�.ne- brnok Tezra�e off' 92rad St. a. Staff Reaommendations 9. MISCELLANEOUS � 1. Discussion of proposed F�.ar�rced Rr;sdier�tia�.. 2. Discussion of Sign Cade 10. ADJOURIVfMEN� , a � , G � TIGAR:D PLANl�1I:N� P,IvD t,0?�f3NG COMMI.�sSTC1N � Reg�+alar Meet.t.nge Tu�sd:3ya Ma} 21, 1968 Nlen�er Sections l o C10 F�.M. ; AGEN�i�, ��ublic �ection: fi�OQ P.,M. � 1. ROLI, CAI,L 3 2. APPRUVAL OE MINUTES - APR�Z 3�, 1968 , i � 3. ZQr7E (:EiA�7GE A r�qt�est ts c�iang� a:iragle f�ni3.y resi�entia�. zonirsg ' to multiple £ami.Yy zoraing on proper�y located at � 7580 S.W. Hunziker Rd. N��re apec,i�icalYy the pr�p- erty is appro�a.mata�.y 700° N.W. af �'tLe S.W. corner of ;� 72nd and Hun�iker Rci. 2YYee app�.ica��t �.� Mr. Davisc�n. I Map 2S11DB; Tas� La� 200 Ir a. 5taff Recommendati�ns j b. 7Public Hearing S f �, ZGfiTE �E�7GE A reqixest tn r.hdnc;e singZe �:�,���.1y' zesider�tial. zaning � to multiple ��mily zor.sz•rig an pr�p�r.tX located at � 11865 5.W. 95th. More s��eifir.a�ly ti?is property � is apprt�ximatEly 500 i�et 5�•uth �� th.� SsW. corner of L�wis Lane and S.W. 95th �i:� The applicant is L_ Mr. Griffin, Map 1S1 35CD� Tax Ir�t 240Q a. Staff Recommendations b. Public Hearing 5. ZONE CEiADTGE A request to chang� s�rs��,� �a�nily xesidential zonirtg to multiple family z�:.ing on property 'Located 150' North of t'tie North West cr�y��r nf ld4th an,d S.W. McDonald. More speai�icaily�, tha.s praperty is to the �ast and alongside of Three B��r's Fc�od Market. The applicant is Mr. �'eff BeZ.Y. hIap 2S12CC Tax Lot 3101. a. Staff Recommendations b. Publir Hearing � 6. CONDITTONAL U5E A rsquest by General ?'�l.ephone Cc�inpar_y to alZow the canstruction c�f a cnmpany garage ar�d ware- hnuse. The pru�sert.y is �.��c:ated acr�ss �t�rnham 5treot frc�m Air King Ma�xa�ac�ar.i�.g Ccrpraratia�, appra�Gimately 400' N.W. o.� �he �.W. corraer �f I3urr�ti�2n anc� Hoff��rb�:"r Rd. M�p 2�12DBp Tax I�t 100 a. Staff Ftecammer�dations b. Public Heaxing 7� CONDITTONAL USE A requ�st tr, �11ow� the COCd�7'�L'tIC�3..GTY �f a service station on tr�e St>uth West carner of Walrxut- 5t. and Highw�y 99. The applicant ia M�. Zwingli. Map 2S12BDt Tax T,ot 2000 and 21000 a. Staff Recommendations b. Public Hearing 8. PENMAR TERRACE STIBDT'VISION A request tt� allaw ponstruction of su�aivision wi,thout sidewa4ks. I,o- azY.ed adjar.�nt d:o, and N�rtYi a�' Pine- b�ook Terrac� aff 92nd St. a. 5taft Recommendatians � 9. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Disaussion ot propase8 P'�ar..n�d Resdierct�.aY. 2. Disaussion of Si.gn C�rde 10. ADJOURNMENT a ' TIGARD PLANNING AND Z�NING COMMISSION REGUI.AR [NEHTING, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1968 Member Sectipn: 7;()0 P,M� Public Sectiona 8:00 P.M, 1, ROLL CRT,1 M�zmb�r:;� �fc�hn� Perry, Everett Severson, C'harles Woodard, F1ran .�h.i.7.lips, Chairmana Alan Patter�on, City ` � . . � .t,;�.,.• :,5.�;. !_'i��dROfl . a i�n �itkeas� Cla�xenr.e Nicoli 2, MINUTES k�;:t r .. ',;,: r,Y't�1L 30, 1,968, Minutea approved as read. . 3> ZONE CFiANr,F, r . �s;rrc�t ta .nh�nge eingle family residential zoning i.� m��iii}>1� �amily zoning on property lacated at %���' t:.:'. Hh�nLikel Rnada More specifically, the j :����:,�y i s aY�prnximately 700° N.W, of' the S,W. cor- u•r: • : '�.:red �s.x�d H�rnziker Road, The applicant i� lz::, ::i�a ��]r1. M�p ZS1 lISB� ,Tax Lcyt 2C+�„ (a) Staft Rr.•c:�,�sim�:rz��i ian �or approv�al. (b) Ptrbl:i r H�ci i nu �)�r�irc�� l. Mr. Cx�n �e�t,n who lives at 7545 S.W. Cres�view apoke ag�inst t)��;= zc�ne change. He also preaented a petition with 25 -.;:;n>atarea against the propoa�d change. 1. �Phe ���,�ci�.r� and t17� namps were zead a�.oud and preaented tn t}» �llat�r.ir►c� anc� Zaning Cc�mmis�ian. 3. Mr. ���z9r.ase spak� .�n fav�r uf th,e zone chanqe, and pre- �ented the proposed plan o£ the apartm�nt building to be bu�ilt un thas 1at, Tie made specific reference to the tier�steppzng desi.gn and low butldinq profile so as not tr� cranflict with the views of the adjacent prop�nrty holdeso 4. William F°�sxry s�ke against�the zone chanqe fteling that x� �N<'ellICI lrawer hi:� prr,perty v�alue. 5. Mz�. Mal�ta w�u resided at 7575 S.FY. �larns spake aqainat i the USP.� fe�Yfng kh�t it would lowez his property va�ue. i 6. Mi. W�•ich �ho resid�d at 7570 S.W. Crestview spoke against � � tl1P. 'Gr�h�: 4hange. � 7. Nti. Alk,arl Abe who z�es�ides at 7500 5.W. Creatview spok� agai.n�c the prnpased zone change. (c) Public Haax'i»g Cla3cd. (d) Mr. Wc�odard mr•v��d that the z:�ne change be denied. (e) Secu'ri�-�ed bv Mr. Sev�rst>rt. (f) Moti�n p�:�st:d by a maj�rity vnte of the members present, (g) Vwte was thxee to tc,oa, Mr. Perry and Mr. Pattersort votfng again5t the� mctitic�n, ` 4. ZONE CHANG� a rec�uest tn �hange aingle family residential zoning tr: m�rltiple fa�mily zoning on praperty located at . EJ865 S.w. 95�Y�. Mr�a�e specifically, this property ia • a�;pxUxtmatel.y 500 teet Scuth �+f the S,W, aoacner o£ l,ewis �ane and S.W. 95th Street. The applicant ia � � Mi , Grittiri, M�p rE::JI 35CD; Tax �t 2400, .. (a) St�f'f !'t�4c��mmµndation sc.�r 8��nia1, (b) Fublic Hrarirkg Apen�d 1. Mr. Ha<�s; �c�,r,k4 xqai r�c:t the prapased zone change, 'l, m�s. HKgg�rman apcke against the change la�cause of in- r.•ce�.::.�d tzaffic; 7,ciac�. :3. Mi . hc.�,1k� }�ad nU abj�etiatt to duplexea, but ob��cted to thr: ,�-�� ztrne. �/.�1 i/G�l� .ar .w:.:�:.d._.:..��nit rfi.w..3_'�,;� . - � . . . ... ....... .. , :�;�:. a,..,.,.i ..,y�.�.,», k.�a:?t+d. . .. .....,.. � a , i 4, :Yrs. Gx�i.4fin s�.'�ke a:s favo: of the .�.7ne change feeling thac it represent��� f.r c,gres:� for Tig�r.d � �, p �t���c�i, ,�ds pres��r.�ed by Mz. Griff'in wit'h 7 siqnatures � ir► favaz az the znne �har�ge. � (c} Fub7 �� tl�..; ���i ; :. ,. .} (d) Mc�tir.r� by '���. �F�-�'' *�} �t��Y t�te zone change request. (e) Seccrnd� ! ': � '' :�x;_�s, (f) Moti:>rs ��.:� �� i = �'�t�''����=US vote af tPle members present. 5, ZONE Ci�AiQi�li /•_ i�.;•.��' � . �:h<ie��a singla famiiy residerrtial zoning t" t;+,.,�,;�.,.s,-+ l;�mily zoniny an property located 150' z,;;;.�t;, ;� °'�.c: ta.irth W�st carner of T04th and S.W. ,�;.;,,., ,;�j�:, r.�,.:t. ��,ecificai�.y, thi� prGperty is to �,�{•; ��:��., ,�'..,:a • '.• nys�d� nf Three Bay's Roud Market. ��,�: .�r+>��;� �::st. .��� Mr.. 3eff Belr. Map 2S7L 2CC; Tax Y,�st ��(i�.. ' (a) Staff c�c��cnmc��;;iat.i.��•, .;.. �p�zova�. (b) L�blia Hears.etc� t�c},frta. 1. Mr. KelAa.s wanted ���� k„�aw whether E04th Street would be 9mpr�ved. Tt war� �_= i�rt2d aut by th� City !?.hanner, the Chairman and t�r. �sc'x x, that th� road woulcl be improved � ta the C:i�y �tandax<;;. x, Mr, Bell sp+ak� ira iav�.,r af the zcne change and showed the p�,c1yI211tYt�' and 7,c�rr�ir��ti �"��mrni�si�n his propoaed designs. (c) Public Hearing C1c��ed. (d) Matian by Mr. 5�ver:zAn C�'F �xrprave the zon� chanqe as per Mr. Grif£ins l�tter �f int�cxt. ta camplete S.W. 3.04th $tra�t to S.W. Mcb�iratd. (e) �ecor►dcd b� Mr. Woodard� (f) Appzove3 by un�nim�us vcrte of the members preaent. 6. CONDIR"IJNAL I3SE A r�que�t is� G�neral Telephcne Company to allow � the ec�i��tr.vct ic,n c�f a company garage and ware- 'hause. The prop�rty is 2ocated aeross Burnham 5treet £ram Axr King Man�+facturing Corporation, approximat��?y 400° N.W. of �he S.W. �orner of Burn'ham ana ii:�ffar'ber Road. Map 2S1 2DB; Tax I,�at 100, (a) 5taff r�c�nmmenci�ttian fuz ��proval. (b) Public H�aring qpened� 1, Mr. Hry�ant �re:�Lnted pl��ns of the proposed use to the rilarmirrg ar�a 'Laning �c�snmiasxon, and explained the de- tai7.ed drawingr. 2, NSx. Baker r�p��sNnti;:� General Te:Lept►one discussed thc T�lESphiQne C�mpan;�'sl plarAS. (c) YubLlc fi�ar,iny �ic,sed. (8) Mcti�>n by M.r,. P�rry to ts.e."x`gt the canditwr,nal use, the outside gtr�x��g.�:, ar�d the pld�ti. ��:tY, t.he vonditian that there be no ,�` 1ar,d fiXl.i.ng in or al�7r�t�•.:-Q�° of F`ar►no Creek, anc� that the 1Qnd;�ca�ing g7ai»s b� ap�•'�av"=:i by the 4..�p r�,.,,u�.. .v��eu they ar� ��Leparea, (�) ��cc:,nd�d by Ms•. PhiY:lip�;. (r? Ap�.�xc:��c�ci by a unanii�r.us �^..�s.�: �f tht members pres�nt, 8, YF,NMFsR T�,RR�.CE �UF3UTVISIUN A z�quest to aliaw cUnsCruction of suk�division withcsut sidewalka. I.o- cated adjaeer►t ta, and �lorth of Pine� , k�r�7c+k Terrace oEf 92nd Street. »nna .tf.t�l.._:..Mk].Y.�bNF�x���.X+4 �n.*F..:.'a;�*, ,ti,;.... .�,..:: ,..«..-. . k..:,�,.i . ., . �/.;fi/L<J a � .. �__ _ _ � (a) Sta�f Ft�comm�nr]ation fe+i denial. (b) Publie� H�aring Opan�d. lo M�-. DuMare felt th�t he ehould not be required to build Hid�v�ralks becauae t}s� average lot size cnmputed by addinq trie �c�are fontage r,c th�. individual lots and dividing by the total number �� lats was over 8500 aquare feeta In addition he felt his aubdivisia•n would become ari is- 1�nd with sidewalks whzle� the remainder of the aubdivision around it would nrri, have sid�walks. � � 2. t��r . , :,�.:.��: �...���;�,aX�d taith thss point df view, � ' , �y,�L �(.'� C4L.�IZS.. �YY".'�I :�TT.�� �.k.•A'SL�IS� s (d) NSotian hy Ni�:s �'�.i!?i fo�c t� i nterpret the aubdivision or- dinanc� fe+x rha�. :��t:t ne�n s•eferrinq to aidewalk improvement, as requirinc� sa<4c:w<z.fk,a c�n ���.1 eubdiviaion with leas than 8500 � squar� �r:c�t :xwr�*.-�c��: tr:c size� The aver�ge lot size fs to be comput�d key� �c�c3�.,��� �i�.> t'h� �q+uare footage of each lot and then flividinq b�� tt�� t::t.et rr�n��i• u�f lots, 5 � (e) Secpnd�d by� mr.. :s�:•:,•,c.,�-.n. (f) �pproved bp unanimc��y ��•+-xt.�:� af inembers pres�nt. � (g) Penmar Terrac� :.iiakr��?iv��..,ic�n wi11 not have to build sidewalke � beaaus� it ha� vcy b;r�e�c.yo-: X�t ssze dver 8500 square feeL-, ,j 9. MISCDLLANEOUS { (a) Discus�ian af M(x. S�e P� C+ris'fins proposed planned Reaidential unit, 1. Mr. �Pc�ry and C+ir. L'att�r�on diescusac�d their meetir�g with Mr. Gritfin and shuvred t,he proposed plana to k.he entire Planming and Zuning i�c�mmi.ssian. 2. Tiqa�d rilanning �nc� �aning Commiasior� was in genesal � agreement v�ith tha �r�.ans but made the following reaommendationa: � le That the entir� cievelopment not exceecl 200 unitse 2, �'hat the rc��d pat:tern be redesigned so as to have a major tharough�'az� to connect possible East and f North ar.terials� 3. That the�:e be sorne pz�vi.sion for warkwaya to the park. ! � (b) Disscussinn �af th� C1t1�T�".119 Sign Code Committee. Mr, Ferry expl�iri�d tc� th� Commisaian that the Siqn Code . Committee hz►d deci8�d trs send out qr�ostiannairea ta the local r busines�men and 1Q0 x�c:�idents, 7l't►ey would reconvent the Committee after the questiannaires wert re�urned. (c) Disaussian of PoXic:y {2�ue�tions, 1, Swimmi.ng pnolrt; DeCision was to a:t'f.aw construction of a awimminq pool • within five f�et raf a3yy building or property line. � 2. Fence Grade� Deciaian �was ta c�er���tsue fer►ce height at the pofnt of fr fenc� a�nstrtxa�tixsrt r��st at the ab�utting properky holders grade:. . ' 3� P.c:ce�s�az-� buil.di:nr,� (.,r��_'h as tool s��eds, etc.) riecision wa� ta fr�I��>t�� Washington C�unty°e policy, which ( �llotvs c�sn�trach,i4:�:� r,�rr c'he proper�y line if it is masnnry black con�t..uccion. Otherwise it must be five f��t from the prr�ct:y Line or existing building., 10. AU70URNC�I�N'P 13.:00 PaM� " Page three, May� 21, 1,968 .�-�a���,�� �a . � . . _....... k.s-w'�t3k� .. .,.,,�.,�at.,.,n�.?"1�.. ,.....4,;.-:ys'kr.,..�.eY.�. ...'d,�._C!�J � .. .. . . � , . Y