Planning Commission Packet - 01/17/1968 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . P.LANN]:NG 11ND 7QP]ING REPQR'i' J�anuary 17, 1968 J.. APP.LXCANTS I�ioward Z�. St�ng�r h30 SW l�roadway, Por�l-lanci, �r�c�on �t. N. Sturgis r3D5a S+N IIiglitvaX 21'7, [Pigarcl, Orec�on ?., 7.�RES�rlm ZONING -- R-7 (ResidenLi��l) 3. RLQUL•'STBD ZON�KG - P4-�l (Tndustr.ial Park) �: 4. LOC.F.TSOIJ OT' P�IRCPLS UNDFI2 QUI;S�PIOi�T 'PYi�r.e are two separ�te parcels under question. One p�rcel � is ownecl by Mr. Sturc�is, azid one by hlr. S•tenc��r. Th� stat-{ felt these shotticl }ze cliscussPd as one zone cYianc7e rec�uc�st. t��1hPn the ori<Jinal request was fil.ed, it saas for 'Pax Lot 700, }�u� the stlff suggestecl thai. this woulcl tr�.p Tax Lot 400 as a r.esiclential island. Thus, htr. Stenger requested ylr. Sturgis to alsq came i.n �nd �pply for a zone chanc�e. I3ott� of. these parcels abut [iic�hway 217, and are a�pr�ximately 1D0' from the corner o� 3W T3urnllam and i-Iighway 2.17, Tax. Lot 700's soutiiwest bouncla.ry lin� is Fanno Creek. 5. TOL'UGRAI'HY To�oc�ra}?hy of 'I'ax .Lat 700 is very low and is prone to floodina, in the win•l•er months o£ the year. Sta£f feels that it would b� inappropriat� for znythinc� othc.r thln light i��dusi:rial use. Tax L'ot �}00 i� sone�ahat hiyh.�r'r but if Tax L'�t 7�0 is allo•va�d :'4-4, it �vould ].aave TZx Lot 400 as R-7 island, and tizus in- compatible wiL-k� gao� planning prac�tices. 6. ACCESS, I;GR�SS AIQD TRIIFPTC L�7AD INCRGr'�SP � II Acce�s anc'l egress af these lots would be af no l�roblem For � thcre is we11 ov�r 400' of. frontac�e on IIighway 217. � ;� S•taff :�eels ihat ].ic�tit industry �oi11 not cause a tr.afiic prol�lem foz Highway 2.17. � 9 7. STt�PF RF'COPM�IF'�df)11'I'IOTdS � Stai£ r.E�conimends a�,�proval of botPi zone change r�quests for L-l�e � :Eo11oF��incJ rea�on: a. Previous zone cnanges have been using Panno Creek as the southwestern uorcler of Industrial Par}: zoning. This zone change would complete the patteril by extending M-9 � zone a11 along Fanno Creck to High��ay 217. i b. Tndusi:rial Park on these two lots would nlai��tain a buffer t between the R--7 and •L-he M-3. f 8. PLAI�DIING AND ZONING COA�II�ITSSI(�P1 �CTION � The Planninq and Loning C�mmissioiz unanimously approv�cl the i Zo1ze Chanc�e requests. { , � � � � i , f , � .y � k'7�1�NNING �1ND ZONIIVG Rr1'O12T Jznuary 17, 1968 :L. APPL2GAP7J' Ivan P. lxid Grace S�I. Pul1�� 1440-0 St^� �Ii�hv�ay 2'17, 'Pic�ard, Qregon 2. Pl�ESPNT ZONIPIG - R-7 (Resic?anl:ial.) �; 3. RrQU�57'Fll GON�DIG - 11-'2 (N.[ultiplc Dwellinc�)' 4. LOCATIOIV OF PAF2C�L UND�R nUESTION �` The parcel under cliseussion is locatec� on thc nortYieast oor.ner �f Bonita �,nd tIic�hwzy 217, appr�ximately 25b feet from tne Pi.nebrook Suudivision en�trance, 5. R'OPOGRHP1iY For the most part thi� lot is helvily cJrown ovnr with I trc:es and l�ruskz. Thc� Pinebroolc-I3onita Sewer Interceptor line u�ill run tllrouc�h i.lze ap�roximatc midcll� o£ this o.roperty, folloGVing i:he exis�tinc� c.reelt berl, t2�c�a.rd]_ess o:[ k�ota this land is <lev�lonecs, it will recfuaxe a c�rr-_Gtt elPZ1 of fill and landscaping. G. ACC�SS ANU EGRESS - TRAI'PIC LOAl) II�dCP.L�ISE T�x Lot 1500 has more thzn ad�c�uate access ior tPie numb�r of units tiiat can be �laced on this s9.ze of 1ot. The lot encompass�� a tot�1 of 1.78 ��cres =,vhich, if developed to its fullest c�pacity, would provic�e enough room for 39 units. This lot has 216' af frazztage on Bonita �2oad, �n.d I 337' of frontage oi1 I�ic�h�aay 217. No �roUlem is £or.esecn in increased traffic on 13iyhway �17 �rom the p�-o1�ose�1 cievelopment. 7. STt'�PF P•,ECOr4T�lEND11'I'TOCJS Th� st�ff r�comm�nds ap�roval of the Zon� Chanc�e rec�ucst for tlze rollowing reasons: a. Tne long ranc1e p1.an for this entire aiea is tor high clens i ty. 1 b. The land use is most appropriate, k�ecause o•L- a.ts proximi�:y to both F3onita i2�ad ancl I�i,qhway 217, and L-he rugged topogra��hy. i B. PLANbIIIVG 11Nll ZONIi�TG �ONINITSSION t�CTTObT � 'nc� Planning and Zaning Commission Ltinanamou�ly approvec� � the zone change rc�quest. i 1 ; � i i ; , � � �� �� I i ; � � i _ . ,,.,. i . .. , ,..:�.. .. �._. �-. �. .� k ;_�. � . . . . . . . , . ���. . ..