Planning Commission Packet - 08/15/1967 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i � ti t TIGARD PLANNTNG AND 701�7:CNC MEF,TZIGG � Tuesday, August 15, 19G7 7:30 P.M, § f � � AGEJQDA• j � �;, I ' .l. RO.LL CALL I 1 2. APPROVAL OF MSN[JTES - Jul.y 1E3, Augqet 8, .1967 'y I 3. ZON� CHANGE - FARMERS UND�RWRITERS ASSOCTAT2dN, L�ocated at tT'igarc3- Beaver.ton Freeway & Varnes Rd., Tax Lot's 11(?'), ?2C?4, 1300, and portion of 1400, Map 2S1 1D Pr.ear,r;! �or�inc7 M-4 (Industrial Park) , Propc.>sed zani_ng C•-3 C�.:•.�.er.ry1• Commercial) . ' a. Staf.� Recommendation ! � b, Pul�lic Hearing � 4. ZON� CH�NGE - B�ATRICE S. STASHTN, Located at 11950 S.W. Lzncoln i T�x Lot 1100, map 2Sl 2AB. Present. ?oz�ing !a-�'% (Residential) , Proposed zoniny A-2 (Niultiplc� Dwelling) . 5. FINAL PLAT - bOUGLAS HEII�HTS a. Staff Recommenda•tion. b. Appraval of Plat. 6. FINAL PLAT -- HGOA rYIEW PLAT II A. Staff Recommendation. b. Approval of P1at. 7. FIN�L PT�1T - PENMAR PLAT (Pine7�rook Terrace II) a. Stat£ Recommendation. b. Approval uf P1at. 8. TIGARD CAR WASH - 8965 S.P1. Commercial a. Staff Recommendation 9. DTSCUSSION OF STGN CODE I � 10. MTSC�LLFIN�,'UUS 11. AA70URN1NENT I I � �� . . . . ,Y � .. . . � � . � . . . ..� . .. . TIGARD PLANNING ANll ZONING C4MMISSTON Regular Meeting, Tueaday, Awgust 15, 1967 7:30 P.M. l. ROLL CALL Present: Alan Pateraon, Vice Chaixman; �la.re�ce �V'scc,7i, ,�` Elton Phillips, Everett 5everson, Members, f�, Ke3.th �'k�ompeon, City Engineer; Fred A. A�deraon, City Attox�ney. Abeent: Jim Aitkin, Jack Annand, MembNrs; ��hrx Pe�•e��T, Chairman. 2 MINUTES, for approval July 18, Rugust 8, 1967 Approved as distri�uted. 3, FARMERS UNDERWRITERS AS30CIATION REZONING - I,ocated at T'igarc�-Beav- erton Freeway & Vaxnes Rd., Tax L.�ts 11.GQ, 120�, 1300, and porti.�az oi 1400, Map 2Sl 1;�, Present Zoning M-4 {Industrial Park) , Propose� uon:ing C-3 (Gener�l Cvrnmerc:i.a1) Staff report and recommendation fos approval. � Public Hearing opened. � i Mrs. Goule askod the ].oaation of her property. 9 Hearing aloaed Motion by Mr. Phillips that the Commisaion accept the st�ff recommendatione and approve the propoeed zane change. SQCOnded by Mr. Severson. Approved by unanimoue vote nf Commission present. T1�e Zone Change wi11 be recommended to the City Council. 4. BEATRICE S. STASHIN - RE2�NING - Located at 11950 S.W. Lincolx�, Portian of Tax Lot 1100, Map 2S1 �` 2AB. Pxesent Zoning R-7 (Residen- kial) . Propoeed Zoning A-2 (Multiple Dwe111ng) � Staff repart and recommendation far approval. 'ti ,� Public Hsaring opened. ; t! ,y The following persons spoke against the propoeed zone changes Mre. Kuhn, Mre. McHaraese, Don McHarneee, Joe Steinback, Mrs. Larsan, & Mrs. Milla. They felt that the road was too narrow %; for any additional traftic, that the noiae would be objection- able. { fl � i f Page 1 8/15/6? � � k . ' � � . . �.. . I Ted reeley and Ralph Angle stated that the propert�y could be better utilized if the propoaed zone change r�vas gran�ed. Ralph Angle telt thst the people were objecting to the property that wae already zoned A-2„ Mr. Stashin explained the location of the propertye � Letterg t'rom Ms. & Mra. Buddy Sather, Paul 7teager, ��r� Elizabeth Mille were read. Z'hey wexe opposed ta the proposed zone change. Hearing closed. Motion for approval by Mr. Phillipa. � �;� -� ' Seconded by Mr. Nicoli. ' • Approved by a majority vate of Commission pres�nto M:c. Anderaon - Abetained. The zone change will be r�c,�nun�ss3ed to the City Council. 5. E. A. REID - CONDITTONAL USE - I,ocatiori o£ Property � 1.4�' an 99W N.We o� E'amily Drive-in Theater, � 'Portion of Tax Lat 26(DfS, rilap 1S1 36 DB,`Present Zonina C-3 (�,�neral Commercial} Conditional tXys - , Diaglaoatic Auto Centere It was recommended by the City Administrator that the Cammis�ian schedule a special meeting to consider this agplicationa Motion by Mr. Nicoli ttsat the Commisaion hold a s�?�^��1 Meeting an Augumt 22, 1967 at 7:30 P.M., Seconded by Mr. Severeon.� Approved by unanimoua votg�/of Commieaion present, 6. TIGARD CAR WASH - 8965 S.W. Commercial Motion by Mr. Severson that the Commissi.on write a 1et'ter to Mr. Girod �tat�ng that the four tr.eee to be planted along S.W. Commercial St. (Minutes af April 18, 1l67) must Ue planted not la�ter than March 1, 1968. Seconded by Mr. Philli.pe. Approved by unanimoue vote of Commission preeent. 7, FIN.AI, APPROVAL OF Douglae Fleighte Plat, Hood View Plat II, Penmar Plat (P�nebrook Terrace II) �� Staff report and recommandation. I Motion by Mr. Phillipe to approve the Douglsa Afeights, Hood �' View II, & Penmar Plats and �o authorize Mr. Perry to oign the Plata. The Plate will be held in the Engineer'e c�ffica ' until the f3.eld aheck has btjen madee I I Page 2 8/15/67 tl . . . . . .. . . . . . . � � . . � . . .. ... i ��� � � . . � � �� . . . � �. . . . . . . . .i . . .. � � . �.. � . � �. . . � � . . . � � . � � .. � . �F. � _ I . � . � � � � � . . � . . � .. . . . . ... . � .����� I Second�d by Mr. S�wr�on. Apprawd by ua�aniawu� vote of Commi�eion preeent. �. a. I12SCUgSTOPi OF SIG� COD�. , � � At the speaia,7. Meat.inq on Auqwe� 22, the a�aff will pr.c�s�n�.: ' . thoir racosie�te:3dati.e�tie !�x �k►a Propo�ecl Sign Code to the Pisnnimg arid Zaaiag �onu�iaoiar;. . � 9, AATQURNME�IT - 9t00 P.M. � { z Re� eatfully submitke�?,: ' � k ���oa„J � ��w ti � 8u�oar► E. b�:erly � �' , 8ecretasy 5 � , � � � i ' � ;i �,' � • 'I �{ �i ' 'i °; ;; �'� ;, � , � jR j�,, F; �j t� ,i � I?I s�� � �, ra r �' � " i`' Page 3 8/15/67 i • � , 4. . . . .:.. . f . .. . ... . , . . . . ..... . �� .'.... .. � S t ::. _ _._ __ __ __. _ __ . . _ __ _ i , <;, ,. � � :%.� � ���, T� � . � " , +i .. . .. . � ' .. . � � , � . . . . . .. . �" �� U T w�p� �'♦ .. � ,. . .� ..��t,�. �:�`l�.�L�St:i �.J� �,��7 ' s l`li.�'', . . . . . . :. ! �.` � . � . , . r ,h, ,� ,,^�o: P:Lanninc� & Zoning Membexs i `�' � � � `i ` ' . Re: ' S�a�f R�commc�nclati.ons C�,F • �`7:��� °3 �- F1�RME�tS iTI�7DERWP.:LTERS ASSO�Z�TION, In v:ie�,r a:E the City�-CQUn�y >;r �rcaject�cl zonz.ng, recommend tha� the �bov� prop4sed x�quest � '`�` be g�can�ed. rasements �or exi:en��_on a:C exi.s�inc� I�" san�.tary , linn on the sou�.lzexn end �f th� prop°�ty wi11 h�ve �to ba � ` �cqua.r�� dua�i.ng d�v�lopment through to Irving Street. ,� � t � < , � � ,, ` : .; �tem '� - DE�TR�C�; S. uT1�SHTN, Setaer pacobl.�m eatists in the area, During .� `' '� ° the wint�r., ot�erflow candition� ACCLl� an S.W. Commerci�l. ` R . ��a Z�ppr�xiznately 80% of �:he l.ot i� nnW A-�, bu�: R-7 (R��iclentia�.� ; �� �, �o. � ���fi�ien af �he lat is the access necea�ary :Cor A-� under. �h�: . '�. , �lanna.ng & �oning Code. Rc�commen.�l th�� t�a:� zone ch�rzc�e l�e {i � c�:Cal'1'�GC�• z>� ,� }��. " 3;��m .ri - FINAL PLZ�T, DOUGZ,�1S HEICaHTas �'in�l p:Lat p�_an. is the s�m� �� '� � A� ``� a� �r�limin�xy ��.at approved on b2ay 2�, 19G7. H11. zn�th�mati.c�_ ' ',; k, � �.��v� been c:�.��7ced and thQ l�ga� rPguirem�nts �eem ta b�: ���"' ' �u�,�i�.lec�. TI�.e �i�1d check has no� been mad�; pl�t wi1.�, �e � a a�r'� h�1d by Engin�er ur��il c.h�ckc�d. " ;`'; �, � .i' 'r �, K �' � � ��em �i - ��NA�, k�I,AT, IIC�OD VIEW P7�T �I, Final pla�: �1az� is� the same� �s � � prelirninary gl�t approved on January �.7, ].967. A7.1 ma�h�mai:i.c�s ; g , .,., . �,.��� .. � '', 1��.'vQ �ae�n a�leckec� and the 1ec�al xequirements seem �� bQ : t'�; , ,. � �s � �ul�i�.led. The :�ield checl{ has not been made; p�at wil�. _ �� "�" s "`''< b� held by �ngine�r unta.l checked. '� � ° ; � � � � . � � � �� � � � M, �;-���. ' „ ,i ;f ti � �:��em 7 -► 'FTN.�L IPLAT; �'�NMAR �LAT (rinebrook Texrace TZ) , Final Ql,a,t � plaati �.s th� same a� �araliminary p1a� approved on 1��r3.1 1.8, `'r ` 19G7. Z�11 m�thematic� have been '�hecked and th� legal x�c�ui�a- ''� �, . a�'.. � ments seem �a b� £ulfil],�d. Tha ;.�i�lcl cheek �as na� been made, >�'+.LL�` ' , pla� wil], be he�.c1 by E�ga.neer un�a.�. checl�ed, , . , '�';� ,�z �.• � t •. t� f�r � � ' • .J T�t// eS�dr�� ' `1 f. : , g , ,, , ;��t;em $ , .TIGARD C�tR W1�SH, B1a�n,�: �./�g of t�e/qs b�e�ade � ,� ,, ,E , . s' .�. �/�c�t'J'. CfJ:e.rlq /�t!/-� Ct ,f7 G%v!�'�,' . s �J C!✓Y/YP�+�. .� �, � ��� , ..,.jl � � . , ` "U, � �,". � � � � � �. . t Ct� ;^�$� `� Kei�h G. Thompson, i�l:y Engineex , ' �� � � � � ' � � s a �.'�, 4�����,,' , r . . . �' `'r;;:� p.h" �� ' � � � � � � r �,,� �r .d 4 F ` * a ;j� $ '�.� �x. r,q, r_ `v.. j . r. , . . - . , r .�!�+� ' . " r �";� '. �'s. 1 rR ��r. � . . . � ... . i � � � .',,�5 rM . . . _ . . . .. . . . . t:��li::� "�"� �' . . .!t}+!nt.Rn+�+t�n�nmrn�• .1.YYIR�t�'��1!^dR11"f.`�jAlAf'R�"�4!"�.