Planning Commission Packet - 08/08/1967 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . f � TIGARD PLANNING ANA ZONING COMb1ISSION ; F i Public Hearing, Tuesday, Augu�t 8, 1967 7:30 P.M. F�eld at Fowler Jr. High ; } � A public hearing with reapaet to the propoaed Siqn Code for the C9.ty ! of Tigard, j i Roll Call: Presenr Jack Annand, E.�ton Phillipa, Alan Paterson, Members�t + Jnhn Perry, Cha�ixman; Keith Thompeon, Ci�ty Engineex. ! k Absent Jim A3tkin, Clarence Nicoli, Everett Severaon, ' Membe�ra�; Fred Andazeon, City Attprney. ; .f It wae moved by .7a�k Annend, Seconded by Mr. Phillips that the propoaed 1 Sign Code be returned to s committee for further atudy and that the � commiasion hold an additionesl p'ublic h�aring before reaommending the propoaed Sign Code to the City �ouncil. ; 3 Motion �tpproved by unani.moua vote oE Commiesion presont, i i Public Hearing: Approximately 67 permons in attendsnae. i The following person� teetified in the public hearing. l. Edgar Wamath, Waetern Oil and Gas Corpor�itian m�de the following comments: F3.n aigne ahould be added to the definition eection; sect3on 203 A ehould be �l��i,f3ed; Section 302 A ahauld read - � Pexmitted Di�splay of F2ego, Bannere, etc.; F1ac�s, Bannere, etc. should be pesmittad for � fi�teen day period; paragraph 1 in Seetion 307 E should be eliminated; Section 307 T, Ratating signe ahould be allowed. 2. Del Ball, r�preeea�ting merchante irn Tigazd, recommended that a committee of 2 merchmnte rand 2 gereons from a Sign Company work with the Pla►nning Commisaion to reviee the Sign Code. The two areas that shauld be consid�red in the sign code wo�ld be structural �afety and psotecti�on for out-of-balance signe. He stated that the wording in Section 411 (ahall be deemed guilt� of a miademeanor) �rhould be deleted. 3. Joyce Ballard stated that the Sign Code would hurt the buaineaa in Tigard. 4. Dorsey Olds �stated that a committee oE citizens should ba set up to work with th�e Planning Commieaion. 5. Al Woode, representing Dlectrical Advertiaing Companies, dieagreecl with the sectione on flaehing aigne, rotating eigne, roof signs, � and projecting aidewalk aigns. 6. Don Stephens agreed wit� A1 Woods on the sections referring to flashing eigns, etc. Page 1 8/8/'67 M 7. Babe Hess, Lone 0ak Reataurant, felt that flashing �nd swinging signs should be allowed. 8, Doug Murray, Oregon Sign and Neon Corporation did not a�ree with � the following sectiona: 203 2A, 203 2C, 203 3R, 203 4; Roof, tx�t, and flashing signs should be permitted. 9. A letter was preaented by the ahairman, John Perry, from Ro_qe.r Emmons, Oregon Co�ancil of outdnor Advextising, which c�ave ' sevsral amendments he felt would be beneficial to the praposed Sign Codeo lU. Mr. Del Ball mentioned a letter �ent to the City k±,dnixzi:i.�*'��`-�•�r� by Mtr. Donnreis stating the feelinga of the merch�ra'cs raE °���,�;z�a:,:.�s 11. Bruce Hollister felt that the Planning Commissa.on s'�n?alc� rc��t � assume the reaponsibility of deciding whieh aigna are �o be � conaidered beautiful and whi.ch are nqt, I .� Hearing clos•ed: 9:10 P.M� i j , � � P � � ! � � f � 0 �� � � x� � i r � �'I � � a p z1 �� � � � � j i F � i � i Page 2 8/8/67 � { � � - i t 1 � � � . ' A . - __ _ `