Planning Commission Packet - 02/21/1967 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . . . ....'�'"...�`�l�n� . . . ... .� . . ..—. . . . � . � CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING & ZONING MEETING Tu�sday, Febrtxary 21. 1967 7z30 P.M, �_ AG�NDA: 1. PLANNING & ZONING CODE & MAP REVISION - Public Hearing 2. ZONE CHANGE - DONALLI R. & MYRTL'E E. SSTR�NG & OZEN W. & MAB�L F. WO�,F, Z2145 and 12175 S.W. Lineoln, Tax Lot #300 and 400, Map #2S1 2AB, From R-7 (Residential) to A-2 '(M,u�.tiple Dwelling) , � 3. ZQNE CHANGE -- S'tJZANNE JOTiNSON, S.G�]< Commercial & Hwy. 217 , Tax Lot #900 , I�iap #2S1 2AD, Fr�m A-2 (.Multiple � Dwelling) to C-�2 (Central Commercial) . ' i �� � � � �� �� � � � �� �� 4. FINAL P,PPROVAL OF PANOR.AMA #2 - Tax Lot 400 & North 300 Ft. of Tax Lot 300 & North 275 Ft. o.f , Tax Lot 200 101 & 1�0. S.W. � . ► , l/4 Sec. 34 T1S, R1W`, G7. M. ' �nlashington County, Or�:gon. � 5. UND�:RGROUND UZ'ILITY ORDIr?ANCE - Rep�rt by comm��tee cpiairman - Alan Paterson 6. REPORT BY CLAR,ENCF NTCOLI - Chairman of the "GO" (Goa1 & , Objecti�es) cammittee. 7. MTSCELLANEOUS � 8. ADJOURNME�IT j I � :� t F j � i �.�� . . . . �. .. . . . . . . ... ��, , � �I , TIGARD PLANNTNG AND ZONING COMMISuION Regular Meetinc�, fiuesday, Fel�ruar.y ?.1, 1967 7:30 P.M. `; i�, t.i ls ROLL CALL Present: Jim Aitkin, Jack Annand, Clarence Nicoli, ,: Alan Paterson, Elton Phillips, Lverett ;' Severson, Niembers; Jolln Perry, Chaisman ! Keith Thompson, City Engineer; P�F.. And�rson, ,�' � Ci'cy Aitnrney ; Larry 73:issett, Planning Consultan� � � 7< A}�sent: Mayor Kyle �'4 ;i }r;; 2. PLANNING & 7,ONTNG COD� & MAP P�VTSION Public Hearing - 7:30 PaM. � Mr. Gordon Paulson questioned duplex zonzng� t' ;.' � Mr. Knotks asked about the zoning on Auznllam Street. � f ' Mr. J�e Schulte and Ann Giord wrr� opposecl to khe pro��osed k' change to I�I-4 (Industrial) on Ti.gard A�e. They r�ferred to � the pet:ition that was submit•tecl �a th� Commission at the 4'. public h�aring on Decembez• 15, 1966. � Mra Stan .7�dkins was opposec� to the nroposed change of the property on Tigard Avenue next to the Luminit� Sign Company to M-4. He £elt it should �emain M-3. Hearing closed. It was movecl by Mr. Phillips, Secandad bX Mz. Ai�kin �+nd a�proved that the Pl.anning and Zonir�g Comm�ssion .recommenc� to t•he Council th� revised Pl.anning a�1d Zoning Code and blap as presented. Jim Aitkin - A'YE El�on PhiJ.lips - f\YT' Jack Annand - I�Y'E Pvereti: Sevexson �- T.':� Clarenee Nicoli - �YE John 1�erY�y - AY� F.lan Paterson - �1T'E F. k. Andcrson - A13STF�:I'NLD , t,'; Mr. Pe�ry, chairman �£ the Commission wi11 p'��sent thP � revised Zoning Code ana Map �o th� Counczl on Fcb. 2'7,1967� � � 3. DONALD R. & MYRTLE S°PRONG & OZEN W. & M11B�I.� L'. WOLk" Ft�ZONING - From R-7 C��sic]enti�l) to A-2 � (Multiple Dwelling) , Tax Lot 300 d• ancl 400,. Map 2S1 2AD. T,ocat�d at ; 12195 and 12175 SoW� I.�inco3.n . f`,� Public Hearing - 7:30 P.M. � is,* Letters were read from th� fp7.lo�•rinc� �eople who are opposed t� the proposed zone change: P!Ix•, � Mxs. Dean t�2osier, Gerald ° Swank, Mr. & Mrs� Stephens, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Grotjolzn, "° ��= Dir, Paul Yeager, Mr. & Mrs. Ral,ph Twiss, I+Ir. `. i�I;rs, C„E� � �'anoe, IKx�. & Mrs. Fred Felzien, Mr. & Mrs. J�rom� Norris, �," Mr, & Mrs� Russell Parker. ?'{ ,.:f l::: r`'i Page 1 2/21/67 � ' �';i �♦ 7,, f;� [,, �+x' . . . . (!'<'. " . ,�.. . . .. . . . ._ . .��..;. ... . . . _ ...� `� � . . . .A� . . � � � .'.�.�i �T , Their reasons for opposing �his zune change wes:�:: 1. Tt wnuld Iower the value o�' the su�round�ng residenti.al pzr��erties a 2. Neither the strcets no�r •the present seWe� system would accommodate the proposed mult:ipl.e dwellzng„ 3e � mulfip'Le dwelling coouid tend to de�;rac�c =rom tlYe �. quiei:ness of the neighbowhaodo 4. It would clestxoy the present x•esident�,a]. a�mosphere. Mr. A. P, Talent, Mz,. iiaais�ra, A4r3'. RusS�Tl, P�.rker, and Mr� Mr� Geral.cl Swank feli tYiat ap��rtm�nt dwel�iYic7s woulci Y�ave an ad•verse effect on their prop�:s'tyo Mr. Jerome Norris presented a �eta.tion to the Commissiun o£' !� thir'ty--five (35) persc�ns wha are agaYns� the proposed zone j change� , A lettex �vas read fs•om Ivlrs. C1.axa i-Tolga�� who w�s irx f�vor of j the pxoposed zone ahange. � . I Mr. 01en Wnit statecl that he was .i.n favnr of the propc�secl znne ' chan�e. Mr. Dnnald utronq explairied that t.hey Yiad plans Lo const�uct fnur units on this propertyo � , g Heariazg closed� � z Mation fo�� Denial. by Mr. Annand. G >. Secondpd by Mr. Nicoli� �' t ApprGV�d bp unanim�us �rote of the Commission4 �' 3'. ll 4o SUZANN� JOHNSON REZONING - rroitt A-2 iMultipl� Dw:� ..:xYgp to C-2 (Central Comm�rcial) , Ta� Lot 900, �iap 2S:L 2AD, Tocatcd on S.W. Comrnercial ;' and tiwy a 217'o �` Public Hearing � 7:30 P•.M� A letter from D4r� & Mrs� Chris� Wert who are in Pavor of the prnposed zorie change roas read. �� Mr. William C�eot.ze guestioned the wic�th of Commeraial Street� Mrs. Carolyn Se�unders Filey and Mzs� WiZliam Geotze wer� �,? opposed to the proposed zone ch�r7ge beaause it wou�d i,nr.rease traffico �' ;, Mr. Raymond Meyer statcd �Lhat he had no plans �o� dev�lopment ' at the pres�ni: �ime. �' �' �,, Iiearing closed. i` �. It �aas m�v�ed by M�m Fater.son� 8econded by M;r. X��.t,k�.n �nc� a�provPd �:hat the Commission approve the zone char�g� request b� Suzanne Jahnson from �-2 tG C-2, r Pag� 2 2/'21/6l y r; {. � � � � €�. , �4 f; � � � rt' - s k , ; Jim A�.t�kin - AYE Elton T�hi.l;l.ips - l�YE ' ; J'ack Annand - AY� Everett Severs�n - AYE ; Clarence Nicoli. - AYE .7rhsi Pes-x•y - NO Alan Paterson �- AYE F., A, 1lnde:rson -• AY� The abo�re zone change wil.l be recommended E:o the Cxtp Council� � � � � � � 5. F'INAL APPRQVPL U�° PABTORFIMA #2 � �. � Motion fo�° final approval by Mr� 7:nnand. � a Seconded by Mr.. Ph.i1].5.ps� � � Approved by a ?-1 vote o�' the �'arnmi�r��un. Pd:ra Anders�n, f ABSTATNEI?a �! 6. RE;PORT HY GC?AI,S P.ND U$�7EGTIVE COMMTTTEE. �' E'; The following iterns are to be conside�`ed :�n the ccsmi�ag fisc�l year.. }' ;:. 1. Camplete and adopt a sxgn cade �s �aon as �ossib:teo ij t: 2. Complei:iori o� Subdiva.sson Code ta inc,lude: �; �' A� iTnderyrc�und Utilities. � B. Sidewalks. C. Street Name Signse D, P�ssibi.l.ity of asking eacli clsvelc�pment ra set as:�dc- land £or Parks or mc�n�y for puechase of parJc sa�e , 3. 12eques� Larx�y Bissett, Ciiy-County Planning Consa:Lxant, to pravide the Planning and 2oning Cottunission with a briefing, in detail, ori the �roject� n�w being wc�rked on by hi� agency for the C�.ty nf Tigard, s� the Commissian. will be fully e' appraisedm This will take p�.ace �rx March 2�, 19�i7� �� r, 9. Planned I2PSidential and Land-LOCked Parcel be�crelopment. Policy and pi•ocedures far the plannc:c�;, �esidet�;..°:;7 zqn:tng and Land-Lockeci Parcel Development �hould be set down by a the Planninc� and Zoning Commission so that the City Staff �' wi11 have guide lines i,n inter��et�ng t,hese provisa.ons to the citizenz°y� Establish pr��edures for zane changes which wou'ld descrzbe the various zUnese �;. 7. ADJOURNM�NT - 9:50 P,M. �` �' � ti �. c; i-. �;, �' £:; Respectfully submitted, � �(� r, ��llJS��..� /�, �t.Q t -� �° Susata Em B�.erl:y � i � �_ � Secz��t�Ly v:� �: �, Page 3 2/21j67 � !`i �, �`, �� . . . . . . . . . Fp_,; 2'. �l t . .. ��.�� �,�.. �,�:. . .. .. . ... t . ...