Planning Commission Packet - 05/17/1966 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. .---,,,_,-.-� , ._ _ _ �.. ,.. ; �IT1r OF TlGARD 12420 S. W. Main Str�et TIGARD, AREGON 97233 �.:. ' 7elephone 63'�-�3i71 C�mY QF 'CI�zAR� �I:a�t�1T?��1G A?�Tr? ZQnTTnrr 1�I?�,ETlI��('X �AY' 1.?, ��5f�, 7;3n P<M. € i: n,r�n??)� .....,...Y�, ,, i.. R��DInTr� n� �CH�' I�:Ct�n;T�ES OF TI-� 1�IEE7'T.?�TG �?F' AP13T:.L 7.�q 1.�Fh � �, '?QA�; (;H1��T��F -- TT�!�A?C�; T�,��s ]:��l�!; S,U1, �ru��,nlzt� fxam 1�-�i (�:esar�ena�.�t?.l � � �� � � �Q A���. (Th,.�?1,���) � ��ax T,o'4; 1.��, ?. � 1 2� ��� �� � '� ?:�?"T�' CN,��rr.�; .� RIG�IARn T�T. K!��ftTA:�, .l.?8h� S,�rd. Yhr�'k��?_rs fro!Y; .ft�� (R���c��r+ti_.��. ) N � t1t� �w� (I+�„1.�',7.;�1,? 1�,,,��1.:�rrr;� TaX �a+� ?7�10, 2 `� 1,? k3C � . � a, ?Q^TE Cx�iltrTrE � �n�.�L�'�R ��, ��'��HG, �?7�� S,d�, Pfaff:le R��c�, f'ro!m R•-7 (R�:�i.��+�t�a7. ) fy, �rr: �-? (ro;nrn�r�ia1.) �Q A�.? �NIv.�7�+,a_��;1� �4•�aJ.1,a.n�l� `i'�,x L�.�+ 1.��!1, �; J, �? ]. 3� r�. �, ?q�T� CT�:,�:�tr;F , OT���.T R. H,A�TD�1T��,, �;�7K 5,w< !?�.�;r�nh�� �ram Nf�� ��auh�-, M�'�,) tn lvim�rord.it��rati U�� (C�bs.r,et Snop)w T�°s 3 n•t �.flnn� ? S 1,2 AD b a MT,���7��,.�rT�'�JU,S � � � � � t � r E � �Jnn�t �"orn�-�� �he S cu�G.�. I�e��?�, Ttze��.�:�'.�v�n1�i�� 7 ,;�r � r11. , l�lazr 1.C�,�, �.;'��h, � � . �e.,w�...+,.....r.,w«.....aa.�...Wmww.��..w � ""i�.'°'°".'' ''��1 P 4i'A e Y c�:�. �G�.'�'-i'..�t. . � D�an�t� ���t,lap „� re�.al, Mr���a.n�.�h�`.r.s�.a r�v�n�:ri�' 7� .�.,i:.�_..�....�.w°.�...�,.... � � 1 � i � i ; �i' A ,1 � . � � CE�.°Y O�' '!°IGAT2U PLAN27�Y�T� AN'ly ZANING �OMMISSION MT17T7T�S �OF ME�►'�ING MAY 17, 1966 �. Pr�ssents Jo !t, �chultee Clar�nce Nicnli, �verett Severe�c�n, Ben Brax�txskio Jnc7c Ann�nd, Ja No Aitken, L. 1�, Biasett and �ounci,lman Co Lo Klnc'k Abe�cnt e John Perr�y The me��ing ru�a� c�Ylad to order at 7 0 30 P.M. 'rip Be: °:°�z�r�gki: Thd minutes of the Apri.l 19, 3.966o meestinr� were raad� �snd i�:r, Brazaua�ki seked for aorrcctionso r�dditione or nmieaiona, Nane 'h�ing o�fered the min�tds �r�r� th�n ap�,roved as raxdo M�r. �razaus)ci� W� have � r�qucst far a znne Change £rom Vance i T,�e, Tnx Lot �114, nri the prop�rty locatec� a�, 10265 S,Wo Walnut j Avenweo and �he� requested �ane change ie from R-5 (Renidential) ' to A�1 (D�p�.ex) o I ! Mra �'o�bergo Jageph Xnrdo We8liey SCI1ult2� Jemee Duty and Charlea i Woodazd tea�i.fied againflt tihis zane ahang�o Mr� Schalte� � move that� w� rr;��smmend to City Catzncil a aand change ; from R-�5 (Ras3.dentialj to AWT (Duplex) on Tax Lot �114, 10265 SnWe I Walnut Avenu�o Motion seconded �y Mr, Attha�nde Upan aall �c�r �rote � the motion wae unanimously denicd by �he Gommieeion, m�joritiy members � being pr.�sant� i Mra �raz�u�kis W� lxave a reqxtest #or a xond �hnnge E`ram Nir, Richaxd Kar�a'k from R�5 (R�sidenY.ialy to 1��-� (Ntrxltipie Dwallirtg� on i•�cx Loc #3'700, 12860 SoWo W�tkin�, A peti�:ion wa� praa�,zc�ed with �i.gntttaree of thoea paopl� in �he area who object �o thi� zone cl+.�.ngeo Mr. Iticolis T move tha� the zone chnnge on tha property locrsted et 12860 Soi90 Watkiraso �sx Lot 3700tl fro►n RW5 (ite�identinl) ta A�-2 (Multipl� Dwelling� be denin�do Motion seaonded by Kr. 1lnnando tlpon call for vote the mntion �rae unanimaa�ly approvdd, majority members being premento Mre Brazauakie Wc� have a rec�ueet for a zana chanqe trom Wr�lbar La Stah1, Tax Lot 150pp 7'7Q5 S.Wa Ptaffls Road, and the r�rqueeted zons change is from Rm7 (Reeidentfal) and the south 2�0° i:� CW2 (Commarcial) � �0 11�2 (Multiple Dwellir.c�� o � Mra Larry $lum testifiad ag�inet this zone changa. Page 1 -- 5m17�66 � . . . � ... 5 �.; � .. � �� � . . . � � � k Mr. Bisset� �uggestFd that this zonc applicatiori should be r�view�d � by the Washing�on County Planning Depart�ment before being presented � to city Council. C �_ Mr. Nicoli: I move tha� we r�enmmend to City Council a zon� chang� � from R-7 (Reaidentialj and tha sa�zth 200' C-2 (Comm�rcial� to A.�-2 (Multiple Dw�elling� on ;:he property loaated at '7705 S.Wo Pfaffle Raado Tax Lnt 15n0o contingent to an ouK. from the Washington County � Planning �ommissionm Motiox� s�conded �y Mr„ Annand. Upon c�ll for �vnte the motinn was unanimously appraved by the Commi�:siono maj- ority members bc�ing pres�nt. Mra Brazauski: W� have a request for an M�-3 Conditional Use (C'abinet Shop) on the proper�y located a� 89'75 S�Wa Burnharno ?•�.x Lot $k1800� � Mr. Aitken: I move tha� we approve an N!-9 Conditic�nal Use (Cabinef. Shop) on t'he property locatsd at 8975 S.Wo Burn'ham, Taae Lot 1800r � Motion secnnded by Mr„ Nicolia LJpon call for vote i:he motion was unanimously approved by �he Commission, majority membex�s beznr� pxesent. Stan Adkins present�d a Preliminary Pla� for a Sub�di�isinn for �h� � e�,oGoAo Properti�s. The Architect, A1:Ered Eo T,aaber and the Commission �' discuss�d the P1at. This property, at the present time:, is not in ( the City nf Tigarda and no action aan be taken until this property ;; is annexed ta the City of Tig�rd. However, t.he Plat appears favora'ble j, to �he I�lanning Commission. }i �, �:I Adjournment: 9:30 P,M, ;, ' r� Respectfully submitted, Ii %����eP� � C��d i Monnie So Andraws '� Secretary `j Ca � . � � � , �� � Page 2 a 5m1`��G6 �� � . a