Planning Commission Packet - 03/17/1966 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i „ . � 1 , p � � � � CTTY 0�' TTGARD PLAIJNING R,,'�D ZONJ[11G COMMI33TOIQ I MIDTqJTES O�' MESTII�G MARCli 17, 1966 Preeents Joh�n Perry, J. H. Sahui���, Clarenaa i�ieo�i, Evarett '� �' 8evnr�on, L. A. Hie�ett and CounciLman C. 8. Kluck, 3r. The msating wne called to order at 7s30 P.M. ]�y �ohn Psrry, Actiag Cheirman. The minute� of ths �'e'�russy 3 rind L��L- � ruary 17, 1966, meetingo w�re raad, and Mr. Perzy atlr�d for ` corr�ctione, addifi�ion� or omie�ione. None baing offered th� � minutee were thbs� approved aa read. � � � Mr. Psrry: We have s reque�t for a� rcone ch+�nge on the, property � locatsd at 1147b B.W. GreenLurg Roed, Tex ]�,at #2400. Thi� � proparty i� awned �y Dr. Leoaard S. T�avie, and the requa�ted � � zone changa i� from R-5 (Re�idential) to A-2 (Mulbipie �w�iling) � �� �� Mr. Perry read a letter from Mr. and �lr�. Geozge Mn Wa�llace, and �� they are not in favor of thia zone change. Mr. Minr�ar, Mr. Mack � and Mr. P�tereo�n te�tifisd at the PuJr11e Hearing, aa�d they alao i: �Lject to thi� zone change. This zone change wae ditcu0se� {i ]�y these gentlemen and the Planning Cnmmis�ion, and it waa �. dacideS �that the North 75' of tex lot #2400 ehould not ba in- � cluded in thi.s zone change. �; i•; i:` Mr. 8cla�tites I move that we seccmm�nd to City Council a xone '� change from R-5 (Reaidential) to A-2 (MUltiple Dwe111ng) on all �� �ut the North '75' of Tax Lot �2400, 11470 3.F1. Greenb�rg Raad. �� Mo�lon seconded ]�y Mr. 3mveraon. Upon call for vots t]'�e motian �? wns unanimouely appravedl3�� the Commis4;ton, ma�ozity r��em�ers �;; Lein.g prasent. !� b: Mr. Perry announaecl that �he apacial meeting of t�he Commi�rioa r; wt13, �e heid Thur�sriay, nprii i4, 1366, 7 a 3t3 P.�4�, and tha ��� regular meeting will ]re Tu�sday, Rpril 19, 1966, at 7:30 P.M. F^ Mr. Perry a1�o announced thm�, in the futurm, all reguler `� • �P�la�ing and Zoning meeting� will be held on tha thizd Tu�sQay af each month, Cauncilman Klock �ugge�ted that the Plenning Comm�.a�ion #ilI the vacancy crasted Ly Mr. philrips' rasignation, an� elro appoi�nt a Cheirman at the next reqular meetirig. �� The Commi�sion will rev3ew the zone chnnqe for tha Oregon �? E$l1CA't10ri A�eocfetiun on April 14th� �;, ��? t': Fege 1 3-17-66 �� � ��. � Ji y �. . i Mr. Schultev Z move that the mee�ting be adjoursted. Mation aecw�ded bg Mro Nicoli. iYpon cs1l for vote the motion wae unanimously appraved, ma�Jority membere being preeent. Reepec�tf�usl�ly submi .ed, � � a� t�lo�is�ie S. Andrews ' S�ecretary � i ; i i 1 � Page 2 3-17-66 � , .