Planning Commission Packet - 01/20/1966 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. CITY C�F "1"IGA,RC� 9�420 S. W.Main Sfreet �rv TI�ARD. OitEGON 97Z23 �,� Telephone 639-�171 January 13, 1966 ,, CTTY OF' TICARD PLANNING AND ZON:LNG COMMTSSION ' MEETING �7�U1��tY 20, 196C, 7 s30 P.M. AGENDA 1.. Reading of Minutes of Meeting of DeCe.t�1}7e7C' 3�e 1965 2. Zo�e Changie Ta� Lot 5600, �2-5 to A-2, �. Zone Chaz�g� Taac Lot 2 3�0, R�-5 to A�2 �o �ol�e �'k?�a?c,,,xe �.'ax ��t �.30�, �W5 to A-? 5. Review Pl.anning an� Zoning Or�.inan.ee E. C. Phi1li;�s, Pr�sident DON'T FORGET SPECIAL MEETTNG Tt7ESDAY, JANU.Z�RY 1.8TI� � 7:30 P.Nt. C��Y FiALL _ ._ � � �` : ', CI'�'X QF TT('a�#ItD PZ.AN1f11�1NG AND ZC1N7:t�G C�7MM;iSSZ025 I Minutea of Meetinq January 2a, 1966 ' Preeents Preaident Ee C. Ph�ll;ipe, Vice Pre�ider�i: Ban Brazauak9, C1arc�nce Nicol.i, .7. He $CYlU�.�CEe Lveret� Severaon, John Yerry, �7. N. Aitkit�, ^� L, A. B�.�saett artd CouneS.�.rnart C.a Eo Klock, 5r. ', The m�eti�ng wae ca11.��i i.o order at I:3b P.Ni. by 7?res3.c�exi� I b r 30 1965 meetiri h i l l i a. T e m i n u t e s o f t h e D e�e m e , 5 x' h r P wore xead, and Freoident L�hillipe asked for cozrect.iona, additions or o:nissions. Non� being offered the min�atFs were �het� a��roved ae read. Pr�eiden,t Phi].1i.pe: We have a requeat for a zor,e charEg� on the �ropexty located at 1Q030 S.F1. Walr�ut Str�et, xax I,o�e #2 300 a�nd ,�`r2�Ol. Thi.a p�'operty i.s c�wned 'hy Arthux A, Hiederman, and the requestecl zons change ia from R-S (R��idential) to A--2 (Mul�iple Dwelling) . Preside�� Phill�.�s asked i.f there wae anyone in th,e d'n thia zone cltan e. iahed to tessti.f re ar �, g audience wlaa w Y 9 9 . Hearing wss t�.hen cloa�d, Mx. Nicolia l move 4'���t� we recUmm�nd to City c;nunail a zone change from R-5 (�tesidential) ta A-2 (Multiple Dwel1�.»;c�) on Tax Lota 2300 and 2301 on the praper�y loca�ed at 10030 S.6�1. Walnut Street. Motior► secoxsded 1 �` by N�ro Schialte. Upon ca11 for vot.e the motiqn was un�- t animotxaly appzoved by the C�mmz�aiUn, all members baing � pree�nt. F � Presi,de�� Phi1l.i.pe� We Y�ave anothex request fox a zone � ehange on tY�e prop�rty loc�a�e�d at 11345 5.�7. 9�tt� 1�vc�nue, � Tax Lo� 5600. Th:ts propert,y is cawned by Fc�y Livings�on, � and �he requested zone ek�ange ia from R-5 (Rpeide�ntial) i:o A,-2 (Multiple .Dwelling) . Mr. philli�as asked if there was a�yone in tlia aµdience who wiahed �o teatify rega,rd�.ng thia z�ne ch�nge. Mr. Maxrie, Mre� .�c�uinaP Mr. Megker a�d Mrs. Ma.ssman objeatc�d ta thie zr�.:..� ^°h�.nge. � Mr. Perx'Xs I mave tha�, the zoxz�s chanc�e ot� �ka� �rvpexty � located at 11395 S.W. 54�Yi �1ven�e be den�ied. Mution eeeoz�ded by Mr. 3everson. U�on call for vote, th� i mo��.on was unanimauely appxov�d by the C�onvniesic�n, all � ; member� being pres�nt. , , j �. Page Ze 1�-20�-66 ? I � � i 1 � ; i � � a � j � _ . President Phillip�s Th�r� w�11 be a Publ�c ���xi.zlg on ' �ebrnary 3, 1966, for a zone change on �h� Fr�� Meyer propertX located on SoW. Yacific High�a� b�N��e� �oW. 7�.st and S.W. 74th Avgn.ue,. �11so, C.aeon-iVeet Contr�rtars havc� r�quc��tc:�ri �� xuzic� varianae (lncr�aec�d d���ity� o to 'build'a 3S y�2�it Ap�..rtm�Yi�o an the p,roperty 1c�cat�d at 116Fa5 SoW', C;r�c�xih��:g i2ca�c�� Ttiere will bp a Pub7Lic He�.ring a�n th.is Jarf�,n�:e nn �Qbx•���x�y �' 3, 196h. The C'ammisaioz� reyri�:.�•yc;; the new �onina Ozdi.r��n��:o at�.d a I few mir�ar changea were m�d�. Mr. Brazaur�ki s I mov� �,h�� the �13zxniny �.nd 2;���.itrg Commis,�ion submit to the 4�xty Counr_il for approwal, Gha�ter 11U tlzror�gh 1�U of the neur propo��d Zvni.ng C)r.�w inartr.c�, tn be� added as �n ac3dc��idum tr� �he p.r�,aerit I�lannin,g z�na Zonirig Orc]ir.iattc� ixratil �uch tim� $s �.ha nee�* Ordin�tnc� can �e cUmple�:ed. Mot.ian �secoxYder3 by Mr. Seversnn, ilpo�i ca11 for vote� the motion •w�as tznatxamo�asxy approve:ci 'by t;h� COIM119B10T�p a1T memZ�ers being pres�:rit. A�jouxnmpnt ta.k�t� at ].UsbO �?�M. Rr�e�pr�r.�fnlly �ubmi�4/e�', �2,��r-=,.�� .� L�-��vs' P9oi�nie S. .A,zxc�re�v:� S�ex�fia�� F�a�ge 2, I-20-•66 �• ' , i i i � ; � _ ,