Planning Commission Packet - 06/17/1965 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. CITY OF TIGARD PLA1�T�4INC A1�D `�OIYIliG COMMZSSION MINt1TES OF M79L�TING ;7�i1�11.: ].7, 1965 '� Pres�erats Vice ::�:c��ident Hen Sr�xauvxxr �T. A. Schulte; �` Clarence Ydicoli, L. A. Biseettp John Perryp ryGr�t� �,�v�x�oa�, and C. �. Kloak, 5r. Th� Me�e�ing w�aa calle�! to order a�: 7."titl '�olMe bp Vice Pressident Ben Brazaueki. The minat�s oF the May 20, 1965, m�eting were read. Upon call fos corxeations, it waa r�queated that the word "Dye Mnnufacturing be chang�d to read "Die Manufacturing. With thia correction the minutea we*�e orc�e,red approved as read. Vice Preeiddnt Brazeuakis Ne have an application for a zone c'hanga on Tax Lat #13U0 (lot neact �o l�releon Heights) which is ovvned bp Mre. Virginia Stoe�e, und the requeeted zr�ne chan�e ia from R-7 (lter�dcntial) to nn A-2 (Multiple Bw�lling) . � We ha�ve eome corre�epondrnce from a Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ; M. CXark, 10375 S.W. Hillview Drive, Tigard, Oregon, who object to thim zone change. I�r. and Mre. Arthur J. Butler, Mr. George Brelin, Mr. Ton7 Schulta and Mr. Dufty, who ` a,r.e all reeidente of Frele�n Hei+ghte, objected to this zone � change. This was discuaaad at 1eng�h by Comn►i�eion a nd the Freleon Height residente. � � *�r. nuffy (audience) aeked phat would be built on this � psopexty. P Mr. IIcluc�C explained that anything that comea undes A-2 zoning could be bui.lt there reqnrdle�� o! Mhat the pareeent � proposed building might be. f � i�tr.. Schulte: r move that we tmble thn zone change app- f 1�.ir.ation on La� #1300 fr�m R-7 (Reaidential�to A-�2 (Mnit�ple i�aelling) which waa requeeted by Mre. Virgini.a 34:ons. ' Matiion s�aonded by Mr. S�var�on. Upon ea11 fox vote motion was unanimouelr approved, majority member� being present. Councilman Klock informed the people lrom Freleon Hei�hta tYsat they would be notitied it' thi� zone chang� ie s`eviewed ? at a later data. � ' Vice President Srazauekis �Pe have an applicatian for a � zon�, change on Tnx Lot #2900 whi�h i.e owned bp Mre. 'Cw��hy �� Frte�n nnd the reque�tnd zone change is trom A-2 (k�i�a;1;:,.'_„.�.� # � Dwelling) to C-3 (Reta►il Cammercial) . Mr. Brazaua�i j �,sked i.f there were any objectiaas from th� audience or from the� �Commierion. r r Page 1 6-17-65 � - y�+A:' �. r,b� 'V. � �t ii � � � '� . . � : � ' . -... ... . .. ..... .� . � . ... � . . , �I tl f u 1Kr. Sck�ult�� Y move �hat we recr�mmanc! to the City ��un�il u zun� change from A�-� (lriultiple L`w��l.ling) to C-3 (Ratail Commc.rcial) nn the property located at 13U15 S.W. Paci�'ic Highway, Tigard, oregon. Motion e�conded by� Mr. Sever�on. � Upon call for 2rnt� the motion wrafi �r�animously approved, �`;�, majaritp memb�; .Y 'b�ing prasent. t` t Vi.cc Preaident Brazau�kie W7e have an application for a C �ott� chanye on Tax Lot #300 whi�h i.� o���txcd by Mr. Joeeph � �aloyh, and th� rcquosted zone c'h�ne�� i� from R-5 (ItesW iddnti.al) ta Itli-� (Light Manufaaturingj . I+ir. Braz�uski agkrd if therc wvcrr any objecfi:ions from the auditnce or the Commi�sion. Mr�� �harlatte Ol�or� and another l�dy(��udic���j wh., c��� � not id�ntify hersolf obj�et�d to this zonc chanc�c. Th�.s�. � ladic� live on Johnson StreeY,. Mr. Y�nccy, who plans to purchase this prop�rty for the purpa:sc of building waxeshou�ea, also voiced his opinian. Thi� zor,e cY:ange �aae �i�cus�ed at length by Mr. Yancap, �i Mr. Balogho Nir. �ardon and tk�e Gommis�iori. y��.;E; � Mx. B�s��: I movc th�t we �able thi� zone change app- lic�tiun sn that we may have aa opportunity to make a ' study of the area, and t� review this zone change at our f next spescial m�eting. Motion eeconded by Nlr. Severson. � Upott call for vote the motion wa� unanimausly approved, �� majoxity members k�eing preserxt. � Vice Pre�sidcnt Brazataekie The �zpplication for a zo�e � change an �ax Lut #2401, 12511 S.W. Main 5treet, T�fQad'� t oY�ognn, va�hich was requested by Mra. �'. J. T'wiss w�a C �q,; withdrawn by Mr. Rutledg� on May 21, 1965. ! ,. i;�.��; Adjaurnment talcen at 9e45 PaM, Reepect+�u�ly eubmitt� �s�� � s SCCTl�t3Y'� � Page 2 6W17�65 • � �� � . � .i' � . �. ' . . . � _ . . , "