Planning Commission Packet - 04/15/1965 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � �x�� OF �IGARI7 PLAIYNI�G AND 20NTNG COMMTSSYON M�NiTPES OF MEETT�G 11PRYL 15, 19b5 � Pre��nts Preaident �. C. Phillipa; J. H. Sahulte; Clarence� Nicoli; I,. A. Bieaett= AttornEy F. A. !►ndersan� and Council Members F. H. Bergmann= C.$. Klock, Sr. D. W. Shinn a�nd Mayoz Kyle. The mee�.ing wae called � order at 7:30 Pol�. by Pr� � ��nt Phillipa. The Plaaning and ZQni.ng Cammisei.an dic7 not have an official meeting on March 18, 1965, a� they� dicl not have a quorum. �raeidsnt phillipa: �P'o have no official zone ch�ngas for n formal hearing. Afr. R'lock brought to the atte�ntian of the Planning and 2oning Cos�►ii�aior, tha psopQrty in back of �So�ee on 6.47. 90�h A�re. was zoned A-2 by th�e �ounty prior to be�caming a City. Our mape sI�ow the area a� C-2. F.H.,�. has appli.ed for a loan to build en apartment in that area eo thie area mu�t be zoned aorrectly. Mr. Itlnek aleo mentioned that the Tigard Tim�� indicatec4 that the bonded warehou�es nre golag in on Hunaiksr ltoad. This area wa,� zonecY M-3 by the Coun�y prinr to our b�coming a City. The warehou�e campany wente a lekte� �tating that it is zoned M-3 and entitled to sll tl<;: ,;�ivileges iof M-3 with no ze�tricti,ons. , President Phillipe, Mr. 1lndsr�on and t�r. ei�eae�tt held a meating prior to their regular meeting in regard to changi�g t'ha Planning and Zaniag Orc�i.nanca. Soveral ak�ang�e were mnde by Mr. Andarson and Mr. 8is�ett, as fa� ar the map i• concaxnad, aad a complats rovi��d Ordin+�nce was wzitt�n. Prm�id.nt Phillips read a draft of th� r�vi�ionr of the Planning and Zoning Oxdinanc�. pro�id.•:�t Phillipe ai�o �ugtga�staci ��� �te�A��� i�i���r �e r��fl�c9 ��i �1i appi.�eatt�r foz s zone change, and will be part o! Planning anQ Zaning ordinanca, which �tatts �hat th�r• vrili b� a m��ting of th� Plan�a�.ng and Zoning Connnl��ion on a givan date, aad ia the se�mr i�ttex� state that th� City Council t�earing will b• h�ld on +� given date. Thie w�ould mak• it pos�ible to make a zone chanqe in one manth. Moth,ex m��tirag i• echadixled !or April 22nd, r�nd Mx. Andar�on and Prs�iQ�rnt Phfilip� w to work f�rth�r o» �he re�ririons. �resident PhilYipsr �inc� July 1,963 to J1pri1 6, 1965, we � initiat�d about tw�ive sorte� changs�, end of thoes twelv�� anly three have etarted cane�ruction. I fesl �hat we mutt Pnye 1 - 4-15--65 0 , _ ; take a more severe look at any future zone changea, e�pecially aa tn �:t�ose wrho �Pply for changea for speculatiors or personal ,,. gain and not fo= the betterment of the car�-n��s�ty. �'' Art Poulim repr��ented Mr. Curt Tigard. He showe�7 a map of the newly annexed P�cifid Highw�y area, and disauss�d th� Qos�ibility of �nnexing th� are� from 121st Av�. to Waln:'ut Street. Several of 'che people ira that az�ea are il�ter- eated in annexing. Thie was diecussed at length. Mx�y�r Kyl� ques�ioned the anthority of th� PlaMning and Z�retn.g Commi�aion, ag an c�ffici�l body v� this CitY:� tt+ go out with � petition f�r the peaple to �igr► to anne�. 7�tie Mnyor al$o falt that Planning and �oniny membere ehoulu eacoura:ge annexation, bu� th�t they ah�'xld not apgro�ch the people, b�t rath�r th�t the people should come to the City and ask to be annt�ced. Mr. Shinn also felt that Planna:ng and Zoning �hould not take� the perrogative of takir►g a petition in the area for the people to sign. He i� of the opinion that the people in that area e�honld take the �:ni�iative to come,into the� City. Mr< Bia�ett°e opiniQn was th�t we �hnuld look at sewers that can b� providesd for the people in su•rrounding are�a and where they can b�e providad. dutlin� the aze� th�� sheuld lae served in the future,,. and this sha�xld be incl�dad in the 'aatnexation palicy. Eie f�s�t peaple wil��. want to come in to th� Ci'tX if the Gity .hag �ervice� to affer. Pz°��id�n�. PhiPlips suggesteii City Cq�ancil te11 the Plax:,°^iws� Commissiorc what �.s expected of �hem as £ar as ann�xation is canGex�n�a�i. A�I�en�.i.�x1 was madn of a basic poli�y for Planning attd �oning regazding policy making pavrcrs. Jaint discussior. by �Cour►cil an;d Planning and Zoning Commiasion �wt�e he�.d, and �hey da.scussed Lh� poeaibility of establia�i3ng a b�sic policg for Planaing �►nd �oning Commiasion. The Planning and Zoning Commission sY►ould have aome fre�dam of operation bu� �houa.d inform Caur�cil of �h�ir activitiea. Larry Bissett and other m�mbers felt that we should add 'an Occupancy ordinance to the B�zilding Cade, putting a time limit on time of eanstruction. Pr�eide:M� P�illipa� ��e ave zon ck►ang�es eoming up within thc next xnc�r�t;h,�'�a�a�i.��veww'�1�]CNU�e �aa�ington County '"r Ta un�il we g�t �h� n�w mnp. Pres�.dent ,�t}illipa aeked lti:;.. k3is��ett � to dr��r a ma� of thes neswly anrct�x�d•'�Yi9a. P�g� 2 �- 4�15�-65 z � � M�yor Kyle and other m�mb�rs discussed filling the vacancies whiah occur on the £'l�.nning and Zoning Commission. � Preaident Phillips has acguired a projector and in the future hop�s ta show �he s�.id�s �sn thQ are� to �?e za�?�d so that the audiexia� will have an id�a of what they ar� ta].king �bout. M�', �is�ett me�fi:iaa�zd that Washington County h�s adopteci a new 5tzb�Division ordinance, This i� something that we ahould �l.�o c:onsider. Pr�si:d�nt Phillips adjc>urn�d the meeting a�t 9:40 P ' Respect£tx11y submitted, �� � C����s � seeretary '�; pag� 3 �- 4�I5m55 �