Planning Commission Packet - 08/13/1964 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . __ _ . � �. T�� Auqust 1�0, 1964 , � � I t � CI'PY ti�' TTQa1�D �LAtaIM�i �W 801tI1Ki 4'Oi!@tI�TO� ' � �1�iA 11D�"! 13, 1s64 = ? i; . ; � 7 e 3!0 !.lt. — CIS7C � � � ��`� ; ( ;� � � �� �;: .� l� 1• $�AQ�.A� O� 1�.11i1L�1la �� � � 2. �Gcans Cha�pq� 1� t� �t �]lsh�t) � � , ._ 3. �t,�vi.rv �t l�no�o4sA 3on�r ��n ;';, �n.r3:aC: ' a .. . . :-t�i�31�' cK'.�..:'�' •,�:�'!�• V�r �ii�N�si��`:'V�dis� ��'��'4. ... � . . , .. ' �. , . � � . • y� �� . �.t;i' �aC'� ��� � 5. Kiscellanrcva,� ' 4 . �. . 6�, � ::�T �, . � , '`' •:;-� ;f . ,., . � i '�!^ , ` 4 . � �, .. �.• t. . . '��;., . if�.i'. }� � � �' � ' . t � �..., , . . .. . . �� . � .. � . . . +) �`T s rY« �Mt�rP I _ . . . . . . , ,.�. i: � . r- , � ; : . : � ... . .^,.. . . ' . .... :"'�,�, ` ,�.' ���,�,- �. � � ��� �� ' . ''` . � . . , �� . .� �, ' . . . � � .� . � . ... . _� . � _. _ . ..— -.— .__— _:. . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � �� CITY OF TIG�IRA PL!-`1NNTD7G AND :;OI�TING COt����.LSaZON NTNUT!;S OP SP�C t'�L :�'G '� �6�b � I Ni��TTNG U UST 1 , 1 ,� Pre�en•l:: President E. C. Philli.rs; Vice Presi�ieiZt F_ � f��-a.zeuslc.i.; L. D. Gooc�; C. R. Lam;ar A. Pi_et`_1a; Mat•ar E. A. Woor�axd; Cit�- Att�rrie•' L'. 7j. Anc�ers�n and L. A, uins�tt President Phillips cal.led the rne�ti_na� t.o oxder at 7:3Q P.M. 1n�7 recriieste�i the reacling o� the mi.nt�tes of the meetinct of Jt�.lv 23, 1964e Upon ca11 :�or correcti.ons oL omission� Ma,�oa- Wonc7ard advised i ia-st i�aae, seconc' �arac,r.aph, was out of �rcler for tize reason i:he onl�r one wl�o can a��nint� somec�ne � is tlze n7a�ror �nd it wo�?lr� i�ave �c :�e for 1�lze ftz.7_1 t.erm. l Ia �r (,�.'c.d�.�d I�a s P�.esiclent Phillirs: �-_l�s�eAta7zen i:his up wii�h b1r. hiason anc� he has agr.eed. We will have to str�ke that }•:�raqraph out. Cai•L-h this correction the mintiites stand approved as read. `! � Next on the Agenda we have a z�ne change f.rom A-2 t� C-2 i'cr Mr. �arer which is located at 12525 S.W. Scoffins anc1, fIwy. 'L.17 i:o�- pr.c�Posed constrL..cti_an of a two-ear aarac�e far his vpholstery sh�p, '�n we hav� an�,� com�la.ints o�� other consiclera•tions. Mrs. webber, �roperty owner., s�o?�e favorabl�•,� abo��.t the �roposeu rtzange. Di_scussion followecl among the m�r.�l�er.s, Mr. BrazausY,i: I malse a mnt�on we accept tlie zane change from A-2 to C-2. Mo�tion :7aconcled bv L.D. Gooc� and t?pon call �or voi.e the mot�.on was unanimously appr�ved with L- majori y o:E memb�rs pr�sent. I President Phi1li��s: Next on the aaenda, I receiv�d a ca.11 from Mt. �4. E. Johnson with res�eci: to rr.�posed zone chanae � ;I, � at 95a0 S.W. Ti�ard A<enue. It is onl�� a znne chancle that is being ploposed. W� will have to rna7ce necessary lei:ters and F�osti.nc�s. 2 wi.11 review it for �ou geni-.lemen so you � will have an ic?ea what a,t is aJ�out. (Mr. Phillips exrlaineci ! area to bP changed from R-5 to A-2) . � I thi.nlc at our. lasi: meei:ing we had di�cuss�on on same � of our fui:ure plans, and some of our �uture zone changes. f. I had a meeting with Larry Sissett and Fien Brazauski v�ith refPrence •to pror,osed zone changes f.or L-he be•tter.ment of � Tigard. We would like to bring it k�efore t17� Coromission to see whai: ihey i:hinlc o�' these plans or an�� icleas you have or if we should place i� beFore some o:E thc propertlT owners. � Mr. Eisse�t then sroke to the Cammissi,on with rePerenc� to what changes might b� made in the ar.eas of S.W. Pfaffle, S.W. Cez�ter, industri.al area and tYze fu�:u�e annexa�ion wi•th i the new freeway clevelopment. ` � F b Pag� 1 - 8-13-74• ` j4 �7 IJ �, � 3' },'. f. ... ... . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . ; . . � � . , I � � Presic�ent Pliil7.a.ps asked Mr. sissett to draft a le•tter stating z proposal ancl the Planninq Commission �aresent i.t to the Citv Counci.l. Discussion was held b�� Mr.. G. �Iartin, Mr. L. �issett anr? Coznmi.ssion memlaers regarding ihe annexation and d.evelopment � of Mr.. M�rtin's xrogerty to the Ci.tV. DZr. Bisse�tt: One thing Mr. Marti.n could do �s write a letter i�a tlze City statinq condii:ions r�t annexatian ancl describe his �roper.ty. ; l:resident Philli�s: Ever�;bod�� is agreeable to that, w� are ' goixzg to have to feel our way i:hr.ough. � ; N7e have one other. ?one change here. wouia it be alright i:o have the next meeting the 4th Thursclay of August, tliai� wi17. give us ti.me so we can cover hoth projects. ; Member� agreed to meeting August 27th. ' As most o:� you recall tliis Pr_ehler �lectric project, � we feel we have a definite change to change some o� ihese j areas from R-5 to C-2 (showing mar) Center St., Hwy. 217, Sl•iorping P1aza, ac.ross 217 lower half of Gelieral Motors area ` � ne�:t to freeway. What is •L-he Commission's feelings oa f this. Do yoia thinlc it is something that should be done. ; Discussion followed between Commission memi�ers, Larry FJissett and Attorney Ander�on. ' f t At�torney Anc�erso�o Ny feeling is that where you propose � to more or less arbitrarilc� chanRe the zone without any � request fior i.t that you a.re infringing on tl�e owners rights. Tlz� zone prociram is a safe-guard to change to wrong clasa- y i.ficai�ion when the reguest comes. They should not enter pro�erty and char�ge it there being no request f:or it ancl aiparently na immedi_ate project proposed. Pr.�si�lent Phil7.ips: What we want to get is public opi,nion on tl�e zone changes. We have a list oL• a11 the �roperty !' owizers, we could wr_i.te letters and teil them we are making r: a study, the plan is �Lo zone that pr.operty as sucl� and such aisd would lilce their o�inion. We will make a f�rmal. hear.ing on ii, we don't have to make a decision that night. Mr. Lamb: Take one s�ction at a time. PrESident Phil.lips: Send lei:ters regarding Hwy. 217 and i: GEne,ral Motor.s ar.ea as a start. Nexi: on the agenda, as �70L1 know our Planning and Zoning � Ordinance as not up-to-date, liarry l�ias brougl�L over the � latest edita.on for Washa.ngton County. Whai: I am going to do is to mail �ach one of tJOU pages of the Urdinanae and � ask yotl to st.udy zt and we wi11 have a di�cussion at one i of our meei:i.ngs. At our lasi: meet?ng we mentioned about changi.ng our Orclinance for City Planning Commis�ion ta � se� if we can do awzy wii:h the hearing. � _ ` Page 2 8-].3-h4 � t . _ 9 r , � I Attorney Anderson: That Ordinance as �7QLllcnow is a Par.t o� yotlr z�ne cocle. The problem, whan `i'igard hecame a Cit�r ! and conta.nuecl like the Washingi.�n �ounty Planning iules � � a�pla:ed ;n Ticrzrci, �he CiLy Council acted as Planninc� � Conunission and City Counca.l. Wha�4 we neecl to do is to go ; � tl�rot?gh pr.ocedure cha�-.•ters o:E tlzis i�hing to be siire Plannine7 � Cammission ha� jLiri.sc�i_ct?.on �nd to see ?.F pzocerltxre is ' r�c��tired--to h�ve procedztre review. I tX1in]t a :�evie�v � ca-L-�gor�.calltr is Z:LY'ic,rht b�zt I thin7; ii: i.s necessarv •to � review t�xoceditre as�ects. t a Fxesident Pnillips: 'PIZe ad.dendum slzould ue i.nserted ii�to � the P].anning and Znniny book. � At�:orne�j Anderson: Would ir be possible to borrow other { City �oning Ordinances. I President Plzilli�:s: T Fvi11 geL- a eo�+�� o� the CXt-�r of � Leaveitan. �, Next nn t.i�e ac�enda is miscellaneous. � [; l+zr. 7�. Qi��ila xe��o-r.tec? �seor�le i.n Rollii�y Hi1.ls DisL-. � wer.e c�ancerned as t� what miJi�t 1�e done ae to zonine� •L•,r.om ' �nc�ustr�.z1 ar�a. It was suyges�tec7 the C�mm�.sai.on give i:he ; ��zbjeax c�nsiderati..c?n ancl s�e iz" peor�le an the a�°ea w�ie ; interestec? 9.n annexing. (To be investiga�Lec? b�% Mr. A. Pietila) � F: �?r. A. Piet.ila moved �or ac?jo�.�rnmenL, secende�? b�r Mr. Brazaii�lci ancl unani.ruott�l�� a�aprovec�. 7��,r Comutiss.ion. F: Ac�.joixrrunent i:aY.en at 9:35 F.D?. '[ j Resrectft�lly submitted, �' ��� ���'L� I'' �,, Secr.etary��,�-a�c��� �� i.' i Page 3 - 8-13-64• ;' �: � �. #, 1 f? (: i i. c Yy' l: i 4L.. � 1 t �. 11, �' 1 � j1 . . � � . . . �{:� � . . . . ... ,. . . . _. . . . . � ��� '•` � . .. . . . . . . . . . ' / ' .