Planning Commission Packet - 07/23/1964 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ;�� ,;`'; _ , rr,5 , � � , �! �1��.� ��, ���+�' '... �; a�ti . ;.!� P. ',, C�'�E'7C" �1�' �'YI�'3 t"��� �1 '��� �'��1���� �� l�I�• �X?�wY ��� ��I�4 (� a=� `�'��E� �,�1l�, � ��' � �� �N� � �. ��ea�.��� ��: �a�a���� �; :� �. ��.�t��x��e��a�a t�an '��e �;'����r ;��� � �► � ,, ����.��� ,�; � � 3. �r�zi,arn�� a,raiuq�pr��►� ��r ���w �r:�r� � ��'�' ; _ ��d 5�r��a���.r� �. �t� ��������� �� �a�� ����� �� ����� ; ��c�,a.�aw+iw�+�� �. �.���rl�+��ar� ' �.:, ,� r __ _ _ _ : , � I � � � CTTY 0£' TIGAt� PLANNTNG AN0 ZONTNG COP"s1I5SI0N ' �I A`tW7.'ES OF MEETING JT7LY 23 1964 ', I f�resen�: �r�sac�en•L- �. C. philli�s; A. P4ason; J. Ii. �cliulte; '�� A1 Pie�a.la; C. n. Lam7�; L. D. Good; Mayar �. A. G�loo�iar�J; Cit�r Attcrne-; F. A. Anderson and L. A. ]3isseti. J F`r.esiden� Phi_llips ca7.led the meet.in�� t� arder at 7:30 T. .h1. and requ�s•�ed •tlze reading o� i�I�e minutes of t.:�e me�ti.ng� of June 18, 196�=, and s�.ecial meetincl July 9, 19Ga, Upon ca11 for correct:i.ons ar omissi.ons Mr. Schul�e advised h9.s name hac� been omitt�d from the Ju.l<j 9t1i m.'tntites. With this cor.�ection t.he minutes o.f bo•tn r.teetings �vere nrdexed aFprov�d as rea�l. Presir�ent Piza.11?�s: We now have a member wi�ose ter�r� o£ one yFar lias ex�:9.red, �Ir. Mason, and 2 would ask is he wou].d accep� � an adclitiona]. term. Nir. Mason advised he would acce�t for. `;� <�` ano•L-J�er. ,��ar. P4oi:io�z by D"r.. L, A. Good to acc�r•t Mr, Mason's ��� � alpointment �o the Ci•ty of Tigard Planninc antl Zoning Commi.ssion r �'or one yeaa� beJinning �7uly 2., 1964, Motion sPCOndec-� b;� A1 Pietila and u�on ca11 fo-r vote the motion was unanimousl�- ar�rov�ed wit'h majoritp members present. President Phillig�s: I had in•tend�d we shoulct have some discussion on the zone change from I:-5 (residential) to A-?_ (nursing home) on the Keesling progerty par�c�.cularly with reterence to the pro- ceedings for getting a zone change. We are proposzng some changes •to thc zoning ordinance and. City ��ti:oa:ney Anderson is clrawing up some r_hanges that lle thinks wil]. effec•t these zone changes more rapiclly. When lZe has fi_nished, tYien �they wi11 be rev9.ewed. N�xt we have an application here for a variance. This is at the corner of Scof:�ins and Highway 217 for I�Ir. II. L. Ash�r. It was deci.ded since this would be a condiL-ional use, Mr. Asher should request a zone chanye. N1e wi11 table i:he •request for this meeting and make tlie necessary mailings and postings and plac.e a notice in the paper to hear this matter at our next Planning and Zoning bleeting. M�:. Kloclt brought up the quest9.on of a �ermit having been granL-ed �or. thc residence of a wat,chman at the theatre and 1:l�.at he had con�idered such quar�ers as being par{: of the i:heatre operation. (Discussion of similar ixistances of houselceeping occuk�ancy in. nonconi'orminl zones was entered in•to by the commi.ssioners.) Ai:torney X�nderson: We have two �etita.ons For annexatio� to the . City wlzich you m�y wish to reec���un�nd t� the Council. One petition � is from Ral,�h Petere and Vance Le�; i:he other frort� Eetty ancl Jim Wi.11ocic� These are sma11 seyments both of wh?ck� comp7.�� undex the annexation statute. 7-23-64 - Page ]. � , . , � _ � �� . �I ' � . � President Philli.ps: I will .read t}ie first petition f-or annexltion which has to do with Lot 10. (Presiclent Phillips r.eadincT pe•tiLion) . Are there any questions. We shoulc', make our recommendai:ion. Moti.on by L. D. Good that we ap�rove of ti�e acceptance of this peti•L-ion. Niotion seconcled by A. Mason. Upon call for vote the � znotion was unanimous].y a�proved majority members be9.ng presen•L-. President Phi.11i�•s: We hav� anoi:her petii.ion foi annexai:ion which T will read, this lzas to do wii:h Lot 20 of Frewing Oxchar.d. `Practs. Attorn�y Anlerson: This is an annexzL•ion o:C a smal'1 segment bounded b,y Prewing Street on the northeast; •t11e d.'tmensions are 100' front on �Lhe hir�2lway and a run-1�ack ot 19E?' ; of cou�-se it is contiguous to ihe City h;J virtue of the seperation onl�� of 99GV. President Phillips: Are there Zny qu�stions. T,.D.Good: I move tha•t petiti.c�n far annexati.on of Lot 20 ancl a �.ecamm�ndation �rom tlie Plann'��zq and Zoning Commission be r,iven to •l:Yie City Counci.l �'or tIie annexation of thes� t�wo �:ieces oi' property. Motion seconded bt• J.H. Schul'::e and upon call for vote l.he motion was unani.mously apprpved w�th majority nieml�ers present. i PresidenL- Phillir�s: At�l.orney Anderson has drawn a quit claim deecl as to �he 40' roadway on the righ•t of wa�= on i:he ro�d at 91st. I : am to �et this signed b�� these indiviauals to waive the use o£ �' this land. I 1 Attorn�y Ancle.rson: This involves 20' running north to H�nry's. Presiclent PIzillips: Plrs. Jolznston has stated verbally this has been dedicated. i Nr. Irloc)c brought before tlze commi.ssioners the matter of �. proposccl bui],ding by Frahler Electric Co. on S.W. Greenburg itoad stating ; this �aoul� be a $�0,000,00 of:Eice builclzizg anci sL•ock stoiag�. Discussion foll.owed bet�veen Mr. IClack and members of the commission together with Mr. F3issett wi.th respect to zone applica�ion and builcla.ng clearances. A:[ter. sc?me discussi�n ii: was cleeic�ed tha•t 5.nasmuch as the zoning cocle made no l�rovision for a variance and thai: inasmuch as some changes in th� zoning code were in pre��a�°ation •tYiat .i.t mig�it �7e advisa2�:te to 'lO�.C1 't1115 matter in obeyanc� fo.r two or thr�e w�el;s until i:hese changes might be incoa:poraLed i�z i:he present zoni.nc� ordinance. Mr. A. Mason moved for ac'ljour.nmen�L, seeondecl by L.D. Gaod ai�d unanimously a��rroved by the commi.ssion. � 1ldjoua_nrn�nt •l�aken at 9:55 P.M. � Respectful].y subm,itted, i��'YLC;�+ Ztryf/L'�r'� 7-23-6� - Page ? SFCRETAT��� � . v ... . . .. . . . . . �. .�' ���� ��.� ��� '.i �� a , C'YTY E�!' '�'T�#�! �"��#I� � �SEi�1� Qt����+p�t ;' Mi�T�� �Ti�"+�' ��� 19fiAl '��� �.�1. w ��!' �ii�� shis �,1t tc� �,n#a�crn �rov� t���► �'��n�.� ��+d �io�►�� Ce�aNll:��i�►n tq���et� 1�t��t�, � �ld Jt�t��y ���+� �'� �'�� �*�. .���a�a�d o�" �; �ul� �.�i, ���, a� ��ta�;l� �rc�����. 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