Planning Commission Packet - 06/18/1964 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. M: :, � �` � r':. . _ i . . . .. . . � � c 1�` �:... � . . . . . �' ' �7"i3Ey� �.�r� �`��1�r I �+i. � . . �:� �+y . . .. -,i V'.2.� � � . . � +�II :�. S� ��.;.;. � . . . . . . 4:��. . . � � . � il P, ' r?f�. . . ' . . . F 3 �'�1�'P'S,' bP' T��Att�► �'�lt�liC i1�1� Z��1I1�3 CGt�t+ll�S�Q�' ' , � '+'�°�'Zt��'a, JU�1E �.B� 1�6�4 ?I :�� � � � � ��, i �f : ; 'J:30 �'.NI� - ��'T3� ��1� r. ;:, . A(3�Yd�'�A ..r �: `, �,� ��tading ot 1�I�nu�c � . e�ti.�c� �,ay �lE 1��� , �� � �,,, � � � �� 1�����,�o�;na +�vi ���,�'ropta��r� �onad � " , �PPi�.�a.+��, n ; ;. �, � F'. 3 .,�. . ✓' / �SR.... . . .. . ,.. ., .. ,V'. . .��� � � . 4» �Az� tla�:� , �r�a�n� �St�����iara� �'�e.� k��y �c�r� . �� ommi��►i�n , � ,4�� �. . . . . � . e . . . � . . . . . . - . � � . ,) � . . . . . � � ' . � � . . � . .. � . '. � �� � . .��� � � .. . � . . , .. . . � . � .. . . � :�..I �;.. � . .. . � . . . .. . � . . ... , . . . . .. .'.� CIT1' OF TZGPRD PLFINNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MTNUTES OF MEETING JUNE 18 196a I riresent: President E. C. Pizilli.pa; Vice-President B. Brazauslci; J. H. Schulte; C. R. 'Lamb; L. D. Good; � � Mayour E. A. Woodard; City A•ttorney F.A. AndPrson �I � and L. �. Bissett. �II {i The meeting was called to order by Yre�id�nt E. C. ! i f�hillips at 7:30 P.PQ. and reading of. tixe Minutes of the Neeting �� May 21, 196A� were called £or after which � r.eadiny oi �he Minutes reques•t was made for corrections �, ox omissi.ons �nd none bei.ng offered the Minutes <<*ere ! ordered approved as reacl. }; � Fresiden•t F1ii11igs: We have cleeds of easement a.n ref:erenc� ( to 91st Stree•t in trant of the Keesling pro�erty. As I und�rstand by these easements they ar.e a dedication to •tlze !' public ior road purposes f.rom r9r. an.d Mrs. H�nry; Chester E. Rogers ancl N!r. and Mrs. Keesling on 91si: Streei. from � tlYe Keeslin� property ta Linaoln Apenue. � Attorney Anderson: This is �.he case cae alread� called a year ago w;1en 9.t was proposed a zone change be requested for ICeesling and other.s. At •that time •there was some d:issension l�etweFn Keesling and others and that now apparen•L-1y has been resolved ancl this adds the necessary land �to the �r�viously decticated road to what Council � �,,, requires. I presume they will want their zone chanc�e; that was the ; condii:ion xro�osed. Then i= it is sufficient then the T�lanniny Commi.ssion would auth�rize you to acceri� or ak^prove 1:he r�eed ,o it can be recorded. The City P1ann- ing Cc�mmission must accepi: any dedication before it is � recorded. We 2•iave ti•tle reports which indica•te these deecis now would be in orcle.r dedicating this 20 feet to the public. 'j �I I�resident Fhillips: Keeping this in mind we will. go one �' step further; tlzin i.s for ti�e rreliminary review by the Commission, it is what is Fraposed. Bei:ween now and the ,� date i:o }>e se� by the Commission, they can see what is �, proposed by i:he zone change. Now we have a proposed ;'� zone change from RS to A2. Wh�t they are proposing is to ;� change this location in red (pointing oti map) from Pt5 to ;' A2, The •ty�e building is one-story Wesi:exn Ranch exterior ;° course roak, Nursing Tiome 382' x 100' (holding up prospectus) approxin�ate cost $500,000. (At this point President '� �l�illi�s F�aasec� the prosp�c:tus around among the Commission � memhers.) T would like to set up a date ior tliis hearing, July 7th. t;, �:. r , ;� i� 6-•18-64 - Page 1 ��; �� �: f� � _ _ . � o _ � _ _ _ (; President Phillips: Most of you have heard abou� the King Cit� proj�at. I have several prints of what th.e �.�roject wi11 look like which T will pass around. ;:, Last Thursday ther.e was a meeta.ng held with Dr.Stewart; Mayor Wooclaxd; Ken Beaehler; Larry Bissett ancl myself. � TAhat we were trying to get fr.om Dr. Stewart was a statement that anytime a project was proposed for the City of Tigard City Limit Pringe area the� would have to hook-up with the City 5ewer system. Larry ]3i.ssett has drawn up some maps; Lar.r.y would you please ex�.lain them. (At this point Laxry Bissei;t explained the ma� of the sewer drainage area he had prepared.} Presicient Phillips: Geti:ing back to this easement for dedication of publa.c roadwaX on 91st. You have seen the s'k�•tch of the 12est Home. Will the Commission give me the right to sign it if it is determined that ihi.� right ot way is clear? ;� i Attorney Anderson: You must determine whether there has been any pr�.vate use in t}iis a�_ea. President Phi].lips: Why dan't we wait and bring this u� at our �Tu1y 7•�h meeting. There is one other thing I woula like to bring up, that is this Ash Street Bridge; it ties in with our anner,ation Z�lans. This would be of definite benefi.t to �r the City of Tigard in any future plans of annexation. It is a problem before the Council now and 2 would like to malce a proposal; would you recommencl that a letter be written to i:he City Council stating the views of the Commission. L.D. Good: I move that tlze President be authorized to write the City Council expressing that the Planning Commission is in favor of this proposed bridge. Motion second�d by Vice President Brazauslci and upon ��.ii f.or � vote the motion was unanimously approved by the Commission, �; majority member.s being present. j Presiclent I�hilligs: Lasi me�tang Ben ar.d T brought up the proposi•tion of the proposed zone change throughout the City o:E T9.gard. At that time we mentioned i:his was nnt the best plan but maybe it is a start in k.he right direcLion. i FIas •L-here been any thought with re£erence to this change. (discussi�>n fallowed among the members.) ;� C. E. Klocic: Some concern might be expr.essed iE there were ';{ housPS; ii.: would be too expensive to move the house, the :� � graund micrhi: be worth $15,000.00 and we could ho�?e to use tha•t ground £or some type of income pro��er.ty, The houses s however are not •L-he real deterrent. i G-18-6� - Page 2 f. , � t` k� ( � �, . _ � , V President Philli�s: If tlzere is nothing else on the agenda I will entertain a motion to adjourn. Viae President Brazauslci moved to adjour.n, motion seconded by C. R. Lamb ancl unanimously approved by the Commission majoril�y meml�ers being present. � Adjournm�nt talcen at 9:17_ P.N!. Respectfully submitted: ' �Cl,�i' 1������-�cz-r�- SEC TARY. � 'I � I � 6-18-64 - Page 3 � ,s