Planning Commission Packet - 03/19/1964 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ' MINUTES OF MEETING MARCA 19, 1964. Present: President E. C. Phillips; Vice-President B. ' Brazauski; L. D. Good; J. H. Schulte and A. Mason; � Mayor E. A. Woodard and City Attorney F. A. ;� Anderson, and Larry A. Bissett, Planning Consultant. !� il The meeting was called to or.der at 7:30 P. M. by Presid�nt Phil.lips who requested reading of the Minu�es �I of the meeting of February 20, 1964. The Minutes were ;j read and upon call for corrections or objections, Mayor Woodar.d �ffered the following correction; page 2, third il, paragraph, the figure mentioned should have been $4.00 pex foot. �I President Phillips; With this correction the Minutes �� stand approved as read. ' On the annexation, I would l.ike to have any questions !;I from the floor. �I As you know, we have had some discussion in the � past on Jack Godwin's property; M,r. Godwin has submitted a plan for a home; the proposal here is, can this land be utilized. or can a road be extended, or what is your opinion. `I�, After some discussion it was decided a road was not o£ '� any particular interest and that the Planning Commission `, was not involved then in this property. The only other question was the possibility of a sub-division and the �'II matter ot the 12 month period being cleared, the matter was referred back to tlie City for action on the building permit. City Attorney Anderson then brought to the attention of IIII the Planning Commission, the matter of the road throu h 9 the Methodist Church prop�rty to be vacated and a new road to be established to the Willock property. "2 have FI i:he petition to vacate and I Ytave a deed for dedication � and the Planning Commission, since it does not involve a matter of establishing a road for the purpose of sub- division the Planning Commission should make a recommendation to City Council both as ta the acceptance of the dedi.cation t which will become necessary and vacating the pre-existing �I way. The pre-existing way is only 35 feet; the new i'i strest would serve Wil.lock only. The City would not necessarily have any interest in it as a City strest. B. Brazauski: I move the Planning Cammission, recommez�d to the City of Tigard City Council, to vacate a portion � ,, of a dedicated street within the sub-division of lot ��, 2 and part of lot 1 of Frewing Orchard Tracts and to ;,� accept deed of dedication f.or a 50 f�ot street through lots D, E and F of said sub-division of lot 2 and part of lot 1 of Frewing Orchard Tracts :and that the President 'I of the Plannin Commission be iven � g g' permission to sign said deed of dedication when it becomes necessary; that i the so designated 50 foo�street be brought up to City of �s {'' 1'. l+ 3-19-64 - Page 1 � � _ ....... ... .. . ... .... .. . . . . ...... . . .. . . � , � k • . � . . . . � . . ( � � � I Tigax�d standards. Motion seconded by A. Mason. RJpon � �aii Eox vote the motiori was unanimously approved by � majority vote. � � President Phillips: Next on the agenda; annexation. � Is everybody in agreement with what is proposed? �_ ' There being no objections, President Phil;l;ps advised ' this matter would be presented to City Council on Monday, '� Masch 23, 1964. President Phillips: Next in order is our budget for this com:6ngyear; I do feel that our Planning and Zoning Commi.�sion +should take a loc�k at what we think we need for this coming fiscal year. So far we have spent approximately $200.00. Can we say $500.00 is sufficient £or this coming year? A. :�Iason: I move we budget $500.00 for the coming fiscal year. Motion seconded by J. H. Schulte. Upon ca11 for vote the motion was unanimously approved by all members present, being majority of inembership. General discussion followed. Motion by L, D. Good to adjourn, seconded by B. Brazauski and. unanimously approved. Adjournment taken at 10:25 P. N1. Re'spec�fully submi ted: , v` SE�Y. ._,_ 3-19-64 - Page 2. i , . . , 6