Planning Commission Packet - 12/19/1963 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. Ofttftibst 13* 1063 CITY OP TICAA0 PLOSION AO 900171* COMMISSION 02111,2106 D*C9NSAR 194 1963 - 7000 t. OPSOtAL MUTING - - (ALL IPLAMMIWO *0001041 OOLY*) 1 7430 P. m. stortuKt.) A411160.6 ;11 1. Roodio9 of Olau \f 11ftt. sommtiag. 2. Zoos Chlago, A 54,00# 9r0.7 to 44. 3. 4. Aftb.D1v 414, Motu* 1, , of sifor* Au116109 Cod,. 1 t. eb-Dt , ioft Ordiftenco. 7. .. 1softoftft. 1 OASSIONEW. CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1963. Present: President E. C. Phillips; Vice-President B. Brazauski; L. D. Good; A. Mason; Mayor E. A. Woodard and City Attorney F. A. Anderson, also L. A. Bissett. Absent: J. H. Schulte; C. R. Lamb and A. Pietila. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by President Phillips who requested the reading of the Minutes =� of the Meeting of November 21, 1963. The Minutes were read and upon call for changes or corrections, none being offered, the Minutes were ordered approved as read. President Phillips: The next order of business will be the \\ Zone Change of Southwest Investment Company, (Stan Adkins) \ j lots 1800 and 1900, from R-5 to A-2. Following review and discussion of this requested Zone ,� Change, L. D. Good stated; "I would like to make a motion that S E the Zone Change would depend on a 50 foot dedicated right of way, for this Zone Change from R-5 to A-2. Motion seconded by A. Mason and upon call for vote was approved by all members present, absentees noted as above. President Phillips stated the Secretary will write a letter to City Council advising of this recommendation. President Phillips: Next on the agenda we have the acceptance of the subdivision of Mr. James Willock. Following discussion of this subdivision, President Phillips stated; "I would like to make a recommendation we accept the general layout of Mr. Willock'9 subdivision, as it is now and so recommend to City Council and in turn, if the members feel that we should not recommend the subdivision as it is, but consider the 50 foot access in the future, then we should give Mr. Willock a definite plan to redesign'his layout. By Ben Brazauski: I move we accept the subdivision plat as is. Motion seconded by L. D. Good. Upon call for vote the motion was approved by all members present. President Phillips: Our recommendation was to accept it for annexation to the City of Tigard, as so platted. The Secretary will write a letter to City Council so stating our recommendation. President Phillips: Our next item is discussion of the Uniform Building Code with respect to moving of properties. Our next order of business; suggest we spend about a half hour on our subdivision ordinance. We also have a couple bills we should recommend payment; Western School Supply $30.30 and J. K. Gill Company $9.43. 12-19-63 - Page 1. Following discussion of the rerouting of Highway #217; Larry Bissett proposed a Resolution; "I would recommend the endorsement of re-routing of Highway #217 and I would propose the resolution just that way. I would recommend it for the following resons; because of the bad turn on the bridge and the railroad crossing. This rerouting would eliminate three bad turns and one of the two railroad crossings. I move that the Planning Commission authorize its President to draft up a letter and send it on. Motion seconded by Vice President Brazauski. Call for vote resulted in unanimous approval by all members present. Motion by B. Brazauski to adjourn was seconded by Mr. Mason Motion unanimously approved by all members present. Adjournment taken at 10:00 P. M. Respectfully suubbm'tted: SEC Y. 1-7144;144— 12-19-63 - Page 2. P,` Following discussion of the rerouting of Highway #217; Larry Bissett proposed a Resolution; "I would recommend the endorsement of re-routing of Highway #217 acid I would propose the resolution just that way. I would recommend it for the following resons; because of the bad turn oil the bridge and the railroad crossing. This rerouting woui,d eliminate three bad turns and one of the two railroad crossings. I move that the Planning Commission ,authorize its President to draft up a letter and send it iln. Motion seconded by Vice President Brazauski. Call for vote resulted in unanimous approval by all members present. Motion by E. Brazauski to adjourn was secon6ed by Mr. Mason Motion unanimously approved by all members Iliresent. Adjournment taken at 10:00 P. M. RespeG fully sub +lted: SEC TARP. D 12-19-63 - Page 2. a L : , 1