Planning Commission Packet - 07/17/1963 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. C�TY C��' ?"�G�.P?� �'.L�i�TNS:NC �.Nl`? �C�TZ�TG CQMi+�.:L�S�C�N. NL�'�.C�1.�7Gw JULY 177C�-i, 1.9G3 ,r��., >:, T�A�: 7 :30 P. I+�. ;�L�G�: CZTX �3:��LL�m �,G�1T�J".t� 7,. p,�axzx�;zng ar�c� 7on�.a�c,� Coc�e n�ian.zl�,l:s . 2 e �onc Cha�nge - C-2 °to �-2, ,be•�w�en S. W. Sco:F�a.ns, ,�. T�. Cc�n�r��.reial Si:r�e'c aa�c.?. ,Sovi:h o:� S. W. i��.i� a�.re�•�. 3, 1�'�i. K]_c�C7:. and I�r. 'I'h:�i:c�.er - :i,n.foxm�.�ion, �±., i�aps �'o�: t�lann7r_g Cam.�li�si�ri. 5 , Pe�n��nen�L- �t1e���i��.g �ia�1e. G. Na�.i:Cica�::iox� o:� .�.�e�:izz�' �Uin�e i�a iesi�;��.�:s o� Tigaxc�. ? a �1.va�il.a}ailitsr o� Fur�c�9 . �,. ���a_�c��Llaneous �usin:ess. E. G. 1�:E:�IL.L��PS P�esi.c?ca��. i l _ � 1 i "� y` �', . � MEETINC� OF CITY PLANNING F� �ONING COMMISSION. JULY -1'7TH, 7.963. I Fre�ent2 Presi�d.ent E. C. Fhillips� Yice President B. B:raza�.s�ei� C. Larnl�� J. Se��ulte� L, D. Go.�?3; �A,. Ma�s��� Mayo.r E. �.. 'NTo��3ard� 'City Attorney F. A. ,A.nderson� Councilman C. � E. Klock� Building In�pector W. �. Thatcher and Larry Biss6tt, Washington County R°�ras�ntative. ,�bsenta �. Pietila. Meeting was �al�.e3 'to order at �:30 F. M, hy Pxesiden� P'hillLips who requested r�ading of the Mi.nutes of �he Meatiang pf July 2��d. Fiinutes of the meet.�.�g o� July 2nd were then •r�ad and upon call for corrections or objections by P�es.id.ent Pha.11ip�s it was stated by Ma�oi� �Vooda•rd �bhe M:inutes should sh:ow that upon e7,ect:ion of Fres.id�nt Pi�illip� the meeting was then turne� `o�ver �4 him, Fresident Phillipss Are there any other corr�ctions? Hearing none, the Minutes stand approve3 as corrected. � Presid•ent Pizilli.ps: Qn t:he k�genda; after this thP �gend� will be broken down into 07.d B�usineas and New Business as soon as possible,� in the meantime we x�il1 pxoc�ed until we :zave a car:icrete �Ag�nda. Ther� are a couple qia:esta�.ons I would like to ask; Mayo•r Woodard, on the letter to ypu on the $5fl'�•00 Budget, was that approved �y City Colxnci:L? Maj�or Woods��ci: Yes. Presa.dszt Philli.ps: I wo�.�ld lik� t�Secretary to purch;ase �or each � of us folders in which to place our Minu•te� and ar�y other data� ! Nex�t on the �igenda� we have invit�d �aia.ncilxnan K:Loc1e, i the Cityts �uilding Official and Building Inspector Thatchex; we ' are happy to have you wi�;h us this �ven�ng a� we wor�ld like to have + yo�a ax�d the P3.anning Co�uni�sio.n gzt acqlxaixited with �a�h other j 1T1 C.aSf'� there are �e�;�« yuc;�v.i.t2I'�,� �7`�' YJ'^vuif� ii�c vy aFSiC vi- aviiic'�a'iiiias � you would like to ea�plain to us. _ ; i �,� th�s time Co�ancilma.n Klock ex�plairie�. the method;� he is �asing in handling app�ications for build:in� permits and some o� hi� problema after which Building Tnspecbtir Thatcher ex�lained his w�rk in connection with inspections. �:��si�+�n� I':ailJLip�: .�P�t thi,� �imr: �•r� wr�uld likQ �o tak� ja.n this Zone chan�e of C-2 to A-2 between S. W. Scoffin�, S. W. Co.mm�rcial , and south qf S.W. Maian Street, property kno�wn as the Caisaade Motor � Vi11a and �.Land ad�acent. " x After so�na discussion it was agreed another hearing should be held ; and end�avor to come up with a recommendation. � �: P�esident Phi�.�.ip�s: We should pic� a date for a p�erma:nent �n�eting �� date. } � � � � � A,fter soane review o� dates it wa�s decided to make it of�icially � the third Thursday in e�oh month at 7:3� P. M. , ma�king the next. ! meeting date August 15th. It was sugge�ted a�n item should be } �� pixt in the Tigard Time� with reference to the meetings so that i �` any one that has anything to bring before the Plannir�g Commission could atte��. the meetangs. In the case of the Zo;n� change in i questio.�, it would be daterm:ined later as to what dat� t'h� Y�earing # ; wa�uld b� neia. i � 3 , 7.-17_63 - Pag:e 1. I I . Presi ent Pk�illips:' On the Zoning Code Ma�uals; I sugg,es� each � mexn�er sho�.��d have one. , It �as c�e�:ided that i�'`tl�� co��t r�a�"�nver $S:(�l� �ier bo�?z; �esi�ient P1riillip�t wozal:d �on�act �he ilhemberi�, �Sthexw�:se'h'e would proceec� to secure the bo�ks. � A �: .r � , Pr�.sid;ent Phi.];lips: 'With respect to Zbx�ing I��a��t, �ti�,�y �r� -bein� in���� u.p now ax�d e3c�"of yoa w�t11 have a Z��in� Map for yo�ar own i-cc:u5�•c��. ; The ma� a� ��how� on th� wa�1 would cost �1.n5 �ach. �hi.s is a �nap actually ot the �Water� 'Distarict bu.t a_s a v�ry guorS map• for our p?xrpoaes and each me�ibex� aho�ald have a copy of it. Vice President; Brazau�ki; I make a motion that �� buy each member a map �si,milar to the '�1atCx �ap o�, the` �,r�11 in the Co�.nc�.l �rovrns, ; b�ing a map �� the '3�►Ta�ter syst.em, Motion s�cond�d by A. Ma�on and unanimt�usly a�igrov�rl by aT1 memb.e;�s pr�s�nt� , ' R�view follow�3 by,"Councilman Klock of the method used in p,la�' • � ehecking, with s.ome' cqmm�nts by Mayar`''HToodard and Larry Bi��ett. It was p�roperly moved by A. �fason, s�cond.�d u�y C. Lam.b, tha� the meetin� b.e adjo.urn.ed. Mota.on w�a� �xnanimously caarmi�d by a1l members present. , _ Resp�et lly submit d: � ���� SE� TAILLY. ,c�TTE'�T s Pl2`E�TDEI�'T.� , , � �3� �1 7-17-63 - Page 2. � . cl . , � � . . . . . ... � . . � �F1 . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ' �„ � . . . . � . .. � . � . , . : . . �; . � . . � . . . . . . � . � � �'. .. � . .. . . . .. .�. � � . .. � .. .. � � � . . � � �I �. � . . . . . . .. .. .� � � �. . � . . . . � . ... . . . � �'. . � . . . .. r� . . � . ��: � � . � � . . ., . . � . �.. . . . . . � .. . � � . .. . . � - . . . . . � ��'.. � . . , . . . .. ' . . . . � � . . . � � � Y.I . . . � . . � . . . . .. Q. . . . � � . � � .. . . � . .. . . . . . !.. . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . � . . .. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � .. �. .. . �. .. . .. . .. .. . � � .. . . . . . .. .. . . �. . }. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � . . . j... . . . . � � . .. . . . . .��.