CCDA Minutes - 03/03/2015 City of Tigard City Center Development Agency and City Council CCDAJoint Meeting Minutes March 3, 2015 6:30 p.m. 1. CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING A. Chair Cook called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. B. Deputy City Recorder Alley called the roll: Name Present Absent Chair Cook ✓ Director Goodhouse ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ C. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Cook lead the Pledge of Allegiance. D.Call to CCDA and Staff for Non Agenda Items—None announced. 2. CITY COUNCIL: CONTINUATION OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING— CONSIDERATION OF A+O APARTMENTS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (CPA2014- 00002) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW(PDR2014-00003),SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (SDR2014-00004),AND SENSITIVE LANDS REVIEW(SLR2014-00002) Open Public Hearing:Mayor Cook announced this was a Quasi-judicial Hearing continued from January 13,2015 and February 3,2015.This hearing is reserved for council deliberation as the public testimony had closed. Mayor Cook called for any declarations of ex-parte contact,bias or conflicts of interest since the February 3 hearing.Mayor Cook said he drove down the street a few times.There were no objections from the public. Staff Recommendation:Associate Planner Pagenstecher stated staff recommends approval with amendments to conditions#7 as stated in the applicant's memo dated February 10,2015 and#8 as written in the handout provided at the meeting tonight(handout was entered into the record). Council Deliberation: Councilor Woodard expressed concern for the amount of fill dirt that will be used to cover the flood plain. He asked where the fill dirt was coming from.Mr.Pagenstecher said he did not know that as that information is not an application requirement. Councilor Woodard requested notification of the type of fill and where it is coming from be made a requirement. Councilor Henderson stated he shared Councilor Woodard's sentiment with how much fill dirt is proposed to be used for the wetlands.Mr.Pagenstecher said essentially the whole site is being filled in attempt to level it to the Oak Street level. Council President Snider said it is fair to say the council is struggling with the wetland criteria decisions and what is going into that wetland space is germane to the decision. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MARCH 3,2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 3 Mayor Cook said as it stands there may be some councilors that do not support the current application.He asked if there were provisions that could be added to the conditions making the application amenable to getting approved. Councilor Woodard said he preferred sensitive wetlands not be reduced. It would be prudent to make sure the development fits the space and does not have a huge impact on the sensitive wetlands. It is preferred to see a development with higher buildings in order to stay out of the wetlands. Council President Snider commented he did not desire to move forward with the ordinance if the conditions are not different. Councilor Henderson shared concern if mitigating the wetlands was realistic and there being a compromise on the walkability of the community. Mayor Cook said he was troubled with the use of fill of any kind on the wetlands and foresees it causing problems elsewhere.There are other alternatives and maybe they are not favored,but it may have to go that way. Council President Snider asked if the ordinance does not get approved what the disposition of the resolution would be. City Attorney Ramis answered if council does not pass the ordinance then the plan would not be the same so they could not act on any of the others.Mr.Ramis suggested making a tentative move directing staff to come back with findings that reflect the basis of the council's decision to deny the ordinance. Councilor Snider motioned to direct staff to draft findings for the ordinance reflecting the basis of denying the application and postpone this matter to April 14,2015.Seconded by Councilor Woodard.Motion passed by unanimous vote of the council. Name Yes No Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING 3. APPROVE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Director Henderson motioned to approve the December 2,2014 and February 3,2015 CCDA Minutes It was seconded by Director Snider.Motion passed by unanimous vote of the board. Name Yes No Chair Cook ✓ Director Goodhouse ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ 4. RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE MAIN STREET ART AND GATEWAY DESIGN Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly provided an update,accompanied by a PowerPoint,on the Main Street art and gateway design project.He stated the art has been assembled and is currently being stored at TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MARCH 3,2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigud-or.gov I Page 2 of 3 the fabricators in Canby waiting for the board to give the authority to paint them.Staff is planning to take the project to bid and return to the Board on April 7 for a decision. City Manager Wine said the purpose to go to bid is to get a precise cost estimate and then come back with recommendations for funding. Mr. Farrelly said the City Center Advisory Commission(CCAC)voted to send a letter to the board encouraging support of the project(the letter was included into the record). CCAC Chair Carine Arendes and CCAC Member Sherrie Devaney said they were here to support all the effort that has been put forward to this point and asked for the install of the gateway art.The gateway idea has been around as long as the downtown plan and the CCAC is all in support of the installation. 5. NON AGENDA ITEMS—Mr.Farrelly showed a picture in the slideshow of the Fanno Creek Trail map that was installed on the Dolan property. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION—Chair Cook called the executive session to order at 7:59 p.m. to discuss real property transactions under ORS 192.660(2)(e),held in the Red Rock Creek Conference Room. Chair Cook closed the executive session at 8:41 p.m.and reconvened the public meeting in Town Hall. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 8:42 p.m.Director Snider motioned to adjourn the meeting.Director Henderson seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Name Yes No Chair Cook ✓ Director Goodhouse ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ Norma I.Alley,Deputy City order Attest: Chair ity(C,,eenter Development Agency � Date: / ! J� TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MARCH 3,2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 3