CCDA Minutes - 12/02/2014 i City of Tigard CCDACity Center Development Agency Meeting Minutes December 2, 2014 6:30 1. QTY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING A. Chair Cook called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m B. Deputy City Recorder Alley called the roll: Name Present Absent Chair Cook ✓ Director Buehner ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ C; Call to Board and Staff for Non-Agenda Items - Chair Cook and Executive Director Wine noted they had a few items. 2. APPROVE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES • September 2,2014 CCDA Minutes Director Buehner motioned to approve the September 2,2014 CCDA minutes.Director Snider seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Name Yes No Chair Cook ✓ Director Buehner ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ 3. UPDATE ON THE DOWNTOWN PARKING MANAGEMENT Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly provided the staff report,accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation,reporting a Parking Plan Strategy Recommendation had been completed in August 2011 with the assistance from Rick Williams,parking advisor consultant,for the downtown.Mr.Williams and staff partnered with the Tigard Downtown Alliance (TDA)to receive recommendations in order to best meet the needs of downtown businesses and visitors.Progress had been made on in the following areas: 1. Encouraging shared parking. 2. Developing criteria for 15 minute parking spaces. 3. Developing marketing and communication strategies for a"Customer First" parking program Director Henderson asked if the WES parking lot was included in any of the downtown parking numbers. Mr.Farrelly answered they were not included as it is not considered public parking. TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES—DECEMBER 2,2014 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 2 Chair Cook stated the 751 parking spaces seemed high and questioned if the parking lot with McDonalds, Rite Aid and Value Village was counted.Mr.Farrelly replied it was and could be considered for future use of employee parking.Director Snider asked what the demand was for employee parking.Mr.Farrelly said those numbers were unknown but that could be researched Director Snider suggested looking into commute incentive programs for employers to promote employee commuting.Ms.Wine stated staff can work with TriMet to explore possibilities. Director Woodard suggested looking at the need for designated loading zones.Mr.Farrelly responded there could be a possibility for the fifteen minute parking as the loading zones during designated hours. Chair Cook suggested improved signage for public parking areas directing people to the parking lots and also letting them know when they arrived in the lot. Community Development Director Asher summarized the key takeaways for the evening as: 1. Having a parking problem is a good thing because it means people are going downtown. 2. It is important to support current businesses. 3. Parking spaces may be reduced in the future as they are replaced for other kinds of uses such as plazas,paths,buildings and such. 4. It is difficult for cars to park downtown. 5. The Agency has a limited role today and the solution to these problems should come from the businesses. 6. The Agency and staff play the coordination and education role. 4. UPDATE NON AGENDA ITEMS Chair Cook announced the CCAC conducted committee member interviews and will have recommendations on a future City Council agenda.Executive Director Wine reminded the board of upcoming City Council Groundrules and Guidelines meeting December 18th and a City Council Goals meeting on December 22nd. • EXECUTIVE SESSION-At 7:18 p.m.Chair Cook announced that the City Center Development Agency would be entering into Executive Session called under ORS 192.660 (2)(e)to discuss real property transactions.Chair Cook closed the executive session at 9:05 p.m and reconvened the public meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT At 9:06 p.m.Director Woodard motioned to adjourn the meeting.Director Snider seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Name Yes No Chair Cook ✓ Director Buchner ✓ Director Henderson ✓ Director Snider ✓ Director Woodard ✓ � 1 Norma I.Alley,Deputy corder Attest• U'a' Chair, Center Development Agency Date: /yd2c14 3,Le/6- TIGARD CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES-DECEMBER 2,2014 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 2