05/08/2013 - Minutes City Center Advisory Commission 9q1 Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 Location: Tigard Library Communi Room Called to order by: Chair Elise Shearer Time Started: 6:34 pm Txecutive Session 8:29 to 8:47 m Time Ended: 8:49 pm. Commissioners Present: Elise Shearer (Chair), Philip Thornburg (Vice Chair),Thomas Murphy, Deanie Bush, Paul Miller, Sherrie Devaney, Laura Fisher, Canine Arendes,Hemendra Mathur (Alternate Commissioners Absent: Link Pao Others Present: Planning Commissioner Richard Shavey. Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, Senior Transportation Planner Judith Gray,Engineering Manager Iim McMillan, Community Development Director Denny Asher and Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley. AGENDA ITEM #1:Welcome, Roll Call and Introductions :attendance was recorded on the roll call roster. AGENDA ITEM #2: Review/ Approve April Minutes The committee approved the minutes as amended. AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment Sean is going to the Brownfields Conference next week. This is an annual conference organized by the federal government. Sean will present a follow-up report to CODA and CCAC in.June, Staff will be working with a consultant to development a financial model that will help the Agency makes decisions, such as when to go out for private loans and bonds. Staff willreport back when completed. AGENDA ITEM #4: Main Street Green Street Project Update Update on de.rigrz and relaeriile, izzcludaztg Btimbam Sireetparkiszg lot(Engineering Manager ISim McMillan) Kim brought the map for the Main Street Green Street Project (Attachment 1). Some key points of her presentation included: 1. The bid date is September 26. 2. Construction will start in earnest January 2014 (Holiday moratorium on construction Thanksgiving thru New Year's). 3. Consolidated stormwater planters and moved street lights and trees out of walking areas. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,May 8,2013 Page 1 of 4 4. Street lights will have arms for banners and baskets (irrigation will be provided). 5. Gateway area at Highway 99W will be cleared and electrical rill be provided for use in conjunction with art. G. Sewer line work may be done this summer, while the water line work has been packaged with the main project. AGENDA ITEM #5: Southwest Corridor Plan Update on planning activities and opportunities for cifiVn involvement(Judith Gray) Judith gave the commission some background to bring them up to date on where the Southwest Corridor Plan is at this moment. The Steering Committee, primarily composed of mayors from the corridor, will be meeting to consider the five alternative proposals for investments in transportation and infrastructure. These proposals include light rail and bus rapid transit. All five of the plans include downtown Tigard and the Tigard Triangle as station areas. In July, the Steering Committee will make a decision to decide which plans, or combination of plans, will be carried into the next phase for further study. All of the options include a project to connect Hunziker Road to Hampton Street over Highway 217 and to also realign Hunziker Road to Scoffins Street at Hall Boulevard. These are both already in the Tigard Transportation System Plan but would be needed for an efficient high capacity transit connection.Judith gave the commissioners a flyer for a Community-Planning Forum scheduled for Matic 23,where the public is invited to attend an open house about the project (ATTACHMENT 2). AGENDA ITEM #6: CCAC Three-Year Action Plan Use frameavork to iclent 2.yearpri0ritiej• (Sean Farrelly, Commissioner Murphy) At the commission's request, Sean developed an action plan in linear form. (bar chart) to track the commission's scheduled activity for the next two years. (ATTACHMENT 3). Torn Murphy suggested this would be the right time to take a new look at the Targeted Incentive Program (TIP), to make a determination based on the TIP experience to date, whether larger or smaller grants are more of a draw for applicants. There is $75,000 in the fund for fiscal year 2013-14. The commission members present unanimously adopted the bar chart as their 30-month work plan. Tom Murphy also suggested the CCAC review this document concurrent with the times the commission reviews their quarterly goals. AGENDA ITEM #7: Downtown Land Owners Meeting Report from April 2411,meeting (Chair Shearer, Sean Farrelly) Planning Commissioner Richard Shavey has been talking to a lot of the property owners downtown about getting them organized into a formal structure. Elise, Deanie and Sean attended their April 24 meeting. They had a couple guest speakers. The first was Michelle Reeves,a consultant whose been working on the marketing of downtown districts around the region for the past several years. Michelle did some work in Tigard three years ago. She talked about how much progress she thought had been made since she did her work here. The downtown events function that the city is funding through the Chamber came out of her recommendations. She also reviewed the work that the downtown owners had come up CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,May 8,2013 Page 2 of 4 with for their vision, their five point plan. She thought a really good thing that a downtown organization could work on is getting some agreements with the property owners who have large parking lots that are used during the day but are unused after their employees go home at night. She suggested forming agreements to share parking after-hours and encouraging employees who work at Main Street businesses to use the off-street parking. Debi Mollahan from the Chamber gave a presentation on the new Downtown website, exploredowntowntigard.com and its downtown events contract. Many of the property owners at the meeting didn't know the about the website. There was further discussion about how to get the word out. The group seems to be coalescing toward having some sort of downtown organization that includes property owners, Tigard businesses and city representation. Richard Shavey was at the meeting and he told the commission members there was a flyer passed out at the property owners meeting called "Great Things are Going on in Downtown Tigard" so people know what is being done downtown. Elise said the property owners are talking about forming a 501(c) 3 and trying to come up with a name and mission. The landowners are committed to helping the city move forward. Sean also told the commission members it was announced at Council the night before that. there's been a breakthrough in the city talks with ODOT about putting in a multiuse trail or a linear park along the abandoned rail line starting next to Main Street and continuing on to Tiedeman. There is an opportunity for a small public space as well, where the property meets Main Street next to the Chamber building. There is a possibility for the city to enter into a lease agreement with ODOT Rail. When Sean has all the details, he will report back to the CCAC. Tom.Murphy said a focus of the June property owners meeting will be the Saturday,August 17 street fair which is being organized by the Chamber's Downtown Events group. If you have any ideas for the street fair, you can email Debi Mollahan at the Chamber at debi@tigardchamber o:rg. Deanie said the next meeting is scheduled after most downtown regular business hours on Wednesday,,June 5 at 6:30 p.m. so hopefully more Main Street business owners can attend. AGENDA ITEM #8: Liaison / subcommittee reports A. Fagade Improvement joint Committee—A grant has been awarded to Max Fanno Creek brew pub. They will put in pavers, a retractable awning, new outdoor seating, new signage, a new door, new paint and a pergola.At the former A-Boy business location,now occupied by Pacific Paint, a grant has been awarded for new exterior painting. Councilor Woodard has to leave the joint committee because his family has plans to do some things in the downtown and at some point that might present a conflict of interest. Councilor Buehner will now serve on the committee. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,May 8,2013 Page 3 of 4 B. PRAB-CCAC Joint Committee. Linh attended but is busy with school finals right now so there are no notes to pass on. C. CCDA—The meeting included Debi Mollahan's Chamber update. AGENDA ITEM #9: Executive Session The .regular meeting was recessed at 8:29 p.m. Sean read the script to open the Executive Session to discuss real property transactions in accordance aith ORS 192.660(2)(e). AGENDA ITEM #10: Adjourn. At 8:45 p.m., the executive session closed. The regular meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 8:47 p.m. +' CL. Wiley, CCAC Re ding Secretary= f' A ! ATTEST: , se Shearer, Chair CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,May 8,2013 Page 4 of