11/19/2012 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes November 19,2012 CALL TO ORDER Acting President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. ROLL CALL Present: Acting President Anderson Acting Vice President Rogers Commissioner Doherty Commissioner Fitzgerald Commissioner Muldoon Commissioner Shavey Absent: Commissioner Ryan; Commissioner Schmidt; Alt. Commissioner Armstrong;Alt. Commissioner Miller; Staff Present: Tom McGuire, Interim Community Development Director; Doreen Laughlin, Executive Assistant; Darren Wyss, Senior Planner Also Present: N/A COMMUNICATIONS: None CONSIDER MINUTES November 5 Meeting Minutes: Acting President Anderson asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the November 5 minutes; there being none, Anderson declared the minutes approved as submitted. ACTION ITEM—RIVER TERRACE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ADOPTION PLAN Senior Planner Darren Wyss said he was here seeking approval of the River Terrace Community Plan Public Involvement Plan. He noted this was brought before the Planning Commission for review by Associate Planner, Marissa Daniels, on October 15. He reminded the Commissioners that Daniels had told them this would come back before the Commission for adoption after it had been vetted a bit, and after the River Terrace Community Plan kick-off meeting had taken place. That meeting took place at the end of October. They'd heard nothing from the meeting that would cause them to change their approach, so the plan is back before the Commission for adoption; the same as it was when they'd reviewed it on October 15. I;\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2012 Packets\111912 Action Item and Briefing-River Terrace\TPC Minutes for 111912.docx Page 1 of 4 Wyss said the plan provides the outline for project phases and the general timeframes for community meetings. The Technical Advisory Committee had met once and will meet three more times. The Stakeholders Working Group (SWG) comprised of property owners & stakeholders will reconvene and more people will be added; that group will meet four times. A Planning Commissioner and a City Councilor will be invited to join the SWG. There will be four more community meetings during the course of the project. The plan includes communication principles, key players, stakeholders, and a matrix of activities. If the plan is approved, staff will have a solid base to do the public involvement activities and provide the community a document to refer to when wanting information on what opportunities are out there for them to get involved in the planning process. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), make a motion and then vote to adopt the Public Involvement Plan as presented. After a short question and answer period, a motion was made: MOTION The following motion was made by Commissioner Doherty: "I move that we accept the River Terrace Community Plan as presented tonight by Senior Planner Wyss." Commissioner Muldoon added the following amendment to the motion: "to include, as discussed, the modification to part 8 for availability of information." Commissioner Muldoon also seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. BRIEFING— RIVER TERRACE COMMUNITY PLAN Sr. Planner Darren Wyss distributed copies of the West Bull Mountain Concept Plan Report. A link to the plan is available on-line at www.tigard-or.gov/riverterrace. Wyss said his intent for tonight's meeting was to discuss the River Terrace community planning process. He will talk about what's in the Concept Plan, and will talk about the public hearing that's scheduled for December 3rd to adopt the recommended land uses from the Concept Plan. Wyss explained that the West Bull Mountain concept plan was created over the course of three years by Washington County with the help of a stakeholder working group (SWG) and a technical advisory committee (TAC). The two groups came up with project goals and principles that guided the development of the land use, transportation, and parks framework maps. These maps represented the vision stakeholders agreed upon for the future development of the area. The concept plan set out to provide a variety of residential densities and housing types; disperse densities throughout the community; provide appropriate amounts of commercial uses, parks, trails and open space; and outline a multi-modal network of connected streets and walkable blocks. l:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2012 Packets\111912-Action Item and Briefing-River Terrace\TPC Minutes for 111912.docx Page 2 of 4 An important thing to note about the concept plan is that the SWG and the TAC both voted to forward the plan to the Washington County Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners for consideration and adoption. In November 2010, the Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board adopt the concept plan. In December 2010, the Board adopted the concept plan by Resolution and Order. The idea was to take this vision and move it into a community plan. Since the conclusion of the concept plan, the city has annexed a portion of the area (Area 64 in fall 2011). In spring of 2012, the city agreed via an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Washington County to refine its West Bull Mt. Concept Plan into the River Terrace Community Plan. The community plan will put into place a means to implement the vision of the concept plan through zoning, development code regulations and other measures that will make urban development possible. The process will also include updates to utility, parks and transportation master plans, including the financial strategies necessary to fund and maintain required infrastructure improvements. Petitions have been filed by property owners to annex the remainder of the area within the urban growth boundary (Areas 63 and Roy Rogers West). The city will complete the River Terrace Community Plan for all of these areas. City staff has developed a work program to guide the project through completion. This will include a lot of technical work to ensure the community plan meets the state and regional planning requirements, as well as a public involvement plan to engage stakeholders in any necessary refinements to the concept plan as the process moves forward. Staff anticipates completion of the River Terrace Community Plan in summer 2014. Wyss went on to walk the commissioners through the plan. He spoke about the tasks in progress and assured the Planning Commission they would be kept up to speed. The first recommendation the Planning Commission will be asked to make is to adopt the concept plan recommended land uses into the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. This action will set expectations for the community planning process, as well as allowing the city to access a portion of the CET funds from Metro that were given to the city through the IGA with Washington County. A number of policies will also be recommended for adoption to guide regulation of the River Terrace area during and after completion of the community planning process. These recommended land uses will be further analyzed as part of the community planning process and, if refinements are needed, recommendations will be brought back to the Planning Commission and City Council for adoption at the end of the process. A public hearing has been scheduled with the Planning Commission on December 3, 2012 and with City Council on December 11, 2012. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2012 Packets\111912-Action Item and Briefing-River Terrece\TPC Minutes for 111912.docx Page 3 of 4 OTHER BUSINESS There was a reminder from Planning Commission Secretary Doreen Laughlin that a going away celebration for former Planning Commission President Dave Walsh is set for the last meeting of the year— December 17th; details to come later. ADJOURNMENT Acting President Anderson adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. C) Doreen Laughlin, Planning Co 'ssion Secretary ATTEST: Acting President Tom Anderson I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2012 Packets\111912-Action Item and Briefing-RiverTerrace\TPC Minutes for 111912.docx Page 4 of 4