07/21/2010 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Meeting Minutes July 21, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Sue Carver called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in the Tigard Public Library, second floor conference room, at 13500 SW Hall Blvd. ROLL CALL Members Present: Bev Froude, Sue Carver, Connie Ramaekers, Cathy Olson,Veronica Predovic, Patti Anda Members Absent: Chairman Basil Christopher Staff Present: Liz Newton,Assistant City Manager; Susan Hartnett,Assistant Community Development Director; Marissa Daniels,Associate Planner WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Sue welcomed everyone to the meeting. Liz Newton asked if it is ok to tape the meeting for the benefit of Joanne Bengston,Assistant to the City Manager and Mayor, and Chairman Basil Christopher who were unable to attend the meeting. Committee members agreed, and briefly introduced themselves for their benefit when listening to the tape. APPROVAL OF MAY MEETING MINUTES There was a motion by Connie, seconded by Bev, to approve the May 19, 2010 meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows: AYES: Froude, Carver, Ramaekers, Olson,Anda, Predovic NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: None EXCUSED: Christopher NON-AGENDA ITEM: CENSUS RECOGNITION Marissa shared a plaque given to the Committee on behalf of the US Census by John Chism, the local Census Representative. The plaque was given to the Committee to acknowledge and thank the Committee for their efforts in helping to increase Census 2010 mail participation rates. Marissa passed the item around, and thanked the CCI members for their service on the Census Complete Count Committee. C:\Users\Lora\Desktop\To go in LF\2011\toDAY\CCI Minutes_July.docx 1 The Committee briefly reiterated their success in increasing the mail participation rate in Tigard. Overall,Washington County increased mail participation from 70.8% in 2000 to 77%in 2010. Most exciting is the increased mail participation rates in Tigard's "hard-to-count" areas. This included: 58.3% to 71% in the tract including the southern portion of 72nd Avenue 62.1% to 69%in the tract following Greenburg Road and including Washington Square Mall 61.5% to 69%in the tract roughly including the Tigard Triangle DISCUSSION ITEM Susan reported that she and Liz were going to share this agenda item. Susan started with a report from the June 15d' City Council meeting. Council had discussed the City's citizen involvement requirements generally. At this meeting, Council was given the following three recommendations from City staff- 1. taff1. Move the state requirements for citizen involvement in land use matters from the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) to the Planning Commission. 2. Require all Boards and Committees to look at citizen involvement for their charge. Susan gave the example of the Parks and Recreation Board who would be responsible for all information and outreach related to the upcoming parks bond. 3. Merge the current CCI with the Neighborhood Network Steering Committees to further the goals of the Neighborhood Network Program. Susan reported that Council was supportive of each of the recommendations, and that Susan and Liz are now moving forward to implement these changes. Susan spoke briefly about the reasons for the changes recommended above,including the necessary consolidation of resources,Marissa's increasing workload, and the small number of items related to land use on the CCI's current agenda. In a separate but related process, the City Council removed Planning Commissioner Rex Caffall from the Planning Commission in early June. Rex also served as the Planning Commission Liaison to the CCI. Susan mentioned an article in the Tigard Times about the grounds for Rex's removal,including inappropriate emails sent to the Planning Commission. Susan continued that the City is now looking to adopt a code of conduct for board and committee members. Bev expressed frustration at the removal of Rex from the Planning Commission and asked why the City had not previously made behavioral expectations known to board and committee members. Liz responded that in her 30 years at the City, she has never seen the issue come up. Susan revealed that in addition to changing committee bylaws to address public involvement, the bylaws of all boards and committees will be amended to address the code of conduct and grounds for member removal. Additional guidelines will be developed for staff liaisons and C:\Users\Lora\Desktop\To go in LF\2011\toDAY\CCI Minutes_July.docx 2 committee chairs. She expects that boards and committees will be asked to amend their bylaws by the end of the year. Bev asked if staff would be looking to other cities to develop the guidelines. Liz reported that City staff was working to find language for the code of conduct and had consulted cities as far away as Glendale, California. Susan gave the floor to Liz who discussed more details specific to the transition of the Committee for Citizen Involvement. Liz described Joanne Bengtson's efforts as the new Neighborhood Network Program Coordinator. On the 4a' of July,Joanne dressed up her dogs and marched in a neighborhood parade with a wagon decorated with Neighborhood Network posters. She handed out Neighborhood Network flyers at the event as well. Her latest idea is to set up a Neighborhood Network table at local garage sales. Liz continued, zeroing in on the CCI's role in the Neighborhood Network Program. The CCI is currently charged with general oversight of the Program. Liz explained that she has been referring to the CCI as the "oversight committee," but that she is looking for suggestions about a better name. She reminded the CCI that each neighborhood has their own neighborhood steering committee. Eventually she would like to see the CCI made up of representatives from each of the neighborhood steering committees. Liz passed out a memo detailing the transition process from the current format of the CCI to the Neighborhood Network"oversight committee." To allow time for materials to be developed between meetings, the number of meetings has been reduced to meeting every other month. Joanne will now be the staff liaison to this committee. Highlights from the memo include: The CCI will be involved in the following Neighborhood Network program areas over the next year: o Membership and appointment to steering committees o Membership representation o CCI oversight statement and boundary review The CCI transition process is expected to last one year. Joanne Bengston will be the CCI's new staff liaison. The CCI will meet every other month for the next year, then transition to a quarterly meeting schedule. Liz is excited about the transition for the CCI and Neighborhood Network program. She gave a brief update of the most recent Neighborhood Network activities, including design training for current webmasters, replacement of web administrators, a pilot graffiti watch program, and C:\Users\Lora\Desktop\To go in LF\2011\toDAY\CCI Minutes_July.docx 3 special updates for Area 6 about all of the construction projects happening Downtown. Liz was also excited to report that the Neighborhood Network area containing the Englewood neighborhood is starting to get active. A new Oxford House in the area prompted some neighbors to find ways to bring about positivity in their neighborhood. Bev addressed fellow Committee members saying that change is difficult. For some time now the CCI has had goals and their own agenda. She asserted that there will be holes to walk into and out of over the next year. In closing,Liz reiterated that the CCI will meet every other month at the same time (7:OOPM) in the same place (Library Second Floor Conference Room). Veronica asked, and Liz confirmed, that the Committee will receive materials to review in advance of each meeting. Liz encouraged all members of the CCI to take a look at their Neighborhood Network websites prior to the next meeting. OTHER BUSINESS/ANNOUNCEMENTS/NEXT AGENDA Marissa thanked Committee members for being so great to work with over the past few years. She encouraged them to keep in touch (marissa(e tiggrd-or.gov or 503-718-2428). ADJOURNMENT Sue adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM. C:\Users\Lora\Desktop\To go in LF\2011\toDAY\CCI Minutes_July.docx 4