02/04/2008 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 1. CALL TO ORDER President Inman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: President Inman; Commissioners Anderson, Doherty, Fishel, Hasman, Muldoon, Vermilyea, and Walsh Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Caffall Staff Present: Ron Bunch, Assistant Community Development Director; Marissa Daniels, Assistant Planner; Doreen Laughlin, Administrative Specialist II 3. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Hasman gave a report on the Commission Advisory Team (CAT) meeting he attended on January 30 regarding Downtown design regulations. He noted they are in the process of establishing the regulations. He said the buildings are regulated by their building type and the code will become graphically illustrated within the next 90 days. They are working on a 3-track system of clear and objective standards. He reported the Planning Commission workshops will be sometime at the end of the summer and that the committee is meeting on a monthly basis (rather than bi-monthly) now. Ron Bunch drew attention to the second memo in the Planning Commission packet dated 1 /22/08 regarding the City Council joint meeting with the Planning Commission scheduled for 2/19/08 (Exhibit A) and to (Exhibit B). He said the February 19 meeting would be an excellent opportunity for the Commission to talk briefly about the kind of things it wants to convey to the City Council so far as their priorities, and gave a brief summary of the work program as he went over attachments 1 & 2 that he'd included in the packet. Some of the Commissioners commented that they would like to have time to discuss the Planning Commission priorities with the Commissioners and they agreed to talk about this later in the meeting. Commissioner Doherty made mention of the Neighborhood Open House that was held on Saturday, February 2 — she noted it went very well. She said there were many people there and that City staff presentations were very good. She was impressed with the Neighborhood Network sites that were up as well. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES — February 4, 2008 — Page 1 I:LLRPLNVoreenWCWC Minutes 2008Vpc24.OB draft minutes doe 4. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES There was a motion by Commissioner Doherty, seconded by Commissioner Walsh, to approve the December 3, 2007, meeting minutes as submitted. The motion was approved as follows: AYES: Anderson, Doherty, Fishel, Harman, Inman, Vermilyea, and Walsh NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: Commissioner Muldoon EXCUSED: Commissioner Caffall 5. WORKSHOP WITH LAND USE POLICY INTEREST TEAM Marissa Daniels, Assistant Planner and PIT Staff Leader, welcomed everyone and asked everyone present to introduce him or her self — which they did. Policy Interest Team Members Present: John Frewing, Hal Ballard, Karen Forman, Bob Forman, Sue Bielke Ron Bunch asked the citizens from the Policy Interest Team (PIT) why they were interested in attending this particular policy topic. They gave their various reasons. Daniels went over the Policy Interest Team Roles and Responsibilities (Exhibit C). PIT member, John Frewing, asked a question regarding "Land Use." He noted that "Land Use" was not a chapter in the old Comprehensive Plan. He said there were things called "Locational Criteria" and "Urbanization" that addressed annexation and that he didn't see in the old Comp Plan a policy whereby "we shall have a zoning map." He said he believed the end result of the land use planning chapter would be a zoning map. Ron Bunch answered that this was not the reason for the land use chapter. He said the land use chapter essentially establishes the procedural and process basis for the land use program and, along with that, that Council would like to have some process and procedural means by which to update the Comp Plan, evaluate criteria for Comp Plan amendments, and establish the basis on how to manage the City land use program. Frewing questioned whether this would be the proper time to amend the zoning map. Bunch answered that this would not be the time to amend the zoning map. He stated various reasons why the map would or would not need to be amended, and that this would be a separate process, as the zoning map is a subset of the Comp Plan — in other words, separate from the Comp Plan. He said the objective is to go through the text that establishes the goals, policies, and action measures that would also provide the criteria by which to amend the map. Daniels went over the Frequently Asked Questions and Key Definitions brochures. She said the objective of the meeting was to go over the `Building Blocks" of the goals, policies, and recommended action measures and noted again that the definitions of these terms were in the Key Definitions brochure. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES — February 4, 2008 — Page 2 I:aRPLNUoreenWCWC Minutes 2008Upc 2 4 OB draft minutes doe At this point, Daniels began the exercise, utilizing large posters with various "building blocks" whereby the goals, policies, and action measures would be built. It was a brainstorming session where people gave ideas on each section — whether to change, delete, or add to what was there. They got through about half of the building blocks — the resulting comments are Exhibit D. Afterwards, there was an evaluation exercise where the Commissioners and PIT members put stickers on each building block idea and rated whether it was important, somewhat important, or not important to them. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Ron Bunch reported there will be another Planning Commission Workshop on February 25, and reminded them of the joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting on February 19 at 7:00pm. They are scheduled for 7:30, and the City Recorder has requested they be there no later than 7: 15, as the agenda times sometimes vary. In order to confer beforehand regarding • their priorities, they will be meeting at 6:45pm for about 1 /2 hour. 7. ADJOURNMENT President Inman adjourned the meeting at 9:36pm. C- �'1 Doreen Laughlin, Administrative S ialist II ATTEST. Yes. . -nt Jodie Inman �� ���7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINIS!ES — February 4, 2008 — Page 3 I:LLRPLMDoreenWCWC Minutes 2000Vpc 24.0a craft minutes doe