05/17/2010 - Packet Completeness Review for Boards, Commissions T�I�GARDu and Committee Records CITY OF TIGARD Planning Commission Name of Board, Commission or Committee Date of Meeting I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record. Doreen Laughlin Print Name CitifLAAZ‘ Signature 8-17-11 Date 114 " City of Tigard Planning Commission Agenda TIGARD MEETING DATE: May 17, 2010; 7:00 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard—Town Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. 3. COMMUNICATIONS—7:02 p.m. 4. CONSIDER MINUTES 7:05 p.m. 5. WORK SESSION— 7:10 p.m. MATRIX AND CALENDAR 6. WORK SESSION—7:40 p.m. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE #3 7. BRIEFING—9:10 p.m. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ANALYSIS (EOA) ADVISORY COMMITTEE 8. ADJOURNMENT— 9:25 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA— MAY 17, 2010 City of Tigard I 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 I 503-639-4171 I www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of1 41 • A r MEMORANDUM TIGARD TO: President Walsh and Planning Commission Members FROM: Susan Hartnett, Assistant Community Development Director / RE: Agenda Item No. 5 —Matrix, Tigard Triangle, &Planning Commission Calendar DATE: May 12, 2010 At recent Planning Commission meetings,interest has been expressed in improving the Commission's understanding and opportunities to interface with the Community Development work program, particularly as it relates to long range planning activities. In Match, Ron Bunch, Community Development Director, provided an overview memo that described the work program's focus and direction for the next 1 to 2 years. At the Commission's request a detailed matrix that refined the information provided in the memo was prepared and reviewed at the April 19,2010 meeting. During that discussion I agreed to provide additional information on the Tigard Triangle planning efforts and a more detailed Planning Commission calendaring tool that would integrate the work program matrix with the monthly meeting schedule. The Commission also requested that a Comprehensive Plan Implementation Tracking system be investigated and implemented if possible. Attached please find the following; • An updated version of the Work Program Matrix; • A memo dated May 7, 2010 regarding current work program elements that are helping to build a foundation for the future Tigard Triangle planning effort; and • A proposed format for the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Tracking tool. At the May 19`'' meeting, I will review a proposed format for a new,integrated Planning Commission calendaring tool. This will be easier to do as an interactive presentation than to send hard copies. I look forward to our discussion. - Future Projects Matrix Tigard Planning Commission April 26, 2010 Staff Funding / Schedule Planning Project/Activity Type of Item Timeframe Contact Staffing Drivers Associated Projects Commission City Council Goals Priority Status Goals L TRANSPORTATION PLANS AND STUDIES Briefing March 2010 1.Implement Comprehensive Plan — Downtown Circulation #1 Tigard Triangle a. Complete the Transportation System Grant Plan (TSP) and begin area plans Tigard 2035 Plan Judith Gray TGM Grant contract (Tigard Triangle, 99W Corridor,etc.) Transportation Workshops April/May 2010 #3 Complete and System Plan expires Included as Periodic Implement Comp 3/31/2010 Review Work Task Plan I Long Term Goal Continue pursuing opportunities to Public Hearings Summer 201() reduce traffic congestion Briefing Summer 2010 Tigard 2035 2.Implement Downtown Urban General Fund Transportation System Renewal Downtown CCAC Plan b.Adopt Downtown Circulation Plan Workshops Fall 2010 Sean Farrelly Circulation Plan Urban Renewal review 5 Year Goal Funds Downtown Urban Obtain Ash Street railroad crossing in Renewal downtown Public Hearings Winter 2010 Winter 2010 1.Implement Comprehensive Plan Briefings Spring 2011 Interstate 5/99W Multi a. Complete the Transportation System Summer 2011 Modal Refinement Plan Plan(TSP) &begin area plans Sean Farrelly Funding Alternatives for (Tigard Triangle, 99W Corridor,etc.) Pacific Hwy High Grant Highway 99W HCT #1 Tigard Triangle c. Continue to promote and plan for g Workshops Fall 2011 TGM Grant 99W Light Rail Capacity Transit Land Judith Gray contract Alternatives Analysis g Use Plan General Fund expires #2 Pacific Highway Metro 6/30/2011 Tigard Triangle Beautification 5 Year Goal Explore 99W Urban Renewal District Public Hearings Winter 2011 Downtown Urban Long Term Goal Renewal g Continue pursuing opportunities to reduce traffic congestion Note: Projects with grey tinted backgrounds are notyet certain due to outstanding issues such as pending budget authori<ations,finalization of project scope, or the adoption of intergovernmental agreements. 1 Future Projects Matrix Tigard Planning Commission April 26, 2010 Staff Funding / Schedule Planning Project/Activity Type of Item Timeframe Contact Staffing Drivers Associated Projects Commission City Council Goals Priority Status Goals Westside Trail Master Briefing Fall 2010 Plan Development Tigard Pathways Duane Grant 10/11, #3 Complete and Master Plan Roberts TGM Grant contract Rail-to-Trail Implement Comp 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan expires Presentation/ Steve Martin 6/30/11 Tigard 2035 Plan Workshop Winter 2011 P Transportation System Plan Street Circulation Requested in #1 Tigard Triangle Study&Connectivity Presentation Winter 2011 Judith Gray General Fund budget TSP Update 1.Implement Comprehensive Plan Inventory Interstate 5/99W Multi Modal Briefings 2010-11 Judith Gray Metro is currently Pending Highway 99W/Barbur #1 Tigard Triangle Refinement Plan seeking TGM funding HCT LAND USE PROJECTS Urban Forestry Code Revisions Use Category Update #1 Tigard Triangle Regulatory Reform Quarter.ly Briefings Summer 2010 Susan General Fund 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan Hartnett Minor Sign Code #3 Complete and Amendments Implement Comp Plan Tigard Triangle Update Summer 2010 Tigard 2035 Briefing Winter 2010 Transportation System Spring 2011 Plan Pacific Hwy High Workshop Summer 2011 Capacity Transit Land Council Use Plan #3 Complete and Urban Forestry Code 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan Todd Prager General Fund approved Implement Comp Revisions a. Update Tree Code timeline Downtown Urban Plan Renewal Public Hearing Summer 2011 Tigard Pathways Master Plan Regulatory Reform Note: Projects with grey tinted backgrounds are notyet certain due to outstanding issues such as pending budget authori<ations,finalization of project scope, or the adoption of intergovernmental agreements. Future Projects Matrix Tigard Planning Commission April 26, 2010 Staff Funding / Schedule Planning Project/Activity Type of Item Timeframe Contact Staffing Drivers Associated Projects Commission City Council Goals Priority Status Goals Briefing Spring 2010 John Floyd #3 Complete and TDC Use Category Workshop Summer 2010 General Fund Completion Regulatory Reform Implement Comp 1.Implement Comprehensive Plan Update Gary by Fall 2010 Plan Pagenstecher Public Hearing Fall 2010 Minor Sign Code Dick Potential for Amendments Public Hearing Spring 2010 Bewersdorff General Fund additional Regulatory Reform applications Visioning Exercise Tigard Triangle Briefing Fall 2011 Susan General Fund Regulatory Reform #1 Tigard Triangle Update Workshop Hartnett Public Hearing Mitigation Land Bank Briefing 2011 Susan General Fund Project for CWS Workshop Hartnett ASR Wellhead Briefing Susan Protection Program Workshop 2013 Hartnett Water Fund Regulatory Reform Public Hearing OTHER MAJOR PLANS AND STUDIES Summer 2010 Economic Advisory Committee Fall 2010 Opportunities Meetings Winter 2010 Grant Included as Periodic Analysis Winter 2011 #3 Complete and (Planning Darren Wyss Periodic Review contract Review Work Task Implement Comp 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan Commission will act Workshops Spring 2011 Grant expires as Advisory 5/31/2011 #!Tigard Triangle Plan Committee) Public Hearing Spring 2011 Must be #3 Complete and Public Facility Plan Briefings Winter 2011 Darren Wyss General Fund completed Included as Periodic Implement Comp 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan by Spring Review Work Task Plan 2013 Periodic Review Must be #3 Complete and Housing completed Included as Periodic 1.Implement Comprehensive Plan Review/Population Briefings Fall 2010 Darren Wyss General Fund by Spring Review Work Task Implement Comp Projections 2013 Plan Note: Projects with grey tinted backgrounds are notyet certain due to outstanding issues such as pending budget authori<ations,finalization of project scope, or the adoption of intergovernmental agreements. Future Projects Matrix Tigard Planning Commission April 26, 2010 Note: Projects with grey tinted backgrounds are not Jet certain due to outstanding issues such as pending budget authorizations,finalization of project scope, or the adoption of intergovernmental agreements. 4 1111 . City of Tigard TIGARD Memorandum To: President Walsh and Members of the Planning Commission From: Susan Hartnett,Assistant Community Development Director Re: Planning Activities Related to the Tigard Triangle Date: May 7, 2010 At the April 19, 2010 meeting the Planning Commission discussed interest in adding a specific planning activity for the Tigard Triangle to the current work program. After describing the recent effort to seek grant funding for that work,it was agreed that clarification of the links between the anticipated planning activities and the foundation of a more formal planning process dedicated to the Triangle would be provided. It was also agreed that a Tigard Triangle Plan would be added as an out year activity to the Work Program matrix. As described at the April 19`h meeting,in February and March 2010, staff explored the opportunity to apply for a TGM grant to fund a Triangle Master Plan in the next biennium. Metro staff,while supportive, expressed concern about the timing of this effort. In particular, they felt that such a study would conflict with the Station Area and Refinement Plans that are anticipated over the same general time frame. In addition, concerns were raised about our ability to successfully complete an additional large scale project with two TGM grant funded projects already underway. My conversation with ODOT staff echoed these concerns and persuaded me that ODOT would not consider this to be a strong candidate for funding at this time. Below are brief summaries of the activities currently in the work program that will contribute to Tigard's ability to plan for appropriate growth in the Tigard Triangle. Pacific Highway to a Sustainable Future: Tigard 99W Corridor Vision In May 2010, Council will hear a presentation of the Pacific Highway Vision,which was developed in partnership with the University of Oregon's Portland Urban Architecture Research Laboratory (PUARL). The purpose of the plan is to develop a land use/urban design vision for Pacific Highway/99W Corridor within City limits. The $46,000 project was paid for from the City's general fund. The Planning Commission will receive a presentation on this work in June. The Vision document is a prelude to the extensive evaluation and planning efforts that will occur in coming years. It has been prepared as a tool to better understand the corridor's characteristics, and to visualize its urban development potential. The Pacific Highway Vision document identifies potential nodes for future development in the Tigard Triangle;it also offers unique land use ideas,visions for density, street connectivity proposals, and ways to transform the Tigard Triangle into a transit supportive, prosperous,high amenity,mixed-use district. I:\LRPLN\P]aming Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10.2WS's and Ep,, Briefing\Records Division Packet\4 - Item #5b Triangle Briefing Memo - May 7.docx 1 Transportation System Plan Update The city is currently in the legislative review stage of updating the Transportation System Plan (TSP). The TSP was funded with a$175,000 grant through the statewide Transportation Growth Management (TGM) program administered by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). The Planning Commission has begun its review and hearing process for adoption of the TSP. The TSP is a long-range, citywide plan for transportation management,policies, and projects. Specific to the Triangle area,the TSP highlights some of the access challenges associated with major roadways as well as natural barriers and topography. The TSP identifies several specific infrastructure projects that would benefit the Triangle,including a Hunziker-Hampton connection overcrossing Highway 217; extension of SW Atlanta Street from SW 68`h Parkway to SW Dartmouth; and, a new north-south connection between SW Dartmouth and Hermosa Way or Beveland Street. In addition to these major projects, several additional plans or studies have been identified. These include a corridor study of SW 72nd Avenue to better refine the future needs and design; a multi-modal access plan for the Triangle; and a parking management plan for the Triangle. Tigard High Capacity Transit (HCT) Corridor Land Use Plan The Tigard HCT Corridor Land Use Plan is an important initial step in the planning for potential Southwest Corridor High Capacity Transit. The project is funded by a state Transportation Growth Management grant of$189,000 awarded jointly to Metro and the City.A consultant team has recently been selected.After a final contract is negotiated the project could start in July. In order for light rail or other high capacity transit to be successful in the corridor, changes to the existing zoning (which is largely single use - commercial) are needed. The project will help determine appropriate land use alternatives and transit oriented development opportunities for up to ten station areas in the corridor. The outcome will be proposed new land uses for the corridor and Development Code amendments that will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council. As the alignment of the HCT Line will not be determined until several more years of federally mandated studies, the proposed zoning will likely be a "floating zone" that would follow the eventual alignment. The potential impact on the Tigard Triangle is significant, as the presence of HCT would allow high intensity development there. Town Center Designation Review As part of the Metro 2040 Plan, cities were required to update their comprehensive plans to include the boundaries of designated centers. The City has never updated its Town Center boundary to be consistent with the urban renewal district. During discussions,it was also determined it could be advantageous to expand the Town Center boundary to also include the Tigard Triangle. The advantages of including the Triangle in the designated Town Center include: • The change would be consistent with the aspirations the City submitted during the Making the Greatest Places process for increasing mixed-use densities in the Tigard Triangle. The change would work in tandem with the commitment to high-capacity transit in the southwest corridor. • An expanded center boundary will be consistent with and support further efforts to bring about mixed-use pedestrian-oriented development within the Tigard Triangle. I:\LRPLN\P]an g Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10.2 WS's and EOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\4 - Item #5b Triangle Briefing Memo - May 7.docx 2 • The proposed center is accessible to tens of thousands of people by the current transportation system, and access will expand with future high-capacity transit. • The Triangle would be eligible for increased density due to automatic trip generation credits given to centers (currently 10% and proposed to increase to 30%in the RTP Update). • As part of the town center, the Triangle would be targeted for regional investments from Metro. City Council has directed staff to pursue this expansion. Staff has had multiple meetings with Metro and recently initiated the proposed boundary expansion. A decision is expected by the end of 2010. The potential Town Center designation for the Triangle will significantly influence the options and opportunities that would formulate a Triangle Master Plan. Economic Opportunities Analysis As part of Periodic Review, the City is required to perform an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). The project has been funded by a state grant for$35,000, a consultant has been selected, and work will begin in late May 2010. The Planning Commission will act as the advisory committee for the project. The purpose of an EOA is to assess economic trends,inventory land for appropriate site characteristics/allowed uses/availability, and make recommendations for needed short and long-term commercial and industrial land needs. The data found in the EOA can be used as findings for any zone changes the City may want to pursue based on the recommendations. Regarding a Triangle Master Plan, the EOA will provide the necessary analysis for the City to identify the potential for possible rezoning of areas in the Triangle. It will particularly be helpful in assessing the City's commercial land needs and how important the Triangle is to these needs. The findings from the EOA will inform and work in tandem with the Tigard HCT Corridor Land Use Plan. I5/Highway 99W Corridor Refinement Plan Metro's updated Draft Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update introduces the concept of"mobility corridors."The mobility corridor planning approach shifts the planning emphasis away from specific facilities and toward making connections between major origins and destinations. The corridors along I5 and Pacific Highway,between Portland and extending south of Tigard,have been identified as the top priority for a comprehensive multimodal transportation and land use plan. This will be a multi-million dollar planning effort;Metro is seeking funds from the Transportation Growth Management (TGM) program to begin the work in 2011. Perhaps the most important outcome related to the Triangle is that this is the agreed upon venue to address the issues we have had with ODOT regarding operations of the state highways. As part of the implementation of the RTP, "a mobility corridor strategy and/or a corridor refinement plan for these corridors are required in Chapter 6 of the RTP and will include a recommended mobility policy for each corridor."In the draft RTP,this mobility strategy will address the deficiencies in intersection operating standards that have effectively limited the development potential along Highway 99W in both the Triangle and in Downtown. The refinement plan will identify land use and multimodal transportation improvements to achieve the mobility goals for the region. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and LOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\4 - Item #5b Triangle Briefing Memo - May 7.docx 3 Regulatory Reform Improvement The Regulatory Improvement Program is a Planning Division initiative to systematize the improvement of the Tigard Development Code,Title 18. The program initially has two parts,including the Code Improvement Database and a foundational Development Code Amendment addressing the code's Use Categories and Zoning District Chapters. The purpose of the Code Improvement Database is to enable staff to improve consistency of code implementation and to facilitate code improvement.The database will facilitate consistent code implementation as a working log and reference of past approaches to ambiguous language, omissions in the code, or the application of specific code sections to site-specific developments. The database will facilitate code improvement by tracking trouble spots and helping to organize and prioritize future code amendment packages. The Use Categories and Zoning District Chapters Development Code Amendment is a foundational amendment package designed to improve code administration by clarifying and simplifying the use categories including any necessary changes to the respective Zoning District Chapters. The City of Portland's Title 33 will provide a format template for this amendment. Initially the program would not specifically address standards in the Tigard Triangle, but in time the database would be used to track and prepare any future Tigard Triangle code amendment package. These foundational elements would also set the stage for future comprehensive review of the code including street design and connectivity standards in the Triangle. SUMMARY Planning for Tigard Triangle is a priority for City leaders. As described above,there are numerous current and anticipated activities that will significantly influence the underlying development and transportation conditions and opportunities for Triangle planning. Some of the key inputs of each of these activities, as they relate to the Triangle,include the following: • Tigard 99W Corridor Vision provides a conceptual illustration of the long-range urban development potential within the Triangle. • Transportation System Plan Update identifies several significant access and internal circulation improvements as well as a need for additional study of street design,multi-modal access, and parking management. • Tigard High Capacity Transit (HCT) Corridor Land Use Plan will identify potential station area location(s) in the Triangle along with general typology. As planning for HCT in the Triangle advances,it significantly impacts the potential for higher intensity, mixed-use development there. • Town Center Designation Review could result in designation of the Triangle as a Town Center under Metro's 2040 Plan. This would bring with it opportunities for increased development, along with requirements for parking management plans and pedestrian/bicycle supportive internal circulation patterns. • The Economic Opportunities Analysis will directly inform and support future planning for the Triangle regarding possible rezoning needs and opportunities. • I5/Highway 99W Corridor Refinement Plan, as currently identified in the Draft RTP Update,will be the formal venue for identifying strategies to maintain highway performance. I:\LRPLN\PLannalg Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10.2WS's and ECM Briefing\Records Division Packet\4 - Item #5b Triangle Briefing Memo - May 7.docx 4 This process will also develop alternative mobility standards for these highways,providing opportunities for increased development in the Triangle. • Regulatory Improvement: Staff efforts to review,update, and clarify the Development Code will improve clarity for the public and staff in reviewing development opportunities and requirements. These improvements set the stage for future comprehensive review of the code including street design and connectivity standards in the Triangle. CONCLUSION There are numerous planning activities being completed, currently underway, and anticipated, that will significantly impact transportation investments and development opportunities in the Triangle. In addition to identifying local needs and aspirations for the area, these efforts will directly impact Tigard's benefits and obligations related to regional and state planning requirements.As such,initiation of a dedicated Tigard Triangle Plan at this time would be inefficient and have limited effectiveness,and could conflict with critical regional and state partnerships. However,these efforts lay a meaningful foundation and represent critical steps toward future Triangle planning by: • identifying potential HCT station areas and other development nodes; • planning for transportation investments; • incorporating regional planning objectives; and • overcoming barriers to development related to state highways. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and E0,1 Briefing\Records Division Packet\4 - Item #5b Triangle Briefing Memo - May 7.docx 5 To develop a citizen involvement program that ensures the Goal 1 opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Goal Provide citizens,affected agencies,and other jurisdictions the 1.1 opportunity to participate in all phases of the planning process. Implemented Relates to 2010 Relates to 2010 # Policy or Recommended Action Measure Project Status Through PC Goals CC Goals The City shall maintain a Committee for Citizen Involvement representative of a broad cross-section of the Community to: Make recommendations to the City regarding ways to engage the public in City issues,projects,and the land use process; Help implement and develop a public information and citizen involvement program applicable to a wide range of issues;and Support the enhancement of Tigard's overall level and quality of civic engagement by promoting meaningful citizen involvement in City government. The City shall define and publicize an appropriate role for citizens in each phase of the land use planning process. The City shall establish special citizen advisory boards and committees to provide input to the City Council,Planning Commission,and City staff. The City shall provide staff and financial support to the Committee for Citizen Involvement and any other appointed board or committee. The opportunities for citizen involvement provided by the City shall be appropriate to the scale of the planning effort and shall involve a broad cross-section of the community. Report the activities of the Committee for Citizen Involvement annually to the City Council to ensure they are in accordance with the needs of the Tigard community and Statewide Planning Goal 1 requirements. Establish a process for the Citizen Involvement Committee to meet with the City Council and Planning Commission on topic-specific issues relating to citizen involvement. Recognize citizens,organizations,and stakeholders who put forth exceptional civic efforts. Work with the Tigard-Tualatin School District and local private schools to encourage the involvement of youth in City government. Appoint additional citizen task forces,as the need arises,to advise the City with regard to Comprehensive Plan issues. Develop and maintain a neighborhood program that includes land use planning. Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the citizen involvement program,including the effectiveness of individual boards,committees, and the enhanced neighborhood program on a yearly basis. Assist and support any City Council appointed citizen group by providing adequate meeting places,distribution of materials,policy direction,and staff involvement. Planning Commission Calendar Expected Items Briefing on Pacific Hwy HCT Land Use Plan January - March 2011 Presentation/Workshop on Tigard Pathways Master Plan Briefing on Regulatory Improvement Briefing on Urban Forestry Code Revisions Monday,January 03,2011 (Monday,February 07,2011 (Monday,March 07,2011 Monday,January 17,2011 Monday,February 21,2011 Monday,March 21,2011 Expected Items April - June 2010 Monday,April 05,2010 Monday,May 03,2010 (Monday,June 07,2010 Monday,April 19,2010 Monday,May 17,2010 Monday,June 21,2010 Expected Items Briefing on Downtown Circulation Plan July - September 2010 Briefing on Regulatory I Briefing on Urban Forestry Code ode Revisions Monday,July 05,2010 'Monday,August 02,2010 'Monday,September 06,2010 Monday,July 19,2010 Monday,August 16,2010 Monday,September 20,2010 Expected Items Briefing on Pacific Hwy HCT Land Use Plan October - December 2010 Workshops and Public Hearing on Downtown Circulation Plan Workshops and Public Hearing on Downtown Circulation Plan Briefing on Regulatory Improvement Monday,October 04,2010 Monday,November 01,2010 Monday,December 06,2010 Monday,October 18,2010 Monday,November 15,2010 Monday,December 20,2010 08/16/2011 Mil City of Tigard TIGARD Memorandum To: President Walsh and Members of the Tigard Planning Commission From: Judith Gray, Senior Transportation Planner Darren Wyss, Senior Planner Re: Transportation System Plan Update Workshop #3 Date: May 10, 2010 On Monday, May 3, the Planning Commission held the second workshop on the draft Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP). The discussion at Workshop #2 included a review of changes to Goals and Policies (Section 2) suggested at Workshop #1; discussion of the development of the TSP (Section 4); and, the policy and management elements of the main TSP chapter (Section 5). This memorandum summarizes the outcome of Workshop #2 as well as the planned focus areas for the next Planning Commission sessions dealing with the TSP. Outcomes of Workshop #2 Based on comments from Planning Commission members, including alternates, the following changes are being made to the TSP: • Language pertaining to connectivity was added to a policy under Goal 12.6 3. The City shall seek opportunities for transportation investments that support transportation goals of efficiency, multi-modal access, and safety. • In Section 4, the discussion of housing and employment growth forecasts will expand and clarify the discussion of growth in Downtown. Metro's travel demand modeling for future conditions does not reflect the City's aspirations for increased residential and commercial development in Downtown. The document will be revised to clarify the City's vision for growth in downtown; the reason that the growth is not included in the model; and how the potential implications to the TSP are mitigated. • Additional terms were identified for the Acronym Glossary: TSMO;WSRC Remaining Schedule for TSP (revised) Since the last workshop, staff has added an additional work session related to the TSP and moved the scheduled hearing out two weeks. Instead of the public hearing on June 7th, staff will use this work session to bring a proposed change to the Tigard Development Code regarding connectivity I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and LOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\7 - 05-17-10 Item #6 TSP Worksession 3 Memo.doc standards in the Triangle. This proposed change will correct an inconsistency in this section of the code. The public hearing on the TSP has been moved to June 21St. This will allow staff additional time to make any necessary changes to the document resulting from the work sessions. May 17, Workshop #3 At this workshop, the discussion will focus on the infrastructure investments identified in Section 5 of the TSP. The discussion of projects begins on page 75 of the document. This section illustrates projects by primary mode (Figures 5-4 through 5-8);by time frame (Figures 5-9 through 5-11); and, by area (Figures 5-12 through 5-14). The projects are summarized in Table 5-6. Section 6 is the Transportation Funding Element of the TSP. This section provides general historic summaries of transportation revenue and expenditures for the City, as well as identifying potential sources for grant funding. Table 6-4 of this section includes the "Financially Constrained Project List."This list is compiled as part of the coordination with Washington County,Metro, and ODOT. This list is a subset of the projects identified in the previous section and reflects the projects that would be constructed given the constrained funding environment. Questions and Comments about Projects:Commissioners were invited to provide any questions or comments about specific projects to staff in advance of Work Session #3. As of today,we have heard the following comments: Comments/questions already received: • Alternate Commissioner Shavey: Regarding timing and funding for projects 17, 18, and 27: Why was Project 27 moved to Mid-Term in Table 6-4?Why was Project #18 not included in Table 6-4? • City Councilor Buehner: With removal of Nimbus extension is there a potential new connection from Nimbus to Cascade? In order to help staff most effectively address any questions, suggestions, or concerns at the May 17 meeting, please provide any comments or questions by the end of day May 13 (Thursday). Proposed formatting change:As described above,Table 6-4 includes a subset of the projects identified in Table 5-6. The purpose of the second table is to inform and reflect the regional funding priorities for transportation improvements. However, the inherent redundancy of the two tables is confusing. Staff asks Planning Commission to consider whether changes to the report formatting would make the document more useful. Some options include: • No change: include as is in a separate table • Add a column to Table 5-6 to indicate projects in the RTP's Financially Constrained • Include a separate table but insert it as an attachment that is not adopted as part of the TSP. June 7 Workshop 4: Amendments to Development Code for connectivity in Triangle. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and LOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\7 - 05-17-10 Item #6 TSP Worksession 3 Memo.doc I:ALRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and EOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\7 - 05-17-10 Item #6 TSP Worksession 3 Memo.doc June 21 Public Hearing As always,if you have any questions that you would like to discuss before the workshop, please feel free to contact either Judith at Judith@tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2557 or Darren at darren @tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2442. See you on Monday,May 17. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and LOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\7 - 05-17-10 Item #6 TSP Worksession 3 Memo.doc III " City of Tigard TIGARD Memorandum To: President Walsh and Members of the Tigard Planning Commission From: Darren Wyss, Senior Planner Re: Economic Opportunities Analysis Advisory Committee Date: May 10, 2010 At its May 17, 2010 meeting, staff will brief the Commission on its role as the advisory committee and the schedule for completing an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). The goal of an EOA is to establish a clear economic development direction for Tigard that is consistent with local, regional, and state market trends and planning policies. An updated EOA will satisfy Periodic Review requirements related to Statewide Planning Goal 9: Economic Development by identifying existing and emerging economic opportunities within Tigard. This is accomplished through an extensive trends analysis, a buildable lands inventory, identifying/assessing commercial and industrial lands for short/long term needs, and developing implementation strategies to retain/attract business to Tigard. An EOA will also help provide the necessary findings for potential updates to the Tigard Zoning Map regarding employment lands. Having adequate future employment lands is an important component of implementing the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. The Commission, acting as the EOA advisory committee,will review the consultant's work throughout the project,provide feedback, and make recommended changes. The advisory committee will meet four times over the next eight months during regular Commission meetings. The tentative schedule is: June 21, 2010 Review Statement of Community Economic Development Objectives: these will be gleaned from the economic development goals/policies adopted during the update of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. The Commission will be asked to review/change/approve the draft objectives. September 2010 Review Trends Analysis and Site Suitability Analysis: most of this work is fact finding by the consultant and will primarily serve the Commission as advisory information for the remaining meetings. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and EOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\8-05-17-10 Item #7 PC Memo EOA AdvisoryCommittee.doc November 2010 Review Inventory of Suitable Sites and Assessment of Suitable Sites: this work will expand upon the City's buildable lands inventory to also identify potential redevelopment sites and whether the sites are shovel ready or need upgraded infrastructure. January 2011 Review Implementation Policies: this work will identify local actions and investments needed to implement the Statement of Community Economic Development Objectives. The City has chosen Cogan Owens Cogan to perform the work that is being funded by a state periodic review grant. Staff will provide the Commission with a more detailed timeline with specific tasks after meeting with the consultant team on May 19, 2010. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Periodic Review or the Economic Opportunities Analysis, please contact me at 503- 718-2442 or Darren(a�tigard-or.gov. I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10-2 WS's and EOA Briefing\Records Division Packet\8-05-17-10 Item #7 PC Memo EOA AdvisoryCommittee.doc CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes May 17, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER President Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center,Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Anderson; Commissioner Doherty; Commissioner Fishel; Commissioner Hasman; Commissioner Muldoon; Vice President Vermilyea; and President Walsh (7). Alternate Commissioner Schmidt; and Alternate Commissioner Shavey (2) Absent: Commissioner Caffall; Commissioner Gaschke (2) Staff Present: Judith Gray, Sr. Transportation Planner; Susan Hartnett, Asst. Community Development Director; Doreen Laughlin, Senior Administrative Specialist; Mike McCarthy, Streets &Transportation Sr. Project Engineer; and Darren Wyss, Senior Planner Others Present: Gretchen Buehner, City Councilor 3. COMMUNICATIONS Alternate Commissioner Richard Shavey mentioned that he had attended a CCAC (City Center Advisory Commission) meeting the previous Wednesday. He said, among other things, that they'd discussed Fanno Creek and that he was very interested in that topic. He noted that he'd enjoyed attending the meeting. President Walsh reported that he had attended the Tree Board meeting. He reminded the commissioners that a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Urban Forestry Code 1:\LRP1.N\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10\tpe minutes 5-17-10.doc Page 1 of 6 At this point, the commissioners discussed a memo that had been included in their packet regarding the Tigard Triangle. Comments, questions, (and answers) follow: Vice President Vermilyea: is pleased with the level of detail and the effort. He said he's pleased with the Matrix as well. He's glad that the distant horizon is looking towards the planning of the triangle as well. President Walsh: is interested in the City some day, when it's feasible, hiring an Economic Planning Manager. Commissioner Doherty: Is there anyone in the City now who deals with economic development opportunities? Not in the way President Walsh is describing. Sean Farrelly does, somewhat, but it's not directly related to that right now. As the economy turns around, hopefully, the tax increment will begin to provide sufficient money for that and we'll be poised to take advantage of an uptick in the economy once it starts to really move along. Commissioner Doherty: Will TVF&R be relocated to the Triangle?Yes. Hartnett told the commission she is planning on coining back in June with an updated work chart for the Community Development Dept and to give some information on budget impacts on that department. 6. TIGARD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE NO. 3 Darren Wyss, Sr. Planner, said he and Judith Gray (Sr. Transportation Planner) were here to review the updated TSP that had been developed over the past 15 months ---concentrating on the project list included in Section 5, Section 6 - funding, and Section 7 —the implementation chapter. He noted the public hearing on this has been delayed to June 21st. It had been originally scheduled for June 7th. Instead of the public hearing, there will be a brief fourth workshop on June 7th. The purpose of the fourth workshop is to review code changes related to connectivity standards in the Triangle. 1. The standards for street connections are at 630 feet in the Triangle and that does not comply with Metro's standards, so we will explore this. 2. Alternative of 8 intersections per mile needs to clarify between collectors/arterials. Wyss recapped what had been accomplished at the last (2nd) workshop: • They had reviewed the changes that were made at the first workshop to the goals, policies, and recommended action measures. • Language pertaining to connectivity was added to a policy under Goal 12.6: I:\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010PC Packets\5-17-10\tpc minutes 5-17-10.doc Page 3 of 6 3. The City shall seek opportunities for transportation investments that support transportation goals of efficiency, multi-modal access, and safety. • They added some terms to the glossary— "TSMO" and "WSRC." At this point,Wyss turned the floor over to Judith Gray. Gray's stated objectives were to clarify the differences between the two tables on the project list and walk the commissioners through the process that was taken to create the tables. She provided an explanation of the purposes and distinctions for the two tables— the "full" project list, and the "Financially Constrained" project list. She explained the difference between near-term, mid-term, and long-term as follows: • Near-term: (1 — 5 years) —highest certainty; needed to address existing conditions. • Mid-Term: Expect to be warranted within planning horizon; possibly conditioned with development. • Long-Term: Expected to be needed in the future (forecast year 2035); May be identified to preserve the opportunity (e.g. Hall Blvd. bridge to Tualatin) She explained that "financially constrained" is a legal term. It is required in the Regional Transportation Plan. The most relevant aspects: • Projects seeking federal funds must be on the Financially Constrained list. • Improvements are assumed for plan amendments. Gray spoke about how the Tigard TSP "Financially Constrained" list was developed. She said about 80% of the funds are made up of projects that aren't within the City's system. They are under state, regional, and county jurisdiction. The list was largely determined in CAC discussion. They were those projects with a higher return on investment (pedestrian/bike);Tigard priorities (Downtown, Triangle, & Pacific Hwy); and those that have major capacity or safety issues (Bonita widening, Hall widening). Those kinds of things reflect the criteria that had to be met. Mike McCarthy, Streets &Transportation Sr. Project Engineer, briefly went over the projects the Planning Commissioners had expressed the most interest in (Exhibit A). McCarthy noted this is not a "prioritized list." It is simply in order by project numbers, which are randomly assigned. McCarthy explained that the first green column indicates whether or not the project is on the Financially Constrained list. He was asked what that meant. He explained that the "Financially Constrained List" goes in to the Regional Transportation Plan. It's their list of the projects in the next 25 years that are reasonably likely to be funded by "somebody" --whether it's Tigard, ODOT,Washington County, a developer, etc. The key issues are it has to be on the list to get government grant funding, and it's used in modeling for their looking at future development scenarios. There was some discussion as to the definition of"near-term." The question was whether near-term should be considered 1 — 5 years or 1 — 10 years or perhaps "high," "medium," or "low". Darren proposed looking at page 85 in the document. He said the definition of L•\LRPLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5.17-]0\tpc minutes 5-17-10.doe Page 4 of 6 "near-term, mid-term, & long-term" is there. He suggested simply eliminating the stipulation "i.e. approximately 5 year timeframe" in the definition and the definition would speak for itself. Gray summarized that they now have clear direction on developing a final version to bring to the commission for their recommendation. She said next time they come they will have some of that language they'd talked about earlier for the development code— they will get that a week in advance and it will be fairly straightforward and brief. No homework! 7. BRIEFING—ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ANALYSIS (EOA) ADVISORY COMMITTEE Darren Wyss briefed the commission on its role as the EOA advisory committee and the schedule for completing an Economic Opportunities Analysis. He went over his memo dated 5-10-10. He noted that the advisory committee's first purpose is to meet the requirements of Goal 9 and the second is to develop an implementation strategy for the City to meet its goals for the economic development of the future. Commissioner Vermilyea said the 2nd part is where the real work begins as a guiding force for what they would like to accomplish from an economic development point of view at the City. That's the most important role this group will undertake. Wyss stated that Commissioner Vermilyea was absolutely correct. He said the importance of them being the advisory committee is to give "local flavor," so to speak, to this analysis. He noted there are several parts to it and went over the four meetings that he proposed to schedule:June 21, 2010; September 2010; November, 2010; and January 2011. Wyss noted that Cogan, Owens, Cogan is the consultant on this project. The commissioners said they would like to see the COC scope of work. Wyss said he would provide that to them. The question was asked "What is the time commitment?" Wyss said this would be part of the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetings. He said he hopes to be able to schedule them for 2 hours but they may be longer than that, if necessary. The first one,June 21St, however,will not be 2 hours. Wyss noted that Commissioner Vermilyea was absolutely correct in that the important component that the commission will be looking at is what is able to be redeveloped and how is that going to serve the needs of the future; and secondly, what is the strategy the City wants to move forward with in order to meet that future trend condition. The question was asked if this committee is Ad Hoc or whether it has a longer term role. Wyss answered that, for the purposes of the economic opportunities analysis, they are the advisory committee to this particular study. Wyss said he would be back before the commission on June 21St and one of the consultants, Steve Faust,will be there as well to talk to them. L\LRPLN\Wanning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10\tpc mamtcs 5-17-10doc Page 5 of 6 6. ADJOURNMENT President Walsh adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm. Doreen Laughlin, lanning Co ssion Secretary I el, ATT TA/Presi.ent David Walsh I:\Ll2PLN\Planning Commission\2010 PC Packets\5-17-10\tpc minutes 5-17-10.doc Page 6 of 6 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT DRAFT TIGARD 2035 TSP PROJECT LIST WITH FINANCIALLY CONSTRAINED PROJECTS IDENTIFIED (TABLE 5-6 &TABLE 6-4) PC Proj Comm Related Cost ID ents Name Project Type Description) Special Area Jurisdiction Time frame Projects Estimate FC List? Staff Comment Roadway Projects 4 1 OR 217/72nd Ave Interchange Interchange Complete interchange reconstruction with Tigard Triangle ODOT Near Term 4, 23 Improvements Improvement additional ramps and overcrossings. g g $19,500,000 Y Add to RTP FC List 5 1-5/OR 217 interchange from Interchange Improvements e rovements ODOT Near-Term 72nd Ave to Bangy Road Improvement g p $81,500,000 N Widen bridge to 6 lanes to provide 2nd 6 Upper Boones Ferry/ Interchange westbound through lane, 2nd northbound ODOT Near Term $20,000,000 N I-5 northbound Improvement left-turn lane, eastbound separate through and left-turn lanes. - Realign/reconfigure/widen Durham Road, Upper Boones Ferry Road/72"d Avenue intersections/roadway to accommodate traffic flow between Durham Road and Road Interstate 5. Widen Upper Boones. Durham Road/Upper Widening Move to NT, consistent with 7 Boones/72 realignment and and/or A refinement study is needed to address Tigard Long-Term 7, 8, 9, 10 $7,200,000 Y widening Reconfigurati y RTP and related projects 9 9 specific alignment of Durham and Upper on Boones Ferry and alignment of southern Durham Road and 72nd Ave. As part of this project Upper Boones Ferry Road from Durham to Sequoia Parkway should be widened to 5 lanes. Upper Boones Ferry Road Road Widen Upper Boones Ferry from lower 72nd 8 Widening between upper 72nd Widening Avenue to upper 72nd Avenue. Tigard Near-Term 7, 8, 9, 10 $1,000,000 Y Ave and lower 72nd 9 Upper Boones Ferry/ Intersection Eastbound right turn lane ODOT/Tigard Near-Term 7, 8, 9, 10 $500,000 Y I-5 southbound Improvement • 10 72"d/Upper Boones Ferry Intersection Intersection Improvements Tigard Near-Term 7, 8, 9, 10 $1,000,000 Y Improvement Hall/Hunziker/Scoffins Intersection Realign offset intersection to cross 11 3 intersection Realignment Realignment intersection to alleviate congestion and ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $5,000,000 Y safety issues. Realign Tiedeman and/or North Dakota Change cost to $6.5M; Can Tiedeman Realignment at North Road between Tigard Street and North Dakota to 12, 13, 14, 56, 12 4 Dakota Realignment form a T Intersection at North Dakota west Tigard Near Term 58 $6,000,000 Y trade RR crossing for Ash Ave of the railroad tracks. crossing Greenburg/North Dakota After realignment of Tiedeman (Project: 13 4 Intersection Geometry Intersection #12), realign remaining legs to conventional WSRC Tigard Near-Term 12, 13, 14, 56, $3,500,000 Y Change cost to $4M Improvements Realignment form. 58 1 All road projects include bicycle and pedestrian facilities, consistent with the street design standards for the street classification. 1 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT New Road/ Pfaffle-North Dakota east-west connection North Dakota-Pfaffle Highway with Hwy 217 over-crossing to provide a 12, 13, 14, 56, 14 217 over crossing Intersection neighborhood route (See Projects: #12 and WSRC Tigard Long Term 58 $15,000,000 N Realignment #13). This is allocated from RTP $4M 17 3 Ash Ave Railroad Crossing New Road Extend Ash Avenue across the railroad Downtown Tigard/ODOT Rail Near Term $3,000,000 Y for general downtown (Burnham to Commercial) tracks from Burnham to Commercial Street. circulation. Likely to require additional. 18 1 Ash Ave Extension (Maplewood New Road Extend Ash Avenue from Maplewood, across Downtown Tigard Near Term $5,000,000 N to Burnham) Fanno Creek, to Burnham. 19 Atlanta Street Extension New Road Extend Atlanta Street west to Dartmouth Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term $3,800 000 N Could add this with expectation Street of development contribution. 21 1 Hall Boulevard Extension New Road Extend south to Tualatin across the Tualatin ODOT/Tigard Long-Term $60,000,000 N Consider a place holder for River future need. Hwy 217 Over crossing at Provide a new connection from Nimbus to 22 1 Washington Square Regional New Road Locust WSRC Tigard Long-Term $25,000,000 Y Center- Cascade Plaza Connect Hunziker Road to 72nd Avenue— Hwy 217 over-crossing - requires over-crossing over ORE 217- 23 New Road ODOT/Tigard Mid-Term 4, 23 $30,000,000 Y Hunziker-Hampton Connection removes existing 72nd Ave/Hunziker intersection Improvements to distribute east/west traffic Oak-Lincoln-Locust Street between Locust and Oak Streets and Collector System improve accessibility to Lincoln Center 24 (Washington Square New Road commercial district. Includes Lincoln Street WSRC Tigard Mid-Term $3,000,000 Y Connectivity Improvements) extension to Oak Street. (Lincoln Street portion anticipated to be constructed by development) 25 Taylors Ferry Road Extension New Road Extend to Oleson Road WSRC Washington Mid-Term $4,390,000 Y County Walnut to Ash Avenue Extend Walnut east of Pacific Hwy-99W to Moved to mid-term in relative 27 3 Extension New Road meet Ash Avenue. Downtown Tigard Near-Term $14,000,000 Y order(follows Ash extension of RR); Depends on #18. 29 3 68th Avenue Road Widen to 3 lanes between Dartmouth/I-5 Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term $10,000,000 N Widening Ramps and south end 31 72nd Avenue Widening: Ore Road Widen to 5 lanes Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term 31, 32, 33, B15, $10,000,000 Y 99W to Dartmouth Widening P19 72nd Avenue Widening: Road 31, 32, 33, B15, Reduce cost to $7.5M; bridge 32 Dartmouth to Hunziker Widening Widen to 5 lanes, including bridge Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term P19 $25,000 ,000 Y section included in #4 33 72nd Avenue Widening: Road Widen to 3 lanes Tigard Long-Term 31, 32, 33, B15, $15,000,000 N Hunziker to Durham Widening P19 Beef Bend Road Complete Complete 3-lane section from 131st to Washington 35 Mid Term $2,280,000 N Complete Street Street 150th. County 36a 3 Bonita Road Widening Road Widen to 5-lanes from Hall to 72nd Tigard Near-Term $20,000,000 N Widening 36b 2 Bonita Road Widening Road Widen to 5-lanes from 72nd Avenue to city Tigard Mid-Term $25,000,000 N Widening limits east of I-5 (Bangy) Road Complete 5-lane section from Costco to 37 Dartmouth St. Widening Widening 72nd Ave (small section missing in Tigard Triangle Tigard Near-Term $320,000 N With development, if needed. eastbound direction only) Road Widen to 4 lanes plus turn lanes and 38 Dartmouth St. Widening Widening sidewalks between 72nd Avenue and I-5 Tigard Triangle Tigard Near-Term $4,410,000 Y With development, if needed. (68th) 39 Durham Road Widening Road Widen to 5-lanes from Pacific Hwy 99W to Tigard Mid-Term $21,200,000 Y Consider moving to LT Widening Hall Blvd. 2 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT Widen to 5 lanes (total, both directions) 40 Durham Road Widening Road between Hall Boulevard and Upper Boones Tigard Mid-Term $21,090,000 Y Consider moving to LT Widening Ferry Road. Add 2nd southbound left-turn lane at the intersection of Hall/Durham. 41 Greenburg Rd. Widening Road Widen to 4 lanes adjacent to cemetery WSRC Washington Mid-Term $3,780,000 N Widening County Greenburg Rd. Widening, Road Shady Lane to N. Dakota, Widen to 5 lanes. Includes bridge replacement. 43 South of Hwy 217 to N. Dakota Widening Includes bridge replacement. WSRC Tigard Mid Term $6,000,000 Y Increased from $4M Greenburg Road Widening N. Road Tiedeman to OR 99W, Widen to 5 lanes with 44 Dakota to 99W Widening bikeways and sidewalks Tigard Mid Term $15,000,000 N • Hall Boulevard Widening, Road Widen to 3 lanes; build sidewalks and bike 45a 2 Oleson to 99W Widening lanes; safety improvements WSRC ODOT/Tigard Near Term $3,500,000 Y Hall Boulevard Widening, Road Widen to up to 5 lanes, depending on 45b, 45c, 45d, 45b 2 Highway 99W to Fanno Creek Widening corridor plan Downtown ODOT/Tigard Near Term 45e, P20 $2,500,000 Y Hall Boulevard Widening, Fanno Road Widen to up to 5 lanes, depending on 45b, 45c, 45d, 45c Creek to McDonald Street Widening corridor plan ODOT/Tigard Mid Term 45e, P20 $2,500,000 Y • Hall Boulevard Widening, Road Widen to up to 5 lanes, depending on 45b, 45c, 45d, 45d 2 McDonald Street to Bonita Widening corridor plan ODOT/Tigard Mid-Term 45e, P20 $1,500,000 Y Road Hall Boulevard Widening, Road Widen to up to 5 lanes, depending on 45b, 45c, 45d, 45e Bonita Road to Durham Widening corridor plan ODOT/Tigard Near Term 45e, P20 $3,000,000 Y 46 1 McDonald Street Widening, Road Widen to three lanes with sidewalks, bike Tigard Near Term $8,000,000 Y 99W to Hall Widening lanes, and safety improvements Scholls Ferry Rd Widening, Hwy Road Widen to 7 lanes between OR 217 and 121st ODOT/ 47a Washington Long Term $19,700,000 Y 217 to 121st Widening Avenue and improve intersections County Scholls Ferry Rd ROW ROW preservation for potential 7 lanes 47b preservation, Road between 121st Avenue and Barrows Road, Washington Long-Term $8,000,000 N WACO road; likely will be 121st to SW Barrows Widening improve intersections County added in their TSP Update. 49 3 Pfaffle St/Hall Blvd Intersection Traffic signal or other intersection treatment ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $500,000 V Add to RTP Improvement 50 68th/Atlanta/Haines Intersection Traffic signal and turn lanes where necessary Tigard Triangle Tigard Near-Term $500,000 N Development mitigation, if Improvement needed Intersection Install traffic signal and add turn lanes Development mitigation, if 51 68th/Dartmouth Improvement where necessary Tigard Triangle ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $500,000 N needed 52 2 72nd/ Dartmouth Intersection Traffic signal and intersection widening Tigard Triangle Tigard Near-Term $1,100,000 N Development mitigation, if Improvement needed 53 121st/ North Dakota Intersection Traffic signal Tigard Mid-Term $500,000 N Improvement 54 135th Avenue/ Intersection Intersection Improvements Tigard Near-Term $400,000 Y Add to RTP Walnut Street Improvement 56 Greenburg/Oleson/Hall Intersection Intersection Improvements WSRC ODOT/WACO Near-Term 12, 13, 14, 56, $3,000,000 Y Reduced from $7M in RTP Improvement 58 58 1 Greenburg/Washington Square Intersection Install Boulevard treatment at WSRC ODOT/WACO Near Term 12, 13, 14, 56, $500 000 Y Should be $1M. (Reduced from Road Improvement Greenburg/Washington Square Road 58 $7M in RTP) 60 Hall/McDonald Intersection Add southbound right turn lane from Hall ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $400,000 Y Add to RTP Improvement Blvd to McDonald Street. Install a traffic signal at Main Street/Tigard Intersection Street. Project need should be reevaluated 62 Main Street/Tigard Street Improvement after Highway 99W/Greenburg Road/Hall Downtown Tigard Near-Term $350,000 N Boulevard improvements and Main Street improvements are completed. 3 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT 64 North Dakota/ 125th/ Scholls Intersection Intersection improvements WACO/Tigard Mid-Term $1,500,000 1 N Ferry Rd Improvement 65 Tiedeman Street/Tigard Street Intersection Intersection Improvements with sidewalks Tigard Near-Term $750,000 N Improvement and bike lanes Provide increased capacity at priority intersections, including bus queue bypass lanes in some locations, improved sidewalks, 66 4 Hwy 99W Intersection Intersection priority pedestrian crossings, and an access ODOT Near-Term See 66a - 66o Y Increase RTP Costs from $50M Improvements Improvement management plan, while retaining existing to $67.5M 4/5-lane facility (plus auxiliary lanes) from I- 5 to Durham Road. Provide signal interconnect from I-5 to Signal Durham Road (Metro TSMO plan includes 66a Pacific Highway 99W Improvement Arterial Corridor Management and transit ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $2,500,000 Y signal priority for the entire corridor through s Tigard with adaptive signal control from Highway 217 to the eastern city limits). Highway 217 SB Intersection Intersection capacity improvements such as 66b 1 Ramps/Highway 99W Improvement a 2nd right turn lane from off ramp ODOT Near Term $8,000,000 Y Highway 217 NB Intersection Intersection capacity improvements such as $8,000,000 Y 66c 1 ODOT Near Term Ramps/Highway 99W Improvement a second northbound left turn lane Intersection improvements such as dual 66d 2 Pacific Highway 99W/I-5 SB Intersection northbound through lanes on 99W and dual Tigard Triangle ODOT Near-Term $5,000,000 Y Improvement lanes for I-5 ramps to reduce confusion, congestion and related accidents 66e Pacific Highway 99W/68th Ave Intersection Intersection improvements such as added Tigard Triangle ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $1,000,000 Y Improvement turn lanes, protected left-turns at 68th 66f Pacific Highway 99W/72nd Ave Intersection Intersection improvements such as added Tigard Triangle ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $2,000,000 Y Improvement turn lanes, a southbound right turn pocket 66g Pacific Highway Intersection Intersection improvements -Turn lanes and Tigard Triangle ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $8,000,000 Y 99W/Dartmouth St. Improvement auxiliary lanes Intersection improvements such as an Pacific Highway 99W/Hall Intersection additional eastbound and westbound through 66h Boulevard Improvement lane on 99W (CIP 95005), exclusive left-, Downtown ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $6,500,000 Y through-, and right-turn lanes on each side street approach (CIP 95031). _ Pacific Highway Intersection improvements such as exclusive 66i 99W/Greenburg Road/Main Intersection turn lanes on both Greenburg Road and Main Downtown ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $6,000,000 Y Street Improvement street approaches, additional eastbound and westbound through lane on Pacific 99W. Pacific Highway 99W/ Walnut Intersection Intersection improvements such as 66j Street Improvement additional turn lanes ODOT/Tigard Near Term $1,500,000 Y Pacific Highway 99W/Gaarde Intersection Intersection improvements such as a third 66k 2 Street/McDonald Street Improvement through lane on Pacific Hwy-99W and ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $8,000,000 Y additional turn lanes. Pacific Highway 99W/ Intersection Intersection improvements such as a left 661 Canterbury Improvement turn lane ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $2,000,000 Y 4 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT Intersection improvements such as a Pacific Highway 99W/ Beef Intersection ODOT/Washington 66m Bend Road Improvement southbound right turn lane (on Pacific Hwy County Near-Term $1,500,000 Y Pacific Highway 99W/ Durham Intersection Intersection improvements such as a 66n Road Improvement additional turn lanes ODOT/Tigard Near Term $1,500,000 Y Implement access management strategies Pacific Highway 99W Access Access and median projects identified in the 66o Management Management Highway 99W Plan (related to roadway ODOT Near Term $6,000,000 Y project #66) Highway 217 NB On- ramp/Scholls ramp/Scholls Ferry Intersection Intersection Improvements WSRC ODOT Near-Term $5,000,000 N Road/Washington Square Road Improvement Interchange Improvement Add an eastbound through lane on Hall Blvd. from Pamelad Road to Greenburg Road that Hall Boulevard, Washington Road removes the right-turn lane drop at Pamelad 85 1 Square Regional Center Widening Road and ends as a right-turn lane at WSRC ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $500,000 N Greenburg Road. This completes the five- lane section on Hall Blvd. from Scholls Ferry Road to Greenburg Road. Dartmouth-Beveland Construct a 2-3 lane roadway generally Further evaluation needed of 92 Connection New Road along the 78th Ave. alignment from Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term $1,400,000 N Triangle connectivity needs Dartmouth to Beveland 93 Highway 217/Greenburg Intersection Add a right-turn lane from Greenburg to SB WSRC ODOT Mid Term $5,000,000 N Intersection Improvement Higway 217 95 1 North Dakota at Fanno Creek Bridge Replace existing bridge over Fanno Creek Tigard Near Term $2,500,000 Y Bridge Replacement Replacement along North Dakota to include sidewalks Complete Streets (Upgrade with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities) 121st Avenue Complete Upgrade 121st Avenue to a 2-lane roadway 34 2 Complete Street, Walnut to Street with sidewalks and bicycle lanes between Tigard Near-Term $1,580,000 Yes Gaarde Walnut and Gaarde Street Upgrade 121st from Walnut Street to North 121'Avenue Complete street, Complete Dakota Street — two lanes with turn lanes Consider adding to FC list. 84 1 000 No Walnut to N Dakota Street where necessary plus bike lanes and Tigard Near Term $380, Review cost estimate sidewalks Complete Widen to 2 with turn lanes where necessary 48 1 Walnut Street Complete Street Street from 116th to OR 99W including sidewalks, Tigard Near-Term $7,000,000 Y Reduced from $12M bicycle lanes, and safety improvements Provide 2 travel lanes, turn lanes where Main Street Green Street Complete necessary, on street parking, good Starting soon; Possibly add to 86a 1 (Phase I) Street sidewalks, and lots of pedestrian-friendly Downtown Tigard Near-Term $3,500,000 Y RTP amenities on Main Street from the railroad tracks south to Highway 99W. Provide 2 travel lanes, turn lanes where Main Street Green Street Complete necessary, on street parking, good 86b 1 (Phase II) Street sidewalks, and lots of pedestrian-friendly Downtown Tigard Near-Term $2,000,000 Y Add to RTP amenities on Main Street from the railroad tracks north to Hwy 99W Complete Install bike lanes and construct sidewalks on Washington 88 80th Avenue Street both sides of the street from Taylor's Ferry County Mid-Term $1,350,000 N Road to Oak Street 89 Taylor's Ferry Rd Complete Install sidewalks on both sides of the street Washington Long Term $3,220,000 N Street from Washington Drive to 62nd Avenue County 90 Oak Street Complete Install sidewalks on both sides of the street Washington Mid Term $1,710,000 N Street from Hall Boulevard to 81st Avenue County 91 92nd Avenue Complete Install bike lanes and sidewalk on both sides Tigard Mid-Term $800,000 y Add to RTP Street of street from Durham Road to Cook Park 5 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT Upper Boones Ferry Road south Complete Upgrade with turn lane, pedestrian, bicycle Washington 94 of Durham Streets facilities and consistent with City of Durham County/Tigard Mid-term $2,000,000 N planned improvements. Bicycle Projects B1 Tigard Transit Center Bicycle Bicycle Provide bicycle hub at Tigard Transit Center Downtown Tigard/TriMet Mid-Term $50,000 y Move to Near Term Hub Facilities B2 Bonita Road Bike Lane Install eastbound bike lanes from 72nd Tigard Near-Term $200,000 Y Avenue to I-5 Bridge B5 98th Avenue Bike Lane Install bike lanes on both sides of street Tigard Near-Term $150,000 Y from Murdock to Durham Road Bike Install bike boulevard treatments on both B11 O'Mara Street Boulevard sides of O'Mara from McDonald Street to Hall Tigard Long-Term $60,000 Y Boulevard Bike Install bike boulevard treatments on both B12 Frewing Street Boulevard sides of the street from Pacific Hwy-99W to Tigard Long-Term $130,000 Y O'Mara Street B13 Greenburg Road Bike Lane Install bike lanes on both sides of the street WSRC Washington Near-Term 41, 43, 56, 58 $3,600,000 Y from Hall Boulevard to Cascade Avenue County/ODOT Install bike facilities on both sides of the Moved to Mid-Term to allow for B15 72nd Avenue Bike Lane street from Pacific Hwy-99W to South City Tigard Near-Term 31, 32P19, B15, $2,000,000 Y potential widening or other Limits treatments B16 Upper Boones Ferry Road Bike Lane Install bike lanes on both sides of street Tigard Mid-Term 7, 8, 10 $1,000,000 Y from I-5 to Durham Road B18 Bull Mountain Road Bike Lanes Bike Lane Install bike lanes on both sides of street. WACO Mid-Term $800,000 Y B23 79th Avenue Bike Install bike boulevard treatments from Tigard Mid-Term $130,000 Y Boulevard Bonita Road to Durham Road Bike Install bike boulevard treatments on both B24 Fanno Creek Drive Boulevard sides of the street from the Fanno Creek Tigard Mid-Term $100,000 Y Trailhead to Bonita Road B25 Murdock Street Shared-lane Install shared lane markings from 96th Tigard Near-Term $10,000 Y Avenue to Pacific Hwy-99W B30 Locust Street Bike Lanes Install bike lanes on both sides of the street WSRC WACO Mid-Term $450,000 Y from Hall Boulevard to 80th Avenue B32 Pacific Hwy-99W Bike Lanes Bike Lane Fill in gaps in Bike lanes along Pacific Hwy- B32 Near-Term $500,000 Y Gaps 99W Crossing Improvement on Bonita Road at BC3 Bonita Road at 79th Crossing 79th Tigard Near-Term $30,000 Y Trail Crossing improvements including trail BC4 Tiedeman at Fanno Creek Trail Realignment realignment, curb cuts, pavement markings, Tigard Mid-Term $200,000 Y and signage BC5 Tiedeman at Fanno Creek Trail Crossing Crossing improvements including curb cuts, Tigard Near-Term $20,000 Y pavement markings, and signage Mixed-use Path Projects 10 foot wide Tigard/Lake M1 Hunziker Link to Lake Oswego paved Linkage to Kruse Way Trail in Lake Oswego Oswego Mid-Term $2,010,000 N pathway 10 foot wide Complete gaps along the Fanno Creek multiuse path from the Tualatin River to M2 Fanno Creek Trail paved Tigard Mid-Term p g $3,000,000 Y pathway Tigard Library and from Pacific Hwy 99W to Tigard Street 10 foot wide Complete multiuse path from Cook Park to M3 Tualatin River Trail paved the Powerlines Corridor Tigard Mid-Term $1,250,000 N pathway 6 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT 108th Street Crossing of Pedestrian New bridge crossing north-south over the M4 Tualatin River Bridge Tualatin River near 108th Avenue Tigard/Tualatin Mid Term $740,000 N 10-foot wide New regional multiuse path, and in Tigard M5 Westside Trail paved will connect from Beaverton to the Tualatin Tigard Mid-Term $1,920,000 Y pathway River Trail 10 foot wide Convert a segment of inactive railroad right- M6 Tiedeman Avenue/Main Street paved of-way adjacent to Tigard Street from Downtown Tigard Near Term $1,250,000 Y Rail Trail pathway Tiedeman Avenue to Main Street to a multiuse path Washington Square Regional 10-foot wide New pedestrian and bicycle bridge over Hwy M7 Center Highway 217 paved 217 from Nimbus Avenue to Scholls Ferry WSRC Tigard/WACO Long-Term $3,700,000 N Pedestrian/Bike Over Crossing pathway Road Neighborhood Trail Connections Neighborhood Formalize neighborhood trail connections M8 -Various locations trails throughout the city Tigard Near Term $1,100,000 Y Pedestrian Projects P1 North Dakota Street Sidewalks Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalks on North Dakota Tigard Near-Term $810,000 Y Gaps from 121st Avenue to Tiedeman. Sidewalk Install sidewalks on both sides of the street P3 Tiedeman Avenue Sidewalks Gaps from Fanno Creek Trail to North Dakota- Tigard Near-Term $1,400,000 Y Greenburg P5 Pacific Hwy-99W Sidewalks Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalk from McDonald to ODOT Near-Term $1,300,000 N Gaps south city limits P6 Bull Mountain Road Sidewalks Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalk from Pacific Hwy WACO Mid Term Gaps 99W to Roshak Road $2,580,000 N • P7 Roshak Road Sidewalks Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalk, mainly between WACO Mid-Term $640,000 N Gaps 158th Terrace and Bull Mountain Road P9 Hunziker Street Sidewalks Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of the street Tigard Mid-Term $700,000 N Gaps from 72nd Avenue to Hall Boulevard Washington Square Regional Pedestrian Improve sidewalks, lighting, crossings, bus P10 Center Pedestrian Improvement shelters, and benches in WSRC WSRC Tigard Mid-Term $3,900,000 Y Improvements s P16 Tigard Street Sidewalk Install sidewalks on both sides of the street Tigard Near-Term $1,200,000 Y from 115th Avenue to Pacific Hwy-99W Install sidewalks on both sides of the street P18 Commercial Street Sidewalk from Main Street to Lincoln Street Downtown Tigard Near-Term $400,000 Y P19 72nd Avenue Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalk from Pacific Hwy Tigard Near-Term 31, 32, 33, B15, $2,500,000 N 99W to Bonita Road P19 P20 Hall Boulevard Sidewalk Complete gaps in sidewalk from Hunziker ODOT/Tigard Near-Term 45b, 45c, 45d, $1,800,000 Y Street to Durham Road 45e, P20 P23 72nd Avenue Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street from Tigard Near-Term $800,000 N Upper Boones Ferry Road to Durham Road • Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street for P24 Benchview Terrace Gaps missing sections west of Greenfield Drive Tigard Mid-Term $1,200,000 N P25 79th Avenue Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street from Tigard Mid-Term $800,000 N Gaps Bonita Road to Durham Road P27 Murdock Street Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street from Tigard Mid Term $570,000 N Gaps 96th avenue to Pacific Highway-99W P29 150th Avenue New Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street from WACO Mid-Term Bull Mountain Road to Beef Bend Road $900,000 N P30 97th Avenue Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street from Tigard Near-Term $400,000 Y Moved to Mid Term Gaps McDonald Street to Murdock Street 7 City of Tigard 2035 Transportation System Plan - DRAFT P31 Garrett Street Sidewalk Install sidewalks on both sides of the street Tigard Near-Term $160,000 N from Pacific Highway-99W to Ash Avenue • P33 Greenfield Drive New Sidewalk Install sidewalk on both sides of street for Tigard Mid-Term $280,000 N missing section south of Benchview Terrace Crosswalk on McDonald at Pedestrian Pedestrian/bike improvements at PC3 O'Mara and 98th Ct Signing/Stripi unsignalized intersection at Tigard Near-Term $50,000 N ng McDonald/O'Mara/98th Ct • Improve sidewalks, lighting, crossings, bus Tigard Town Center shelters and benches throughout the PC7 1 (Downtown) Pedestrian Pedestrian ( ) g' 9 hwa downtown including: Pacific Hi 99W Tigard Near-Term $4,880,000 Y Facilities Highway Improvements Hall Blvd, Main Street, Hunziker, Walnut and neighborhood streets. • Greenburg/95th Raised Pedestrian Construct pedestrian/bike improvements at PC9 Pedestrian Refuge and Marked Signing/Stripi the existing unsignalized crosswalk at Tigard Mid-Term $50,000 Y Moved to Mid Term Crosswalk ng Greenburg/95th Transit Projects Transit Stop Amenity Support existing high frequency bus service Transit on the Pacific Highway 99W corridor by T2 Improvements on Highway Tigard/TriMet Near-Term $400,000 Y 99W Amenities providing benches, shelters, and real-time information at bus stops Provide local connector service serving Tigard Connector Service in the Transit Tigard Triangle to Downtown, and/or the T3 Tigard Triangle Connector Washington Square Mall and potentially Tigard Triangle Tigard/TriMet Long Term N residential areas. T4 HCT Planning Local Transit Local contribution for planning and TriMet Near-Term $1,000,000 Y In RTP at this level $$ Contribution, Ph 1 alternatives analysis for HCT T5 HCT Planning Local Transit Local contribution for planning and TriMet Mid-Term $4,000,000 Y In RTP at this level $$ Contribution, Ph 2 alternatives analysis for HCT Transportation System Management Arterial TSM1 Upper Boones Ferry Road Corridor Provide Arterial Corridor Management along Tigard Mid-Term $1,300,000 N Management Corridor #2 (I-5) in the Metro TSMO Plan • • Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management on TSM3 72nd Avenue Corridor 72nd Avenue along Corridor #2 (I-5) near Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term $1,600,000 N Management the Upper Boones Ferry Road Interchange in the Metro TSMO Plan Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management along TSM4 72nd Avenue Corridor Corridor#19 (Hwy 217) in the Metro TSMO Tigard Triangle Tigard Mid-Term $1,700,000 N Management Plan Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management along TSM5 Durham Road Corridor Corridor #2 (I-5) in the Metro TSMO Plan Tigard Near-Term $1,400,000 N Management Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management along TSM6 Durham Road Corridor Corridor #19 (Hwy 217) in the Metro TSMO Tigard Mid-Term $1,500,000 N Management Plan Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management and ODOT/Tigard/ TSM9 Hall Boulevard Corridor Transit Signal Priority on Hall Boulevard from WSRC Beaverton Mid-Term $3,700,000 N Management Highway 217 to Pacific Highway-99W Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management from TSM10 Hall Boulevard Corridor Pacific Highway 99W to the south terminus ODOT/Tigard Near-Term $1,900,000 N Management Arterial Provide Arterial Corridor Management from ODOT/Washington TSM11 Scholls Ferry Rd Corridor County/Beaverton Mid-Term $4,200,000 Y River Road to Hall Boulevard Management /Tigard 8