11/19/2007 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes November 19, 2007 1. CALL TO ORDER President Inman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center,Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: President Inman; Commissioners Caffall, Doherty, Hasman,Walsh and Muldoon (came in late) Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Anderson, Fishel, and Vermilyea Staff Present: Ron Bunch,Assistant Community Development Director; Sean Family, Associate Planner; Marissa Daniels,Assistant Planner;Jerree Lewis, Planning Commission Secretary; Doreen Laughlin,Administrative Specialist II 3. COMMUNICATIONS Jerree Lewis reported that the next meeting will be held December 31'. It will be a Public Hearing on Citizen Involvement and there will be no other meetings in December. Commissioner Walsh reported that the Tree Board is working on the goals,policies, and action measure revisions during their workshops. He said they're halfway through and will probably be done with them at the next meeting. Commissioner Caffall reported that he'd attended the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) and that they'd had an update on the neighborhood web pages as well as input on grants for neighborhood improvements and other things. 4. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES There was a motion by Commissioner Caffall, seconded by Commissioner Hasman, to approve the November 5, 2007 meeting minutes as submitted. The motion was approved as follows: AYES: Caffall, Doherty, Hasman, Inman,Walsh NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: EXCUSED: Anderson, Fishel, Muldoon,Vermilyea PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 1 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (CPA) 2007-00006 Tigard Comprehensive Plan Update of Statewide Planning Goal 9: Economic Development and Goal 10: Housing REQUEST: Amendments to the current Comprehensive Plan Topic 5: Economy and Topic 6: Housing by updating the goals, policies and recommended action measures to reflect current community conditions and values. The complete text of the proposed Amendment can be viewed on the City's website at http://www.tigard- or.gov/code_amendments. LOCATION: Citywide. ZONE: All City zones. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380 and 18.390, Comprehensive Plan Policies 1, 2, 5 and 6; Metro Functional Plan Tide 1, 4, 6, 7 and 12; and Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 9 and 10. STAFF REPORT Associate Planner, Sean Farrelly, presented the staff report on behalf of the City. He noted that Staff has found the language included in the amendment (as detailed in Exhibit A) complies with the applicable state land use goals, the City's Municipal Code and Comprehensive Plan policies, as well as federal, state, and regional plans and regulations. The proposed amendment was developed through a review process with several hours of community input at Policy Interest Team meetings. The citizens used the technical information included in the Tigard 2007 Resource Report and the issues and values gathered from past surveys and visioning work to develop draft goals,policies, and recommended action measures to forward to the Commission. Planning Commissioners reviewed this draft language at an October 15`''workshop and suggested several revisions. These changes (found at the beginning of the staff report) included: Economic Development Goal 9.1 Policy 11 was upgraded from an Action Measure to stress the importance of economic clusters. Policy 12 was added to address the principle that economic development should be balanced with other community concerns. Action Measure i was revised to address the potential need for an Economic Development Director position for the City. Action Measure xii was added in response to a request for more integration between residential, retail, and commercial uses. Action Measure xiii was added for additional emphasis on supporting existing businesses that have the potential to develop into clusters. Action Measure xiv was added as a result of the Planning Commission's suggestion for developing a PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 2 branding and marketing effort for Tigard. Goal 9.2 The Planning Commission recommended that the policies and action measures for this goal be expanded upon. Policy 3 and Action Measures i through vi were added in response. Goal 9.3 Policy 1 added a reference to the Tigard Triangle as a place for higher density employment and residential growth. Action Measure v was revised to include other transportation corridors besides Highway 99. Action Measure xv was modified to reflect the Planning Commission's feeling that the City should not be involved in creating a wireless internet system,but should monitor emerging technologies to assure competitively priced access. Staff added Action Measure xvi to reinforce the desire to balance economic development activities with other community goals. Housing Goal 10.2 Policy 6 was changed in response to the recommendation that any future community design standards be applied to multi-family housing development,rather than all housing. Policy 9 was revised to state that infill development should be designed to address compatibility, rather than exhibit compatibility,with existing neighborhoods. Policy 10 was changed to make it clear it was referring to home based businesses rather than home based occupations. A couple of definitions were added in response to Commissioners suggestions (although these will be adopted in a separate definitions chapter at a later date.) A number of agencies/jurisdictions were given the chance to comment on the amendment. Only DLCD and Clean Water Services responded, and their comments and staff's reply are found at the end of the staff report. In response to DLCD's comments,Action Measure xii, under Goal 10.1 was changed to state that inclusionary zoning should be voluntary and under Goal 10.2,Action Measure xv, was added to conform with state law on clear and objective standards for the development review process. The updated goals, policies, and recommended action measures will provide Tigard a more solid foundation on which to prepare ordinances, associated plans, development standards, programs, and intergovernmental agreements. Specifically it will provide the tools needed to build on and improve Tigard's economic health and livability. Staff's recommendation is to approve the language found in Exhibit A and forward it to the City Council for their review. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 3 At this point, President Inman asked the commissioners if they had any questions or comments — some of which follow: • 'Where are the definitions in our packet?" Towards the end—Exhibit D • 'What are `other transportation corridors' in Tigard—where are they?" Typically they're high capacity roads and would be good places to potentially put higher density housing, more employment, more retail, because on these roads typically there is transit(buses) on them. • "On Housing 10.2.vi—regarding policy 6 which denotes "multi-family housing" — why did we delineate `multi-family' housing?" Other than single family housing? I don't believe many communities typically have design standards for single family housing—that's usually exempted. • Commissioner Walsh commented that he believes, for consistency and clarity, that the language of Goal 9.1.xi should be changed from "economic clusters" to "industry clusters." PUBLIC TESTIMONY President Inman opened up the meeting to public testimony and reminded those present that there is a 3-minute time allotment and asked that people be as concise as possible. John Frewing, 7110 Lola Lane, Tigard 97223, had signed in as speaking both in favor of, and in opposition to, the amendment: He noted that in the prior package there were citations from the "Tigard for Tomorrow"values surveys that had been done over the years. He commented that the staff report said that this material was developed from that but in those lists of values there is nothing that referred to economic development. He commented that he believes the wording in some of the material is "overly enthusiastic" and in fact seems to trump the wording of other goals, policies, and action measures in the Comp Plan. He believes there should be roughly comparable wording across all the sections of the Comp Plan. For example, regarding Goal 9.1.iii he read verbatim, `The City's land use and other regulatory practices shall be flexible and adaptive so as not to preclude desirable economic development opportunities.' He said he would like that to be more even handed in its wording. At this point, Mr. Frewing noticed his 3-minute time limit was up, so he said he would then speak in opposition to this particular item: He said he would add "consistent with protection of natural resources and contemporary development of adequate infrastructure." Therefore, he believes Goal 9.1.iii should read: "The City's land use and other regulatory practices shall be flexible so as to allow contemporary achievement of all Tigard goals when new business is sited in the City." He also commented that Policy 5 says "the City shall promote well designed and efficient development and redevelopment of vacant and underutilized etc..." the word "shall" —is that a budgetary commitment?As for "efficient development" —Mr. Frewing said he always asks the question "Efficient for whom?" There should not be code words. He believes the phrase `efficient development' should be clarified. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 4 [Commissioner Muldoon joined the meeting at 7:26pm.] Frewing commented that under Goal 10.1.i— the Recommended Action Measure i calls for regular update of Tigard's Buildable Land Inventory. He commented that the BLI definition should be modified to include all the lots in the City that might be subdivided for additional housing density. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Regarding regulatory practices, Ron Bunch proposed alternative language: He suggested the language read "The City's land use and other regulatory practices shall be flexible and adaptive so as not to preclude desirable economic development opportunities with assurance of planned or existing infrastructure." In summary, President Inman said Commissioner Walsh had indicated a change to Goal 9.1.xi for clarity and consistency for economic to industry clusters. In addition—Ron Bunch had proposed the above language change regarding regulatory practices. The following motion by Commissioner Walsh was seconded by Commissioner Caffall: "I move for recommendation of approval to the City Council for application of CPA2007-00006 Tigard Comprehensive Plan update, Statewide Planning Goal 9, Economic Development, and Goal 10, Housing—and adoption of the changes cited in Goal 9.1.iii and Goal 9.1.xi, as suggested, and the findings of the staff report and testimony received." The motion carried as follows: AYES: Caffall, Doherty, Hasman, Inman, Muldoon,Walsh NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: None EXCUSED: Anderson, Fishel,Vermilyea 6. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE WORKSHOP — CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Assistant Planner,Marissa Daniels, spoke to the Commission about the Citizen Involvement Chapter,which is based on, among other things, the key findings of the draft chapter. She said the Citizen Involvement chapter is different from others in that citizen involvement is not included in the Tigard 2007 Resource document. She reported that Goal 1 was not addressed in that document and instead, the resource information and key findings were contained in the draft chapter. The Citizen Involvement Chapter is also based on the community issues and values,which were identified by citywide surveys and in the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow visioning process. It is also based on the current Comprehensive Plan policies, as well as on the work of the Policy Interest Team and Department Review Team. Daniels pointed out that the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 5 policy language presented in the draft Citizen Involvement Chapter is a direct result of the language written at Policy Interest Team meetings. There was a question as to how the City recruits people. Daniels replied that it is up to whoever the staff liaison is for whichever committee is in need of people. She noted that, for example, the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) recently added 5 new at-large membership slots. She noted that Duane Roberts (Staff) has been very actively recruiting people and that there definitely is an outreach program in place to get people involved. She also noted that Commissioner Rex Caffall participated as a member of the Policy Interest Team for Citizen Involvement. The question was asked regarding the meaning of Goal 1.1.iv,which states "The City shall provide staff and financial support to the Committee for Citizen Involvement and any other appropriate board or committee." Daniels replied that the word "appropriate" should instead read "appointed." The correction was noted by the commissioners. At this point,President Inman asked if there was anyone else present who would like to speak. Daniels introduced Basil Christopher, chair of the CCI. Christopher gave a brief overview of the work of the CCI. He spoke about the Neighborhood Planning Program. 7. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by President Inman at 8:30pm. ¢- Doreen Laughlin,Administrative Specialist II A1'1'EST: President Jodie Inman PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 19,2007—Page 6