08/14/2006 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Notes Monday, August 14, 2006 7:00 P.M. Tigard Water Auditorium Members Present: Shelley Richards, Brian Davies, Michael Freudenthal, Jason Ashley, Trisha Swanson, Carl Switzer, Kathy Meads, Scott Bernhard, Members Absent: Barry Albertson and Kelly Jean Johnson Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, Diane Kuhn Visitors: None 1 . . Roll Call and Introductions At 7:01 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Michael Freudenthal. 2. Comments from the Audience - None 3. Approval of Minutes — June 12, 2006 and July 10, 2006 Brian Davies made a motion to approve the June12 minutes, Carl Switzer seconded the motion, Shelly Richards and Jason Ashley abstained, the Board voted unanimously to accept the June 12 minutes. Shelly Richards made a motion to approve the July 10 minutes. Brian Davies seconded the motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the July 10 minutes. 4. PRAB / Council Get-together — Michael Freudenthal Michael will meet with Mayor Dirksen, and feels there will be some changes, and he will send out an e-mail in regards to the get-together. Chairman Freudenthal feels that it is a good idea to increase communication. 5. Update on PRAB Chair/Vice-Chair meeting with Mayor-Michael Freudenthal Meeting held on July 31 ,2006 Michael announced that the joint meeting between Mayor Dirksen , Dennis Koellermeier, Brian Davies, and himself went very well. He stated that Mayor Dirksen was very supportive. Mayor Dirksen felt our approach was well thought out, that our stepping into it as a trial run to prove that a recreation program in the City of Tigard could be very successful. A three step process was laid out to Park and Recreation Advisory Board August 14, 2006 1 move forward. A joint session has been set for September 19 at 6:30pm to get together with PRAB and City Council to talk through our plan. On the September 11 PRAB meeting, this will be on the Agenda for discussion. Dan stated that Mayor Dirksen has a copy of the recreation report that PRAB has. An updated recreation report will be sent to the Council. If Council wants a copy of the comprehensive background information, it will be available to them. At the September 19 meeting Mayor Dirksen has requested an executive summary of what we would like to do . The two Boards will get together to discuss whether or not to implement a $250,000 program in the next fiscal year. As a group we need to start discussing what this program would look like, and attempt to put that project together with the program that we have laid out, two special events and programs for next year. The mayor didn't see any major issues with the $80,000.00 funding. The mayor also shared some ideas of where the funding could come from. Brian stated that we have everything that Council is looking for. 6. Recognition of Carl Switzer for his service on PRAB — Michael Freudenthal Mike presented a certificate of appreciation to Carl Switzer. Carl is leaving the board for a position at the City of Tualatin. Michael stated that they are working to fill Carl Switzer's position by moving Kelly Jean Johnson to his position , and looking for a new alternate. Dan Plaza stated that they are talking to Mayor Dirksen to see if he would be willing to go back to the last pool when Trisha and Kelly applied. Chairman Michael asked if there is any word on the Teen Advisory position. Dan stated no reply, but would follow up. Shelly stated that the pool they pull from is the Tigard Youth Advisory Council. Scott Bernhard asked about the skate park. Dan stated that the skate park is well into the permit process, parking has been an issue, and a drainage issue, but it appears that both have been resolved. If we can start construction in December, we should be completed by June. Dan Plaza stated that when the permit process if finalized , he will give an update. Dan updated the Board on: The arrival of Jennifer Price's new baby boy. Pedestrian Bridge, moving right along. Skate Park • Trail users meeting on September 6. Citizen Involvement Trisha Swanson mentioned the web page. Dan suggested all comments be sent to him. Park and Recreation Advisory Board August 14, 2006 2 F 7. Executive Session : Land Acquisition Update. The PRAB Board went into executive session at 7: 15 pm. PRAB went out of Executive Staff at 7:29 pm. 8. Adjourn The meeting was closed at 7:45 p.m. Diane Kuhn, Recording Secretary Date /O— ff oG Park and Recreation Advisory Board August 14, 2006 3