06/14/2004 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board June 14, 2004 7:00 p.m. Tigard Water Auditorium Members Present: Carl Switzer, Michael Freudenthal, Jason Ashley, David Baumgarten, Darrin Marks, Scott Bernhard, Barry Albertson Members Absent: Shelley Richards Staff: Dan Plaza, Twila Willson, Steve Martin, Beth St. Amand (Long Range Planning) Visitors: Barry Houk, Mike Marks, Janea Smith, Amy Reza 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm. Scott Bernhard motioned to accept the minutes, Jason Ashley seconded the motion, but stated that he attended the meeting and was not listed in attendance. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes as corrected. 2. Comments from audience Beth St. Amand, City of Tigard — Long Range Planning Department, gave a presentation along with comments from members of the Downtown Task Force Committee, Mike Marks and Barry Houk, about preparations for the commuter rail. Commuter to run from Hillsboro to Wilsonville Two commuter rail stations will be in Tigard Regular railroad lines will be used Task Force to create improvement plan for downtown area Consultants are being interviewed State grants are to fund Request consideration by PRAB to consider how parks and greenspaces, etc, would fit into the plan to beautify the "heart" of Tigard Consultant to suggest a downtown gathering space, park atmosphere, open space areas Downtown Task Force goals - enhancements of land use and transportation, improve economic development of downtown area Short term and long term plans are being made and task force will reevaluate over time Parks&Recreation Advisory Board -1 - June 14,2004 Janea Smith made a presentation on behalf of the Young Players (Acting Workshops for Kids). She distributed a packet of information explaining the program. The organization provides drama, music and art programs in the Tigard area Ms. Smith requested the use of city property/space to hold workshops Their organization would schedule, hire teachers, etc., to provide reasonably priced, organized, professional workshops for Tigard residents of all ages Seeking a partnership with the city Currently provide services in after school programs for Tigard Tualatin Schools Specialize in K-6, but have resources of teachers who have taught grade 12 and adult programs as well They want to serve the entire community, not just schools Dan Plaza said he would need to check into space availability. The board members would like to support the idea of these types of activities, but explained that it was too soon for them to make that type of commitment and discussed the planning stages of the committee's survey. They encouraged Ms. Smith to write a more detailed proposal and send it to Dan Plaza so that it could be distributed to the board members for future consideration. Mr. Plaza requested that the next two agenda items be reversed in their time of presentation then discussed items on the chart of the Parks Capital Budget, 4. Land Purchases Revenue sources were discussed and various projects in the 5-year plan. The Bull Mountain Annexation White Paper for Parks was reviewed and possible locations for trails, mini parks, playgrounds, basketballs courts, nature park, etc. in that area, as was the possibility of purchasing up to 20-acres of land in the urban growth boundary for park development. 3. Survey Discussion The latest two versions of the survey were reviewed and discussed by staff and board members. They wanted the language to reflect speculation, not predetermined plans or ideas. The Council did not want to use the words "consider" or "proposed", but wanted to use an "ideas", "concept" approach instead. Scott Bernhard motioned to accept Version 1 with the changes they made. There was no second and further discussion followed about concerns with the scientific methods and terminology used by the consulting firm. The board Parks&Recreation Advisory Board -2- June 14,2004 requested that Dan Plaza arrange an emergency meeting with the consultants to further discuss the methodology used. Michael Freudenthal motioned for the consultants to be called into an emergency meeting to explain the survey methodology and Darrin Marks seconded the motion. All members voted in favor of the motion with the exception of Barry Albertson, who abstained, and Scott Bernhard who voted nay. Scott Bernhard stated that a lot of time and thought had already gone into the survey questions; he had concerns that the Council would not fund any added expenses for the survey; the survey timeline was being pushed back even farther. Dan Plaza would contact the consultants and arrange the emergency meeting based on their availability. Chairman Carl Switzer requested that board members come prepared with their concerns and questions, and well studied on Version 1. 5. The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board -3- June 14,2004