04/12/2004 - Minutes PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of April 12, 2004 Meeting Members Present: Mr. Baumgarten, Mr. Ashley, Dr. Bernhard, Mr. Switzer, Mr. Freudenthal Staff Present: Dan Plaza and Steve Martin Guest Present: Melissa Martin, Public Affairs Counsel 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:11 P.M. 2. Mr. Ashley moved and Dr. Bernhard seconded a motion to approve the March 16 minutes as presented. 3. Dan informed the Board that three quotes were received that addressed the need to conduct a phone survey aimed at determining residents interests in park and recreation issues. The low, qualified quote came from Public Affairs Counsel at a cost of$8,787. Dan introduced Melissa Martin who presented the methodology of the survey being considered by the Board. (hard copy of brochure setting forth the methodology, analyzation of data, verification of sample, and timeline is attached). Basically the survey process from development of the survey instrument to the final presentation of the findings takes approximately 6-weeks. There are several phone conference meetings prior to the finalization of the instrument, and there will be several face to face meetings during the process. Melissa also discussed an example Executive Summary(hardcopy attached). The Board discussed the survey process and decided to have each Board member send to each other, and staff, what it is they want to know from a survey. Each Board member is to write a brief narrative setting forth what they want to know and get it to Carl Switzer by April 19. Carl will then decide if another meeting is needed before the May 10 meeting of the Board. Dan told the Board that he would e-mail them a document that laid out what the Board had decided at its March 16 meeting re: what it is the Board wants to know. Dan will make a present regarding the survey process, to date, to Council on April 13. Dan reminded the Board that all E-mail is an official document and subject to the open-meetings act. No decisions can be made via e-mail.