06/08/2006 - Minutes TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES June 8, 2006 Call to Order: 7:02 p.m. Roll Call: David Burke, Marvin Diamond, Brian Kelly, Ruthanne Lidman (alternate), Cecilia Nguyen, Jane Smith, Jan Thenell and Suzan Turley. Staff: Margaret Barnes and Connie Martin. Minutes: After discussion and removal of a sentence under Public Internet/Wireless, it was moved by Smith and seconded by Kelly to approve the minutes of May 11, 2006. Motion passed. Nguyen and Turley abstained from voting. Agenda Additions and Deletions: E-mail from Pat Biggs; Board will discuss participation in education of WCCLS operational levy. Call to the Public: None. Monthly Report for May 2006: Barnes gave a verbal report. Volunteer participation increased to 7-7.5 FTE for May 2006. The Portland Taiko event brought in over 100 people. Summer Reading program preparations are underway. Art Update: Library staff is speaking to two artists about art projects in the library. Barnes announced that at the July Board meeting, she should have a draft sketch of artwork to share. The artwork proposed should be installed sometime in Fall to early Winter. Technology Update: Wireless - Has been available since May 15, and from 5/15 to 5/31, there were 75 instances of the wireless feature being accessed. Filtering - Barnes mentioned that City Council decided to make the second floor Internet stations available with the default of adult filtering with the option of turning the feature off. Comprise, the company setting up the program, will test on June 9. There are few technical issues to resolve. Vend machine - A vend machine has been installed on the second floor by the public elevator. This machine will allow patrons to place money on their cards for printing purposes. WCCLS Update: Since the County Board has approved to place an operational levy on the November ballot the Board discussed how they would gear up to promote the levy and their roles as officials and citizens. Citizen Involvement Team Committee Representative: Kelly attends as the representative of the Library Board on the Committee for Citizen Involvement. The Committee meets the third Thursday of each month. The Committee is working on a neighborhood program, getting feedback on continuing theme. The Board will provide feedback to the City on how they communicate. If no one on the Library Board steps up to take Kelly's place as representative, he will stay on until September. The Board discussed revisiting at the September meeting. Nguyen volunteered to be back-up support representative to the Committee. Board Communications: Lidman read her letter of resignation from the Board as the alternate. Turley acknowledged the efforts of Lidman and Smith for their service on the Library Board. Other Business: The Board collectively thanked Lidman and Smith. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the New Tigard Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.