11/13/2013 - Minutes City Center Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: Wednesda ,November 13,2013 Location: Red Rock Creek Conference Room Called to order by: Chair Elise Shearer Time Started: 6:30 pm Time Ended: 8:52 pm Commissioners Present: Elise Shearer (Chair),Philip Thornburg (Vice Chair),Thomas Murphy,Deanie Bush,Paul Miller,Linli Pao,Laura Fisher, Carine Arendes Commissioners Absent: Sherrie Devaney Others Present: Councilor Marland Henderson,Council Liaison to the CCAC; and local realtor Neal Brown. Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, Streets & Transportation Senior Project Engineer Mike McCarthy,and Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley. AGENDA ITEM#1:Welcome and Introductions Elise opened the meeting and Chris recorded the roll call. AGENDA ITEM #2: Review/Approve Minutes The October 9,2013,CCAC Minutes were approved as amended. AGENDA ITEM#3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment A. Neal Brown proposed a public clean-up for downtown to include picking up litter, cutting weeds,and possibly pruning some trees. The project would take about 10 or 12 volunteers. It will also need some outside support;perhaps a truck and some equipment from public works,a dumpster from Pride Disposal and maybe a couple of thousand dollars for a professional tree pruner. The clean-up would probably take place on a Saturday morning,possibly from 8 a.m. to noon.Neal plans to talk to the Tigard Downtown Association members and with their cooperation, to set the date. Ideally it would be good to have everything done before the holiday season. B. Councilor Henderson gave a brief report on information he gathered at the Oregon Main Street Convention which was held in Astoria the previous month. He gave the committee six copies of the Oregon Main Street Handbook for 2013, annotated with his notes from the event. Councilor Henderson said it would make sense for the CCAC to send representatives to the convention next year in fall of 2014. Also,if CCAC members are interested in attending,Sheri Stuart the state coordinator for the CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,November 13,2013 Page 1 of 4 Oregon Main Street Program,will be making a presentation to the Tigard Downtown Alliance on Wednesday,November 20. C. Sean responded to Deanie Bush's question asking which committee members'terms would be closing out the end of this year. Elise's term is up although she plans to continue to do committee work for the city in other capacities. Linli and Phil are applying for another three-year term on CCAC. Altogether,there are a total of five vacancies coming up next year;three open seats and the two Linli and Phil are re-applying to fill. AGENDA ITEM #4: City Charter Ballot Measure Recap Review outcome of Ballot Measure 34-207— Chair Shearer and Sean Farrell The measure passed. Thanks to the mayor,city council and members of the CCAC for getting the word out. AGENDA ITEM #5: FY 15-19 Capital Improvement Plan Recommendations (Attachments 1,2, and 3) Action item:Review and rank Downtown CIP projects—1Ylike McCarthy,Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer,filling in for Senior Administrative Analyst Carissa Collins, and Sean Farrelly A. Mike explained that CCAC's task is to choose which downtown projects they believe most represent the community's interests without regard for funding sources. This is the priority stage, not the budgeting stage. That step takes place later on in the process. Committee members should rate the projects using the following ratings. 5—Extremely important 4—Very important 3 —Important 2—Somewhat important 1 —Neutral 0 —Do not want it B. Tom Murphy suggested the Main Street Bridge rehab project be moved up in priority so it is included in the rankings and everyone concurred. C. In conclusion, committee members will score five downtown projects,which includes the Main Street Bridge rehab project, and the four downtown parks projects. Ratings are due to Sean by close of business Monday,November 25. D. Staff will come back to the December CCAC meeting to present the aggregated scoring so the CCAC members can review the group rankings. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,November 13,2013 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #6: CCAC Annual Report to CCDA Action itenr:Review draft report and consider finalitiing—Chair Shearer and Sean Farrelly Sean presented the committee members with the first draft of the annual report. Sean said typically the CCAC meets with CCDA in February each year to discuss goals for the coming year. This year's report for 2013 is due on December 1. Past practice has been to send out draft updates electronically for the committee's review and comment. The committee made some suggestions for changes and updates to Draft 1. Committee members also discussed the possibility of installing a public restroom in the public plaza area and encouraged Sean to go forward with their recommendation for a public restroom in the downtown. Sean will update the draft report with the committee members' suggestions and email Draft 2 out for everyone to review sometime next week. AGENDA ITEM#7: CET (Construction Excise Tax) Grant (Attachment 4) Discuss potential criteria for decision on redevelopment of Public Works Yard—Sean Farrelly The City of Tigard got two CET grants,one for planning for River Terrace and the second to do feasibility work for housing/ mixed use development on two Downtown properties, including the Ash Avenue public works yard. Sean passed out possible criteria as a starting point. Committee members contributed ideas. Sean will compile the info and send it out. The committee can review at the December meeting. AGENDA ITEM #8: Tigard Brownfields Initiative Recap of workshops and current activities—Sean Farrelly The first two workshops have gone well with good property owner attendance. Two property owners from downtown have signed up for the Phase I assessments that are available from the Business Oregon grant funding. AGENDA ITEM #9: Tigard Street Trail Concepts (Attachment 5) Update on project—Sean Farrelll The concept map shows the full length of the three-quarter mile trail from Main Street to Tiedeman Avenue. Getting a good connection to Main Street is really important. Sidewalks could be built along Greenburg that would hook up to it. Pushing for a public space at Main Street is a good idea. The city would be leasing the property from the railroad.Estimated cost is approximately 1 million dollars. Washington County has pledged$200K for the project and the City will also apply for an ODOT"Connect Oregon"grant. The committee authorized Chair Elise Shearer to write a letter of support for the project. There will be more discussion at a future meeting about what type of features would be included in the public area. AGENDA ITEM #10: Liaison Reports A. PRAB - No one made it to the PRAB (Parks board) meeting in November. Carine was able to attend in October and had sent her notes from the meeting out to the CCAC members earlier in the week. B. TTAC -Elise attended the November 6 TTAC meeting and said most of their meeting time was spent going over the CIP projects they'll be rating. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,November 13,2013 Page 3 of 4 C. CCDA-At the last CCDA meeting Council received a presentation on BRT (bus rapid transit). Also Director Henderson proposed a change to the composition of CCDA board. Presently five members of council serve as the CCDA board. Councilor Henderson suggested expanding the CCDA membership to a composition somewhat like Beaverton's and Oregon City's. Their committees are composed of the full council which is then augmented with specialists in law or real estate development. The CCDA will talk about this more in depth at their next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #11: Other Business A. Sean reminded the committee members they will be nominating officers for next year's CCAC chair and vice chair positions at their December meeting.. B. Tom Murphy said the TDA (Tigard Downtown Association) will meet on Wednesday, November 13 and asked if there was anything new to report on the big plaza site. Sean responded that, the $1.3M for a downtown public plaza or open space acquisition is still available. AGENDA ITEM #12: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. QAU t�, C.L. Wiley, CCAC . rding Secretary I ATTEST: se Shearer, Chair Recording Secretary's Note:To requests copies of the attachments to these minutes please email.-christinety@tigard-orgov CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,November 13,2013 Page 4 of 4