11/03/2010 - Minutes City of Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] MINUTES Wednesday,November 3, 2010, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM Tigard Library 2nd Floor Conference Room- 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon MEMBERS PRESENT (10):Jeremy Vermilyea, Christopher Warren, Basil Christopher, Cam Gilmour, Dennis Mitchell,Jennifer Stanfield, Don Fox, Mike Stevenson, Steven Bass, Daren Hughart MEMBERS ABSENT (2): Maureen Wolf,Anthony Rivano OTHERS PRESENT: Gretchen Buchner, Carolyn Barkley STAFF PRESENT (5): Toby LaFrance,Judith Gray, Mike McCarthy, Carissa Collins, Liz Lutz 1. Call to Order The meeting started at 6:30 pm. 2. Committee Business a. Roll Call-Liz Lutz called the roll. b. Minutes-The minutes of October 6, 2010 meeting was approved as presented by unanimous vote. 3. Recruitment: Judith told the committee that there are 3 openings at the end of this year: Mike Stevenson,Dennis Mitchell and Anthony Rivano,who has already indicated that he is not seeking another term. Open recruitment is happening now to fill these positions. 4. Visitor Comments: None .i aiiiioiiiiVeiiia,iii.5. J iidiii .. a. High capacity land use plan-City is taking the resolution to the City Council that TTAC will be the advisory body for the newly formed CAC,which will be meeting is the 1"Wednesday of the month-in lieu of the'TTAC meeting. '171AC will put on their CAC hat for this new committee. 1ATransportation Advisory Committee\2010\110310\DKArT minutes 11-03-1 O.docX Page 1 of 3 There will be a public meeting and open house,with CAC member participation. It will be held on one of the regularly scheduled TTAC meeting nights so an additional night is not required. Gretchen asked if anyone had an issue with her being the City Council representative for this committee. b. We don't have agenda items for December so the next meeting will be January 5, 2011. Updates on the CIP ranking will be via email. 6. Capital Improvement Plan Project Selection: Mike McCarthy reviewed the citizen requested projects with the committee. Toby then handed out a rating sheet and instructed the committee to list their top 5 projects for consideration. He indicated that some of them may have funding allocated to them, depending on development,but to rank regardless of the funding availability. Toby said the rankings will be given to the staff CIP group,who will go through the same exercise and determine the priority list to give to the City Manager to take to the Budget Committee. The rankings were compiled and the results are as follows: Project: #Votes 1. Walnut Street Complete Street, 116`" to Tiedeman 28 2. Walnut Street Complete Street,Tiedeman to Pacific Highway 17 3. 121"Avenue Complete Street,Walnut to Gaarde 15 4. Pacific Highway/Gaarde Street/MacDonald Street 13 5. North Dakota Street Bridge replacement 11 6. 135`"Ave/Walnut Street Intersection Improvement 9 7. Commercial Street(sidewalk) 9 S. Pacific Hwy/72"a Ave 9 9. Scoffins/Hall/Hunziker Realignment (citizen request) 8 10. Hall/McDonald Intersection Improvement 5 11. Crosswalk Beacon Upgrade 4 12. Pacific Hwy/Dartmouth Street 3 13. Pedestrian/Bike Bridge along RR tracks (citizen request) 3 14. Ash Street Crossing of the WES Rail Line (citizen request) 1 15. Tigard Street Bridge Replacement 0 16. 72"`'/Dartmouth Intersection Improvement 0 17. Tunnel/Connector to Tigard Street Trail at 95`" Place (citizen request) 0 18. Sidewalks at Greenburg Rd&SW North Dakota (citizen request) 0 Comments on the process: a. Would like it to be a more dynamic process and that funding does creep into the ranking. b. They would like to look at the recommended ranking that goes to the City Manager. c. Could Park SDC funds be used to fund the Tigard Street Bridge replacement? Answer: Any portion of the project that is on park land may be eligible to be funded by Park SDC funds,like sidewalks and/or bike lanes that extend out from the bridge onto the park. d. It was decided that a committee member should be involved in the budgeting process along the way-Don Fox volunteered to represent TTAC at the budget meetings in the Spring. e. Members were asked to give discuss their priorities in making their ranking decisions. The biggest priority was safety. Other considerations included traffic conditions, funding,livability and the Downtown Plan. I:ATransportation Advisory Committee\2010\110310\1)RAI�I'minutes 11-03-10.docx Page 2 of 3 7. Project Updates: a. Greenburg-Pacific Hwy-turning on the new signals tonight and they are trying to get the lanes open before Thanksgiving. b. Burnham Street-pavement is almost complete. There will be a concrete medallion in the area by Ash Street. Burnham will be closed for 3 weeks. c. Walnut Street-approved by JPACT staff at Metro d. Overlays are almost complete. e. Hall Blvd-State has offered this street to the City. We are looking at it to see what we would be getting in terms of upkeep. f. Gretchen said that at a joint City Council meeting with Lake Oswego,regarding the water partnership, they scheduled another meeting next Monday, the 8`"at 7:O0pm. At the City Council meeting of 11/9, the City Council will consider the financial plan and water fees. In December, they will discuss the system development charges. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:0 PM. Liz Lutz,TTAC Secretary ATTEST: JeremVermllyea-._(N"man 1 . The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesday,January S, 2077 from 6:30pm ® 8 30pm, Tigard Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room. I:ATransportation Advisory Comnuttee\2010\110310\DRAI"I'minutes 1 1-03-1O.docX Page 3 of 3