02/06/2013 - Summary y Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] Summary Wednesday, February 06, 2013, 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM Tigard Library, 2nd floor conference room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, Oregon 1) Call to order—Chair Bass called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. a. Roll Call —meeting secretary Chris Wiley recorded the roll. Members Present (8): Steven Bass (Chair), Mark Bogert, Evelyn Murphy, Dennis Mitchell,Jennifer Stanfield, Mike Stevenson, Don Schmidt, George Hem. Members Absent (1): Karen Hughart (Vice-Chair) Guests Present (2): Marc Woodard, Council Liaison and Elise Shearer, City Center Advisory Commission (CCAC) Liaison. Staff Present (3): Judith Gray, Senior Transportation Planner, Michael McCarthy, Sr. Project Engineer; and Chris Wiley, Sr. Administrative Specialist. b. Approval of January 9 Meeting Summary — unanimously approved by all TTAC members present. c. Visitor Comment- None 2) TTAC officer elections —Action Item: Elect 2013 TTAC officers a. Mike McCarthy passed out ballots and asked the members to nominate members they would like to see serve as Chair or Vice Chair. If members wanted to, they could write in their own names to volunteer to serve in one of the positions. Judith Gray noted that Karen Hughart, current Vice Chair, was unable to attend tonight but had indicated that she is willing to serve another year as Vice Chair, but not as Chair. b. Steve Bass was the only nominee for Chair and accepted the position for another year. Evelyn Murphy and Karen Hughart were nominated as Vice Chair. Karen Hughart was elected to serve as vice chair for another year. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES—February 6,2013 City ofTigand 13125 SW hall Blvd, Tigard OR 297223 503-6394171 1 xw7 ayl rd--orXo I Page 1 of 4 3) TTAC Bylaws Review and Update —Action Item: A subcommittee from TTAC needs to assemble to work on the review and update. Steve Bass asked for volunteers to work with him on the subcommittee. He said members could notify him by email if they are interested in participating in the review. Steve said Karen Hughart has said she will assist with the review. A lot of the work can be done by email. Evelyn Murphy also volunteered. 4) SW Corridor Plan Update—Judith Gray (Attachment 1) a. Judith provided the packet materials to the TTAC members that will be presented to the SW Corridor Plan Steering Committee members on Monday, February 11, 2013. The Steering Committee will consider five alternative "project bundles" to move ahead for further analysis. Later in the process Qune) they may decide to combine elements of multiple project bundles together. b. In response to concerns about specific individual roadway projects,Judith explained that the Steering Committee adopted a charter accepting an obligation to work together, but that there will still be a need for negotiation and compromise and mutual support. This is the steering committee's opportunity to look at things comprehensively and see how they support each other. If any TTAC members are able to attend the meeting, it is scheduled to take place at the Beaverton Library. Judith plans to give an update to the TTAC members each month as the committee progresses. She asked the TTAC members to let her know if they have any comments or concerns about information in the packet. Both Judith and Mike McCarthy encouraged the TTAC members to provide input. Judith will update city council on February 19, to go over the steering committee's process and to report on anything that comes out of the Steering Committee meeting on the 11th. 5) Update on potential local transit improvements—jobs Access and Reverse Commute QARC) a. TriMet administers a federal grant program called JARG Tigard has been asked by TriMet to put in an application requesting Triplet provide a connection from downtown Tigard to the Triangle area at 72nd and Bonita and then on to Bridgeport and downtown Tualatin. The funding is for one year. TriMet is providing the local match to the federal funds. b. TriMet believes the service could be successful and would seek to provide continuing support. The grant begins July 1 and targeted service would begin sometime in the fall of this year. There will be more community outreach to refine route, stops, service schedules, etc. This would be incorporated into the Westside Service Enhancement work that Triplet will be working on with Tigard later this year. e. The committee's key concern was that the initial suggestion was to propose 8 hours of weekday service to this area. There is concern about whether or not 8 hours of service will be enough to make the plan successful. Employees in service sector jobs in the area TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES—February 6,2013 Gi ,of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 503-6394171 1 www.ww.tz rd-or�o I Page 2 of 4 leave for work early, can spent an hour or more in transit time, average nine hour shifts and spend another hour or more in transit return time. Judith proposed an alternative approach: initially ask for 12-14 hours; work with TriMet to determine the best availability and use of JARC and possibly other resources. Judith will prepare a one-page report for TriMet which is due to them by Monday, February 11. Then,Judith will seek to schedule a special TTAC meeting with TriMet to discuss the proposal. d. February 281h is the day the final application is due. Selection will be made in March or April. 6) Other Updates a. Judith and Carissa will not be able to attend the regularly scheduled March meeting. The next regular TTAC meeting will take place on April 6. b. Mike McCarthy updated the committee on street projects. 1. The State is doing a project to do sidewalk improvements and signal equipment replacement at Pacific Highway 99W and Oregon Route 217. 2. There is another state project to add a southbound right-turn lane from Pacific Highway 99W onto Beef Bend Road. 3. In the spring, the city will oversee crack sealing all through Tigard, about 20 miles of streets. 4. Walmart is planning to get started on their street improvements for their project fairly soon. They are presently in the process of getting the required permits. Walmart hopes to open in the fall before the holiday shopping season begins. Their project will add signals on Dartmouth St, a southbound lane on Pacific Highway 99W and a northbound lane on SW 72nd Avenue through the Hwy 217 interchange. The existing signal at 72nd Ave and Hampton Street will be removed. A signal will be installed at the new Walmart location across the street from the WinCo entrance. 5. The city will be working on a capital project add sidewalks through the narrow section of SW 72nd Avenue at the same time that Walmart is working to install a signal at the SW 72nd Avenue and SW Dartmouth Street intersection. 6. The city will be adding a sidewalk next to Tigard High School on SW 92nd Avenue, beginning at SW Waverly Drive down the hill to Cook Park. The project will start in July after the Balloon Festival. 7. The city will do slurry sealing this summer on about 12 miles of streets this year and pavement overlays on approximately another 3 miles of streets. 8. There is a state project coming up to make safety improvements at the intersection of Pacific Hwy 99W with SW Fischer Road and the Royal Villas Manufactured Home Park. As part of that, more people will have to be u-turning up at SW Durham Road so part of the project will add streetlights at the Pacific Highway 99W and Durham Road intersection. 9. Dennis Mitchell, who is an engineer for ODOT, provided an update on ODOT plans for improvements to Oregon Route 217. ODOT will finish re-paving 217 and adding some shoulders. The repaving is from Tualatin Valley Highway south. For TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES-February 6,2013 City of Ti 113125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 503-6394171 I vr�w.ttPard-orpav Page 3 of 4 V4 150 t response, there will be some narrow shoulders added. There will also be some sigm cant technological pieces such as Variable Message Signage (VMS), an advisory speed system, and arterial signs leading to the freeway systems. It's a huge project. The contractor wants to be finished with everything by August. Mike McCarthy told the committee members 217 carries more traffic per through-lane than any other highway in the state except for Interstate 5 through the Rose Quarter. 10. In 2014, construction will begin on the Highway 99W/Gaarde/McDonald intersection project. 11. Construction on SW Walnut Street (Tiedeman to 1161h) and at its intersection SW 135+h Avenue is planned for 2015. 12. The Main Street project will start up this year as well. Street improvements will begin with utility work on the southwest portion of Main Street beginning at the railroad crossing to the southwest intersection of Main with Highway 99W. This part of the Main Street project will be completed in 2014. 7) The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Chris W ey, TTAC c tary ATTEST: Steven Bass, Chair TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES—February 6,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Bdvd, Tigard OR 97223 503-6394171 1 Pwg,.4zard-o&zo I Page 4 of 4