Report ........_ , _____ ALOHA SANITARY SERVICE INVOICE NO. 8600 SW Hillsboro Hwy., Hillsboro, OR 97123 1 1 891 503-644-2797 • 503-648-6254 • 503-846-1951 (FAX) www.alohasanitary.com • Email: info@alohasanitary.com NAME: „e71— 41•104. .1 ' ** 4"i) elfe4t4d2r471."""4"4'" ADDRESS: itl?rel 54j ,, d 142.4.-i, CITY:At' ZiPt547a6 HOME - , GEL , Jos SITE: la_377, —2 ::-/4";;;;44./y /,eirN_, ,it, ,.,A 1-)4. kvi Ao 1 if-0c)o o:3 PAID By CHARGE GI CHECK LI CASH J CREDIT CAR i 710 _-- DATE ,2.--/z.., -2-11V DRIVER -v1,1 -741 id/7:.(4/ AMOUNT I Ilt$ PUMP SEPTIC TANK - 124:1Z5 60 0 INSPECTION FEE 1 I J SERVICE CALL I . ■ , Li LABOR,LOCATING,DIGGING,BACKFILL i ...., ........—„. L T $ 2i--). '-11 • • rHiS iS Nor A SEP Pc S>S TEA /*SPEC RON RE OTAL -fr POR T / I TYPE OF TANK: STEEL 3 ' NCRETE j pLA„76/J HOMEMADE 3 HORIZONTA 3 VE MAL D R. TANGLE 3 0 OTHER SIZE OF TANK: 3500 5000 7 OLI 11100 12500 15003 20000 30000 LID LOCATION: INLET 0 OUTLET\LJ MIDDLE j ENTIRE TOP 0 TANK CONDITION: GOOD 0 FAIR 3 POOR 0 FITTINGS: BAFFLES LI CONCRE I. CAST IRON Li PLASTIC D GROUND COVER OVER TANK COMMENTS , _ Afr /Ft, itor Aim Customer Signature DAM?. _/02 _71/ V So3 gad gq 'f U.---e ----- 59 (...._ 76.) i . _ ,.. , , c-C ,,<_( L, ( N it !i ___ t---- 1 16r5 56 src/ cA ,iT 2b'./c/f/ LA, P1 'o/ Y - 660 C.43 . / Ill_ E10' MIN 5' MIN IFROM PROPERTY UNE 1 I PIPE JOINT 11%.1' 0" MIN ." PI 10' MIN.ABOVE GROUND • ; T'/�.V rn r,��V 1X•SIOPE MIN.��1.A.: :��. :•3•: • •• �`:% 2'-0" MIN ri' •: ' SEE DR''WELL SIZING CHARTS r_;.® ® n !�iC� FOR REQUIRED DEPTH AND R;� A� DIAMETER. MINIMUM HEIGHT - 12"THICK LAYER OF "TO r-L.® ® n 'I12" 5FT, MINIMUM DIAMETER = 28' 2-i" ROUND ROCK BEIWWEEN •!I® ® n Mil PR UNING MID EARTH WALL, ILL. "IITA UP TO THE UD. rs'n n ® r,'.r.: 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic,equipment staging, and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas prior to,during, and after construction. Exhibit 2-36: Drywall Sizing Table Once approval has been given by EMS for onsite infiltration of stormwater, 2. Siting criteria:Gravelly sand,gravelly loamy sand,or other the following chart shall be used to select the number and size of drywells. equally porous material must occur in a continuous 5'deep Gray boxes are acceptable. stratum within 12'of the ground surface. IMPERVIOUS 28" Diameter 48" Diameter 3. Sizing:Exhibit 2-36 is used to appropriately size the Area Drywell Depth Drywell Depth drywell(s)based on the amount of impervious area that (sq—ft) 5' 10' 15' 20' 5' 10' 15' 20' each drywell is designed to manage. This chart shall be 1000 used as guidance,is based on field experience,and should 2000 ,E iilik. be used as minimums only. 3000 4. Drywell shall not be installed where base of facility has less 4000 than 10'of separation to water table. 5000 = 6000 5. Top of drywell must be below lowest finished floor. 7000 8000 6. Setbacks(from center of facility): 9000 a.10'from foundations 10000 NM b.5'from property lines - c.20'from cesspools. 7. Piping shall be ABS SCH40,cast iron,or PVC SCH40. 3" pipe must be used for up to 1500sf of impervious area, otherwise 4"minimum. Piping must have 1%grade and must follow current Uniform Plumbing Code. -DRAWING NOT TO SCALE- STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL TYPICAL DETAILS -Simplified/ Presumptive Design Approach- NUMBER L Drywall SW-170 Bureau of Environmental Services