ROW2013-00104 RE'e%, . -, ,, ,,, - : City of Tigard OCT 14 201;' IIII ,1111 _ .£ Application for Work in the Right-Of-Way TIGARD ROW Permit Property Address/Locati n(s): SW Coronado St s/of SW Barbur Blvd FOR STAFF USE ON Y S �j 40' 3-19 M� °o°T A�R� 1 Right-of-Wa'� ,r Case No.: 1-44A/v2-01 --CO(C4 4 NW Natural NWN Job#R00011028 *Applicant's Name: 1pl 14 By: AIL--Application Accepted: Address:220 NW 2nd Ave Application Reviewed:/0:2.1. a,,, By:21 City/State:Portland OR zip:97209 Christine Jeibmann $300.00 Application Fee Due: Yes 0 No¢� I rimary Contacr: ;31 �a/I(o r;2�(� ��t 2 L t011 1 I 1J / Phone:(503)721-2463 Fax: (503)2'73-4822 Applicant Notified: Pr Email: NWNPERMITS @nwnatural.com Receipt No.: N� REQUIRED SUBMITTAL Contractor's Name: applicant to complete construction INFORMATION CCB# Expiration: • Application form,completed and signed Address: • Submit one(1) copy of scaled sketch of City/State: Zip: the proposed work to be done Phone: lax: • Submit one(l) copy of traffic control plan Email: Professional Engineered Plans are required Plans By: NW Natural for: Address:220 NW 2nd Ave • Street Widening City/Stare:Portland OR zip:97209 • Subdivision Infrastructure 921-0314 (503)273-4822 • Main utility line extension Phone:(360) 1 ax: Email:R2G @nwnatural.com Icurp ln`,nua c.4.1,1usealphcl∎MSlnxtnpp.docs ( Ito..7/19/12 Description of work: SW Coronado St s/of SW Barbur Blvd Estimated value of work(within the public right-of-way): $472.50 Is work related to a LAND-USE DECISION? YES 0 NO V If so, please specify(MLP,SDR,SUB,etc.)case#: Is the work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? Y• D NO .rJ If so, please specify(BUILDING PER II case# :' Signature of Applicant/Permittee: fr Date:10-11-2013 Print Name:Christine Jeibmann for NW Natural Title:Engineering Coordinator .. _.. City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall ty ga I f Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 I 503-718-2464 I www.tigard-or.gov i / CROSS SECTIONS GENERAL NOTES N I Call the following l hilithu Notification Center 48 hams prior to any excavation W E Oregon ell or l-800-132-2144 Washington XI or 1-800-424.5555 2 ATTENTION.Oregon law requires you to follow S rules adopted by the Oregon I1Wity Notiticatun Center.Those rules are set forth m OAR 952-001- 0090 You may ollaln copies of the rules by calling the center.(Note the telephone number for the Oregon Utility No(Ilication Center is(507)232-1987 or 8111. 1 Fill out construction sketch as-built supplied with Job packet and return with work order Only one as-built is required. Q 4 All distribution mains must have a mmlmum depth of 141 W 24"and services must have a mtmmun depth M 18' h w unless there a an approved variance —a 6• l- 5 All transmission lines must have a mmtmtun depth of It.. < 111"in Class'1'locations and 16"in Class'2,3,&4' 0 = locations.unless there is an approved variance. Z j_ f\Konen dimensions on this conarucnon sketch D, V have precedence over scaled dunenswru Iii d OW) Da 5127 7 Pressure test shall be tested in aco:udunce with ii 198' r s j F standards as CFM and Engtneetmg Standard practice. VARIANCE(SI 8 Test medtttm fot class"B"maul shall be au,unless U) otherwise noted Test medium for clay•C-F"main ❑ CUT 6 CA' Q •BS21 v t.Ma IM nowt: shall he water,unless otherwise noted. i _ 1021 1'(P) Tr.® it For Class C or higher teas,.see Design Document and re 1— D 66 Roman(0 Hydrostatic Report w to s: 1,i f arateen tro.o Ot.n) S (n — Aotnni Name ISwt+a• 10.5. \ — • 4 i' iy N Class"B" PRESSURE TEST INFORMATION (circle&label test area on as -Witt drawing) ' _ -4 R_2lWl7l Test by NNG —Other S A - 6 —r VD t L r D.. °` Tti :. a..N....aM. I\, .. P�„6�1G�W�9'� — —S SARBUR l8 r 1 1 Cf w. -0 l". p G1F T Gl D f' v,.00.17 — —. BOND E TIED — ft 0+p0 e -1.--D_ �; ST. — — 0 6 Np,D F e = OR�2—W— 5 WELDS r I e( 47 • 8 %X- CERT. OPER. PM PM NOTE MAIN IS R(r)91 ' FOOTAGE SIZE M P GRADE W.T. RAYED MAOP MAOP NOP ACTIVITY# ORDER# W 7D I 2D 200. C INSTALL 189' 2" W B API 5L B .154 60 57 45 114 03394917 R oar p R _ (Mn 108• ABAN 198' 1" W B 114 03394916 u� ❑ BOND ii N N o,, O O '";) N W Natural 050 0 5 0 Feetv�els w Engineering Department 1 in=100 ft `�' ADDRESS CRY COUNTY STATE DESIGNED R2G DATE 09/26/2013 SW CORONADO ST PORTLAND WASHINGTON OR DRAWN KDC DATE 09/17/2013 BETWEEN AND APPROVED DATE. SW BARBUR BLVD NAME CREW LD0. DATE RELOCATE MAIN PLATTED DATE PLAT TWN MSG SEC PIPELINE ID- woe TYPE: 1-041-022 TO1S RO1W NE 36 PUBLIC WORKS w a: PROJECT/REVISIONS 03394917 00011028 1