City Council Minutes - 10/22/2013 ■ Cit. O-Uigard Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes October 22, 2013 Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Council President Henderson ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ Staff present: City Manager Wine,Assistant City Manager Newton,Assistant Public Works Director Rager,Public Works Business Manager Wright,City Attorney Ramis,City Recorder Wheatley. STUDY SESSION A. BRIEFING ON THE DRAFT SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN (Note this briefing was held with City Council after the Executive Session—Track 3). Public Works Business Manager Wright presented the staff report. Assistant Public Works Director Rager was also present to respond to council questions. Highlights of Ms.Wright's report are outlined in a PowerPoint slide presentation;a copy of this presentation is on file in the record copy of the meeting packet. Council members also received a Draft Sustainability Action Plan dated October 22,2013. In 2011,the Tigard City Council expressed a desire to develop a strategy around sustainability. Sustainability action areas include: • Energy Management and Transportation • Water Management&Quality • Waste Reduction and Recycling • Land&Habitat Conservation Management Throughout the presentation council members and staff discussed how the plan contains an inventory of resources,identifies long-term goals and sets interim benchmarks and targets. The purpose of the action plan is to create"A sustainable community that can meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future." In researching and developing the draft strategy,staff discovered that there were a number of sustainable efforts being practiced routinely in TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.fgard-or.gov I Page 1 of 13 the city organization. An integral piece of implementing sustainable practices is through education of all ages. Future sustainability efforts will involve other city departments. Other departments might have ideas to enhance the four focus areas or consider other focus areas that may pertain to their departmental expertise. Council will receive a yearly update on how well the city is doing in tracking and achieving its sustainability goals. B. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: (Track 1)–City Manager Wine reviewed the following administrative items with the City Council. • Open health benefits enrollment reminder. • Local Improvement District No. 1 –Discussion/check-in with the council regarding the record being assembled for the continuation of the hearing to November 12,2013. City Attorney Ramis reviewed with the council that this is a quasi-judicial hearing. • Council Calendar: October 29 Tuesday Town Hall Meeting–6:30-8:30 p.m.,American Legion,8635 SW Scoffins Street(Downstairs) November 5 Tuesday City Center Development Agency–6:30 p.m.,Town Hall. Also Flection Day. 11 Monday Veterans Day Observed–City Hall Offices Closed. 12* Tuesday Council Business Meeting-6:30 p.m.,Town Hall. 19* Tuesday Council Workshop Meeting-6:30 p.m.,Town Hall. 26* Tuesday Council Business Meeting-6:30 p.m.,Town Hall. 28-29 Thurs/Fri Thanksgiving Holiday–City Hall Offices Closed. Mayor Cook announced the following Executive Session: EXECUTIVE SESSION:The Tigard City Council will go into Executive Session to discuss labor negotiations and exempt public records under ORS 192.660(2)(d) and(f).All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions,as provided by ORS 192.660(4),but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. The Study Session/Executive Session portion of the meeting concluded at 7:29 p.m. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES–OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 13 1. BUSINESS MEETING A. ® Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. B. Roll call: Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Council President Henderson ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ C. Mayor Cook asked those attending to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Mayor Cook called for Council Communications and Liaison Reports. (See Agenda Item No. 8) E. Mayor Cook called for Non-Agenda Items—There were none. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION A. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication: City Manager Wine advised she would give a report on two items for follow up at the end of the meeting. B. Citizen Communication—Sign Up Sheet • ® Steve Bintliff, 13520 SW 122"J Avenue,Tigard,OR 97223,advised he is a member of Tigard First and a resident of Tigard. When Tigard First formed two months ago,they asked that the people of Tigard to pledge that they would not shop at the Tigard Walmart and instead support the city's local businesses. Their goal was to have 1,000 families take this pledge. At this time,there are almost 300 families who have made this pledge. He shared comments made by residents who are choosing not to shop at the Walmart. Mr. Bindiff submitted to the City Recorder for the public record,a petition consisting of all the pledges of support to not shop at the Tigard Walmart they have received so far. Mr. Bindiff talked about the detrimental effects on a community and local businesses when a Walmart store opens. • Karen Grissom, 11522 SW Royal Villa Drive,Tigard OR 97224,advised she is a long-tune resident of the community. She reviewed her reasons for her support of the work of CPO-4M and Tigard First and her choice to not shop at Walmart. ® She urged people to be mindful consumers and to learn more about Walmart. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 13 • Marvin Bowen, 12562 SW Main Street,Tigard,OR 97223,said he represents Max's Fanno Creek Brew Pub. Mr.Bowen said his business participated in the city's facade improvement program. After the improvements were made,they decided they wanted to add an outside awning. He recounted his interaction with city staff and the most recent decision that this awning would require a design review process which would cost$3,000— the awning will only cost$4,000. He concluded his remarks that this did not seem fair. Mayor Cook said staff will review this matter and get back to Mr. Bowen. City Manager Wine assured that this matter will be reviewed with a report to the council on the outcome. ® Mayor Cook reviewed the consent agenda: 3. CONSENT AGENDA: (Tigard City Council) A. Approve City Council Minutes for: • June 25,2013 • July 9,2013 • July 16,2013 • July 23,2013 Motion by Councilor Buehner,seconded by Councilor Snider, to approve the consent agenda. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes 4. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A UTILITY FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH tw telecom of oregon,llc a. Mayor Cook opened the public hearing. b. Mayor Cook announced that any person wishing to comment on this matter shall be given the opportunity to comment. c. Assistant to the City Manager Mills presented the staff report. tw telecom of oregon llc entered into a franchise agreement with the city in 2002 as "Time Warner Telecom of Oregon." That franchise agreement expired in September 2012. tw telecom has been negotiating an updated agreement with staff and legal counsel since 2012. They have continued to comply with the terms of the expired franchise during the renewal process. The proposed ordinance grants a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise and includes some minor modifications to the city's standard franchise. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 13 d. Public testimony ® Mark Trinchero, Davis,Wright,Tremaine, 1300 SW 5`h Avenue,Suite 2400,Portland Oregon testified as the attorney for tw telecom of oregon. He concurred with the report from Assistant to the City Manager Mills and made favorable comments about the negotiation process. e. During brief discussion with Assistant to the City Manager Mills,council was assured city's legal counsel reviewed and signed off on the proposed agreement. f. Mayor Cook closed the public hearing. g. Council discussion and consideration: Ordinance No. 13-13 Motion by Councilor Buehner,seconded by Councilor Woodard,to adopt Ordinance No. 13- 13. ORDINANCE NO. 13-13 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A RENEWAL OF THE NON- EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE WITH tw telecom of oregon llc TO PLACE AND OPERATE A TELECOMMUNICATION UTILITY SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON, FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SAID FRANCHISE,REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 02-30,AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes 5. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED FIRST QUARTER SUPPLEMENTAL AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2014 ADOPTED BUDGET a. ® Mayor Cook opened the public hearing. b. Mayor Cook announced that any person wishing to comment on this matter shall be given the opportunity to comment. C. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar presented the staff report. She reviewed the issues addressed in the proposed amendment,which are outlined in the staff report. d. Public Testimony: None. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 -,x-ww.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 13 e. Council questions. ® Councilor Snider asked about the Willamette River Water Coalition Water Supply Study, which he thought was priced at $50,000, but is now being shown as $100,000. Council President Henderson said it started at $50,000, but after negotiations the final amount was$100,000. 8 Councilor Snider asked about a van that was totaled and where that money was allocated.Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar said this was assigned to the Fleet Division. City Manager Wine advised the details on the situation would be provided to the City Council since staff present did not have this information. Mayor Cook commented on this item. He noted this contingency item reflects about 75 percent of the contingency for this account. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar noted other departments pay into this Internal Service Fund. There is an option to raise the amount other departments pay as their share of the contribution. It is unusual for the contingency in this fund to be used. ® Council President Henderson asked a question on No. b. He noted the consolidation of sewer, storm water, water, gas tax, and the parks bond. He referred to the Derry Dell project and the reallocation of funding for this. He said it is difficult for him to determine how the numbers are assigned. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar said most of this funding was already appropriated. She said $200,000 was appropriated last year and the work did not get completed so this is a carryover of the beginning fund balance for the sewer portion. The storm water portion was similar in that there was a carryover of $120,000 from last year because the project was not completed. The $285,000 was appropriated as a water project. As the implementation of the project progressed, it made more sense to the Engineering Department staff to do all of the projects together. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar confirmed Councilor Snider's comment that the information before the council tonight on this item was to reflect how the project would be completed in a logical and least costly way—no new money is being appropriated. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar added that there is a$50,000 amount that is new that is being taken from the gas tax fund. In response to a question from Mayor Cook, Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith- Wagar explained the $200,000 (shown as an additional appropriation amount). Under Oregon state law, appropriations lapse at year end so, as of July 1, that $200,000 was not appropriated any longer. ® Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar advised Mayor Cook that the $50,000 from the gas tax fund is new. The gas tax fund is used to fund street improvements. In addition to tearing up the street for utility lines, it made sense to widen the street at that time, thus, the allocation of the $50,000. Council President Henderson and Mayor Cook said that it was difficult to understand the reasoning for all the "bits and pieces" of funding. Councilor Buehner suggested carryover figures be identified in the notes for future updates. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 13 8 Councilor Woodard asked a question about Item No. 7 (Main St. Sewer/Fanno Creek Crossing). Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar said the right of way is $70,000. She explained some money was already appropriated. She said at the time the council considered the resolution of necessity for the project, it was noted an additional appropriation would be needed. ® Mayor Cook asked a question about Item No. 11 (Waterline Restoration-Black Bull property). Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar confirmed that staff has been tracking the costs for this waterline restoration project brought about by illegal excavation. It was anticipated that some of these expenses could be recouped. City Manager Wine added the city is going forward with abatement proceedings with Dr. Davis with the idea that the city will recover all costs to restore the site. ® Councilor Woodard commented he liked the way Item No. 6 was shown in the staff report. This gave him an idea of how the funds were being moved around. He agreed that it would be helpful for the carryover funds to be identified. Mayor Cook added that the entire process,because of the report layout,was easier to follow this time. f. Mayor Cook closed the public hearing. (City Recorder's note: Mayor Cook announced the public hearing was closed after the vote on the resolution.) g. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar advised staff recommended approval of the proposed resolution. h. Council consideration of Resolution No. 13-44. Motion by Councilor Buehner,seconded by Councilor Snider,to adopt Resolution No. 13-44. RESOLUTION NO. 13-44—A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AMENDMENT TO FY 2014 TO ACHIEVE THE FOLLOWING: CARRYFORWARDS OF BUDGET ITEMS,GRANT REVENUES AND EXPENSES, BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS IN PUBLIC WORKS,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNITY SERVICES,POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION,AND THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 7 of 13 G. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TO ADD BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR THE BARROWS/SCHOLLS FERRY WATER LINE a. Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar and Senior Project Engineer Murchison were present for this item. Ms. Smith-Wagar presented the staff report. The proposed resolution and staff report indicate a request to authorize appropriations in the amount of$1,027,000 from the Water SDC Fund. The money will be used to fund the Intergovernmental Agreement with Washington County to extend water services to River Terrace. The resolution presented to the City Council contained a typographical error—the appropriation amount should be$1,027,000 (not$1,207,000). b. Council consideration of Resolution No. 13-45: Motion by Councilor Buehner,seconded by Councilor Snider,to adopt Resolution No. 13-45, with the corrected amount of$1,027,000. RESOLUTION NO. 13-45 -A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AMENDMENT TO FY 2014 FOR THE BARROWS ROAD/SCHOLLS FERRY ROAD WATER EXTENSION PROJECT FOR RIVER TERRACE. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes 7. REVIEW STREET MAINTENANCE FEE Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar,Assistant Public Works Director Rager and Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy were present for this agenda item. Ms. Smith-Wagar introduced the staff report. This topic will be brought before the City Council again at the November 19 workshop meeting to incorporate what is discussed with the council tonight. Funds are being collected at about what was anticipated. City Manager Wine advised that during the past year,council identified the potential policy review whether the concept in using parking as proxy is the right approach,how roofs and eaves are calculated,if there should be a cap on big box collections and what to do about the county's vehicle registration fee. ® Councilor Buehner said it looked as if the city is doing some catch-up work. In 2010,the city was unable to do the slurry seal projects for the whole city in the time needed before it was time to start over. She asked for information about how the city was doing in terms of getting back on a schedule so a sufficient amount of streets were being sealed each year to complete the TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 8 of 13 cycle. Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy advised that over the past five years,every street(that was a good candidate) has been slurry sealed. In particular,the slurry seal program for the last two years was accelerated and is caught up. ® For overlay projects,the city has been able to"hold the line"and slightly improve the overall pavement condition index. If funding and conditions stay the same,Mr. McCarthy said the city would be able to continue to hold the line and keep the pavement from getting worse overall. It would take quite a bit more resources to achieve the optimum overall pavement conditions. Councilor Buehner asked for information so the council could discuss what would be needed to bring streets up to a higher standard. Councilor Snider said he would like to see this presented in a sensitivity analysis style to view what it would cost to buy every unit of improvement. Mayor Cook noted the "hold the line"index figure was 68 and the city has been able to bring this number up to a little above 70. He would be interested to learn if the"hold the line" strategy would mean this number could continue to increase. Councilor Snider observed that the city is doing better than what had originally been anticipated. Analysis of why this has worked better than originally thought would be helpful for a future policy discussion on this topic. ® Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy said the sensitivity analysis would be presented to the council at the November workshop meeting. A lot of the reason for the improvement in road condition is because of the number of slurry seals that have been done —giving us the best pavement improvement for the dollar. ® In response to a question from Council President Henderson,Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy advised that as the program is scheduled,staff attempts to balance work to be done on residential and non-residential streets. The goal is to keep the work expense in line with the revenue collected. Some years more residential work is done than for non-residential and the reverse is true for other years. The rate is set based on the long-term Plan/long-term average. ® Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar advised the new parking requirements that went into effect in June are not reflected in this report—this report is for work through June 30, 2013. ® Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar said when the methodology was adopted for fees assigned to residential and commercial,the work that needed to be done was estimated. The money is easy to track as it is collected from residential or commercial properties. The way the money is spent is more of an estimate. ® Councilor Snider questioned whether the methodology was equitable from both a revenue collection perspective and the expenditure. Councilor Woodard said similar questions have been asked by members of the River Terrace Stakeholders'group with regard to the Transportation System Plan. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 9 of 13 10 Discussion followed about council members'desire to understand the methodology currently in effect so they can make a determination if changes are needed. Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy said that the streets in the commercial and industrial areas get a lot of heavy vehicle-loading traffic and the"fixes" to these streets tend to be more expensive. 8 The policy question of how much,if any,street maintenance fee should be devoted to right-of-way maintenance will be revisited when this topic comes up for discussion. 10 Councilor Woodard commented that he liked the accomplishments for 2012 and 2013 in the street maintenance program. He referred to the report,which allows one to determine what has been done and what remains to be done. He would like to forecast projects for the next three to five years. Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy advised staff plans to bring scenarios for council's perusal that will likely be in the three to five year range. IRCouncil President Henderson referred to a 2013 year-end report on street maintenance fees. To explain the difference in the numbers depicted in the 2013 year-end report and the numbers in the staff report for this agenda item,Assistant Finance and IT Director Smith-Wagar said the year-end report is based on the revenue side of the program and tonight's information shows the amount of money that has been spent in the last two years. Staff has been building a base in this fund because cash flows do not match up with the construction season—the fiscal year ends in the middle of the construction season. The reserve has been spent down with the work completed in July in August,so there is about$200,000 remaining in the fund at the end of August. The fund will begin to increase to pay for projects during the next construction season. Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy added that the figures in tonight's report are only for paving projects and do not show the amount expended on right-of-way maintenance or the costs associated with the collection of the funds. Council President Henderson asked for these costs to be broken out and Mr. McCarthy said those would be available for the next session on this topic. ® Councilor Buehner recalled that in 2010, the plan was to hold a contingency of a minimum of$1 million at all times. She said she has some concerns about insufficient contingency. Ms. Smith-Wagar said she would research the 2010 documentation for this council direction. Streets and Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy reported that it is likely the city will need to address a federal government requirement (Americans with Disabilities Act) that says if the city repaves a street that the curb ramps would need to be rebuilt to meet the current ADA standards. This would add a fair amount of cost to those projects. 10 Assistant Public Works Director Rager reported that the right-of-way maintenance component was approved for$100,000 a year;all of this money is being spent on the targeted streets (in a prioritized manner going down through the list) as shown in the staff report. The city is reaching a point where we have done about as much improvement work that can be done and are now in a maintenance-only mode. The policy question has to do with other goals that the council has had in the past,including beautification of Pacific Highway. The city has worked TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 S\\"Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 10 of 13 with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) on a number of their projects where Tigard has asked them to put trees and landscaping in the right of way. The expectation on ODOT's part,however,is that Tigard will maintain those areas. This is something that council did not know in 2010 when the maintenance component was added. Discussion is needed by council on this issue and whether additional funds should be allocated for maintenance. 8. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS ® Councilor Woodard reported on the River Terrace Stakeholder Work Group. Reviews have been made on water systems and various master plans in the area. They continue to hear concerns about complexity,coordination of interests (facility impacts and what part of the development should start first) and funding. Concerns were raised about coordination between the Tigard Water District and the city. He advised that the consultant is doing a great job. Councilor Woodard said Roy Rogers Road has a 20,000 vehicle trips per day now. Councilor Buehner talked about the Tigard Water District. She said that when land is annexed into the city,then that parcel must be transferred from the district to the city. Councilor Woodard said the stakeholders group discussed the fact that connections could be made from junctures between incorporated and unincorporated areas—the concerns center on costs and priorities. Councilor Buehner said the District does not extend into the Urban Reserves and there are only five current properties in River Terrace that are in the District—all of the rest is rural land and not involved. Discussion followed on the dynamics of the process including the involvement of the consultant and the differing viewpoints that come to the table. • ® Council President Henderson reported on a seminar he attended recently regarding community visioning and strategic planning. He shared some insights learned by the consultant who conducted a five-year strategic planning process followed in Hillsboro. Lessons learned included the need for a community visioning process that should be conducted at the beginning to assure an understanding of the vision.Many strategic plans fail during implementation and the planning process should find the means to carry out the vision. Discussion followed about Tigard's current effort in strategic planning and the key role to be filled by the elected officials. Council members discussed the public involvement component and all agreed this was integral to the success of the plan. Councilor Woodard commented that to"solidify the vision,we need to brand the vision." City Manager Wine assured the City Council that Tigard's planning process includes obtaining community input—the first step was to present council with a direction for the plan to be followed by testing the validity of the direction with the community. Councilor Snider called for the community testing and input gathering be a robust process, which would include participation from other agencies. > Follow-up to citizen communication by City Manager Wine: • James Long of CPO 4M addressed the council in September. Ms.Wine referred to a letter submitted to the City Council from Mr. Long,who cited the following issues: TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 11 of 13 o Concerns were outlined regarding 72"d Avenue,north to Pacific Highway. • There are no pedestrian improvements planned for this area in the near future. o Who is paying(ODOT,Walmart,or the City) for transportation improvements related to the Walmart development? ■ Communication clarifying who is paying for improvements will be provided. o Could the traffic study related to the Walmart development be redone? • ODOT advises they have no intention to redo the study. In response to Councilor Snider,City Manager Wine confirmed that the conditions of approval would not change nor were the conditions based solely on the traffic impact study. • ® Don Sims approached the council with an issue. He lives on Ascension Drive and noted problems with speeding and said there was not enough police traffic patrol. Chief Orr, Sgt. Friesendahl and others in the Police Department have been in active contact with Mr. Sims. There is not an easy answer to the problem due to the steepness of the street and the incidence of speeding does not rise to the level to warrant additional enforcement or a change in the speed limit. The PD is still in contact with Mr. Sims in an effort to find a solution. The PD and Engineering Division are looking at options. The roadway is narrow(not constructed to the city's standard width, as it was constructed in the county). The street is a secondary roadway but the growth in the area has increased the traffic in recent years. Since 2008,there have been three reported crashes on this street. The Traffic Safety Unit did a traffic study in 2011 because of speed complaints and the study results indicated that only five percent of the vehicles were speeding above the tolerance level of 35 mph. In 2013,a speed survey was conducted nearby on SW Benchview and it had a higher enforcement tolerance. The PD has placed the radar trailer in the Ascension area and the trailer is deployed to this area twice yearly. For future efforts,the PD proposes to continue to monitor and consider options to do engineering to reduce complaints;i.e.,speed humps,traffic calming options.A recent speed survey was conducted. Also the radar trailer will be located here again,which serves as an active reminder to people regarding the speed limit. The areas will also be re-signed about enforcement of the speed limit. This will be a targeted area with the Reserve Unit assisting the Traffic Unit. Councilor Buehner noted a similar issue with Essex Drive. ® Councilor Snider noted his experience with traffic enforcement and said he has patrolled this area. He asked if,in recent history, has there been any further consideration of photo radar. This would certainly change people's behavior. City Manager Wine said this a policy matter and the discussion on use of photo radar pre-dates her tenure with the city. It was her understanding when she arrived that the council of the time had no interest in photo radar enforcement. Councilor Snider said in problem areas,photo radar is an effective,efficient and relatively inexpensive enforcement method. ® Councilor Buehner referred to the Mountaingate neighborhood's purchase of a speed sign and it changed the behavior. This was only a reader board but proved to be effective. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Bbd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 12 of 13 HCouncilor Snider said he would like to revisit the discussion of photo radar to be used for specific purposes. 9. NON AGENDA ITEMS Mayor Cook to call for non agenda items. ® Mayor Cook announced an Executive Session: 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council went into Executive Session at 9:17 p.m. to discuss exempt public records under ORS 192.660(2)0. All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions,as provided by ORS 192.660(4),but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. (C'C'6'4e'� Cat Brine Wheatley,City Recorder Attest: Ci f mrd unc—LL 1'(`eSAL'n ate: i'1 0 1�' I:\adm\cathy\ccm\2013\final nrinutes\10 october\131022 final ccm.docx TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—OCTOBER 22,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 13 of 13