City Council Packet - 09/12/2013 . City of Tigard TIGARD Tigard Special Meeting - Agenda TIGARD CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING MEETING MEETING DATE AND September 12, 2013 - Noon - 5 p.m. TIME: MEETING LOCATION: Fanno Creek House, 13335 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon 1. SPECIAL MEETING - September 12, 2013; start time is 12 p.m. A. Call to Order - Mayor Cook B. Roll Call 2. REVIEW COUNCIL AND STAFF ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3. GOAL SETTING DISCUSSION - MAJOR GOAL HEADINGS: (Water IIRiver Terrace (Tigard Triangle Southwest Corridor 'Recreation Economic Development Community Engagement Downtown 1LAnnexation 'Finance A. Identify significant milestones to be reached by December 31, 2014. B. Identify long-term vision for each goal heading and correlate to strategic planning process. 4. NON AGENDA ITEMS 5. ADJOURNMENT SOLID GROUND CONSULTING Essential Council Roles Determine overall direction: Values, Vision, Goals, Plans Establish policy framework: Plans, Code, Ordinances, Resolutions Make strategic decisions about City services Adopt a budget Set reporting guidelines to ensure accountability: Progress toward ends Compliance with policy Adherence to budget Employ and evaluate the City Manager Approve agreements on behalf of the City: Contracts, land sales and purchases, IGAs Represent the City, the City government, and the Council Exercise quasi-judicial functions 516 SE Morrison St#400•Portland OR 97214•503-249-0000•www.solidgroundconsulting.com I City of Tigard TIGARD Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Councilors From: Marty Wine, City Manager RE: City Work Plans for Joe Hertzberg Memo Date: September 3, 2013 The attached memo from Joe Hertzberg follows up on his one-on-one meetings with you in preparation for the Council Goal Setting. Towards the end of the memo,Joe mentions the city's current work plans for each of the topic areas. I am collecting this material and will have it to you under separate cover in the Thursday (9/5/13) mailbag. SOLID GROUND CONSULTING TO: Mayor Cook, Councilors Buehner, Snider, Henderson, and Woodard FROM: Joe Hertzberg DATE: August 30, 2013 SUBJECT: Council goal-setting, September 12 Thank you all for taking the time to meet with me individually to discuss short-and longer- term goals for Tigard. I heard a lot of agreement regarding the major headings: • Water • River Terrace • Tigard Triangle • Southwest Corridor • Recreation • Economic Development • Community Engagement • Downtown • Annexation • Finance On September 12, I would like to work together to establish clear milestones in each of these areas . This Council serves until December 31, 2014. What will constitute "success" in each of these areas by that date? In my individual meetings with you, I heard consensus in some areas and differences in others. The attached sheet combines your comments with the City's current work plan. (Note that "Finance" is really a collection of topics.) PLEASE CONSIDER MILESTONES IN EACH AREA. YOU CAN SIMPLY WRITE YOUR THOUGHTS INTO THE DOCUMENT AND RETURN IT TO ME. OF COURSE,YOU CAN CALL ME IF YOU PREFER. We will also look at the Council's long-term vision in each of these areas and use that as a springboard for a discussion of the strategic planning process. I look forward to a lively afternoon of spirited discussion. 516 SE Morrison St#400•Portland OR 97214• 503-249-0000•www.solidgroundconsulting.com Tigard Council Goals: September 2013 - December 2014 Notes: August 26, 2013 LO-Tigard Water Partnership • Stay the course(John) • Secure capacity from LO(Jason, Gretchen) • And prepare for the long term future: • Buy some capacity from Sherwood (Jason) ♦ Prepare Plan B with Willamette River Water Coalition(Marland);Update WRWC agreement before Hillsboro joins(Gretchen) ♦ Review and renew IGA with King City, Durham, and Tualatin River Water District (Gretchen) River Terrace • Stay the course(John) • Get a plan in place(Marland) • Get 2 more properties into the UGB and expand urban reserves, including employment land (Gretchen) Tigard Triangle • Complete plan (Marland) Southwest Corridor • Stay the course(John, Marland) • Figure out a path to get what we want for Tigard(Gretchen) Recreation • RFP for consultant is a good step (John, Marc) • Make a Council decision on where we're headed, including cost and funding mechanism: Are we in or out? (Jason) • Create a Recreation Department(Marland) • Move forward to get people involved and give them what they want(Marc) Economic Development • Good path (John,Jason,Marc) Community Engagement • Continue to move forward (Jason) • Be nice to people (Marland) • More communication,better rapport with citizens(John) f Downtown • Ash Avenue crossing:Plan for closing North Dakota crossing,including funding plan (Marland,Marc) • Get the people with appropriate skills on CCDA rather than Council(Marland) • Downtown Plaza(Gretchen) • On track to meet development objectives set in 05-06;build public-private partnership with developer for housing units and festival road(Marc) Annexation • Annex all of Bull Mountain(Marland) Finance • Blue Ribbon Task Force recommendation:educate the public(Gretchen) • Change Oregon's tax system(Gretchen) • Integrate CIP into Council budget process(Marc) • What do we do with unanticipated revenues beyond budget?(Marland) CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN JOE HERTZBERG Things are complicated when people use different words for the same concepts, and even more so when they use the same words for different concepts. Here's what I mean when I use the terms Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies. You don't have to adopt my terminology, but at least you will know what I mean. I like to use the metaphor of a tall, rugged mountain: VISION is the view from afar. Everything looks pristine and whole. "What do we imagine in a perfect world?" A vision statement describes an ideal future in idealistic language. MISSION is the peak, always there at the very top, always visible but seldom visited, if ever. "What is our fundamental purpose?" A mission statement is crisp and concise. It is how you describe your essence while holding a burning match. GOALS are the different faces of the mountain, perhaps different means of ascent. Above the timberline and, again, seldom traversed and relatively unchangeable. "What are we striving toward?" OBJECTIVES are probably below the timberline, more subject to short term organic changes, specific and concrete, measurable. "What do we hope to accomplish [in the next time period]?" STRATEGIES are trails at the bottom of the mountain, traveled daily and requiring regular maintenance. "What will we do [in the next time period] to pursue our goals and accomplish our objectives?" These includes proper names and deadlines. The higher up you get, the more powerful and less frequent the forces of change. Strategies change often, mission almost never, and only as a result of massive geologic forces. VALUES are like the Sun shining down on the mountain, providing light and warmth. When values are clear, the whole scene is bright and warm; when values are eclipsed or cloudy, it gets cold and dark. "What are the underlying principles that motivate us?" "One climbs to the top of the mountain and one sees. One cannot live on top of the mountain; one must descend. So why climb in the first place? Only this: There is an art to living in the lower regions. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know." Rene DuMal ��Q, J3 G tin . Tigard City Council - Proposed Goal Areas (September 12, 2013) What to Expect: Current Status, Draft Milestones CaP) September 2013 - December 2014 Goal"Major Headings" Estimated Timeline Water Negotiate/proceed with water purchase from Lake Oswego Winter 2013 Renegotiate LOTWP Intergovernmental Agreement(IGA) to reflect Early 2014 structure and management post-construction (evaluate future of partnership roles) Communicate with Tigard residents about rate impacts/outreach Spring 2014 regarding potential increases LOTWP bond sale (#2) Spring 2014 Intergovernmental Water Board: next governance agreements with 2014 (TBD) Tigard Water District,Durham,King City Continue to consider other sources: Sherwood,TVWD (studies) Mid-2014 LOTWP projects operational Mid-2015 River Terrace Park land acquisition Early 2014 (1'BD) Complete Community Plan,zoning,adopted master plans June 2014 Building permits issued;development begins June 2014 Service delivery planning For 2014-15 budget Tigard Triangle Complete Triangle Strategic Plan Fall 2014 Adopt zoning,street and design standards Late 2014 Pursue suggested development strategies from Plan 2015 Southwest Corridor Determine modes and alignment for study in federal EIS process Fall 2013 Participate in federal EIS process (regional partner,financial) Mid-2014 Recreation (Evaluate options and resources to create a pilot recreation program) Complete demand analysis for recreation opportunities Spring 2014 Compare recreation inventory with demand analysis to identify Spring 2014 needs/gaps Determine/decide Tigard's role to meet community needs/gaps (direct For 2014-15 delivery provider,contract/partnerships with others, funding source) budget Implement a new recreation effort based on role Fall 2014 Economic Development Develop and adopt citywide strategy,design program and priorities June 2014 Data collection and understanding the economic base Ongoing 2014 Community Engagement Redesign community survey effort to include regular two-way December 2013 communication efforts (based on Fall,2013) Page 1 Goal"Major Headings" Estimated Timeline Community education efforts;develop fiscal report card (Blue Ribbon Ongoing in 2014 Task Force) Develop Tigard's community identity Ongoing in 2014 Downtown Urban renewal ballot measure: Tigard voters clarify authority/projects November 2013 Strategy for redevelopment of city-owned property December 2013 Main St/Green St. Construction January 2014 Continue Downtown Plaza Site acquisition and design approval Spring 2014 (contingent on site acquisition) Continue Tigard St.Trail negotiation, design and development Through June 2014 Finalize downtown redevelopment opportunities (if issues can be June 2014 addressed) Advance options for rail crossing"trade" for Ash Avenue at-grade Through 2014 crossing Explore Pacific Highway Urban Renewal District options Late 2014 Annexation Letter of interest to island property owners;proceed if positive 4th Q 2013 Successfully complete River Terrace Community Plan See above Review annexation policy,reauthorize as needed February 2014 Update annexation fiscal analysis Begin mid-2014 Develop planning and timeline together with Washington County for Before June 2014 future annexations (Bull Mountain,Metzger) Finance Balance/adopt 2014-15 budget and CIP together with Budget May 2014 Committee Labor relations:policy guidance for TPOA agreements Early 2014 Represent Tigard at the regional,state and federal level to advocate for 1"and 2' Q 2014 tax reform and other funding opportunities Seek voter-approved measure for major investment (capital,parks, etc.) Prepare for 2015 Page 2 ,c . Su m n-t o Cowv1t old cc,�ssa�;; , C+r,�,K , �t�p cho�ks) 9 �''� �i �a° i3 Water River Terrace > Lake Oswego/Tigard Partnership >Park land acquisition 6/14 • Water purchase—mgd • Strategy • Re-write agreement • Funding • Most construction done 12/14 • Land dedication >Intergovernmental Water Board timeline >Finish community plan,zoning,master plans • Get agreements done by 12/14 6/14 >Develop Willamette River sources >Building permits 6/14 • Rewrite WRWC membership agreement >Service delivery plan FY 14-15 budget to protect Tigard's interests 12/13 FY 14-15 • Long-term roadmap of decisions Tigard Budget will need to make • Amend WRWC agreement when new members join Tigard Triangle SW Corridor >Strategic plan Fall >City's share of EIS funding Budget >Zoning,street and design >Route segments 6/14 Standards 12/14 >Cross-pollination with Tigard Triangle >Begin implementing strategies 12/14 >Determine role in possible election 10/13 Economic Development Recreation >Adopt strategies and priorities 6/14 >Council decision on city role In time Budget for >Ready to launch implementation 7/14 budget Growth Finance >Annexation >Legislative agenda 12/13 • Complete River Terrace >Review facilities strategy budget • Agree to annexation strategy Feb. • Consider urban reserves Downtown Community Engagement >Urban renewal ballot measure:Tigard voters clarify authority/projects 11/13 >Redesign community survey effort >Strategy for redevelopment of city-owned to include regular two-way com- property 12/13 munication efforts(based on >Main St./Green St.Construction 01/14 Fall 2013) >Continue Downtown Plaza Site acquisition and >Community education efforts; design approval(contingent on site acquisition) Develop fiscal report card Spring 14 (Blue Ribbon Task Force) ongoing—2014 >Continue Tigard St.Trail negotiation,design and >Develop Tigard's corn- development thru 6/14 munity identity ongoing-2014 >Finalize downtown redevelopment opportunities (if issues can be addressed) 6/14 >Advance options for rail crossing"trade"for Ash Avenue at-grade crossing thru 2014 >Explore Pacific Highway Urban Renewal District options Late 2014 Commercial Street sidewalk I:\citywide\council packets\packet'13\130912 goal setting\flip charts from meeting.docx s`M Prepo _d -dr goa.( n ♦ J_ Tigard City Council W► S \auk.o.A Priorities for 6-Month Focus in 2013 o COUnc`L p ,- l CA /ac, ( i3 acK�E) • Tigard's Strategic Plan (end of 2"d Q o Engage the community to develop and adopt a vision and long-range strategic plan for the next generation. In coming years, annual goals will be guided by the strategic plan • Communicate with Tigard residents (2"d Q) o Develop new strategies to expand the pool of involved residents,build awareness, and engage in ongoing two-way dialogue o Develop Tigard's community identity • Financial Sustainability o Balance/adopt 2013-14 budget and CIP, together with Budget Committee (2nd Q) • Includes focus on key facility needs o Maximize franchise revenue (2nd Q) • Do not lose current-year PGE revenue collections • Implement solid waste franchise fee increases o Labor relations: policy guidance for SEIU and TPOA agreements (2nd Q) • Economic Development o Develop and adopt Citywide strategy(2nd Q) o Development Code improvements to support economic development and improve permitting efficiency (2nd or 3rd Q) o Explore Pacific Highway Urban Renewal District options (4`h Q) • Take the Next Step on Major Projects o Water source and supply • Preserve and advance LO-Tigard Water Partnership • Build partnership relationships (1St Q) • Complete West Linn appeal;secure permits to proceed with plant and pipeline project (1S` Q) • Confer with LO regarding 60% design estimates (2nd Q) • Evaluate future of partnership roles (2"d Q) • Continue transition of amended intergovernmental water agreement (4th Q) o River Terrace Community Plan • Take part in Stakeholder Working Group (1S`Q) • Guide Infrastructure Financing Strategy (3rd or 4th Q) o SW Corridor Plan • Acceptance of Alternatives Analysis (2nd Q) o Implement the Comprehensive Plan • Adopt Comp Plan amendments on Goal 10 (Housing Inventory) (2nd Q) • Downtown o Downtown Plaza Site Acquisition and Design Approval (CCDA - 2nd or 3rd Q) o Develop a strategy for redevelopment of city-owned property (CCDA -2nd Q) o Other Potential • Determine terms for public private partnerships/developer incentives (for an eligible redevelopment proposal) • Finalize Saxony property purchase for redevelopment and develop design concepts (if issues can be addressed) • (If railroad is cooperative)Acquire property and develop concepts for Tigard Street Trail;advance options for rail crossing"trade" for Ash Avenue at-grade crossing • Determine the need to amend urban renewal plan with new projects (if charter issues can be fixed) • Other initiatives o Evaluate options and resources to create a pilot recreation program (2°d and 3`d Q) • Use recreation inventory to match with program demands/service gaps • Determine options for future programming(including partnerships) o Evaluate social gaming policy issues and options (2"d Q) • Represent Tigard effectively at the regional, state and federal level(2"d and 3`d Q) o Funding opportunities o Transportation priorities/SW Corridor • 9/12/13 Print Agenda Item Summary AIS-1162 4. Special Meeting Meeting Date: 01/29/2013 Length (in 60 Minutes minutes): Agenda Title: Recap of 2012 Goal Status and Review Six-Month Priorities for 2013 Prepared For: Marty Wine, City Manager Submitted By: Cathy Wheatley, Administrative Services Item Type: Motion Requested Meeting Type: Special Meeting Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Public Hearing. No Publication Date: • Information ISSUE Review the goal update for the 2012 City Council Goals and the first six-month priorities list for 2013. STAFF RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUEST Review and discuss the progress made on the 2012 City Council Goals. Review and approve the six- month priorities list proposed for 2013. KEY FACTS AND INFORMATION SUMMARY The City Council met January 10, 2013, to set goals and follow up on recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Task Force submitted in a report received by the City Council at its December 18, 2012, meeting,which was the last meeting for 2012. The Task Force recommended that the city adopt a Strategic Plan, beginning with an aspirational vision followed by identifying the priorities to keep in focus over the next six months. As recommended by the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force, the City Council will engage the community in developing this long-range plan. While the plan is in development, there are still areas of policy decision and focus needed by the City Council in 2013. Attached is a draft of the six-month priorities list proposed for 2013,which reflects the actions that Council will be expected to take during this time. After discussion and the council members have directed staff regarding any changes to the list, staff will return to the council for formal adoption of the priorities list at a future council meeting. OTHER ALTERNATIVES Amend the proposed priorities list. COUNCIL GOALS, POLICIES, APPROVED MASTER PLANS Development of the 2013 Tigard City Council priorities list as the City Council works through the process to develop Tigard's Strategic Plan with the community. While the six-month list focuses on key milestones for major city projects and initiatives, in future years, council goal-setting will occur in as part 9/12/13 Print Agenda Item Summary of updates to the city's strategic plan. DATES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL CONSIDERATION December 18, 2012 - Received recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Task Force January 10, 2013 - Conducted a special meeting to begin the process of developing a strategic plan, identifying priorities and goals for the short term. Attachments 2012 Third Quarter Council Goal Update Priorities for 6-Month Focus in 2013 ilith • ' City of Tigard Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes TIGARD January 29, 2013 1. SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING Track I A. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. B. City Recorder Wheatley called the roll: Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Council President Henderson ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ 2. CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CITY COUNCIL GROUNDRULES, SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 12-35 Assistant City Manager Newton reviewed the packet material and summarized the status of this agenda item. She pointed out the changes made to the groundrules as a result of the council discussion during the January 10,2013 meeting. There was lengthy discussion on citizen communications on agendas whereby the council groundrules state that items available for comment are items that are not on the agenda. Track 2 During the discussion on the groundrules,City Council consensus was for the following changes to the proposed resolution(red font): "Citizen Communication" • The"Citizen Communication"portion of the agenda is a regular feature on the council business meetings. To manage the agendas to allow council time to consider the remaining agenda items scheduled for the business meeting,this agenda item will be allotted a maximum of 20 minutes. This item will be placed near the beginning of the council agenda to give citizens a chance to introduce a topic to the City Council. . : :. -- : _ :.•-, . ,. : - . ..- . - .The mayor or the council president(if the mayor is absent) may ask speakers to keep their remarks to about two to five minutes.If a large number of speakers have signed up,the mayor might ask speakers to keep their comments closer to two minutes. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 1 of 7 Council Liaisons Use of Electronic Communications Devices During Council Meetings • Councilors shall not access the internet but may access council packet information and personal review annotations*concerning any matter pending before the council during a council meeting. Councilors are to keep their focus on the proceedings. teeereler Motion by Council President Henderson,seconded by Councilor Buehner,to approve Resolution No. 13-04 with council amendments. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes 3. REVIEW AND REACH CONSENSUS ON THE UPDATE TO THE COUNCIL LIAISON APPOINTMENT MATRIX Council reviewed the draft matrix prepared after its discussion on January 10,2013. During discussion the following changes and notes were made to the matrix: • Councilor Woodard is the alternate representative to the Westside Economic Alliance. Kenny Asher is the staff liaison. • Council President Henderson is the primary representative to the Willamette River Water Coalition;Councilor Buehner is the alternate. • Council President Henderson and Councilor Woodard will serve as the primary representatives to the Façade Improvement Subcommittee;Mayor Cook is the alternate. • Tom McGuire is the staff liaison to the Planning Commission. • Verification needed for the meeting date and time of the Youth Advisory Commission. Councilor Snider will serve as the primary representative and Mayor Cook will serve as the alternate. Track 5 4. RECAP OF 2012 GOAL STATUS AND REVIEW SIX-MONTH PRIORITIES FOR 2013 City Manager Wine facilitated the City Council discussion on this agenda item. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 2 of 7 • City Manager Wine said she heard from the City Council's discussion on January 10,2013,that while there was consensus that moving forward with a citywide strategic plan and effort that would take about six months to formulate. The purpose tonight is to bring more clarity to the steps that will follow. • City Manager Wine reviewed the quarterly progress report process followed in the past to keep the council updated on goal achievement. She distributed the 2012 4th Quarter Goal Update. • City Manager Wine referred to an attachment to the staff report on this agenda,Priorities for 6- Month Focus in 2013. The information contained in this document amplified what the council could expect for key decisions coming forward on the 2012 goals or goal areas as discussed by the council on January 10,2013. • During the discussion on the list of priorities,Councilor Buchner requested consideration of a topic of discussion at an upcoming joint meeting with the City of Beaverton,which is to look at adjustment of school district boundaries. City Manager Wine acknowledged the issue and agreed it would likely be discussed at the upcoming meeting;but,this matter will not be resolved within the context of community planning. • City Manager Wine discussed that Executive Staff is still developing what the next months will look like for detailing the Strategic Plan. Staff realizes there is some level of community input that the City Council would prefer. The Strategic Plan details identified by the Executive Staff should align with the City Council input regarding future goals articulated on January 10,2013. The administration work plan will follow the direction of the Strategic Plan. • City Manager Wine advised that on the topic,Communicate with Tigard Residents,both the City Council and the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force indicated there is a need to enhance the city's communication strategies. From the standpoint of budget and current practices,staff is looking at ways to work on this. Some items will be new and are not currently articulated in the 2012 City Council goals. Council can expect staff to bring back ideas about how to reach out to the community and expand the types of input received. • City Manager Wine advised that on the topic,Financial Sustainability, there are key areas,especially this upcoming spring,where major council involvement is envisioned for decision making. • City Manager Wine advised that on the topic,Economic Development, there is a current goal to foster economic development. She said this could move forward with greater definition. She is preparing a draft strategy for council review.In response to a comment from Councilor Buchner,City Manager Wine agreed consideration of the expansion of the current urban renewal district might also fall under this area. This would be something to place before the voters and would be considered within the context of other matters that the council might decide to ask voters. • City Manager Wine reviewed the outline to Take the Next Step on Major Projects. She delineated the near-future work on the water source and supply,including the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership. Information will be forthcoming on the River Terrace Community Plan at the upcoming joint meeting with the City of Beaverton council. Community Development Director Asher acknowledged the importance of moving as quickly as possible with the Community Plan noting great interest in development and also making sure all the stakeholders are getting their needs met. City Manager Wine said a member of council will be invited to join the stakeholder group in a liaison role. She outlined some of the major decision points in the near future associated with moving forward with the River Terrace area. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 3 of 7 • Council President Henderson brought up the timing of budget preparation for a fiscal year while council goals are set for calendar years. This means the council sets a vision that cannot take effect for at least one quarter out in the future. After discussion by council members,City Manager Wine said it was not staff's intention for there to be any progress lost on any work underway while the strategic plan is being developed. A strategic plan can drive everything;i.e., council goals,budget priorities and the long-term vision for the city. There is a lot of work now underway that will continue. She added that she would value input by council members regarding what would make the quarterly goal updates more useful. Councilor Snider commented that the timing might be best for the council goal discussion to occur now noting that the budget process will start in March/April and concluding by the end of June. Councilor Buehner noted her preference would be to have the goal-setting meeting in December. • Councilor Snider commented on the staff suggestion for an aggressive timeline on the River Terrace Community Plan. He said he was supportive of moving as quickly as possible but cautioned that he would not want the quality of work to be sacrificed nor would he want the city to promise things that cannot be delivered. • Councilor Woodard commented that while he supported planning he has been frustrated with slow progress in implementing goals. He said he is aware that a lot gets done;however, sometimes it is not"real obvious." He said the two critical priorities for him on the priorities list are the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership and the River Terrace Community Plan. He asked City Manager Wine about resource capability for additional project work. • City Manager Wine,in response to Councilor Woodard's comments above,advised that the priority list items represent the timing and character of the support needed from the council for decision making. If there is something not on the priorities list that council members are wishing the staff would be working on,then she would like to hear about it at this time. The six- month priorities list will not take the full resource capability of city staff. • Councilor Woodard commented on his concern,at times,about balancing resources and working efficiently. He said he is unaware of the success the city has at measuring its efficiency. He spoke to his opinion that if we do not have some kind of economic development organization,everything we vismlize to be in 20-30 years is unlikely to happen. 'We are missing skill sets that I don't think we have." Councilor Snider commented the priorities list is essentially a six-month work plan. Councilor Buehner weighed in with the observation that local government is the most regulated entity in the country. She agreed with Councilor Woodard that it is frustrating because of the amount of time that public process must take. Councilor Woodard acknowledged Councilor Buehner's comments and said he would like to see the city utilize corporate world"best practices"when possible. • City Manager Wine said that for there to be an economic development organization,there needs to be a position created to carry out a strategy. This strategy is only just now being developed and will likely be the synthesis of the top priorities we have talked about regarding what we should be doing. Someone needs to do that work. City Manager Wine said once the work is done she can include in her budget message a request for new resources to fund economic development resources or to find existing resources in the current budget. The six-month priorities list was prepared to respond to a request to detail the plans for incremental steps to move major priority areas forward. • Track to Discussion followed on timing to develop the strategies and how to fund the implementation (budget process) of those strategies.Time was spent brainstorming how to go about moving forward with the economic development strategy given the fiscal constraints and TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 4 of 7 to attain the ability to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. City Manager Wine said that to bring in a skilled economic development professional to the organization a focused plan for Tigard must be in place for success in this area. An economic development strategy will come to the City Council in April. • Work for the day-to-day operations of the city will not be included in the strategic plan. • Council President Henderson requested the six-month priorities list be realistic with regard to the timelines offered for achieving milestones towards goal completion. He noted his preference for a work plan outlining what staff thinks can be accomplished on the goals set by the City Council. He commented on the January 10 workshop meeting format and the visioning exercise that took place,which was not what he had expected. He was expecting to set goals for short-,medium-and long-term implementation. • There was discussion on strategic planning efforts in past years. City Manager Wine said the strategic plan,as she is bringing forward,means that the vision forms the basis for a focused set of strategies that the city will carry out. The subsequent goals and objectives will be what makes up the strategic plan. The work council did on January 10 was Step 1 for building the strategic plan. As she was preparing for the January 10 meeting,she advised council members that it was her hope to use a longer term horizon to address council goals in a strategic planning process. Previously,City Council goals had been very project focused. Broadening the scope is important. • Councilor Buchner referred to the late 1990's effort by the City of Tigard's visioning process, Tigard Beyond Tomorrow. From this effort several large tasks were identified and one of those was to identify the long-term water supply. No one expected for this identification to take as long as it has. • Councilor Buehner referred to the Leland Report for downtown and noted this report came out just as the economy crashed. She said her sense is that the downtown plan got setback at least three years because of the state of the economy. Council President Henderson said he does not think the economy was the only factor for the slow down with the downtown plan. He said there were opinions that better management could have made some progress. Councilor Buehner commented that there was a period of time when there was a lot of miscommunication with downtown business owners causing strife;however,she still maintains the primary problem was the down economy. • City Manager Wine said one of the best things about developing a strategic plan is for the opportunity for scheduled reviews to examine whether circumstances have changed and develop response strategies to stay the course. • Councilor Snider said he would like to see the list developed from the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow visioning project to ascertain how much was accomplished. After discussion about this earlier effort and council support to inventory what might still be relevant,Assistant City Manager Newton said she would forward a copy of a report for Tigard Beyond Tomorrow. • The six-month work plan is not the foundation for the Strategic Plan. • Council President Henderson noted his participation in similar activities for planning and he emphasized his desire to focus more on implementation. • After brief discussion,City Manager Wine advised the goal updates provided to the council are considered to be a report on the implementation steps. She offered that the report can be adapted to show accountability. • Additional discussion was held on the list of priorities for the first six months of 2013. This list offers a more detailed plan about the continuing to move forward on priorities even while the strategic plan is being developed. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 I 503-639-4171 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 5 of 7 • City Manager Wine said many of the issues on the priorities list will come before the City Council as an agenda item. • Council President Henderson said he thinks the City Council needs to be better about stating its priorities. Councilor Snider noted agreement with Council President Henderson as long as the stated priorities are limited to only a few critical items—three or four. • Potential sources as funding such as the PGE revenue generated over and above what was estimated was reviewed. Council President Henderson said he would not want to see these funds being spent without evaluation. • City Manager Wine gave the example of River Terrace as one of the identified critical priorities for the city. She would want to have the City Council to have an assurance and understanding on what the work plan for River Terrace is,how the work will be done,what the scope and schedule and budget for it are,how it will be carried out and what to expect(timelines). The plan is to present the council with enough information so it has an understanding for how implementation will be achieved. This would include identification of the resources to be applied whether it be internal staff resources or the employment of a consulting team to help with some of the aspects for implementation. City Manager Wine will solicit input from the council should there be a need to make decisions regarding how to maintain the balance among the priorities and operational needs for the city. In response to a comment from Councilor Snider,City Manager Wine said she would assess what resources are required and if there are needs,then she will advise the council so they can advise staff about resource allocation prioritization. • Councilor Buehner recalled a presentation from Finance and Information Services Department Director LaFrance about the ramifications of using the PGE franchise revenue and the problems that could develop with ending fund balance if the plans for this revenue are not followed. She said she thought it would be a good idea if the presentation was given again as a reminder in the upcoming budget process. Mayor Cook commented on his recent conversation with Finance and Information Services Department Director LaFrance and the need to maintain the five-year financial plan. City Manager Wine said this information can be distributed to the council in an upcoming newsletter packet. • Councilor Woodard commented on his objective for a recreation program in Tigard and he is sure that the city will eventually"get there." He recognizes how moving forward is dependent on the state of the city budget and that recreation programming can be realized with the successful implementation of economic development. Councilor Snider said he thinks that progress can be made on other lesser priorities even with the primary focus being trained on the top three or four main priorities. Councilor Buehner referred to the citizen survey,which gave some indication of how much people would be willing to pay with regard to recreation programming. She suggested it might be time to revisit this question in an upcoming survey and for the Parks and Recreation Board (PRAB) to consider framing the matter so the city hears what residents are willing to support. Councilor Woodard said he thought this was a good idea and will pursue it if there is council agreement that this would be a good exercise for the PRAB. • Community Development Director Asher suggested the SW Corridor Plan be included in the top priorities. It is true that this is a long-range project but Tigard actually does own this project. While Tigard is not running the process on the SW Corridor Plan,it will have a huge impact on what can happen in Tigard. The SW Corridor Plan work does not necessarily mean a large resource allocation according to Community Development Director Asher. Others in the region TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 6 of 7 are interested in knowing how important City of Tigard views the SW Corridor Project—is it a high priority. • Discussion then turned to setting the top priorities of the City Council for the next six months to a year. The following priorities were identified to give as guidance to staff: o Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership o River Terrace Community Plan o Economic Development o SW Corridor Plan • City Manager Wine advised that when staff returns to the council regarding focus for strategic priorities,she suspects the above four will remain at the top of the list. • Council President Henderson referred to the input received from boards and committees on council goals. He wants to make sure this input is folded into the process. City Manager Wine said the development of the strategic plan is a synthesis and will pull in the input received from boards and commissions. • Councilor Woodard expressed concerns about coordinating all the efforts required for a successful economic development program. He explained his concerns about allocation of resources and having the focus remain on the first three priorities listed above. He did not object to keeping the SW Corridor Plan on the list,but he would rank it as No.4. 5. ADJOURNMENT—8:48 p.m. Motion by Councilor Buehner,seconded by Councilor Snider,to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present: Mayor Cook Yes Council President Henderson Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Snider Yes Councilor Woodard Yes /s/ Catherine Wheatley Catherine Wheatley,City Recorder Attest: /s/John L. Cook Mayor,City of Tigard Date: April 23.2013 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 29,2013 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov 1 Page 7 of 7 Elements of the Strategic Plan ....... ..7*,=-.:. • . • . ...,0f. . . _.,;....,t .. .. Y ..,..,. .,,, - Values . , .. . . . . , _ .. . . . . . . Mission Gene al .""' _. f; . ,° Goals .,_. ,,,..,,or _ . , ,tom „„...:,...., .. _ Objectives ' , .- -_- - - - -.'•" +,, ,,.., ' ,,, .y r _ r 1+ '• 0fir'• r %it:NV o• ,• . . f pecifi •�-. W . _ . Strategies (annual work plan ) - .� 1-.:4:, .S. - - ..,-„- . •.- r• 6 ' �rti �'CA•.•J, - : )1aac( r • • - °T. • ^, �ti5 c '- 1' t...f4 . • r Cathy Wheatley 1-0 GUSH (A- P From: Councilmail Councilmail I ,°� I 01 Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 2:26 PM r To: Gretchen Buehner; Marc Woodard; Marland Henderson; John Cook;Jason Snider; Council Email Dump; Marty Wine Subject: FW: FW: Materials for 9/17/2013 Council Workshop - advance review Attachments: time line 09-16-2013.xls From: MHCon @aol.com Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 2:25:46 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Councilmail Councilmail Subject: Re: FW: Materials for 9/17/2013 Council Workshop - advance review I worked over the timeline a little without changing any of the given dates. Helps me, hope it helps you. Some of the Winter's of 2013 were hard to comprehend. Marland DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules"City General Records Retention Schedule." o� U , ci S � plan quarter = 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th a) a c 4 a �, = Water seasons T c Q E 3 N 3 Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership • Negotiate/proceed with water purchase from Winter 2013 Lake Oswego • Renegotiate LOTWP Intergovernmental Early 2014 Agreement(IGA)to reflect structure and management post-construction(evaluate future of • LOTWP bond sale (#2) • Monitor progress of construction and budget; LOTWP projects operational Spring 2014 Through mid-2015 Develop Willamette River Water Sources • Rewrite WRWC member contract • Continue to consider other sources:Sherwood, Mid-2014 TVWD(studies) • Develop"roadmap"for Tigard's future water decisions through 2026 Intergovernmental Water Board • Work plan for,and next governance agreements End of 2014 with Tigard Water District,Durham,King City (expires 2017,2-yr notice) Communicate with Tigard residents about rate 2015 and beyond impacts/outreach regarding potential increases L v to it 2 River Terrace c Q E 3 3 U) Park land acquisition(strategy,funding,land dedication) Mid-2014 Complete Community Plan,zoning,adopted master plans Jun-14 Building permits issued;development begins Jun-14 Service delivery planning For 2014-15 budget L GJ 3 Tigard Triangle c Q To c 3 U) Complete Triangle Strategic Plan Fall 2014 Adopt zoning,street and design standards Dec-14 Begin implementing plan strategies Dec-14 L 4 Southwest Corridor c •Q E c 3 = 3 U) Determine modes and alignment for study in federal EIS Fall 2013 process Determine regional route segments J ul-I-t Participate in federal EIS process(regional partner,financial) tlid-2014 L to a s Recreation c Q c (Evaluate options and resources to create a pilot recreation program) Complete demand analysis for recreation opportunities Spring 2014 Compare recreation inventory with demand analysis to Spring 2014 identify needs/gaps Council decision on city role (direct delivery provider, In time for 2014-15 contract/partnerships with others,funding source) budget Implement a new recreation effort based on role Fall 2014 Economic — c E v 6 Development - E Develop and adopt strategic priorities,resources,design End of 2013 program Data collection and understanding the economic base Underway 2014 L Community - E a) Engagement "- E •C Redesign community survey effort to include regular two-way Dec-13 communication efforts(based on Fall,2013 survey results) Continue 3-4 quarterly open forums to engage During 2014 residents/neighborhood groups Community education efforts;develop fiscal report card(Blue Ongoing in 2014 Ribbon Task Force recommendation) Develop Tigard's community identity Ongoing in 2014 v on ai v E— 8 Downtown c •Q E z Urban renewal ballot measure:Tigard voters clarify Nov-13 authority/projects Strategy for redevelopment of city-owned property Dec-13 Resolve composition of CCDA(pros and cons:CCDA, Dec-13 CCAC,Ec Dev Commission to make it a development agency) Main St./Green St.Construction Jan-14 Continue Downtown Plaza Site acquisition and design Spring 2014 approval(contingent on site acquisition) Continue Tigard St.Trail negotiation,design and development Through June 2014 Finalize downtown redevelopment opportunities(if issues can lun-1 I be addressed) Advance options for rail crossing"trade"for Ash Avenue at- Through 2014 grade crossing Explore Pacific Highway Urban Renewal District options Late 2014 t 9 Growth/Annexation c Q E Successfully complete River Terrace Community Plan See above Reconsider and agree to annexation policy:reauthorize Feb-14 financial incentives as needed;consider islands and remainder of Bull Mountain;incentives for voluntary annexation; Develop planning and timeline together with Washington Before June 2014 County for future annexations(Bull Mountain,Metzger) Update annexation fiscal analysis(from 2004) Begin mid-2014 Consider annexation of urban reserves for employment land Late 2014 41 N 41 — 10 Finance c o_ E 3 L Represent Tigard at the regional,state and federal level to 15`and 2"d Q 2014 advocate for tax reform and other funding opportunities Review city facilities strategy and develop options for repair Mid-2014 and replacement("good,better,best") Seek voter-approved measure for major investment(capital, Prepare for 2015 parks,etc.)