CU1-74 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] �������������; ��� ��w �� �s,��°��.�,� � Gqnda.�ivnal [TSe (�CU 1-74) � ��,;� 11845 SW Pacific Highw�y , �,� _, i�._�. � �,,/ ,, 1 .. . .,, ._ , _ ,. . . �'"����.+�i��';�" ��"� ����� �������� �� ����� �►�����+��� ������ ������� � ����t��� ��� ���� �������� � � ��►��.��t�d,� ���� �' �� ���� ���!�� � �E � �� ������� ���������� ������ ����������� ��� ���' ����� �..����'� ����� ������� ��������� ��� �� ��� ����'�� � '�'��� ��� ��� ���. ��� ����� �a�����►� �+� ���.�� ������ r;����►�����.� ���� s��;��������� �+�������� ���,��� ���r�� ��� ������ �`�,�� �� �� ������� ��� ��Y ���� ��� ���.��ry{ y�.µ.'1����� �����Q� ������� �� � 'IN��M^�f*'` rR'� ���1A1�.. •M1��MVM�'����� �y��IN.'T"RiY��9!'Ap^� ���� MY�'�Rf�� AITa1pM��'{111����T'�f �MFM` �oT95'��T� ; �y IK N� ���A����+4p�:m1ll �9�R'� ���FoTRT�II� M�� T�+����M►�� ��+I'�V' ����4.11��� `MF18�j ��4F'�� `An�t!� �'�P'1�1'�T^TR'��R■+Plf� �MR�II' �yy� •;� � q y� �y {ry ,�y�,�+� yyy 3 y y� R1R.�Y��l��1'�#II�����F�L "T������� �N� ,'P�7� ��'���w'}^�11nT! A�AB�� f����A�7W� } 11 ➢� �'+"'TI� �R�!�MPI�`P�' Mi���� ���� �ta�� �17� A'�A'�RNt1���TafN�� �� 7R'F'1���M'��'%T ��� '�1����"7�` ���!������ ��� �'��'� "��'�'��`� A�.��w�r� �� �x� ��`�"V� �`��1��'�� ��' '►���,�N��.�� "��t �� ����� �� �n�'�+� �►�'�'�'t����� �� `��k�� ��� �������� ��� �� '#���� ������ ��9� ��w������ ,�� ����" ��k�,�► . :��� +��,��►��� ��� ������_��w ������+���� ,�� ���� �� �"���� ���� �� �� � 4���� ��� �������� ����������� �� ��� �r���� � � �������� �� �����`�� �����r��� �� ��� ��r� ���������� ���������� �� ��� ������� ���� ��������� . �����������i ������,��� '���' ���� ������� '�� r�������� �+��.��� ����,�r� : ��� ��� ��� ������� �� �����a��a�� ���� ���� ����������� ' �� �'������ ���"�������� �� ������� ��������� ���� ������� ������ ���� ���� �� ������� ��� ���������� .� � � ,�'�� I��►��� ������'��� ���� �������� ������� ��,� ������ �� ���� ����� �� ������°�. .u..��... . _ . ___:�. . m._. . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ��I�, �, �� `�- ���,� CIT'Y OL' T7G�RD NOTICE 4F Pt1BLIG I-i�.ARZNGS �Q�ice is h�r�b iven �h�� t�b],ic hearings will lae h�ld by �he . ��,�,y Caur��i]. ��y�igard Ea.ementary and I-iigh S��1ool ,�dministra,ra.ve of f�.re, 13�.3�' �.4V'« Paci f ic �ii�hway, 2'iga�:`d, Orcg�an, on Febr�.tary 2S, 1.974, a� 8 :0� F.I�. w��h r��pect �o the fo1�.o��ing: ADO��IC?N C7F AS�I A"VENU� ARE� 'LAND tJS� �I�AN Consider��ion a�� �eighbor�oo� �lan #1 for �k�e Ash fi�w�nue-- Dn�ntUwn ar�a. mhe a���c��d area is bo�nd�c� by P�cific Hic�hway, �all Bltrd v and 1�cDonald S�.re��. ��nd use dec�isians af�ec�,a.ng ���.s ax�a are present�.y k�ein�g guid��d by �h� mic��r� Ccammun�.��r ]�lan w�aich �►as ac�op�ed in ].�7�.. ThP pzapas�c� p].an is int�nded �a supea�s�dE t�.a.s earl.ie� docum�nt and pro�id� khe bas�.s �a� re�vi��r�.nq zone change reques�s, subdivx�,ion p1.a�a, s r�ee t , deda.ca��.ons an� �other ma�ter� requxx�.ng larid use deca.�ians �.n �ha.s ne�.ghborhood by �he Ci��y ot T'igar'd. ApP��1L f�F PLANNI�IG CON[MZS���N �C�YON �GNDITIO�TAI, L�SE APP�,YCA�ION Rec�u�s� }ay Tlax"�:ey-�Da�idsan o� Pvr�].and t.o �c11.ow r.e taii. matar- cycl.e and mo�:o�c�ycl� a��ces�ory sal�s in, C--3, Gen�ral Commerc�.al zonee Prope�ty is loca�ted a�t 11�345 S.W. Paci�ic Highv�r�y, `1'�x �iap �.51 351�1�, Ta�t L�� 800 A�1 anc� ti00. �lanning Comrnissio� ap��:oved re��aes�r vai��i �ondi��.ans. " ZC�NE CHp,NG� AP��T.►IC.A7'��N � �eqtx��t �y �obez t� Au��g.xt�� �o ��.ang� e�t�s�in,q Cot�n�y zoning f�om RU-� Ur��n k�esic��n�ial. l�is���a.c� and ��-�d Communi�y� Reti�il Comm�rc�.a�. D�.s��ic� Lc� C.i�y �-�3 , G�n�ra� Comm��cia�,. P�ope��:y i� locai:c�d 1�735 5.'W� Pacit�,�; Highwa�r, T�� �Ra� 7S1 3DD, Ta.� T�o� 400. AppZica��i�n c��rii�� 1�y Planr�ing Gommi�sio�i. A�.�. ii���res�e.� �e�son5 ma�r ap��a� �nc� b� ���,rd in £av`��c of or �aains�� �he saa.d propo��.l. � B�.L dR1�ER OF T�TE CI�'� �OUN'CzT� DQr�.s� t�a���.g � Ci�� k��c:o�c�ea� tr�' p�b��.s� 2J�.�r 21.��g7� 4 � Y A � . . _ . . . A . . - ._. •✓�' « i,' ' � . �� '�� .���. c:� � . , ���� CI'�Y OTIC.EA1�13 ,. � � A��I�A1/�T OF �'U�IICA`�I�N � ,oF,PUBLIC kiEARING5 '� � � I�otice j� hereby given t}aat ��ubllc � �TATE OF OREGON', , hearin�s wi�l be held by the City�Cou;n- , ' cil at Tigard Elementary and High �' �OUN7�'Y 0�' WAS�IYIVG'.CON, ss` 5�haol Adm�,nistrati�ve �Office, 13137 j S.W..Pacific Hi�hwa�r,Ti�ard,Oregon, i �on February 25� X974,at 8;00 p.m.with �� `.��s����������. r�spect to the foll�wing;• �, ; T, .....,._,.......�....>.�...........___.-----�-- ..._.._......_.._.._........._.....�.......�.. R , ! ADOPTION ���.f. . , '�, OF ASi�i AV�I�IUE t�,REp A . i�eing fix�st cluly sworn, d�:pose �nd say that I am 1:t�e publisher ..M..._.,.,...�. ,�.. � LAND USE PLAN � � ;� � Consideratiran of Nei�hhorhoad P1an�a ..........�..._.....� o i'I`h e T i�a z�d T i m e s, a. n e w s P a p e r o f �e i z e r a l c i r c u l a t i o�, a s d e f i n e d , #1 f o r t h e A s� A v e n u e-U o�r v�n t a w n k area. �'he af�'ected area is bounded'by ! by ORS 193,Oi0 and. 193,020, ptiblisht�d �t Ti�ard, i.n the aforesaid count� and pacific Hi�hway, I-tal� Blvd,.and IVIc- , Aona�d Street,'Lan� use d�cislons af-�� st�te� �hat tht� X�gal notice a printed co of whicri is hereto annexe� was . Y fecting 'this area�a,re p'resentay being � > > p�', ► S guided by th�Ti�ard CQnnmunjty P1an• ' -"which was adapted in, 1�71.� ThP � published a`n tYie entire issue uf said neWspaper for ......�....,�........... suc,cessive and propased pl�n 3s ir►ter�ded toy sup�rsede this earlie� dacum�ent �nd 45rovide the cons�cutiv�e ti�veel�s xn the fnllowin� xssue� ' basis for revi�ewitY� zun� change re-� Y � • ._.. .�.. __ __.._..._...., q�ests,s�ubdiv�ision plats,str�et c�edica- � • , �....�''e�a�e?`'.�..��...�.��1� ,i974............ .._..�........�...._............. .� � � ..... ' tions and o�he: matt�rs requiring aanc� .. '�.." ...��`�� •�-�' use decisinns in this nel�hbt�rhood by " � the City.of Tigard. ' �, . a � ...f..�„e.,..... .......... A.;_.,.. :�. .....,.....�..yc.�---��.,._. � ` AFPc.A,�i..Ol� ign r ) �,YLANNING COMIV�IS�ION A.CTION ' � CONbTTIONAL U'SE ..�� : �- Subscx•ibec� an� �worn to befaire me this �Zs� k ` " �PPLICATTON ° o.....................�...�........_,� day of ......._... Req�uest by Harle,�'.�avi�lson of Port- � land to allnw retail m�torcycle and rr�o- � ? torcycle accessory�sales in C-3 �enex�i : �,..,�ebru�ary.`....................... Xs..�'�Q � �` �Cumme�cial zone+ Propert� is lacated ��� / ' at �1845 S,W, F�aciftc Higtiwa�,� Tax� � �; „�„ � ._„�, � Ma 1S1 35DD, 'X'ax Lot 80 - nd � """�....-...... ._.. �/ 80UP � 0 A 1 � ......�..�.....................�v�..,..�IVot�r.. Pu�alic of Ore.�un ...'. , Pl�nning Commission approved �' � , reqt�est with cni�ditians. c....-- �' �ONE CHkNGL . . IVIy �ommissinn �;xpires �� r ` APPLICA�xIOI�' ' ...�.............w...... .?... ��..... 19....�`','.�� ° 1Re ues� by� u .. q Robert Au;hgier � to , _ ---,_,,,._.. __ . .„ _,� ch�nge existing Courity �oning from ;, • RY�'-4 Urb�tt R�esidential DistriGt an.d � �-2, Comrrrunity� �,et�tl Commercial � DistrPr perty��s l c�z ed 137���,W,Pa- � ci�I. k C�fiC �igttV�V�,y, Tax M�p 2S1 3L7b�,Tax ' Lnt �00,°Applir.a�iari denaed by Plai�- �{ng Commission, � "� � , Alt interest�d persons �n�y appear and lae heard in fav�r�,f or a'gainst tti� � said Proposa�, ° � �Y C7,�tD�Ft OF 'THE CIT'Y ,� ', C�7UNCIL � • . � • boris ��rtig A � . �� ' C�ty �tecdt�de� � � � � ,a (tt,�9�3 -- Pul�lish ��b, 1�,2�j 1�74� � • � , _ ..i..,. .�{�....f w,.ovn.�..rs ���.w..sy....Y s^1'...,.q..�.� .�S.�s'i k �Ft� �r ,_. _..0 ...,:._ �.,.. .; r;7. {S X'ebru�.��y 18, 1.974� MENtORAI�DUM Ta: �i��� Cou�ci.�. F�arn�s �'�.�.nr�ing Comrl3.s��on vub,���c�t �t�cotnm�ndat�.an �a� �ot�nc3.1 ccancer.n�.ng, CU ��74, � ��que�ti by Hm��.ey�� ba�rie�son o� Poz�l�nd �o a1,1aw ret�at,l mr,�or�yc�.e acc;essoxy sA�.�s 3.n � �M�, G���r��: �ommer�c3.�]. xone. Th�: l�Lanna.r�g �omm�.ssioi� a� �.t� .�anuar� 15, ��74 �ul�li� hearin� �ook �c�i.ran �c�c�mmend3.ng, �o �Jh� �i.�y Coun�il. ��x� a�ov� c�escr�.be.d concliCional u�e b� $�apxave� w�.�h �e���in ,, ��z�d3.t�.ntas. '.Chc�s� cn�ndi�3.ons ar� de��r�.bec� as �'ol.��a�rs: �� �'ha� �,h.e�� ��.],1, b� �no s�rv�.ci.ng oE v�ha.c1.+�� c�n t�xe �x�mi��s. b� �"�na� �heic� w3.�1 be n� �est r3.di.�� o� vehicl,es �o be so�.d, on �:h� E,x��m�.ses. . c. �'ha� �l�e veh�.cles no� �� �a��d �ai�ka�.n th� bu3.Jldin�, �.n �ny way. d. Th�a� o�rts3.de d3.�p�,a�r ��c� �Ce�s� be ���st��.�t�d sm �ha� ma1:o���rcl.es c�Q �n�t �n��� r�nc1 e��,� �:�c�m ��� �3.dew�lk �djac�nt �a Pac:��ic E�ii��wmy� �. '�h�� t�i�.� �pi��oval b� �;�can��d L`c�r a �n� y�a� �S�a�i�d, �o b� r�vi�w��d �t �he �nd d�' �h�� ��:mc by �h� ��.ax��r��.n� ���mmis�:tun. �'����� ��c�t�� ff�a� �h� a��pxa�ir�.at� s�a�� ���o�� �nc� me��:�t�� �ninu��� A�� gtt��p��c� .��� x�����mc4, i � � . . � �0�1�1�'9��C�� t..�5� �r�Q�°'� ' . , i � � � �� •�� �� `,� � � C� � — � � . -.� �� , � ;:;::�:.:::. � ���� � � � .� ,.::::�.�:�;: �:.:�::::.:; • ►���,. :::::;: :.��.: ::�:�:::::f::. � ..,::�� ..�;��..�:.:::::.::� �:.;;:;:. .::::::;�.: :�;��:�:.:::::: ,..,.� �'•:::�::.:... :�."� ..:::,.:. � ..:;...•�.:�:::;: ' . .:. �..:•. •�.,::::::•.:�::;;:•;:;:;;�:. ... ...�.... .,.:.:::•�•.:...;; . .. . ...:. •�...:•. � .::�. ,,.,. .. � ;��`�;,�`::'`..:;..:';;+�',�:,; .�°�,+ �,, :. �;::�.:.:�;::::•:.��. d �'��::�;:::•:� �'�°'� p � .;�,�. �. `'��'''' :.::::.::.� � �°�� � :; _.:;;�•:;. ��,�.�.� ::��;;::.:.::,;::::�. � ..� ���`��� � ......;.:: � .......... ,��� � '�,� '`:::':"':'f:� �. ......r 1 �. . ..,.::;.;;; ,,,..,.., . � .:..:r. ., .. �::r.::•.:•.:;, �� a� � •�.;;;;t•�:��Pt . . .���,,�,,;�� � � ��� :..�t��t:.. : a� :: C ,�, :;.�;::;:::�...:: ��, :;;::::;;r N . ;:. . �c;�, ::r ""��"' o � �.:.:��•' �� � � � � �� �4 � �� � ��� . �►�►�'►.� � � � c�� x ������°��° • °�'� . �'��� . � � � � �� �� d •`f��� �� `� ���'� �'�"�"�� �'°�' ( �� ;. ., �� � � � y ��,►�'�1� � � �� ���� 4 �iu�i���� � ����� ; ����rr�lY+ed ,,,. °��,,: �CJ� '�.��a"'°''�I�Crs�«�• �1��1�� a���� � , . Xti / �O ! '� 5e PIW��iLIt� HE.ARII�v � S��md�.t4�.c��.s�. Ua� 50�. Condi�.it�a��.1. I1�ae � CU 1-74 � A �equ�s� by Harle��l��vi��r��n raf k'dr�J.and �;r� �,�.�c�w ���:�;,�z,1. m�tc���y��.e & mo�acycl� access�a�,y ��].�� �,�. a �m3a G�n�ra]. Cc�rrQn�:�°twi��. z�r�e, Sr�b,jecti proper.�y 1.cscatecl wt �.1.84�5 S.W. P�x��.�ic �-I3,gY���ya 7'hp. �i�� c.�►r.�x�.��.ng , e46 �cr�� �,nd a���p�.�d by csne si��l.� ��.m�,�.y clw�?��.�n� a:nd c�n� 50fJ0 �qu�xe foo ti cc�m*�����,al �t.�t���t.�r�. tTaac M�;p �.S�. 35bD, Taac L�i ts £�00 Am 1 & $OQ)e ��. 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C�c�trr�n���ir�Z ��r��, Ao S�a�� F3,�,d�.�gs �.o T3�c��!t� p:��aw����� t?hi� ���:� p,�-�;e��r3,��g �?�� ��c����.��n ��.�r� to!`����,xag g�.�.d�.a�gs ���.�;vr���� �� �'r�� ��.�r.��s�b L'a S�a£� necmmm�nd���.��. 1 b Brc���,� ����t�a�±��xci�:d ��a� �ka� g�.�,�� gla���i�' �}��p �a� c��s�.d��c�c� � �,��.c��.�i.a�a�. t��� �,� �h� ���9 ��t�e���. C�y��r��;��i�.�. v���. �. ���mm:�s�3.c�� D�tsc����.���x anci A����,Lr. ' r 1�0 �a�.W�t��n mr��v�d m3��.t a gL��� �,�a�.���� ����a f�� �����.d���,�1 � �t�i���.��.c��a]. � ��e 3.� ��a� G��g �����.���,�. �;��x��t�;.���.�� ���a�h , �a� F�a�.,�.�� ���c��c���3, ar�� �;�� r������.�� p�����r� ��� ������ir��u�s vr��� c��` �;�a��e ' Ct�trrrt�t��,��.C��!��'� p�'�,������ " . '7„ ADJtJCJ'�.N�ENT � �,�,��0 �.�.o � I � � � �� � p�ge � � PC 1���.t����� � �.�1�n�4 �: . � � � ��.... � � ,., w ' � : _ ( .. � f r � TTGARD PLANNTNG C01"(�IS�IDN � S�aff Report �y � � Ja�uary 15, 197�t � Agenda ItEm �.1 a CU 1.-74 � � Conda.tit�ndl Use ' ; Fr�r pr�per�y loca�ed a� J.1845 SvWo PaciFic Highwa� (`faX �1ap ,1S1 35D0, TaX Lo�s BUOA-1 ancl 800� c ARP�rant � ' Har�.ey�•David�on of Rort�.�nd � Ap�licar►t t s R�qu�s� Yo allow �cetaiJ. motorcycle and moto�Cycl� accessary , sa�es in a C�3, Genara�. Commercial zon�« ' , Apnlicah�l:° s �roposal 4�Y To G�hduc� re�3i�. s��.es of �notorcyC�.es �nd mo�rarcycle ac��ssories �'rom �he su�i joc� s�.�e. ' ; S�;aff�,�ir�din s �.� Th� Plahning Cammissian on December ].5, 197� ' a���� ��o declare mc�r�rcycl.e ahd rnc��orCyc;le . . a��es�ory sa,Y�s� a cohdi�it�nal us� ih a C--�, G�n�r.a1 Cammerci,�l �ane. � �. pdjacent l�nd use �nd zoning ar� as fo].�ows: A1.1 ad jac�n� zor�int� is C��; Gehera�. Commex��i�l �: IVdr�he�s��icly �zrectzc�h�w �cr�ss S�W. tJarn�r_ Av�a � �'uri�eraJ. Nome . q�rt�ist OFfi�e �1U1�ti--Pamily dWel�ing (4 uha.ts j fVo���ht�es�ei�1. dixe��idn b�hind, su� ��t p_ro����;.�'�, t�a.�tglo Fami�.y bw��.�.irtg �:s� IVa�ior��1 �3�nk of�rc:gtih � , . _. _ .__. _ .. � � � �. S � 0 � ` � 4 i Y ! � Sou�ht�ester�ty_ diz�c�ion p be�we_en �ub je�t propert�y � ---o�.�-w ahd H�al1 61vd. � West Coast Furn�.sha.ngs Knauss Truck Center-Parkiny � �Uehic].e Displ.ay Sou�h��sterly directa.�n � ,� � S»W. Pacific Na.gh��ay �. Th� T�.c�ard Ccammuni�y P].an desigriatQS the sub j�c� si�e g�neral aomm�rcial use and de�'ines said use as a "range o�' rotail and s�rva.c� commercial uses that benefit frdm � highw3y-orient�d l�cati�re". �.. The s��ated use cnn�orms to the Ta.r�ard Cammunity P�an. 4o The propased use wi].,]. fu1Fi�.l a communi�y need fnr a motorcycl� sales c�utl�i� wi�hin th� Tigarr� communi�yo T�t�re are �aresen��ly no mo�o�cyc].o s�les o�t�.ets Wi�hi.n �he Tigard cammuhity. 5� The location for the p�o�osecJ use is no�, suit�at�le nr'i ��h� �as�.s of' acce��s and eg�coss ancl on �he ��'f�ct �t�, said pz�aposed use ur�or� ad j�c�n� p:coper�ies. 1"he , appla.can� has not ��a��ed o��ar loca�:ions w�re con,si�i�red. The s�a�'P �ssumes tho�e wil�. l�e a nee� to al.low pr���ntial buyer� �o �eat-ridP m�t�orcy�cYe3. This t�st--ridinc� mu��i a.�� �ha.s �.oca�a.�n be d�ne on public rigl��s-df�-way; nam�ly S.W. Pac�.fic Hi�h��ay and S.W. L1ar,n�x Au�nue. S.W. paci�'ic H.iyht�ay, a� �d�is lo�ata,on, ca�acies ��p.rox,imat��.y 26,f�00 veha�C�,es y �aer day �I�x�ough �he Na�.�. e�.vd. Pacif'a.c Ha�hway tn��rse�ta.ona T`he se��a.ol-i n� paci�'�.c !�iighway �hat must (ae �,r�versed 1'c�� ahy �est rid,ing ��x►�m NaJ.1� �luda �o pfa��le S�e � h�� �ne �f the highes� a�^c�.dent ra�e� of any s�gment �f PaciFic H�.ghw�ay through `�,�.y��d. �if�y mo�r�r vehicle acca.den�� were �ceco�i��d a�.nng �his par�i�u�ax� � highw�y s�yment ih 197a as docurneri�ec� �ay 1'�.gard' s +�7r�f fi'ic Sa���y �rdg�ami' a dacumen� Gompliec� ir� �97�. f e� �h� Ca+�y �ay CH��I/Wi11 t�affi� corisul��r��s '1'f�e st�ff f�e�. �ha� sn �.ndi�a,dua�.� wc�uld not be t�s��ih a vehicl�e it� a r�la'�.i.ue�.y s3fa en��a,ra�r�m�n�, � bu�t in �he uf �I1e mos� d�ngerous �nvi:ranm�n�9 �i,r� ' �he C�.�;ye �n add�,�.�bh atty vohi��.e �e�ta,hg tha� doe� nd� oCCur dn SdW� p'ac�,�a.� N.�gHway, would b� 1imi�eid �d S�W. W��r��r f��'a. SeW� Wa�ner �s a aeac��-ond s�ri��� e �coxim��e�. 43�J �'e�� ldr� with a 5C1 foo� �c�. h��oi"���ay. �� v g g �a�e Z - 5taf`f` �epor� � H�x�.�y�-nr�vicisdt� � �.��.5-»`74 _ _ _ _. __ _ ,�T _, . ._ ,..,,,.,,, . . _ .. _ ._ _ _ . . �. _ _._.. .__._.__._..__._-�_.� -._,_ _.. _______,,.. �.�., .._____-- �r �, , • �, )�:_ �` l f�c�jacent uses, as s�ated include a singl��family r�sidence, a fou�-plex multi�famil� dw��.ling a den�is�� off.�ce, funeral harn� as�cJ a bahk parka.ng l�t. "i'he s�,aP� f e�ls tha� v�hic�,e-��e�ti�g on S.W. Warner waul,d no� be oompatible wi�h adjacehtuses because o� po�Pnt�.al noi�� confli�ts and tra�fic conflicts wit�h tra�fic utilazing lJarner Av�« tc� r��ch ad j�cert� lancl uses. �� Th� applican� ha� �ubmitted �o t�e sta�Ft' �Che attached answer� to �he 'PFasano'�, gui,delinesa Th� " applicant i�a� al�o subr�i•��e� tho attached plo� and � 1�nd use map. R 4 ` r 7 e The applicartt has not proven his px�oposal wal�. � � na� have an adverse affoc� upon adjacen� �raperties. ` Th� applicant states ire..�ha.� a�t�checJ submiss�.on '�i� i� nnt no�r a�parent that �his �araposal coulc� � have an aduerse im�ac� on �he community, thre �pplican� � w�,�.1 �ooperate wi�h any reasonable request �o lessen or a�:leviate �uch advex°ss impact. , Sta�'f' Rocommendat.ion .�. __ Dena.�1 0�' �h� applicar��' s xeq�ost upan �he basi.s o�' staff finr�ings 5 and "7. � � � � � , R , � . ; ��+g� � -� St�if� ��p�r� � H�r�.�y��arta,dsc�� � �.-�5�`��. �. .�,w_ �p� � . ' Comrnercicl Leasing,Salcr.• �'1'ro�erty Manasement 610 S�W.Broadway •;''�uf'Iand,Qrc�an 9720u • 223»8I71 '� �y :,,,�.,. } , � � . �.:��������.�. ' � �►���oT�����, .. g:ea� December 2l, 1973 . City o:� Tigard Planning Dep�. 12420 S�W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 - At-�en�io�n: M�►. Wir�slow �rool�s Re : Gondition�wtl Use Applic�tion - Fasano R�quiremen•Ls Dear Mr. Brdo]cs : T�Ze fol�.owin� are ar�swers to i�:em �#3 as reqt�ested in �he con-- d�;tional. use appla.cation fo�.-� t1�e ci-�y' c�� 'T�.ga�d. A. Purpose of o�.� px�onos�c� �aning action is �o establ�.sh , a �et�.i1 store for nto�orcyc�.e sale� under �he conditiona�. i�ses al�.owecl in a C--3 zone �as per Sec•Cinn �.40-2 , Ci�y t�t `J.�igard zor�ing o�dinance. B. Thi� req��es� a�s in confo�mance cvi��h T�.gard' s compre� hensive �lan w�'.i�h p�ovide� Comme�cial zon�n� `�� �E can�ined -�o rnaj o� ��a�`fiC ar`�eri�,ls. , G. `Th�.s cc►ndi�iona�. �z�e f�.lfi�,ls �e`�reral speci�`ic comm�r�i�y needs t 1,. Z'ra��porta-��,a'� is impartant tr� t�� t��n�.nmic �t�ccess '' Ot av��y Comun�.��r a � � 2. Sma�.].er v'ehic:Les a�e r�placing t7�e a�tomo�ile because of r�r�t�c�d. opea.��.�ting costs� 3. T�.e p�esei�t en�rg� sho�`��.ge demar�ds �he rep�.acem�n-� of,�he a.t�tarn��i�� �S�' sm�,�.ler �re�ieles t�her�ev�� pr����.;��.e� 4: E�n�i�anm�n`���. �t��si�.e��.-��.ons r�ic`�a`�e �ha� sm�.�.�.er mdto�s Le �tsr�d in �xanspo��ation ta��z�e��x� gos5i���;. 5 � �,a�.c� �se is enh�xrc:cr� �y lebsenec� �a�f�-�-����t �a�kry�g � ` ;��eq�ti��m�n�s o� sm�11.e� �t��t�.c:Les + 4.».,ri___ ..��...�. . _ � � a �'�_. , ' '� � ��;.�; ��_. City of Tigard P�.anni.iig D�pt. December 21,, 1978 �age 2 D. Thi� que�tion daes not seem to apply Co this conditional use wl�,ere ane re�tail or� service funttion is bein� re� �lacec� by ano�her. All of whieh is �eing candu�ted wholly withi n -the building on sul��ect property b '��is is x not a z�ne chang� appLication. E. This proposed locatian is mnre sui�able than ot�ier ].oc:ations zQned iox� -�his ec�nd�.�'�ional use bec�.use of -��Ze canvenienc� to both Hi�hway 2l7 arid I-5 �re�way. '�iis allows faster a.nd eas�.er in,�ress and egr.ess of. those pe.rsons seeking to do bus�.nPSS wi�h the ap�licant. F. l�s no-�e� in par�agraph �'d" a.bove , �he pr�posed use wi1.1. be a con-�inuation o�' -�he p�esen-� �etail use of this r��.3tive� � ly small building. Since it is subs�tantial].y bu(ffered on a'11 sides by neighboring commercial 'uses , it is a�.tici•- pated ther� ��i�.l L�e no e�f�"ect on ad�acen-� pra�er.ties o:� ne.tigh�orhoods e �. This ac�riditiona.l use shou�.d ��ve no imp�et �n public j se��v�.ces ��iec�ing ��i� p�aperty. Th.i.s us� p�-�s no above normal d�mand on pubZz.c water or sec,rer services . Th� property �.s s��ved by a 4--1,ane ar�l�ria:�. and tri-mc:� rus �ervice. , �. This con�d,i�tion�.l u�e amaunt� to orxl�r a �IzangE of �e`�ail u�e fUr the �xis�ing bttilding� The ��ui �a:ng s%ze is �.ppra�im�.�ely� 67 'r�7' w�ir:h �totals 5 � 829 sq,uare F�et and sho'ulc� �ave Zi-�-�ie 'impact pot�ntia.l on ��e 'I'igard c�mmuna.ty. �"�e a,p��.icant �.s �.n experienc�d mot�aa�cyele �tore cs�era-�or ' w'i�:� 1:5 yeax�s .i:n �l�,is busiriess. �Ye is spnn��r�c� by the �' wel�.-�C�c�van T�ar�.ey Dav'ic�san Compan�r. �'h�s tviL1 b� operd�L� ec1 a� a subt�rban b�aneh of •��e �pp�.icant�s Pa�t�.a,r�d sto��. G���.�E i� i,s �o�: n�w ap�a�en-� th�.t� t�is propo�al. cot�l�. ��.ve � �.ny adt�erse impac� on �h� c:c��~�nt�nity , th� applic�n� w,i�.l ' cc�op�r��e ��i`L-� �.ny rea.eonab:�� �eq�.es� to le�sen or �.11evi� � ; �.te s��h �dv�erse �mp�.et. ; � �lea9e ar�v��e �.�' r may prc��ticl� �ou w�.t�, �.n� �.aa�.���nai inf��m�.t:ion� ; , ear�y r��.�r �tou�s y �'_. � p , � �, � ,�� ��y� �p � . .�.. . G� � �������� s� Y p�.n� ���`;�.h .....�. . . ,, , , .�. _ ._._ _�__ _. _ __.�_ __. :. _ , - '.e . �e . � ., � . � � � I'�fl:a�q.���:�� �,�y �.�„��i'�� , �������.�c �« 'Yr��t��, ,������.r��� ��x����r ��i���,� a� ►���ves�� G�.C7 �����► ���t�d�r�� �„ �����,�.ar��g C��F,���t� �7'��a ��+�: �p����� ��' �'3��n����� �'a�t�a������ t����,�i� ��►r����,�3.�i���l ��� ��1 �� ; ��.��f� ��C��A 7� ' ��.����� ���,�����r��, '�'r�� ��:C�� �,�� .`��1��, �`�a� �.�� �t)�'a �«�]. �x�d ��(�� . , �.�:q���t� �� ��.�,��� x����.� �a���c��1� a�rd r���:�ar����e �a��+�s�+��� ��x��w da I���� t•��� �c��t��� �h�,��a� �� �td�r��+�+� �k�� �'��;a��l t��,�� ���a�t��.�: ���� ��l: a �u�a�.a�.� h�;����.�Y �tx h � � a�.t��x �U� ��t�� ��� �"�����,��r ��w ���'���, �'��� 1����.w�.n �r�,�.� €� � � a'�a�� � ��. �k�r�x��s �'� '����zrl ��ad� ���x���� �:����' �;►W� ��i��.��.� ��.��r�,���°�'�.��a���� ����C��w � � ;��,�C��'��,�r� ����� ����t� ���� �������� ��#l.�w� : �� .. r.-.,�� . . �� � � . � � �;�. « + �' T lr .� �t. TJ t; �'- '1tl Y' C� t� 1U nC C; � �, �G�J�,A�t �����.�IJ� �E�FtC�1��.5�` ::�„1.. �.�'l�,. `7 `3� ��M 1. R�I,L C:A��,o f����� ��r�� °� Ma�¢,��r� �����.�;�d ��, B�r��m��.�a; �;e��,����z.�.m�� �T�hn �:• C�a�a �t��t������. �:;- M;��� �;�a:�:�a�a �,- N�a�`�r�� �!- A��.�r� I�a"��.;y,�.9 �:�,�.;� A����;�:�y�ra��r �r4�c� �.?�c���°,�e��a; W�a���,�,w �",. I�xc���,:�.- ���;° ����rx��x•; Broa��Y� t�. C�,��k,� C�,�� �1�.mx�����Y����;.�:°; ���r��.� H�.r°t:��;, C�.�y E���s����x�; r�x�� ��x������� ����y�:��� uJ�e ��t���� s���,•����:� ,�r�� ��.������„��• 2, AP�'�tOVAL U�' ��NUT�� � �7��a,���;� �� �,�'�A �nd �`�'�r��a�r;y �., l�`j� ��1 �T�I��uw�c� a� ��t��a��'��d �. V��t:�'���N �C1MN�,l�T i CAn'�C�I�I a C�� L�+��x' �:�,�.�x� (.� ;:a F� liY°��:''a����' �:;���+t:�:��g. ° � t�' `.�:�e�� �;�°t.��x�r1 '�>�c�<�ktn�; �c����a����.�;� �;:�' �h�;� �ar°ba�m �4�wN��r� i��.�r��; �t� �.���.� �'wM F�b�•u��� 1�, b.�'�4. �"b� ��`*c;�� �"r��rn ��n��p:�i r��nS�:.�a;�� Gh�.�:rh ���y �cimgn�,.���°���� 4� �f o,7 p y.� y,„ ,� p ...f �� ,y .0.'f;��iG�s.)����.::'� .Lt�p.Fi,���'S 5..�..'. 4,.n.eyxi:i.u"a1�:a��.;P� i�� 4.4�:�}wu . b��ul:l°�� J�`' i��`8F'., W 49' � • �e A�����t�� ��` ��,����d��.y�{1�,:, c�G "�a 1�.�'a��'��.��'`.�ha° �1 b.`�„ ;r",5�,�'�� �c�l� �'�:,`°,: ,x: '.l :��';"��°i:'�'��'Fv�; �r`�aU.�L''��:�11�`��i I�.a.,;;°�:' �e'�1�,�.��C,:� C��w V d+db�l-.,,r..EilC�ii �V�l�o�[L• �,�'y�!$'�.'v"E;C� ��i' �.tt"3�3�'l Y dll'.l0.,ID.� t7,,;t�'; ,��'¢� k.: �KUI'�'3l,�,� � �, A�'1'�±A� �)�' �`�J"��IVNI.r1t.: ��'�JNlr�I'..�akiY'l.��v ���.�``Tl':'��"d� � �;:�t�'id���.�.�r��.`�.' `�3�3E; `��X.�a"�4 �. �^�q�a��:a� '�,� �I,�����.�h�,�,K►����1 d���a� ,�;f �1x�M°�,e��� �.,� ��"..�w r������a� m�P��i��:;����.� �,r�c� m:�� ��°�;y�3,�: �.�a. � �.��M°�r��% °���Y,��;�� ,�.r� � ���� ��:r��;�°��� ���um�nnn�:�r�v�,���. Z:�,z��, N�ab,�s�:��:�, ��z����,:�t,�° �..���.Y��•�d t�°: 9.�.�s4� �. W, �'ar��.�'��e f���h.v���'� �.'k��`; f�� '`� ��;�x�r��.���:� ��� ��6°:,a���:�� �x�� ,���rap��d �+y ���� ����;�,�: �;�atns.�.,� riw�1,1��x�; ��,d r.�:��� ���)Kt�e ������a���� �':�:�{ t��r��.�p•�:�i�� >>�ra��4-:�:���, N T��x Ni�.�a l�� '.�a1.31� �;�,�c �.:�. ���,�) e'��-� r�r�.d �3C�`.�`�� �1,:�r►r��.r�� ��,mm�:,���:��rx a����.�:����r� z k�q,�����* wx°�. 4._{�.d� ��F:rr�.�• :�� a�►�>��.�b�; �r�t` J��ab�,��: ���'3�:�:u.a�� �o��c, �° M. *�'��a��at�y �4;„ �i.�a`��I. �t�� �C�:�u�.��� �� ;����� � '�Y.�: �t:s��A.����� �;��at����;��.m��a� r�1�r*.�tY; ,�����nd�d k�;� �,��at�,.,��.�i�n M�:�r�a �,i�'�.X''�"�'��. U,�' �k�'ir��`��.SCI°9`tiJ1�i `V''�.��;t? '�t�� es.1�1�k°:.;�.K ,,..wmr �� �#I�k�',�.�, C��'" �'l�1i�'��.t���a �::(�l�dM���wi�'U� A�'S'5��.�1� - C��J�1tl�t�rYj'l�1�� ►Jy.�° g,�; `�� l��qt��4a� k�� M�ba.� ��,�. 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' 18� AppEA� UF pI�ANNTN� Cq�If�ZS5T,01V ACT�ON z�ne Ghar�g� ZC 1.-`74 A r�que�t by �ab��c� Aunga.er �ca char►c�e ex���i�g Co��h�y zc�n,ing From f�lJ-4 Urhan �esiden�,ia1 pistra.c� a�d �-2., Commun�.t;y F?eta�.l. C,om� me�cial I�i;��k:rict t� a r:ity C-�, Gener�l, Cammerc.�.a]. Di a�Lxici,. � qppli�aht p'�opn�o� c:orlstruc��.on of a bak�d fdar�� thrif� �t:ore. ' i he �ite a.� ].oc�t�;erJ at 1.�"r'�5 9�W� pac�.f'.:�c H�.ghw�� and �omp�ig�s �f � .95 acrase (�'�x rlap 25X 3�b, Tex L.ca� 40d)b Appl�.cant rJani.ecl ; by hlanna,r�g ~�mmissa�r�n. ; (�) f�ublic Haaring 8500 (�,��le S�aF�' findinr�� giv�r by Ca.�y p�,�nn�� � A 'i'ho5e wha �e�t.�Fi�da 8nb Aung�.�r� �,1302 9,W» B�rber ��.vd repz,e��nting prapc�rty awrte�• P���.t�.on �ir�ned by 1� neighl�ars a.n reaa.ddnt��]. a�ea ` to we�t t�f prap�r�y who �a3�d t"t�y had no ob j��:��,oty ' Twa daughter� of psap��ty �wn�� �li.ch���. 5�r.r�� C�ut��;i�. �nd s��f F �r��a exama,n�d prapaneh�t hub�.i� N�ar3,r�g C�.c���d (b) �lo�ion by C�ur.vi�,m�r� Nox�an �c� hold mat��r ov�r �c� ��i.�dy ��gs,ion; �e��nded I�y Cbur��i�m�.t� �oak. Approv�d by unanimaua do�,i��.dr� a�' C�unci�.a �L�y Of�b2NAN�� IUta. 74 ,l7 AN 17RC,�CP��N�� Nm�Nf3ING Ch��ai;e� x,�e�� df° TH� MUhJxC�uFll, C�D�.; A�qI.�SH�NG �OA�tI� OF STf�N p�P�ALSi T�tAN5F`��F�IIVG Ap��FlL FUNrTI�N TCl TH� pLANNTNG G�1��1�55�ON �ND AUTFId�TZI�J� TH� �"��Ih9TS��GN Td �0 pCTy pR�SCFZ��ZNG C�"�`��1'Zl�� aAT� NNb D�CL.ARrNC AN ��IE�G�;NC'� (�) mo��.t�n td edc�ptt ��urt�ilm�h �c�ok; ���nndod by C�Wrt�.il.mar� Nr�r�nn. Apprc�v�ad by ur��t�imou� u��� �� C�uncile 2b+ d�C��;NAN(�C Nc�. 74.-��� AN �F�DTN�NC� AM�NDIN� S��T'�ON 1€i (�,) fJ�" ��bZNANCE: IU� 7�-�� ��4U��DTNG a p�N�l.�'Y �"0� 7'��F"(��C (��'F�N��S f L�� WMICH A Sp��:I���' I��NpLTY �� NOT (�7H��WIS� pI�E�S�:�Iq�Qy F'TX�NG �IN ��'�- ���T�U� [I�TE ANa C���Lp��N� AN �I����E.N�Y (e) C3,�y N�;�r�xn�y ar�pa��ad ���c��c��ad �a�d:�,n�r��� w��1�J �c�������� ' �r� ���c�r �,n � ���u�,�ua ��dir��r»� �r�d �,�ra�pca�r �crdz.f'�.���,iur� r.,c,u1.� � b� ��mp�.���cl, C�a�a a -� C�UN�7:l� M�:EaI'�N� � ��I�r���x�y ��, 1��'?�� _ , , , , _. _ .. ,.._ ._. , ��, Cornmerrial Leasing,Sai�� d ProtyertY Munagemenl 610 S,W��roadway�\ tland,Oregon 97205 � 223-3171 � . ��:- ��� � K � D � � � � �� s...,.. �a��r � � ��� �-�����.�s � ,, ; ���� �����mx ��� �.� � Januar 30 Z974 Y � ����, �� ►���,1�,�� Mrs � Doris H3r�:ig� Cit�r Recorder C�i'ty I�a].Z '��:g��d, O�ego� Dear �rs. H�.rtig: '���.s is no`ti�e c�� Mr�. Pa�zl Mark�.ey�s appe�,l a�' �l�Le action �:alc�ri b�r �:�e r�'�.gard P�.annin� Commission at �hei��� Ja.ntaa��i 1,5 , �.974 rnee��.rlgr At th�t �ime pe�mission. w'as �`Equested to operate a mU�o��c�c�.e ��o�e in� a �o��ti�n o�.=' •�he building �i�ua-Le�. an �,c�i: �.9 , Hof�a,rbe� Z'rart� , �'i�a�d. 2'�ie �`igard ]?laz�na.n� Commiis�ion g��n�ted I�r� Ma�kley th�.s G�na�.�xor�ai �sFS pe�mi� wi�h certairi limita�ions far a onE ,y�ar periad. Mr. N�ark�.�y ��:Lieves �1�at duc� to the l�.mi�ta�idr�s ���c� cond��.t- �.ohs p�.�.ced up��n h�is ��e o�' �h� ��emises �Y�a� t�e �.ddi�io�31 res���c-�ian of a o�ne ��ar 1:°ime l:i.mi�: �.� uri��daonab�.e. I�� �.s r.�n�il].in� -��� open a Har�.e�-�l�av�.dso� mo�ox�c��l� sto�e �i.n 7,'iga�d �unc�c� �l�os� cc�nr�i-��.ons. P�.e�.se �.dtti�e ��� `��e hear�.n� d�.•�e far ���.� a`p�ea1:: cotsWC'x#tp"�C-�R'aWN1J.+'.%�:�"i�wtcbie:._it.i.:Y;H.aY .YF�:Y.�J:."i.":'.-1`«:�Y�.A�:A�e#Y;:�IUELk'•ta':..�A4Sk.„tGF�.:::.:4:1� V��'�, t��l�r Y�'�'r j� _l �✓ �,� �,...'�� � ,��� � �,,�� � �; �.. r���a����� s. �o�1x . A.s�ot�y�.�e nrca�Ce�� � � � t � � �.,�.,..�; �,..,_ . ,,u __ . . ... . :.:�, .....�..�.__.�..,. . T . . . ,.��� 1,. rx�a�a p�.�N�u��vG co�c�zss�oN ����'�' F��p��c� ��,r�uary �.5, 1k'�7r-� A���nda x•��m 5.�. CL1 ].«�74 cr�h��t�.o��i u�e .��� �"�z� prap�r�y �.a�s��d at �„�845 �.W� paciFic i•�iyhway (Tax �i�p �.51. 35DD, Tax Lc��s 8(JCIA-��. ancl �C1Q) �� i��nt M��J�a��b�ava.d��n n1' Por��.�n� �1 �a.�an�� � R� uo�� � T�a a�1ow r���,�1 mo�ar�yc��� �nd mn�arcy��.� �G�€���o�y s�1.�� �rt � ��3� G�ner��. �^mm�x���.�� zdn�� l� �a.r;�►°�t� � P�� ����. T� �o�tdu�� sata�.1. ���.�� �F mot�r�y�1�� �nd m�����y�l� ���;b���r�.�� �'��m �he �u�,j��� �i�a. 5��f'� F"ir�r�i� ��w� �,. �'ha pl�r��ir�g �amrna.���.r�t� �n �oc�mk��r �.�, 197;� ���;�r� t� dac�.�r� ma�rarry���.� �r�cl m��o,��cy��.� ������ory ��,�.��, � r�nd�.�a��r��l ��� �r� � ��-�� G�������. C��tm�r��.a7 �c�r��. �� 2. �d ja��n� �.�r�d u�� �r�d zona.r�� �x�i� �� f���,�w�: ���.�. �d j���n� �c�nir�� �.� ���� �+�r7����. �r�mm��c,i��. , iU�r�h�������. di����:i�� . �cr��i� �.laJ. W�rr��r �v�. �.. �M� �"��rt�����. �Ic�m� d�r����� ������ r�u��i•mt��m�,�.�� dwo���n�� ��t urtit;�� N���h�wr������ ��,r���,i�ir� b�l°r�.r�d ��b "�r�� r��.��; �a.rt��� �"�m ai.�.,y C�w���.'r�� �,��. I����.�i���. ��r��; ��» ��a;c��r� �t "au�ht�es�c�r�. direc�i�r� b���reen s��eY t �� �rt„� and I-1a�1. �lvd� �1��� C:a�st Fu�nishings i Knaus� Trucl< C�t�t�T-���rl�ing & U�hi�1e pi��l�y �outMe������lY dir�c���n �.W. {��r��,�'ic H�.r�h��y 3A The Txgard C�mmurti�;y p�,�n d�3ign���a ��� �t�b j��� �a.�� g�h�r�� �c�mmerci�l u�e �nd d�fi�r�� �aid u�� �� � '�r�r��� ��' re�;�a,1. �nd ��rvica ��mm�z�a.��, ���� ��I�a� k��r��f.�.� ���,m � h.��i�way�ora��n�ed �,c�ca�ic�n�+. Tl�e ���ted u�e c�n�'��rr�� �a �h� Tigaxd Cammun�.ty p�,�n. ��• Th� propn�ad t��e w�.l�. fu1�i1,�. � ��mr�uni�y t���d �Fair � motnxryc],� ���.�� outa.�� �i�t�a.n th� 'fi�ard �amrr�uni�ya Th��c� a�e pre��n�J,y r�a mra�or�yc�.� s�1.os ���,���� w�.�ha�n �h� �'a,g�rd cd�mmuhx�yr 5. TI-r� �vc��.�.an ��r �h� p�o�o��d us� is r�o� �ui��b�.� on �h� b���.� �� �►����� ar�d �g��a�� and on �h� ��'���� o�' �aid p�opa��d u�e upot� �cJ j���n� ���p�rtia�. Th� ��p1a.��n� h�n n�� ��a��d v�h�r J.o���atc�n� w�r� cnr�t;��.d���d� �1'h� ���f�' a��um�� �h�rd wi��. t�� � na�d �t� a�.�c�w pat�rt•��.a:L buyer� �� �:e����a.d� m���r�y������ Tl�i� ���t�rid�.nq mu��, �.r� {;h�a.� �o���i�r� b� d�h� or� p�b�ic �i�h�����'--��y; h�m��.y ��lJv F���ifiic I°la�ghw�y �r�d ���1� W�rn�x Av�r�u�. �.t�' ���a�fi"ic �°Ii�ht�r�Ys �� �f��� 1n���a.�rt� ��r���� ���ra�ta�rt�a���,�r 26�O�n v���.c�.�� p�r d�y thr�u�i� �1�� ��l�1,�. ��,vdy ���a.�'ir F�a.�h�t�y �hi���s���;�.��. T'h� ����i�t� c�f" ���if'i� ��.ght��y �h�� m�t�� ba ta��vQa���d ��r ��� t+��t; �id,irtg ��`r�m N��� �1ud, �o � ��ff.�� ��. � h�� �►�� ��` �h� ha.c�h��� ����.d�n� �ati�� �f �ny ��gm�n� ��' Pa�a.1�i� N,�r�ht�ay �hr��gh T�.��.��� �'a.F�y mD�r�r v�i,i�;l� ����d�h��� ����� �e�a�r�etf ��.on �ha.� � ��r���u�.�r h�.r�hw�y ��gment �,+� �.�7d �� �ia��rm�t���c� by �'ic���d� � ,r�r�f"fli� 5����I:y I��a�ga��m�� � da�um�n� ��mp1.�.�d 3,r� ����.. f�� �l�� C,��y l�y CW���I�li.�.�. ��a���� �art�t��.��rr�� T �����` i"�o�. �I��t at� �.r�d�.v�.du��.� wau�,d no� b� , �a���.�r� � v�h�.���� �,n � �e�,��a.v��.y ���`� ��vi��r�mart�, t�i�� in �r�a ��` �h�� m��� d�r�q�r�u� �nu�.x�n���r�t�.� �.r� tl�� Ca��y. �n �dda��ir�� �r�y v�l�a��.� ��i��ir�r� �t��t d��� n�� ra���r �n ��W� P�i��.�i� I�.��hw�y, �,�a�ld f�� �.�.m�.�:�d �:� �«W� lJ���a� p���� ���,1� W���t�x° �.� � d����-�rtd ����c�� �p�r�x�.m�i�a�.y ��� �`�e� �,�r�� c��.�l� � �� �`�r�� �a.�h�-���'�w�yr ���� � � ��►���` ������ � i����,�y�-��v,����r� � ���.��7� � fi: pd j�cer�t us��, a� s�atod �.nc:�.ud� �, 5a,ngle--fa�mil.y r�sid�r�c�, a ��aur-»p1�x mu���.�-fam�.ly dw�J.lin� a d�n�,a.s� of'f'ic�, f'urter�l �ome �nd a banit parka.ng �.ots �"h� �t��'f f'�e�� tha� veha�c].��-test;ir�g c�n �.W� Lia�rner ' Wau�.d hG� b� c�mpa�a.b�o with �d jacen�use� becau�� o�` pot�n�a.a� r�oise crart�'1,ict� �r�r� �r�fFic canf�.i��� wa,�h tr�f�3.c u�a�.a.zinc� Warnar �veo t;o re�ch ad,ja��n� ,�and usesv 6» �`h� �ppla.can� ha:� g�bma.���ci �o �h� s�af'�' �hQ �i���crt�c� �nst���� t� '��1�i ��t�c35Sh0�� gua.r�e�.inesd �'h� �ppla.c�n�: h�� a�.sa �ul�ma.t��d ��� ��t�ch�d �lo� �nd �.�n� u�e map. '7. �"he �pp�.a.c��1� f��� nc�� p�ov�n hi� p���os���. wi�,�. na� ha�.�� �� a�v�x��� ��'�'�ct upon �d,j�cai�� prope��i��� Th� $p��.icat�� s�at�s ir� h�.� at���h�d �i.�bma.��iUin ���,t is nta� haw app�r�nt -��a� �ha.� ��apc�sal could hav� �n �du�a��� �,mpac� on ��h� c:c�mm�ni wy, �h� �pp�.�.can� wil� cc�Dpar��� wi�f7 any r,e�►�or��b�,� r��au��� �� le�sen �ir ��.�.�via�e such �r�u�r�� im�act. 5�afif' Re�orr�menda�iot� . D��t�.a� �� �he a�pl�.�an�� � r�q��e�� �pan �h� b��is o�' ��;�f� �irtr��.t��s 5 �t�d �. r �: � 1���� � � ����1"�` f����r� -� H�i���y�t��iwa,d���i� � �.��.�a�»7"4 . . IifisYp6ili f8 Y7.� � , i cind 1'ranerly Management 610 S.'W,73roadway Porlland,Oregon�7206 223 3 U �',x� V�N Cammercial Leasrng,Sa e • • v �x .��. k._ ,�,` . c. ..�� t' (�i +- ..M �- � � � - .,os. s , - �Ka^. � wk,, r�V �.,��3 G ll,.fi�'�,e+ °'a d 4 ���y ` �!`'�pa' �'.1 i�'.'.�� ���.�,ql 1 P ������� ����r���� .�t,ea�to J'anu ary �.5 , 15 7 4 City �,� T.�.gard P�.�ann�.ng De�-�. 124Z0 5.�1� Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Att�n�ian i I�xo Wins�o� Brdoks , 1�iree�tc�r �e : �anda,��iana�. Use Applic:atian � Pata.l NI�,r,kley De ar Mr o B�oo�Cg : T1�ere h�.s been sa�ne t�iscussian tha-� -�he �.ppro�a�. of pau� Ma�kley°� condii:a.dna�. txse nf �.�847 S.W. Pacific Highway �`ar nto�orcyc�.e �ales wou,�.d �esul� in inc�eased �:r�.f`fic hazarc� ancl noise in �he �.rca n.ei��il�o�►ing tlze s�o�e becau�e o� demons�:ra�a nn or tes� rir�es ori �he m���or�y�les . A.cco:�din� �o �I�. Frar�J� Diben-��. � ma�nagex� af x3a��e�r ;Davidsc�n o� Por�:l.�.ric�, their+ po�.a,c�r �.s as �ollot�s t �.. For, sectx�ity� �e�.sons y na demonstra�a,o�n ��.c�es ��� al�owed �n].ess the p�rc�a�er �as �'u,l�. cash price ��r -�he rno�o�cycln� ��.nc� th� sa�_esm�.n c�.��.�-� ��ic�e �.1c�ng on ��e c�em�n��x+a�ioz�, ancl b�Car�se o�' inc�easec� i�,s'�rance exPost���e , comp�r�y po�.ic�r is -�r� no� a�.�.ot�� unpa�.c1-�'ar mo�orr.yG]:�s au� of ��,e �ui�.c��.n�. � � �eca�.se of �he �.bc�ve s��.-�ed pc���,cy y ac�t�a� �r�q�.�s�� ��� c�emo�s`��a�ic�n� a�re in�'�eqt��n�� Mo�� I�a�►�.ey'�L��v�.d�on ci�s�ame�s h�.�re p���vio�s�.y r�t�n��. ox r�.dd�n at�e� rno��o�cyc�.es ari:c� ��e �a�i��ier� t�o �.r��pee-� the mac�iine insicle �h� s`�a�e� 3� Any cus�ome� �.ema�nd�rig a �ri�.�. �.�i�.� c�i�l �,� se�� to �he _ _. � �_ _, � Y , q c hap po�►�L�.�Y�r� s-�a�e w�.e�� �'�� �ave �, �,5 U�0 s 'ua�� foa`� � �h�,t a1.�,ows demo�st����.o�s unc�er ���►�.c-� e�n���l o� am�any �mp�.aye�s� � City af Tigard Plannirag De�at o �7an,uaxy l5 , �.9 74 We t�il�. b� in a�-�endance at the hearing tonigh� -�� do our best � �o an�wer �aur questions� ,y�� �r�.ly yaurs , ; � . � {�i�`� , � ' �l. � �"�ecler�ic S. Young � . . . ' w1°�RrN'�y, �� �4 ,. � . � Paul S. Marlcl�y , d�a ��.��.e� b a.,c�son bf Por�land ' � ; i , � ; 1.�y(;f1�4��T.: � ✓ � '"� _ ` i `'�Nr. ��.r 4 I.. .w��.,,� , ,'h ,�..�.3� CJi�'!!°' �w+�• 'I tI ''�� . ��� �Y'M�. ..,, • � 1 , ��'�...` M' � Yy r_ �y._...�. �.. �� t � �u u� L�� 'n� '� �✓ d'� � � ,. . � ,f• ,���'°�' . . , , , , .:. • . �/ y�. �, 'I ''>+,�.i�, �_. ' , i� .� . . . �""�'"'V'"'���° r j�`f"+�„m� ('� '.�.' '// .� � '•S C��� e.. �� � �G �! �. µ aS y;'� .> . � � \r� � �. t' `,�Yr¢t �d r���. ; �,!'�� „v ` , . � � � / ��� �' .. �'. ��,�;�� �d =� ��F"A�ANOa� EUA�.Uf��"�t��1 `fl�8l���A ��RJ FOF�M �. �r���L��r�A.. ��e� . . �. �� ' � 4�, _, ��� k �. '� a .1�. � t. M r� `�� � r�� . �i . r. �. a. � . �..�. , � 1. IF r., " ' � W�r�.�� D�v�irl�or� �Cl�,:`� '� ." ����1"� �'� r�; ' ����:�G A{V"f� "° F i 1�� {�n d "° ' ^; i m. ,;; � ',. . Q r�'4 B o �J4►7�i.�...J,.� ' ���;,r`w . A � 1 ;`� �� Ag�r��la' T"�em s � � � � �: -: . , � '�' � , Z�ane� �Ch�n�� , R � , ,��. , , : ��� � . �C v n�'`�,�t a.�'��J:�� "�� . � �� C��"'o� � , ,.. � rr,,.,,.,� �c �,-. M': . .� '"� �f";�BU�.A�'ECl PO�N�� C1i PFi(7��" x�'`; ,7� ; , , � l« ��'nf'�rt;�4 n�� wa.�h �:c�m��`+�t-��nsi�� ��,��� �'y :� ,� : ; � .��' ;_ `"� P���ac�nort� �:.,�,�,,�,d Burrl�t� o� �r�oof . ,,� �°:a,.d ���� car�y� �ux�deta ni� ��;r�n�` ''� � r-:��:�s���r�_ � � ��. .�.�...�.�. . � -. .� ,� 2. 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SYNi't�Nf•t!nr,l'�r:��� � �'��..yi0f;"Nr L ,\ "�'���t' ,'����. °��,°��� �°��,(� --�-----""_.:�....�a„+�,uu+ �����.�� ���� ��� C�,'��' �a�" '�°�.�r'�. �'�.�,z��,�.a�,� ,i�p��`��I��l�a`� �,��m���,°�'�. �°�� �,�%"�',�.��,��, ���l�2a �aW o N��,s� ���x°���q �°���°�.9 ��°���� �'��.�� �� �, �-� �..�, ��..,�,�..,.. ,.�a��.��,�G.�-�- _ � �m�o.,o.xaun.u.x>:.uc.aar:+c�x�c�.a�r�ac�raa��a�nti..��x�ewwc ..aucz..rs:u:�c:+.c,�, ••,a�� :saao�,c�ar�:a�u x .���"'.�V,�.�'"o ��� R�� ,�� � �°�� ��p����,�n s•������, �������� 2 8 a-0 l 2 8 . �,oasts.:scaw.,kf��+t+ ^^^.ace,rs:unsi �sa+an+.�caza.c-�::�t••.••�-•••. •••.,a,,,�, ��:L�.��ara.�,s ��.d�x°�gs ���.N�.�����Q��,u.e:�.�.__=-_��..�. ,�:,�.s;..--�,.,�.�. s ��� ,..��_,,..�.�.,�or�, �.n.�..���.� ����€��`."�.'�`�'�. �7��..�,�s�.._._ �,_�..�, � � s � t� ��� ��p�:�`�iK�Mb� �i7 0 4d'o7/1l14s� WI`J��'�"M(:7y��a� LJWfhL'��dcH 't1� �IL��:+C7�a�C�.'/���6�'_ ��'..�iAdy�.'J�A�n ��lS�tY;.�J� �.`�r � T��sa:srs:z?-.�s:x�a:.�rJxsa+ WfiuLro �ur�sx. „a�....n �����-�� C`' ��'G��a.-�.�,�z-c.J ���� �a� A��a��.����c,� 2� 19 7� ���'�'�r��°� ��' c�l��° ��� ,�� . ,��,�,-..�._._-�..�„ ����� ��r�.� • tiam�'^�' ,,�(�dt���xysi�ij�jrawr xa�.�t/�� � �! V•r �eeaqesU,- . tc�+ �"rax� ��.�.;�.���.��,� �rc�'��a����xnp ����s� �����°�ti�� �,:����,;��.a:,��-��.t�<.,�,��;�.:,����z,�;�::�.� ,�V.W�+i.�L7 L7 .��O l Y. r�lrtkaawr����+�ACw.�i���'�Jnc--_.r.r.:�sar_rtaucr.u'a+wls3�i�.a•,s•_,�-,•'•-•t,xv+•r=��t:�l:7SyM87.s�a:sc:.�Eaoi:+��hqeau`".:.-�f}zsd��axx:vaa�.r.xTTSt� . "'.a'r.uo . . .._'.°`�$�r����i�iii��i.�iu���a-�}.�'�i<_.�5'�. �. � .. .. .... ..._ . .. . �y� . ...,.�taRy.'+ya .. .. . ��4J.h�:I60�1 Ji �iV fl�d�V��C y �u•u „M x,� 1�.,d'+,J ��� ����,�:.�..,�`'.; , - �, . �..���.�, ����� ��� ��� �.,L��?����o.� .1� � ��i��w��.�1�iG8�]•-�'-'�y^"�-�-�'* ��•�•••:•�•�' �4e^-��'•x•.`••-�•-.-�•°�-`�•-�•-•••.:--�-tk'iR]alRLt�.k':iS.'sTt_':.SlkVN[tY:aJiL.L'Y�Y.rstsY2t-"���df�,lttqTJP�s�3���L:•�x�--rr�n.tVS�y•t•-•••�•aL�[kza/1�•:•�.` �r;���� :L�.847 S n�. Pa�i�'ie �Zig�taay -- .._ltiss�.tri.:tatw'm.c':t.,al�c:,<Y�ncmts�.�^�•�T`�.+.s.Y.W-.s.--�,..-.... ._.. .._. ��� 2��.�����-���,��x��s� �,������ �����,��� ��r�� c�� �°��a�� , .�,.,:._,:�._�.:_ l-- comme�cia�. �u��i �. �o��.m��el 5 830 s . ��� _. . � �,�������.,��,_���,�._�:.�„�..�.� ��...��,� �'a�����.� ��a�t,�a� C.:r 3 .,�.�� ��c� ���:.���.5�;�,���.:.,� �.��.,��� ���,�,�,�,�a� p����,��,�, Opexat�: x���ai1 ��c��e 5e��.ii�g motarayc�.es � acce�so�ie� � .. .._.. ...�.' .. � tar.,.t�:cx,cw.��.ma�.satrew� . ��.�� - �':��ti�'Y�rin_.-���a..,,a,trca�-.�-� �'����°a '�1�.��+� 1������ ��►��;�n d �'����� .I�°��,��� .� � t�.�..:,.., �;�,�:, �����c�.�e� aut�ma���e�ah���.u�omab�.�����������L��.�a�'�,.°�-�,�.-.°r+�„� in��n":���.�� � �.nd x���.irs �.s cond�.��.orr�.:L ' �M�t�:i�pp:i M�rt�iailuw a� . , -w uzt'y��Ywa�erkYtuS.'c�sr' '-t2i+'.�+'i=+'r'���ws1Wi*src.a�r^--�+�+•^•.Sfu�sa's�'tleq.c:xsn«-�rYmdl�+Yea.-nK�ratrcL�a3� , '��`s�"`s �e�"r"�`�'��"`�i;n'"��3 �ane. � ,. . .�LKk„4�G'�i:XTTA�}SJ:�n�tli7LY..W�k::�...15,{LY,7�:.I..�.X�`1�.':i5U9a�.^.SY��n.�i�[CSC'.�•'�:tWG�II:LI�Y�Y�.�.,i�F:t�L••��If��d �....,,..o� �yp�.•. p�ae-wa.....'-.+a�.:�.......���t`'-aW=3T�i'e�1'Jit:lit.=5'"=.'.�..'=..�i�L�t'k:1i�a'-I:.:L";C�^S�=�t•."".'S2L'"Ja:ttj.Y.'.'K�Ki."�tvXR�.1'�i:.RANJCbJ�L'=7KtlmR.•.xc'L'.'Ct;a���Yh�'S1Y��1irt�'S3rCS'siLl'J ... ........�.. ..... -.eApalsos/a'.:7�Ira:s'AS;MUealittllkillnLYtSy.'"'az'hulf]1�L"CU[i�rrh�:�.1.#ti'.^.3"J.'�-'.=�."�i=�L:X'.YCnICVA�faG-... ......... �^I.�sa..-�G'aUit'.1'd'' .,.'.. . �. � .-�L.tiL'�^! .,..... ... .. . . ...... . ...... , ....... .... .. _. .. , .... ._... ,... .... �.. ... ...,_ .. _.., ..,,.._, .... ...... .... .,. Yw�wrrrr�,�. ... .... �.�-. .. , . ..o �.r..�� Conimercial Leasing,;ales,an�i Pro�erty Mana�{ement GXD S.W,13roactwa,y � Portfand,Ore�gon 97205 • 223•8�71 a �, ,.�-�,. � �., � . �C��'�'1�' ��' ����"��1►�' .�,Qaltox� T��cembex� 2�., 1.973 C:.t of T�. ard P1.�.nn�' y g ing Dept. �.24�0 SbW. Main Str�e-� �'igarc�, Or�gon 9722� At•tention s Ntr. Wins:L�w Brooks Re : Cdndi�ional U's� Applica-�ioi� - F�.sano Req�.�.rements Dea�^ I�Ir. Brc'��a�cs M mhe fo�.lawing a�� ar�swers to i�em #� as requested in the con� c��tion�.�. �.s� �.pp�,ica,-�ion for the ci�y of Ti�a�►d. A. Purpose C� �'ur p�oposec� �onin� �.c�ion �,s �o es�a.blis� a re-��,i1 stdre �'nr motrarcyc�.e sal,�s ��nc�er �the condi�ianal `�ses a�.�.owed �.n a C�� Lorze as p�r Sect�.o� 140�� , ��.t�r o� Tigarc� zo�in� ordin�.nce. �. �'his requ.est is in cor��'ormanee wi-��, 7'igarc�' s comp�e- h�noiv� pZ�.n whi�h pro'vic��s comm�rci�.� zo�irig `�o �e con�'ir��d �o maj o� �raf�'ic ar�eria�.s. C. '1,'h�.s cc�n�.ition�l usE Fulfil�� s��rera�. �pec�.fic comm�nit�r neec�s : �.. T�ans�ortation is impox-�ant �o �he econoanic s�i�ces� r��' e�ery comun�,-��r. � �o Sm�.�.ler �reh�_c�eb a�+e :�e���,�ing `�he �,i�'�omc,b�.�.e ' be��.t�se o� ��d�ac��. opex+ating cos�s . 3 � '�he p�►e�c��t en��g� shor-Lage d�m�.��r�s ��,� replac�men-� o� ��e �.�•�omt�b�1.� �y sm�.1�.�� ��hi,c�.es �wlzer�ev�er �o��i�s�.e. 4� �n'v�.ronmeri��.�. Con�a.de�ations c��,eta`�e 't�,�,-� �;�ta�.�.�r r�o-�a�B be ueed in ���.ri�pa���.��.c��t wheriever �os���.1��.e� � + x�en����inert-��e�,�ant�ed by �.ess��a��? t��`��s��e�� pa�king q, � uf` �m�.�i��.e� �re�i��es � 1 __._ _ ..... _ � _. _ . � � .l�.w-.. �..'-�.. �' � �.r.r t ! ti�, Ci-�y �� Tigar�d Planning Dept. D�cember 21, 1973 P age 2 , D. This ques�L.i.an does no� s�em to app�y to this conditional. use w�ere on� retail o� sexvice fun�tion i� �e�.n� �e� plaeed by another. A�l of whieh is �ein� conduc�Ed whol�.y t�ithin -L-l�e building an �ub�e�� property. '�his is r'�o't a zo�e clzange applica�ion. �. This pr�posed ].o�ation �.s more sui-�able �r�.n o�:her . �.ocations zon�c� for tl�i� condi�ion�al. �,se be�ause of �he conve�ience to bo-L-h Highway �17 an�. �--5 freeway. �'his a�lows fas�er and easi�r �.ngress and egress o:� •�hose per�ons se�)c�ng �o dn bu.sa.ness v�Ti�th �h.� �:ppl�,can-�. r. A� nd�ed in pa��.graph ��d" abo�ve , �l�e proposed use will ve z can�inua�tio�. of �he p�esen� �e-�ai�. use o�' t�is .�e:La�ive- ly small �uildin�e Sinc;e a.t is subst�.ntially b�.ff�r�d on �1�. sid�s by n�igZlbor�ng �;ommercial t�ses , it is an�ici-- �`" pated t�ere wi1.1 be no ef'fect on ad�aGent prope�ties or neighlao�►hoa�s . �. �'his Cond.�.�iarial t��� �hau1�. ha�re nr� �.mpac� an pu�l��.c 6�rvices e��'�c•rin� �'his property� �.Chis �se �u-�s :no abo�� normal demanu on pub�,ic c�a�e� or sewer se�+�viGes y �he p�oper�y is se�ved by a 4-�laize �.rte�ial aric� tri-me�� b�t� se�vi�e. I�. �'�ig aonditibn�.;1 use dmo�n�s to or�ly �. e�.ange o� re�ai.�. use �'or �:�e e��.�►�ii�g bu�.ld.i�.g� The b'�ilc�a.rig size is �.pprt��ima�e�.� 67 'x87� w�hic�. �o�a�.s 5 �829 �quaz�e ��et anc� s�,ou:�c� �,av�: ��.�-��,e imp�,c� �o�en-�ia1, or� ��e �`ig�.rc� �ortimt�n�.�y. 'T1�e appl�.can� is �.n e�pe�iencec� ma-�oreyc�.� s-�or� c�pe�a�o:� �'�.�� :L5 yEax�g �.n t��.s bt�sine6s: r�e i� spor�sared b�r �he w�1�-�nc��u� Har�.�y D�.v'ic�son Com��n�s i Th�.s wi�.�. �e opera-�- ed as �, s�uburban b��ne� of �he �.p��.�.car��'s Por�1.�.nc� s�ore� Wh�'.1e .1-� �.s no� now �:�pa�ar��; ��a-� ��iis p�a�os�� cot�ld ��.v� a�y ad�re�s� �.mp�.c-� an �h� commttn�.�� � ��e a�pl.iGan-� ta`i�,�. coca�e��.�� Wi�t� ariy �easo�.�.��e ��qt�es� -�o l��sen o�:� al.�.ev��.� � a�e �uCh �dve�se impac�� ��.ea�e �.t��t�,se i�' Y ma� p:�ae��.c�� yrau wi�h �,ny ar��i��.on�.� iri�'arin�.tidn� _er� ��x�.�r �rou.�s , .Y ��Y � � , G� -���� � :. � Y �Xr' � �y �r�c���i c S� '���.�g Y., �"u�`:�.h �� ,�.�. _ ,_ . . .. .. ��,_.�..w..... � � � _ _ .. . _... ... s ��ndi�i�r��l 1��� � �,� . �� � � �� � �� ::t;. �'� � . .������� � ,n,,,.+, .::;ri::::;l:;;:. .,;;�'�;;;i:i�t ,��..;, 'd'�' ::i'i;:;��?'�•�����r.:��. • :?:��'��1"'' �°'i:":1r:i��;. �� .;:;it. ''��:%:r; �J. �i'° ..•;:tr�..tr.°,�rr;'r�i;re;r;:;�• �f;�;;, .:r;j: i � �'! v.�+s"' ,���'���'�'����� �(�j�� t��� ':•' ��'�•".`����;'. lif'�.;J.�rtrf.t�;,.'� ;��j'�jt .,,��� j�,,�1�,�;����',��. y� . ':t,p�lfsr�t'f1�.l:J't�•1J71.� �FJt,l1,,':"f j1:J'% �' � J'•::•t:�t.: � �'"rJ��::%;��:�!'t�•i�;�i�.�;�:1�. ��j�Jt,p..C��:l"'j�� :jj�;%jl:j��J�t'::;.'�1:� rlll l �'s: t' • 'r':�:1�. :�j%;ft"�:'�:'j,•':�:�: � •';�t%l• •'�1"�.r'��:.}�.:pl:l:•'��. '��.,;� ';�f;;J: .�f''�'� lt;� ! t�'�•'S;l jj�'�lt%d,f��l,%1'�t�. � �. �j,•'� �'::�����•':;j'�"j•'t j, �'','Jl�PI:��;:��f�::;�:lt. �.:1:'• ��•� �tt711dS '•;t•':;�';;' �::l��.tJ::;. .�j�%f�lf': '::;:��'.tt��f�Jyt l.j:;;l. '�j.�j��i.�.���j�.';• i.'l�Jft:f�� !���� • �V ' �� � 'y � '��•�� � �` �„ ��� � � �,�,� ���Y �'� �� � ��� � ..��'� CD � � ��;. ��,,� , � �9 i���''�'x i �al�<�L`��.a;�C C'��,�-�.�-� �...�.,ti�.;,�•},.�... {� ��r��ytl�a��ds�n �f ��rtl�nd,,�°���ga�n , ��, �''y , r ` �..� r.��i° " �Y '�. 5225 North Easf Union� �_. .ya- E�,;� � �� :�;�� Portland, Oregorr �� 972�.�. ;��: � Phnne; �8�T�263 '°r�: � , � � � .�', � �"� ,� f � ���.� a�;� �.��,� . , . ., , _�. ., HAAdEV•DA6�IDS01� ' '"� ., �'' �� ,..�...._...,�,x ._ �':z:_..�, Notremb�r 26� �.�73 , Ci�y� c�� '�i.ga��� ��.�ri��.r�g Comm�,ss Lon, Ci��' H�,��., �'iga�'r�f t7.��c�on �722� Dea,� ��.�,nr��.ng Cr�mmi��ir��.� W� are p�'oposir�r� �o ap��a���: � ��tai�. �u�i���s ir� �h� �ui�.�.a.ng� k�zo�an a.r �.18�5� "» W� P�c�.�3.c H3,g��r�.y, and �eelc ya�,r app�o�ral �'c��� ��3.s �s�,� ��tb,�ec� pr.�pert�r �.s �c��er� ��� an�, w� be`la���re we qua�i�y �:s �. ���m3.��er� use unc��r �C�em �#�2 ��par��t�.� Cooc�s S�orP, �o� �h� �~o:t�.�rwing �e�,son�:. ��) �'h� p��m�.s�s t��.�.�. �ae �.sec� s�z��.��ly �a� xe�a3��. s��.�� r�� t�rc���o.�r�y��.�� and motc�rc�c�� ��ce�so��.�s. �2� ,���. m�:,�chan+��.se t��,1J. be ct3.s��.����c� �r�d �a�.�l a�ns�.cle ���� h�.�i�.d�,nr�.� � ��) '��,��r� w.�.�.�: �� rio c�u�s�c�e sa��-� " °y�� �4) '�h3�s �r�.�.�. b� � �a.��nch v� c�ur ma�.� s�ca.�� �.nd w�.�.1 �x �c��cl�u�� �no ,�e�a�i��.�.g� ��:�u���.���.i�g or pa�.�n�3�r�g �vh��sc���rera � � �'c� t�c��:��.� �� p�.��.��c� •�ra �i�,�r� ���� cnmm3.���r�n m�mbex�s �,�s�s�c�l� a�� �c�.��L�.�nc� s�:c►�� �a ca�����e ��� ��r�� �� �t���.ncss �re c�rir�v�c�� ����se -ac�v�s� v� �rc��tr c��;��:��:an b�c �.�` �� ma�r �.�i�ra�r �r�� C�i��S��.b�.J a "�`�,�'�,t ��"Lt�.�+ �'OL�,�`�� �A,�,��'-1�A'V'�l�SC7T� C7� �(J�;�'L1��tD ;� d��, '�✓����ae„� � ��`w �"��?' �''i' ,�,.,. .., . �►�i��. �� �I�ix��e�r; ,. � �w�ea� . _ .�. _ �,...,��..�.._.� __ r..�... __ _ _ . , ,� ,�,,. . _ . ��w . . . . _ -- � - - _. : r S� � � v CT"CY 01=' T�GARI� PLANN�NG CC1�1(��,SSxON API�L�CAT�I]N ��QUxRE(�ENTS „�ON� CHANGE AN� COND.�T�ONAIv �JS� AND U�CiI/�IUCE .� .� .� r._.._._..�. .,._._. P�,�nnzng Comma���i��an �le�t�.ng a The �"�rs� a�d �h��d Tuesciay oF aarh mc�n�Lh. Submiss,ioh De�d�in�s '1"h� �'�ur�h �londay befo,re ea�h mee�inc�q �1�p�a.ca��.on �8E9 e Zone Cf7ar�g�� �.50,d0 P��r�n�d Deva.l.apm�n� ti,�s�e 250. �0 �o�di��r�r�aal U��� l0�m 00 Uarianre� SdmOC1 H�m� Oc�upat.�ot� �onda.-�i�n�l U�e 2_�� 0�l Nor�coe-��c��rn�ng U�e� 1�OOe0d ' �ondi��a,ot�al U�e Rer�ewa�., 25. QO � ,~�ublic hearing is h��d on e��h o�' �h� �bov� itet�� �� � P.�a.rtna�t�c� Com�i��ion meeta.hg. Sur�aund�ng p�r��e��y e�hea�s a�c� no�if�.�d o��' �h� he�.�ing� The Co��nm�.��ion m���� ir� �he 'T'wality �r� Wigh 5ch�ol l�c�uro ro�m� 146 a� S�W. 97�h� Ti��.rd a� �;00 �p�1� x t-� th� pl�nr��.r�g Comm�s�.��n vc���s -�o deny an �pp�.ica���.on, i� wil�� r�a� ga nn ��o �he Ci�y �oun�i�. t�r►�,c��s a l.e��or a�` �ppe�,1 i� �ubn�a��ed by �he app]�icar�t tc� �,he C��y ��;:rn�r�er wi��hit� �.� day� o�' �he d�f�� �� �he Co���.��io� d�c��i�n���h�r� �f�� City C�uhci�, W�.l�, h�rar �h� �pp���, a� � pub�ic heara..�g. ALL A��I.�CAT���IS (�US'T �E SUBf��TT�b WxTH T'HE FOLLO�I��IGo l� A��p�.i�ati�r� �o�tn �r�d f�� �. � title s��a��� �hr�wir�g t�t,�����h�.�, � �,�g�� d�a�,'�`,7..�'1��.,D�"1 y �hd a ��x tnap o�' th� p�u��rt,y ir�v��ved (�he property ou��.in�d in �.�nd)�-�IfF�1�SI�NO�i ��qU��r�1�NT5 3. (��o ��tachdd) 4� Thxe� c�pios ��' ���h ��F th� �'d�.�awir�� exliib��s: �.. �� v�,c�.ni�y map (�c�,�� ho stn�,�..��� �h�r� l+' -- 2�d' ) showing : �. f����o�ed �r�.,���� bc�und��ies �� p�,�. p��p���i�� with�.n ��0� a� the pro�o�ed p�r�ja�t bdur�d��,�i��. ' �� �x�..���.n� �,�.r�d us� �r�� ap�rr�xim�t� �.a���3.�n raf hu��,d�.r►gs� �. �:x�.��it�g zdn,�rrg. 5. ���J.�; no�•�f�poa��t �r�d d���. �: � . :,�, ��....,.,.... .�... ,W� ..:....,��,.�...�.�.._.w: . . _ � ..._ �.�.�.�. N, , � � h. A �i�� developmPn� p�an, cc�mple�el� a�d p��peacly dimen�ianad, ihdic��iric�s l. Sca.le, nor�hpoin� ar�d date� 2a Topography (nc�t 1e�5 th�n 5r car��QUZS) � 3� Exa.sting ar�d proposed: � �,e �'�,r�B�S � � b, uti�.a.�a.es �n c� e��emen�s � d. �'r�a.n�ge � �d r�a�u�a�. and l�nd��aped �r��s � �� p�des�rian w�y� �° g� parka.rig ,� hs ac�ess and egr��s � �+N �pprox.�ma-�e �r�ca�oion �f builda��g� �rad �e�,b�cl<�� . � 5. �ach bu�J,d�r�g shaii be l�b�l�d �;s to r�umber of d�wo�.�ir�g urti�� ar�d s��r�.��. 6. A �ypica�, elsv��ior� �f' ea�h �y�ae af bu�.�.d,ing p�c��,h�edy The above �i,tems wi1.l b� r�v�,ew by th� s�;�f'f' p�io� �o the P1�r�n�:ng �ommissxon hearirtg. A� ��he h�arir�g, �h� C�tnm�,s�ian may r�quire ch�nge�, dehy or. table -��e pr��o�a�., or ap�rove the p�:��pt�s��. ,�rt prelymin�ry �'arm, r�quirir�g subm�.��idn ��' a more de�,aa.�,ed �,r�fo�cma�ion� �f you have ques�ioh� ��ga�d.�ng ��he �l��v� su�bmi�sion�, ple�se clo no� hesitat� -�o contact �u� A�fic� �,� 6��-4�.71� .,�... ......... .......... .... � ...... ...... ....-.y .... ,... ...,... ..,,.,.... . ..,.....�.. ....�... ..... .� ... . ....... , ..... � (r ' ,;� 4 1� � '�FA5�1N0�� ��QU�REf�EN�'S 3. AnSwers t� th� fo].�.o�zrtg quescions �re t�o be corttplet�d ih ful�. and accomp�nied k�y �ny cio�umenta�ion ytiu �'e�.� neces�ary to sup�or� your re�ue��� �'or a �c�ne ch�nge or conda.tional use� Ar� ah�lica��,on canno� be accep�ed wa.�Lhou� �ha.s in�'��m��ione The ��anning Commissian Staf�, P1.a�n.7.r�g Comma.�s�,on artd Ci-�y Louncil LJ.i�.�. use �he�e a��swers anc� accompanying ciocumen�a�ioh in th�ir analy�is o�' �he request° s �`n�rii'.� �. P,�.oasa 5�a�e the �pacif�,c purpG��.� df y�ur pr�p�sed Zahirtg acta.an. b� xb ��he xaqu�sted �oning in conform�nce wi�h Tig�ard° � adopted �;omp�ehehsivo �l�n atid other adopt�d �recise ��.ans a� may l�o ro1.a��d to you� requ�st� r, boes yau� p�opos�d zono ch�nge �ui��.a.�. a commurtit�y neod �'o� the p�opusad ��ea dd Mave ther� beer� �h�ng�s a.n canrl.i�:ions (i. e� ].�nd u��i s��c��� c�paci�y, av�t`i�.abi�.i�y o�' Sewer and wa��� s�rva,re, e�c� ) �ha� would ,jus�-,ify a ch�hr�� �.11 L.�r��6 e� Why i� �h� Apr�po��r� lr�c��i�n �or you� propo�ed z�ni�� �,c�ioh mo�� �ui��k��� �hat� other �.o�a�L:ia�ns �� �hu C;��y �r�ner.� �o ��.1►�w y�ur �aro�o��d ug�. f. Wh�� e�fe�� wa.�.�. yr��� p��p���d z�r-r� ch�nge h�.v� ah �d j���r�� prdpe�cta.a� a,rtd �r� th� ad j��et�� naighborho��sA g. Wha� �ype� o� pub�.ic �e�vic�� �r� ne�e�9,��ate�.� by yc�ux ��opos�d zor�o �hangd anr� wha�L �.mpac� wi1�: you� p���d�� h�ve on �h��� publ,ic ���v�.,�e�d �' h a ��` y�ur propo���. ha� �n adri�r�� im�aac� an �h� communi�y� t�h�;� me�hor.�� do y�u ��a�o W� �o :L�s�an a�x �l.�ev�.a�� �ha.� �dv�;��e �,rnpa��� ;r,� i� req�►����d �h��� �h� a�i�wti��� �d �ib�v� qu���i�r�� b� �iyn�d by �h� app�.ic�rr� d� hi� app�a.r�t�� a��p���enta�iv�� , � , � , � ____._ _ � � ..... ' ,;,' xHE MIJLT;'��H B��TJK ' , . ; �� � ��� ' Sh�ulny 'L�a�lion of , I IMPROVEMEI�!"X' �Otd RI�I) I�O�NpARIES OP �, . ► �n � ' ��:"�' �����,� � La�s 19,2� & �3. HAk'b'l�RPE�t T�CTS '`� "� � �;XC. p�g°t; ��l�an► £or T�wy� ��11) 1 �►. `��/�} I i� tlre A� f COUNTY aF WA.S�i�NGTOPd CIIT� �� TI(�A��� , i� �; and i ST`,�.'Y"� (J� UR�GC3N . � � , ' 5ut��edt 2w?2•u�7 `�asale: 1"r �'a i� � , , 7 hnreby cm �ify �ha� T sur�v�yed �ha �o�.lt�arin� e&ari.bed pr�party �nd �hat x t'i c1 �ne i�npr�vem t�t� sitta�t� thereon to b� on tho p� nises �.n qu�st�on ar�1 �h�t �the,y ., d� hnt ov�rlap or encraach on �h� proper�;�� 1yin� ad,��, n� *here�oe '�hi.s cer��f�.a�te .is mac�e e�t th� r� ue�t �,d f'or �he exalusi��r� us� of t cli.en� named �boqe, �;xC�g� �a sh cmb �� -°,.° ,w' ° , �� �..y C3.'a�l �ri{;iD�or � La� 23 ...._.,. .,...._.,,.... �.�... 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