ROW2013-00012 City of Tigard • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENV 0 1 ,! 11 =. Request Permit Action TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.718.2439 • www.tigard- or.gov TO: CITY OF TIGARD Building Division Services Supervisor 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 Phone: 503.718.2430 Fax: 503.598.1960 www.tigard FROM: ❑ Owner ❑ Applicant ❑ Contractor City Staff (check one) REFUND OR Name: INVOICE TO: (Business or Individual) Mailing Address: City /State /Zip: Phone No.: PLEASE TAKE ACTION FOR THE ITEM(S) CHECKED (✓): g CANCEL /VOID PERMIT APPLICATION. n REFUND PERMIT FEES (attach copy of original receipt and provide explanation below). n INVOICE FOR FEES DUE (attach case fee schedule and provide explanation below). ❑ REMOVE /REPLACE CONTRACTOR ON PERMIT (do not cancel permit). Permit #: ROA2 -01 S 00012 Site Address or Parcel #: SEG 1$2$ 5E63608 Project Name: Commas+ Subdivision Name: Lot #: EXPLANATION: Wofk ' 4 rip-4-1 ce,(e i Signature: /*le/4 Date: 2-I I y j i 3 Print Name: — T1 nr1 Lek rb6t.Ck Refund Policy 1. The Director or Building Official may authorize the refund of: a) any fee which was erroneously paid or collected. b) not more than 80% of the land use application fee when an application is withdrawn or canceled before any review effort has been expended. c) not more than 80% of the land use application fee for issued permits. d) not more than 80% of the building plan review fee when an application is canceled before any plan review effort has been expended. e) not more than 80% of the building permit fee for issued permits prior to any inspection requests. 2. Refunds will be returned to the original Payer in the same method in which payment was received. Please allow 2 -4 weeks for processing refunds. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Rte to Sys Admin: Date By Rte to $dig.Admin: Date o 2/.2, i3 B • - Refund Processed: Date Ai ' By a Invoice Processed: Date By Permit Canceled: Date /2./,(3 By Parcel Tag Added: Date By Receipt # Date Method _ Amount $ I: \Building \Forms \RegPermitAction.doc Rev 05 /25/2012 01/30/2013 03:04 5037195475 TEXSTAR ENTERPRISES PAGE 02/03 • • APPLICATION FOR n WORK IN RIGHT -OF -WAY (ROW) PERMIT 11111 . 1 OM 1. ,' T I G ARD Development Engineering 13125 SW 1 -fall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 FAX (503) 624 -0752 FOR STAFF USE ONLY General Information: Right -of -Wa,�r Property AddresslLocation(s); '(10$ St.,' ti} �� e,.a re4 r Case No.: KOw 2A 3 - 00012 SEG I S'7-g SEG 3 60z Receipt No.; ) Date: 21612,013 VA *Applicant's Name: C+^' 4 Ca le Application Accepted By: Address: 1 1 - IZGt: S g-.1 16 r i `otogGarr C Revised 3/4109 City /State: au 4c ( OR Zip: fit jS' 0" tea g ' 7 ' /3 Primary Contact: Ko,•a flrrr`s I REQUIRED SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Phone: .503- 3 * 2 - a S? 4 Fax: S -372 - 13 t 1 Contractor's Name: er,CS�ar e"kre<<`si . -C Submit a scaled sketch of the proposed work to be done CCB# 11-01 'a Expiration: %O1101 - Address: LOW N B JAt:J.Q 5-4 t Professional Engineered Plans are City/State: �'d 69. dip 4 X21 required for: Phone: .S-63'4 - 436 Fax: 60 -71 • Street Widening 11 ' r r • Subdivision Infrastructure Plans By: t lt�`�� 1 Q 1 f' � � • Main utility line extension: Address: lox, 62C. Qv,(0, 5÷ City/State: Po C4- 4414 4� Zip: Q .7 211 Phone: 6- QCQ-gi( Fax: So 3v- 14 - 3`4 7.6-` Description of work: 3' 0 Fro-cA -I a ( tom (aZ i a{ a - f �^ `� yN ,?,..% [tlf " bee „i ( �r�dcl e a , M R G! r 0)-2 -2 f . G .�� �T 4 14 4 G! 1 Z , 1 ]� tCftoc,P_ ta.sa 94' Estimated value of work (within the public right-of-way): $ 102 Is work related to a LAND -USE DECISION? YES ❑ NO "i If so, please specify (MLP, SDR, SUB, etc.) case #: V Is the work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? YES n NO If so, please specify (BUILDING PERMIT) case #: ' *NOTE: Person specified as "Applicant" shall be designated "Permitee" and shalt provide financial assurance for the work. c ctoamcnb and retungs1na,c..wtnti .co agtinemmxr.,y nnemat fneAco nten t.outlook1 bjawmk551row permit application.docx /J (_,,,,,tcR6 - c o ak 4 Z112.1. W vJ ■ N m W W W CD A I I Iii 3O / 0 12.65 I g23S i I aI6. I I g ro5 `". e Tarr 4 1) 0 I I , „- 112- j a23 0 ' gzao ! r yKos in M r NO Q2zE ��s I albs ,u4 3S v 3 doh m xi � lass- 'T I j I i m L —1_ 1.- - - - - -- '--- - - - --- ul s,a IA) .Z- 5+ ?ro4osal .6 or toe` 1 e e&&. CA-T\/ feel eskis - 444. s4? curvier o 44. Qrof 1 04- r4sTo t,J (12-41 eve. a SE. coi c0 9rA- a� TI y qr �"S S•� i e�,.? 'rev a rit.. sz wry o`� n 6 b e- a bed <„ -e. cab c ,1� m ' 3 � de 4' r � Ski( jl Cr 3 -2` ' c�� �=� w � .� . C�2s c�Yv aD te d cto..4ale4 svx• W CO 5037195475 01/30/2013 03:04 5037195475 TEXSTAR ENTERPRISES PAGE 01/03 To: Development Engineering j Fax number: 503 -624 -0752 From: Uriah Stewart Texstar Enterprises, Inc. Fax number: 503 - 719 -5475 4020 NE Buffalo st. Email: uriahstewart @texstarenterprises.com Portland, Or 97211 503 - 719 -5436 Date: 1/30/2013 Regarding: Application for work in ROW Permit - -- Phone number for follow -up: 503- 969 -6161 Comments: Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Uriah `f:0 A