CPA1990-00002POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. Iht '+ � � r. a �.:,,y_ � k.,..� .� CITY OF TIGARlipr,,' OREG. ; COUNCIL AGENDAITig . SUMMARY AGENDA OF: arch , 99O ISSUE /AGENDA TITLE:, CPA -02 Northeast l Mountain. Trans t . 'lion ,E,atn CITZ ADMIN 0 .� DEPT HEAD OK r e---- = = ===pmt. -. == ====racy -= == P Shall the -' Connprehensive Plan Tra Northea t Bull Mountain? DATE SUBMITTED: March' 16 1990 PREVIOUS ACT'tON: « ► BP D SY T >~ On ineer ; • .a VESTED BY: IMLIfikyl poi: tation Inc e as ended in the area - ==- .„-- = =====cs= = -= == = = === t1= =tee= = == =. W = =ssarc.: m1==. Y= a= =================== INFORMATION SUMMARY On February 26, 199O, the city. Council held a hearing to consider the North . =l a st Bull Mountain Transportati, n : Study Report. The report ' reco ended certain changes to the city o e Con iprehens&.ve Plan Transportation Map. At the hearing, the Council heard opposition to the Murray Boulevard extension y pt p. and to the Gaarde' Street extension curren$�. shown on the Tragne 4rta'��„on �, Malt recommended by the St :dy R.epor t . A final � ` decision was not made on the Murray aad Gaarde ;extensions. g 4 to meet with ), #3 to. define The hearing was continued and staff was irected t the portions of the recommended plan on which there is agreement., 'The EP° meeting air e help on March 7, 1990. The attached ordinance would amend the o, prehenoive Plain Transportation Nap to adopt the portions of the, Study Report" recommendations on which there is sign ®emeant. Specifically, the ordinance would, add an extension of 132nd Avenue south of Eenc view, an extension of 135th AvenUe° extension of Senchvi Terrace w 32nd' Avenue, and the realignment of Gaarde Street south of Walnut Street, an 'Gast g� I set at Pacific Eaghway., The ordinance would also add Note A to the Map to clatify, the dcaign .standards for ts. The ordinance would maw no other changes to the three new road eaten ®ion rdisnance the existing 'Apo *n_sPortatian Pap. Additional changes could be 'considered at 'a future Council meeting, following ing`appropriate public notice. Attached is a copy of a portion of the .exi©ting, Tranap^ rtation Bap for comparison With `the ap' am proposed m sa=tssata- 2==s==st0====2==maeaa===dara^ad Y�ss=zeam=mamcs=ms .==ss==raxa==i3=^=== ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 1. Approve the attached ordinance amending than t ranneportation MaP�� 2 Direct that that Ordinance be amended. 3. Take no 'Potion, i ring the existing Tran Comprehensive Plan. ndmont., Comprehensive Plan L? unchanged. rtatian Nap na x' sue==== a t===ct= ===mesas == = --== = =p.:& ¢ == ===m ===== 's FISCAL IMPACT' None. This is a plan change onlY. Street imp rov er t n will be constructed c©niunction with future development. a SU GESTED ACT.Oil recOmtends approv l of the attached otdineln0743. M'I �� eion he'd' Sheet N€8 . The ordin rnd* daav ee the rOinte of the f nature eXteinSiOn " of Surd hat the cdec� eion on Gaa�.de extaa d' f erne until itdis .known wi e a r he K a:rieL a ten eLona; will be !a�eleted rw, c- The City of Ti. :�,. a series of " gar b./lector conneoti Rzirray Blvd. and ( arde St. of um. •EAUMU ittlar III ■ ®�� ■ ®Y��� 114 . NiKk Off anti- ■ :, Thisiammark simmotompmr atm *�. 1114.11W341 'ilt4* 4 imp th, jmnierii„,,,,,re „qtevirrEggl %IPA, I room& Alimp- misullq$0400 14 IL . Ares it '05 18 tire 4,...„ 4 44111 all 0 0 +i �® '�' �g.ld..4.� ■i. ®. �►�� _ At a 4;91411 wirMaiametill11-11:11:111.- Ar :,w _ Ai ,........5.1itwoltimmr—na : ME -311 I gAZZAr .4 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION MAP (Northeast Bull Mtn. portion) ! ORDINANCE ? NDING T' 'TIO WALNUT , ;STREET AND • D tio00TAIN ROAD WilEREASe the Co mprehensi" Plan Transportation Ma p'' des igns collector" ;atreet systems ,within the ;City. of 'Tigard,,,. `and, wEEREAS, the Northeast " B'ill McVntain" Transportation; Study FReport,, ttatO he hereto as ' Exhibit B, recommends 'amendments' to the ,` existing Transportation' �► as it pertair s to the northeast portion of Bull Mountain; and, WHEREM, at a publ- ,; haring on January 30, 1900, . the Planning .Ce nissi on votes to deny . approval of the recommen :s one Of the , Study Report nd aides oertai i i radeaUnes for collector streets in the northeast ea b Sul; Mounts .n; wad, WHEREAS, the fit ° Con.t it reviewed the Planning; Commission 'rebomittendat3ons ;a public hearinsi on February 26, 1996; and, WHEREAS, the Council finds that a portion of the recommendations of the Stun Report are consistent with the guidelines recommended, oy' the Planning Commission and that said .portion can be adopted independent oe the remnaxning . recommendations; and WHEREAS, said . po7c ion• includes the propos04 Sxtension of 132nd P,venue' s outh of Senchview Terraced the , propo ed extension of 13 th Avenue south of �a u •Street y the proposed extension of Betiehv.ew Terrace , wart 'of .132nd. Avenue, 'ana p P ed realignment of Gaarde aft Pacific N. g ay; ; nd the r® a�n Stre�s3t hw RF , the ouncil 'finds that ythe. re as ini.ng ecominendatione of the .Study Report •rewire' further review. by the Council. THE CITE' CF TICOAR0 o AIMS AS FOLLOtis a se et-Ation . .hho proposed amendment is� ,consistent pith Cos prehens i ve : Pla n Policy 5.1.1 `because • it han..been planned to provide, n. safe and efficient street system to serve current needs a 4 anticipated. futural growth " anad develo ,aert Seotien 2 m The p> oposed a iienda.�nt fie consistent with Comprehensive Plan . 3.cy • a 01.2 bOcausse' the amendment the e o pted transportation pi.a n of Washington Csbt n y, the reg .a na : tar ass r � t ion plaan he pla ' a a d 3niug uri Jurisdictional • , m i « • � consistent with Comprehensive 'Platt Po Section 3 � The Pro Posed anaent 3.s� /1.3.1 because the portion to be adopted by this orALnantge is nc e cted to change the impacts on existing . roti dential etruo uraee ! on SW 121st Avenue and. Caarde Street. ORDINANCE NO. '96- Pa 1 rw OS-CP • rde- St. NOM A: App oxiate the extensi of Benchvi prof 1.1 141 SAM§ At la o � 9 t r i t= s 'tIIIPI111 4;191 tit ®811! tin SLR II key* 11111%. es, n � 4r iris nu. INFER Mt ME iG i� u I fizr=armipsitimii 11,4 �I��) of 111111 mw il MUM am fli i 11 Exhibit MIN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CO P EHENSiVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION MAP dIZIL1S A LI'11®1937 "oarx Time and Place' for Hearing 7:30 p.m, TicARD CIVIC CENTER —TOWN • 13125, SW ,Jahtti. BEND, TIGARD, OR 97223 ' TE of propos,ed'Ation N;' Land Comprehensive rite Us New Anteriditteilt , AMend°1! an brief, P Text (write 4 cbtriicri111 d (B) for '-ease of pric)p Osed. Action Avoid Illg and ur.E)cSet Please IsummalcAr ton' of t'fti,e,,Pre attached • ) ' „irt ' description stating ,s...es . terms r r tttull'IM°L1r1ta. v- P tair ant-. ------7-7.iporttveri.arir c 0 Ant d t ., o tia:,1/4•:ollectbr streets$ arszitarrt5rFasu5-71-itgriTIrrtTj- waltext,pjl tion betuin existing streets and Bull Mountain Road and Beef Bend ROad. 1 . 13.- For Map Amendments Fill Out the Following, (For eadh,aea, to be changed, provide a separate sheet if necessary. Do,„tiot 'use talc lot number alone.): Current Plata ,Designation: Propc)sed Acreage 1n,VolVed: Does this chNnge Include an Exception? es Igor Residential Changes Please SPecifY the et,arit e &za itiLtywed Derisi,„,y .,.,itrit utit.,,,t___ er. ttet Acre... 1 1 i .. , ' Curi#,4etit Density: ., Pr°P° er Detf , . asttatewi ■-` • Li**. any State. or 1'ederatAlen0j4,4**i' Local Go'qernmerit ,-.Qr Local Seirvice,,Dis'triatS‘,Which may be' Interested it.te Or Impacted by the1 IE2rOpdsalt, ay," 151NG • crrY „ Connents o `,.RAND7 WOOL, x, CITY alGIT4EER ' OF TIGARD it 13125 SW HALL BLVD. , TIGAI131 97223; (Phone) 46..4.944173: is Pdtatt and Department. of Land coti6r'Y,atiort 'and DeVelOpment:' ••• -,,, 1175 Court Street, N.t • , , '' ''. ,' ' ,','• ',", ,'.. Salem? Oregcri ' ,97310-0590•:',. . •, ' ,,' '' ,' ' ' ,, ,',.,' • , , , , , , ,. ,, ,, , •,• ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, . , ,. , ,,,,,•,,,, i, NOTE: If more copies of this form are needed, please contact the DI,CD office at 373-0050, or this form may be duplicated of green paper. Please be advised th.at statut.es require the text of a pro,t)osal e provided. A general description. Of the intended attion iS ribt sufficient. Eroposed plati and land use re(julatton amendments most be sent to DLCI) at least 45 days Prior to the itnal hearing (See OAR 660-18..920). . , Public hearing was .,c, rya,.. l� p ..ss and the 0 issues before Council. . also noted the first. hearing Couwil has had an the stud's listed i i Council provided , to them for study of the issue. larations and Challenges Councilor that her rmidence is on .et which in tbe study area of the proposed Caarrehensive Plan change. ghr stated at the discussiOno she has participated in residents of the area arid legal counsel _�a1.xat judice her; she indicated that she will be participating and will r testianny , in an objective manner. CoUncilor Eadon stated t she lives in an area which is s area. that she g sc uss ions c ni area itve would a�ff $he ive : elan aibd t .isves she can an i involy a in t: legislative maw- Councilor Schwartz : that he . %ak conversations with citizens regarding the Bull :►m!ane airy► 17rax-17.11.ortAtioni gePart and indi ` oa �.i.s participatiozn 1wi ' ll t rb previous ` i ono. Council.. Ia. 04 stated that although live in tie s Vic, he %s hash c at c . 5 . .. a vic the S ''. He . , riot fed. t these conversations will affect his c jec tavit r. Mali= Edwards also stated that he h...ad d cilmVacsations a ,� issue He does ' decision-waking indicated , the. the not, live in the sir F, reap that he 1d unbiased aummation by City i j]neer: The Ci i''s Comprehensive . Plan includes a transportation plan for t he .entire City. e amendmibnts to the Comprehensive Ii . lan taon , pertain the n area of Bali mountain and are ... MAMMY 26r AGg He suagfiarizea the public input received stating' that concern was expressed about' protecting existing neighborhoods in the Bull Mountain area. 11300211110.11datiOrl8 were received from the Plk,thnincl faxamission, NPO #3, alai CPO 04B. He displayed lays o the different alternatives suggested. Additional traffic proje6tions were then run by the County to include them various recommendations. in-te reomded alternative in the final report essumes extension of mizray Boulevard to 135th ,Avenue. The NPO recommendation is similar to the Planning Camnissioilt'S but with sce mial.lex streets designed for slower speeds. A camparison of projected tratfuturefic vopeedittlyes_hourevecttrateliabavadato .911nBUildeatTI:thilbox.ssoenatt,;° showed the each information sheet was distributed show f with street. 'nu: -traffic versus, 100:11-tratti:o Was discussed ith respect to different definitions of the t-exiT',11:4, He .44 where there is tatae, (militant with e plan. discussed the areas He r ewed his eduidatiOrialpitioatUna3, background. that he tat his Urban a rid ,Transportation 0040 Y Nosiest University and there wialek64, for gertioe u ,� � transportation ;,�latec� O , wore, iE a pre irnted t%., � which are the lOodalS, used , depict H traffic flow over Bull Madntain. Hs .sue ;t .tiraffia models are, by name, very reliable as they often kity3 s 'Which are nOt 'ita:t sti . Zereforeo lie felt that mode: are not + ' this type of decisie a objet y Boulevard ektensiOn bated on tlx: fitititoctt# +t .. w ocate to 'tae businesses merle ' .�. red. 4 major traffic trey causing a population zoning would have too be if Murray �1 e extec . • „ = Public Testimony continued: o Larry lewis, 12415 S.W.; 2122nd, Tigard, is the Prep: 344!...e nt, of the , Lake Terrace }bine 'Owners AssOciation. \sated thiyt he and the hoty.4 awe= he represents are ,t.toroc*474 to the amenaments to the Comprehensive ilransi,ortaittda, PLar t praitoted by the staff because of the, increased iriteer.1/4-reviona3. traffic which aild result' through established ,', and p:Lanned residential amas. Specific one ilate',:nude:, encourage minor collector and xesidential streets designed to handle, local reqdrements and discourage through traffic; develw alterrative northisrAith arterials in conjunction with county and regional 'plans; connection of frox,ray Boulevard to 135th and Walntit not occur until satisfactory improvrarents are , zade to Old Scholls Perry Road west of Murtay and alSo Beef Bend Mad to Pacific Highvay. ' o Paul lietivirland„ 8685 SW Mcbonald, stated that the residents living on McDoraid do not want a westside bypass running along McDonald, and ihat their /6rriperty values are going down because of the possibility of the Murray Mad extenskm. He contended that a bypass should b' in an unclevelwed area which 1.s not alreadir an (established neighborhood, becaUse already developed -reighborhcxxis essential to maintain Tigad's liveability and Po pulatiori stability. o Don Forrest, 8985 SW McDonald, stated that be has awned his home on McDonald since 1944. He feNpressedcorx,ern that the Council and elected officials are not re.Tir, to the citizens who have been attending and participating in the meetings designed to ena3urage their iiiput. recotimencled that if the con0erned' citizens are frustrated with the Otcame of this issue, the 5hould consider starting an initiative IlleaStire as a method ol 'bringing about a differ. decieon. streets. He reported that at the tire of the anneletin„ the naighbors living in the area were pt‘..-tmised that there Would never be a direct cOntectim at the corner of 122nd and Gaarde Street. McFarlane, width is a winding road, would be the ;main access road to dascourege higher speed traffic. Robert _kiot„ 12045 SW RDElet Vista( referred to the Vrlarshington County Transportation Plan and pointed out the 65% traffic growth which occurred on Highway 217 between 1532 and 1986. also noted the absence of a Major* laicihwav frao the Tualatin-Hillsbttoro corridor between "I-5 and Sunset north of Hillsboro. He suggested that miltettding ,Y.4.wray Boulevard valottia turn kIeDonaliol Street into a major wlleCtor and there a track roto.t. He detaribW Ilurray Bottlef4. teaVertat as a CTIT" COUNCTL PliFjErilsR; =IM FEBIRILUillY 26, 1990 - 7, Lavelle Helm, 13280 'SW. Wt, recalled that t Onity' is ' rejected the idea of the Nu rray Edal" ar d ` extension for 14 , years. She r in riled. CotraCil that Pacific Highway used . by an unusual number of alder Cdr_ iv ' f�roeart' I a C i , &marfield,, El Dorado and Royal bile -.sties as Tigard resit. She that ,extov), would not benefit the ccm ity::'in any tray; and ,and,,the, . would ' to see =Ott small roads to circulate traffic in Tigard., , pointed out that if it was necess tbi i ld a route, tahere are acres of undeveloped ' act fra Ia r, where a .rotate could be built instea4 tak + f °t front yard away fran four 1' esid n 's on Walnut Se6, or �°. Starb.idc, 9988 aT Walnut Street, vita tha preVious speakers about protecting the righborhood . , quality, in estahtished arem of Tigard. H . r+ ;'. % that Nary &n� 499 . signatures' al a 'petition to reject :i+ rayt Road/ f.Y r. TIGIRD IIIIG COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING" -• JANUARY 30, 1990 • Pareaident Moen called the meeting to order, ":at " i a 34 PM... The meeting was :field at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN ', HALL - 1313'; SW Ball Boulevard,. T gard, Oregon. • ROLL CALL: Present: President Moen; Commissioners Bar Tyre, and Roaborough. Ab sent: Commissioners 1 Castile, Leverett, Peterson,c Saporta. r:, Staffs Senior Planner Keith LIden; City, Engineer Randal Nooley, Planning Secretary Diane it. Jelderks. PIGVAL , OP MINUTES pproye the ner Moen Commissioner Barb. moved and Comasa�saioner Fesaler seconded to a • minutes as submitt6:�. Motion carried. Cotissio, ,'yre, and • Rosborovgn abstained.' • PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATI Joy nenkle announced ;fie upcoming meeting for the Fenno Creek Conference that is open tol anyone who would 19' „1,-`s to attend. The coat ;!.e $ 1:50, which indludes morninci, coffee and rol is, lunch, afternoon beveraged, and Conference materials. • PUELIC BEARINGS' .1 Consa,de ration of the recrAhmendatic.ine of . the, Northeast. Bull MountaLn, Trane)portaltion Study Report. F The Report recommends , that the to City's p � ;n Map be amended as it pertains 11e Comprehensive Plan Transportation collector street aystem in the, northeae►t area of Bull Mountain., The Report further recommends 'certain design coneideratione for the roadway system ire the northeast area of Bull Mountain. The area considered by the, report is generally bounded by Buil Mountain tnut Road, 141st Avenue t, 121st Avenue, Caarde Street ..and. Pacific , W�, Street Highway. senior Planner Lid n explained that the recommendation mmen�ation is on pagee Of the Northeast Bull Mountain Transportation Study 'Repot, Und Recommendation document dated January ' 1990. The report is to :*:atively' schedule to go before City Council on Febra ary 26. City, Engineer dandy' wooley will be making staff's presentation and reconmendercion aid' Traffic Engineer Gary h.lf audience. aeon is, attendahce in the sure. PLANNING trimmISSIo* nfl4OTES k, .... 3 1990 X ff W� city Enginee Randy Woolen( reviewed the study area,3 the , .City a ' � cistii'ig Coaiprehensiv�l■ Plan, - and the , Coun#; y' a Plan. 'He e cple�ined: that tpifI planning, is long tesi, ►. Staff is recce ending coMpoetta -Anunibe'rr: "`, tt re. They recommendati on retains' the Murray Boul€ :ard; oxiens3,.on aindt '' ropoeea,' corridors whgtre' new road would be constructed. He revie ,,ad ,difficilti!ie, .,f : no` new rod ■ l� "were proposed, why they , are not propoeing' that l21at. be, • connected tc,I Bull Mountain, extending . 135th . to Bull Mountain at 1 approxiinate1y . 13gth., and realignment of Gaarde and McDonald 'at Pacific Highway. He� reviewed, the proposed Ccmpreheneive'.Plan text changes` recommended on page 41 and 42 of the report• .' Mo . etated� ,'..that the • Transportation Advisory Committee supported ,etaf°:' a recocairendatIon -. PUBLIC TESTIMMIZ r Herman Porter, 11875 SW Gaarde, Ti'. and NgO # 3 Chairperson. rson. NPO # 3 r e g a _ opposed extending Botti.vard Murray peat soh tale , Ferry Road. They favored two -lane minor collectors in the area of Pull Mountain. He road policy 11.3.2 for the record. " The .NPO felt this policy should be maintained. They felt staff's recommendation would, because of developnnent, constructed' before a by -paes would ' and. thin' would , create an arteria: street which would be used as an alternative to Highway 217. The objects to constructing an arterial'througla a neighborhood. He reviewed t, the maps make assumptions that are not the alternatives and stated the ,gospel. He requested that the Commission; take a vote Of citizens who are in attendance who oppose this recommendation. Cal Woolery, CPO' # 48 Chairperson, stated that they had reviewed the study and ,recommendation at a meeting,on January 24th. The CPO reconmonded that a through connection not no madO from S1 Gaarde Street to "SW il�urrav Boulevards that SW Murray Boulevard not be extended south of its present teranination at SW �Dld Scholia Ferry road; and that a ayeter. of •twti- -lane de of the northeast minor co3.lec�,ors be conetruc nee tad to serve the traffic Bull. Mountain neighborhoods. gg' l g Hill Drive, favored staff' a recommend atic�r� ; Hdward B ,a�n , 11828 SW Mo iie felt than. volumes Of • traffic, would be increar.Ying E3pecially on 135th, 121st, and North Dakota. Whether or not the by,,'paea • ie he did coot _,wilt see thin recommendation an an alternative far° the ;.by -pee. Rt�d Hillman, Director of rations,; Tigard School District, encouraged routed between Bull Mountain and Walnut. Currently, children liv n on Bull Mountain ileed to he bused on Pacific Highway to reach he.ia ec +�;,�ola. He requested tha t future plane include , u.' o f c hild ren, a e walkay e , crosswalka, an d pull 'off areas for the bses Paul Heavirland, 8685 SW McDonald, was concerned that McDoWald and Hall • Street were n n ot con sidered " Hue a lf a t in � Rivs e r. B old r e 4 ead i 4et e d if the recornn0ndation was pp rov d. He Mme alaocon cerad about the icrPao e in water PLANNING COMKl3S[GN NINDTES JANUARY 30, 1990 4 1-- 1 o Wallace" SweeneV, 1455 SW Walnut ,,oppose reemorneidati0n caU6e, of increased traffic. o Rave Klingele, 12900 STR 132nd, suPPgrted, HP0''.a3's 'irecOmmendatiOn= He requested that a vote be taken as early, an possible no that eitiiens, who , wanted to leave could, especially since there Wan not eEough eeat&n for everyone. o President Moen asked for a show c.,,f ,hands who opposed the„.', extrasivii.on of Murray Boulevard and Gaarde Street. '; It was estimated that approXiitateiy 150 'people opposed. One was in faVor: o kobert Itoot, 12045 SW Rose ' Vista, .oppoEsed the extension of Murray Boulevard. He submittailla letter regarding. his 'concerns. Nancy Smith, 130 SW walant. °Moiled the, Hurray Boulevard extenalon- she is working on a petition acing that no MurraY 'Boulevard extensiOn be allowed. She agreed with Hern Porter's test,imotiy. She felt a now fichoOl would be needed if devel.oPment Occurred as proposed and it would flied to be constructed in the Bull Mountain area. , o President Moen asked, since everyone, seeing to be opposed ,to staff's recommendation, that suggestions be given on what they would like to see. ' Cathy Leary, 10020 SW Johnson, is opposed to an arterial. Her main concern is for the tree. She, did not we to see what happened ,at the Albertoonel site happen to this area,. , o , Larry Westerman,, 13665 SW Fern: distributed and reviewed a letter and map , suggesting an alternative realignment for 135th and Walnut. 0 cal woolerY. 12356 SW' 132nd Court, was conbeirn with, the corridors. Be opposed the recommendation. o Gary Steele, 12645 SW 135th, aoreed with the other _speakers. He felt the,' proposal wculd create an arterial from Murray Boulevard to Gaarde then to I-5. He supported routing traffic around the OltY of Tign-rd and 'reacwing the through' connection to Murray Boulevard from all COmprehenstve,Plans and ,, maps. He suggested Faetponing the hearing' until )..iarch to alJ.:•3-'A, the IWO and neighborhood to re.commend an alternative route through the neighborhood. He suggested using the vacant field to widen the corner Of 135th and , Walnut. Also, he recommended a turn Out area 'for a school bust pick Up and an area for utilities dompan.ies to do their repair Work. He suggested that Gaarde Street be extended straight out instead of connection- 'I.:6 Walnut ° Street and 135th. ' , H. G. Jenc:avich, 11525 SW 'Walnut, opposed...staff 1...0 .recOlstierk....ratiort and tartoiciad the NPOvs recommendation REtr.es.sED , '9 : .0'' 11,1t(toriVkti$D ' 9,' t. 3 : . . a:, : ,, ,,..,.,: : .:. a,..,,. ,„ PLANNING COISS/CON MINUTES - JAIuiR 30, 1990 o InaRae Overby, 13300 SW Walnut, eubzitted a lettec,opposing-the Murray Boulevard a tension. She d_d not feel the proposal rdede of the people. Lavelle Helm, 13280 SJ. Walnut, read and submitted a 'letter opposing. the;. extension of Murray B ulevard', ,including' cO M entn on the recommended plan.. o Ed, Deeu"aree, 10105 SW McDonald Street, main ob j ection to the ,Plan is that ,is would make' it eaeLer and faster to get ,from, Beaverton to, 'Lake Oswego: He felt the roads' should be constructed to make it easy to get` . and aut of the neighborhood but not ;:trough the neighborhood. o Brian Lewis, 12902 SW Walnut, '091u1.d like to see a way to service the area without', the :4ua +ray Boulevard e4teneion game through.. Be felt that ' the ieau!� regarding routing trAffic aroulnd Bull Mountain should be 're®olvred first.. Also, Walnut Street i`ae ',ManY sight distance problems which need to be considered o 'Donald Starbuck, 9988' SW; Walnut, concnarred with Berman Porter to ;keep Tigard as much Of a con nunity as Possible'. He lies an apartment complex on Walnut street ark% the H tenant already �! hays a difficult time getting onto Walnut. He 11111nported stopping` Murray Where it is . and developing Ar yl -pees. Edward Duffield, 8895 ' SW Bdgev cod, felt traffic will only be increased on Qaarde and would defeat the need for a Weatern`by -paee. Lyle Laverty, 1 3169 SW chimney Ridge. opposed extending Mu ray and supported improve ente on internal noutec. He felt cost ,needed to be considered as woll and the human eleMent (quality of life). Don Dyer, 125:2 SW 123rd, off walnut, was concerned for the eafOty of the children since there are three schools in the neighborhood. Larry Lewis, 12415 SW 122nd Ave.. President of Lalco Terrace Bomeow hers Association, re Presenting a roximatel 20 niux►u8ly ohs jection to the reposed fans. He g . stioned why the study are ' had been isolated to P �. P the Bull Mountain, area when it will impact the h� area to the 'Asst. They were concerned about safety for the `childr , pact on the lake, and increased noise Dan 12522 opposed ' fit' Simmons, ` 2 5�1 123rd, o sed staff a r.:...nmmendation' and favored Herman. Porter's recommendation Besides cost, oafety,i; and livability; fairness ,Should be taken into consideration. No pane single route should carry the burden. Gary Gray, 22685 SW' Johnson, " Hillsboro, owner of 13230 SW Walnut opposed the exte,ls ion of Murray Boulevard.: the St .I read and ,submitted tier e lt ter' opposing' Barbara Martin; 12600 SW Wad n Ut extension of Murray Boulevard. PLANNING S 19i4x 1! MZN' �If�S �2i0AitX D 1 P ^� Other 'lettere were .receiv.Ild £romp.` Rein & Mai -Lill Magi, 12505 SW' .135th; favoring the proposal; Herman Porter,:NPO # '3 Chairperson, requesting a poistporrtameat; Larry Wester -'an, CPO4B Secretary 'yreaeu ?gar, requeetingr postponement; Ron Kvistad, 13535 SW Fern, opposing the extension.�of Murr,� ..t Boulevard ' Rosemary & Harold Shrai ge `, 13030 SW Walnut, Opposing. the extension of Murray Boulevard; Gregory. S Hathawa►v on behalf, of Ben1Fran Devaowlopmont, Inc. supporting staff's recom endation. City Ehgineer Randy. Wooley, addressed concerns regarding growth that is'. g p explained • elopment occurring and the impacts that will result. He. e lamed that de will occur and we . need a road plan' to go' along with the land use plan. The proposed plan is in compliance with the existing Compreheneive'Flan. !t ie a refin6.nent and clarification, of the existing ' plan which cavils for a ' roadway system between' Walnut andl Gaarde, ian ° extension; between Sclolla'' Ferry Road and 135th, and indiriect' connections rather than a direct connection of the Murray extensions, The arterial route to the, west of ; Bull Mountain is in the county and Regional plans which call for the' extension of the Beef Bend, ;Road ' and potentially for the western by -pass. The CLty has supported the construction of these roads. All of the eYstem needs to be built and all of the improvements need to be made to have a complete eyi;tem. legitimate concern and an existing problei in other parts of the city is ,where parts of the system have been built and others have nor:. The Commission and Council may want to add conditions that dictate phasing or sequence of improvements. If we do not have a plan then we cannot reserve the necessary 'rights of Way or have the improvements made as development occurs. If the rest of comprehensive plan ey,stem is not put in place then these roads will carry more traffic than projected at build outs Staff does not believe.. e` Murzay extension would ever become the western by-Pass or 217 because the proposed s y stem is des g ned to discourage long distancs through travels With regard to the NiO and CPO suggestion for a series of two lane co4nectors, he commented that the existing Comprehensive,' Plan Transportation Map calls for major collector street in the study area and those are typically three lane streets. He added that the proposal calls for changing P portion of 121st, south of Walnut street, from major collector to a minor collector. Through tyruol,cs can be prohibited on collector streets by a separate Process. extension .s not built t If the Murray. Boulevard e�st+en � Hers the traffic ' volume in the studY area would be Zess Ls then the traffic Y to other �,►r��ild move s + , b ayreas where increasing traffic. i a concern, such as 135th and North Dakot a Street. NAiIbiG iiSSI0H nIk111JT' s a J �lRy 30, 1990 PAGF, .r • He pointed out that the alternatives that provides ,a ; Gaar'de extension do lead to lower projected" 'volumes on portions of Walnut Street and 121st, Avenue south of Walnut Street. Traffic volumes being pro; ected between 135th and Schokio at buil& out would be similar i' ca those of Durham 'Road; other areas would have 'lower volumes. He ex pla ed that Washir� t on �ount y d s f minion are dif ferent 'than' the city • of 2i : rd; ,Durham Road may' bs shown as ,ia minor arterial rather than a major c'llector,,but would st3�11 have the same traffic volumes and improvements.' Cost was not considered a major factor- in most. of the comparisons because the ,improvements needs have not changed from what is in the existing' Comprehensive Plan. Study' area is the area that we are looking at potentially modifying the Zompzt,2henaive Plan. Study and review of traffic . impacts went "outside' the study area bound,ries. The. Murray Boulevard extension is dashed in on the study area maps ` because' is on the existing C rehensive Ma and the existing Urban it i g o�ep Plan p Planning Ar':itzt Agreement. The alignment of that street is specified and is planned to go in unless that Comprehensive Plat is changed., If a development were to come in today, staff would be recommending those'' im p rovements in ac cordance with' the comprehensive Plan for that part o f the street o • Discussion followed reg ardin g a„ stenslon of Zurxa y Box Zevard around Bu13. No untain, impact to McDonald and 1 -5, the western byr7 pass, what poition Of xtension could i� deleted. i array Murray y ed, and . the def snit ion of cn® extension. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commissioner RtaOborough had concerns about : aonnecti ng Murray Boulevard to 135th. He felt engineering designs ni)eded to be resolved LfOr Walnut Street. That the road layout proposed by staff prow .des an efficient movement of traffic. o Commissioner Barber stated that the _ roads will need to be improved,`` residential areas can't remain stagnate. staff states that the proposed OC alignment complies to the policy. The proposal does look efficient but ehra is undecide0 about the recommendation. l c y d been a member on Nro 1 3 at the time the J o ��tni�sioner Pyre stated he h concerned that ° was written. Hle was co staff's recommendation Would be colvingtra ns Pd ortation Problems bY y Using through streets hich may create a Wmini by rPass. ' dottede line ewaserut stated thee map from M rrmember Boulevard rd to Gaarde the Naeve Road over to Carmen Drive. This was Prior t'1 tlta construction of PLUMING Q'"',. tiii. SSO.'IO* MLIUTI S I WAR;t 30,; 1990 A • ' ' Surinerf fie ld ' tied reccmmende at ' o , 'ound :a Shefelt the' western bass needed to built. h®�:ggested :B eeexfti:;. e Bnedn fi Galarde as ,•far west as BeoCb i,iew. �;� ®ik�!?��d th.�a 'citizens ,concern President Moen had mixed emotions His regarding , the extension being , a ,poBeible 'bypass, alternative obut His 9 preference: would' be to see roads . B3;milar to the ,ones p ► until other by-Pass roade were put in. , He also preferr�ekd comPosite number one to staff's recommendation. li how to roceed, heir optional nand alter natives Discussion followed on h proceed, ion bold 'not. be available. sue was that Murray Murxay Boul�avard ' a�xten ,connected at this time Commissioner F.re moved.' and Commissioner Rosborough` seconded to deny Comanise �' ., �litiori from 1NP0 3 � 'L CPO 4ii, � staff's reconune:4dation based on the oppc scent of the. ;citizens in attendance, and Policy 11.3'x.2; area of' special ial concerns for NPO 3. � '1he Commission proposes roPo ses a circuitous route f % o� a nr O to 135th that would sees ,the, noighhorA cod �t not through traffic. The, �� f, er� the plan major concern citizens have to stall. a recommendation is that t 'n , traffic. !this would solve : the int regfonaal would 'promote through ' transportation plan at the reei.dent'ts expense. It 'is further recommended ' th y at an major or minor collector streets be designed' to serve t th he r community as collector streets ,without'' promoting through traffic. carried by majority or' it y of Commissioners present. Commission Moen voted no. it 5.2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 89 -14 ANDIVAHIANCE V a9-33, LANDMARK 140,PD *PCY #4, A request for approval of a Sign Code Exception 'to allow fOur 'free standing signs with a sign face area of,, 510 square' feet where two signs with ,a sign e are' face area of 230 square' feet ,ire normally allowed. Three of th a are as to ' be freeway oriented. 'The individual dimensions of these signs cis a follows: 64.65, 154, and 287.13 square feet. ' The fourth sign monument sign, 40 feet in size, to be le . $tad on a edifferent, f aide gef Please note that measurements given are !' :inclusive of only double -f aced signs. ZONE: C- (General rcial ) I;®CA,TICINa 12000 SW G d C�nnne 66th Avenue (WCTM 281 1AA, tax lot 100) Senior Planner Liden r eviewtkd tIl a revised ; P roms f recommend ations. He explained that staff is root as er ed with ti:, h number and local on 'Of' a nay .e w th th .a : 3acussaon follows .g regardin g the dif�ere nt o p o ns recottaended by, sta APPLICANT'S TESTIMONY o alto Corliss, President Land Marc. Ord Stated that staff's recommendation are 'not acceptable o Piscuesiorli followed regarding the di.ze, the applicant felt he needed. PUBLIC! TESTIMONY PLa"dlNG CQ;MNisHION MINUTES er; and location 0 e :hat 1 ' 30, 1990 k. , P a +� N 6 N;RODUCi ION ii PURPOSE TYWIDE & REGIONAL PLANNIN 1iTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: . TR? MP IC PROJECTIONS f t • PUBLIC INiUT • IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS, S: NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS. g.a r TI!',IING 10. COSTS & FUNDING 11. CONCLUSIONS 3 2 . P7 :COMMENDATIONS Potenttzl Roadway Route Conoideredbl';; Febru'i B Additional ',Potential , nutee Considered -r Build-out traff tc Project' ro je LoIona Population Pro jectionei Traffic Engineer:i.n0 AYi�alyu�ic� R ,,,. � �, m �unre.. Tide 'purpose ° of the study► wee to determine , h r system ,Hof "ci lac m�.l k _ ei hhorY►aodAs arterial streets needed O. provide k. access the n g study ,area `, and to provide ,Duress through around %the study are apps ►priate. The s udy is nat. intended to &:f i ie a,. l a' the , a loc1 treeded .:n thla turfy area. Local seta, ets' to serve individual 0,•,,,,y ild ;: e ` aG7< <.r v cs _ h •a' .rl , 7 , lan -lies pianni d aind constructed ae development oc ttrs. Instead, the p, intended to ` def �'.ne 'the principal street system' i the ?+rea. ,hat streets e -. constru± tied' 3.in a "' logical , ,and consistent manner aatti,e+�elognren* o cure. coir1 reheneive lannin for .th p pa- OP pec 1 p p e xnci 1 icoadways ilk s Ufa y im :rtant in this s p ravines l;im�.t tih @� .; po tudj► area. where stee elc+pesy and des r `potential: routes for roadways. Once "a comprehensive plan is ado each , new .;4 subdivision can be 'developed .in a manner consistent with the yt .an so tti,ait eventually ,the l' ' entire read system can 'be cona43eted in a 'logical mariner. Currently in the Bull Mountain area much of the Lien ,is • undeve loped remains in agricultural usage. 'However, future developtent a see ne ,ft all of the Bull Mountain area within the established i rban Growth Bounds' redevelopment to ianc :eae Sorts larrgs lots have the potential for " future residential densities. The purpose of this study is to define the roadway system that wy'.1 b needed when the Bull Mountain area is fully lovelcip i , in ac cordance lit existing' zoning. How soon this full development will occix 'is unknown. It • could happen within the next few years or it may happen Over a .long period of time. Based on 0:urrent population projections, however,. ' it seems likely. : that substantial development of the Bull tion ntain area will occur, within Assumptions rega iNling f uttire velopmemt w] thin the t�aidy sea arse discussed in more dOteil in Chapter 0 • 1 CITY -WIDE AND REGIONAL PLANNING In planning for the study at, ., CLty -wide and regional ':rc�4way ° p&annir g � T x l al�o needs to; be considered. The alignment and. ade4Vacy of the roadway ayate® in the adjoining ai eaa will influence trafaEic" impacta On- �: #. it roadways Within the study, . area In 1983, the City ©f ! Tigard, and Wa ®h" sYgton . Coun'cy ° 'both,' adopted comprehensive plane which- plena :for iraadway systems in he ,; Bull Mountain area The City•a plan for the street ayatem in th %a study area is. gown on its rah r e Comp eneiVe Plan ,Transportation . Flap ado' ,P6 in 15'83. A potion of this asap is reproduced in Figure 3-1. The County ° s plan ' for roadwayst in the study area is eho * on , the. Waahi'ngton Portion of the County Plan county Transportation .Plan adopted in 1988. ie represented in Figure 3 -2. The County Plan for tha study area ° ie based primarily on the Bull Mountain Community Plan developed in 1083. r ana are not, total g reelent and The �,ity and County:. pl �. � 4 d neither i® specific about alignments 1 for the new goadwaya ne edei within the . steady area. Outside the study area, the existing City and County plans define :a fairly specific system of roadways' generally following existing street alignments. In 1988, Waahington County signed an urban .Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) with the City of Tigard and the City of Beaverton. The UPAA provides for an extension of. Murray noulevard from old Scholia Ferry Boa d'to 135t h " Avenue near Walnut Street. Thee '� � AAA further calls for � the `"city And the o define an alignment fir a roadway dy�►tem between w" Gaunt to work together t the 135th/Walnut area and the 121 &t /Gaarde area. ° on Count.:.. The Wae"�hingt y Transportation Plan Calls for an extension of $aswiei� Road and elimination of the intersection of err'y Row , f &chops F anal old �. 4 echo .ln Ferry 'goad. The ° City of Beaverton has adopted a eia: lar.:p� emu. The r eed road al; P � gcenente are �ahawn � on Figure 3'3 : I BBPART NOATw hsT BULL MOUNTAIN TR81N3 a TION °ST f r �AlliX',+ 1 In Iw addittOng to the City and" County, ; plena, .: 'there is Regional Transportation Plait adopted by'the Metropolitan Ser;+uice District (Metro) to idert,tfy the ,.' jor,l roadways needed for travel ' enrougl'a the region. Thy Regional Transportation Plan to the Tigard area ie based ,on the resultat of the Southwest Corridor Study completed by Metro in' 1987 The southwest corridor Study recommends `construction ' of a new ;, roadway, commonly referred to ae the Western Bypass, to car;Iy through traffic between thsb southeast area of Washington 'Cot aty and the westerly portion of. the County.. the Si;udy ai■110 L.*entifies the need for al new a roadway running from the southwest 'portion of Hull Mountain at Beef Bend road to the , Six Corners area of Sherwood to provide a connection between southwest Beaverton and the area non :h of, Tigard. The Study, like th& UPAA, calls for a roadway connection between Murray Boulevard at old Soholl0 Ferry ,Road and Gaarde Street at Pacific Highway, with the; provieion that thi"oadwa connection should not be completed until the other 'propoe i roadWaye. are inn. Place to carry through traffic ffic around the west side of Bull, Mc►untain Study .*-G,commendat Lone are shown in Figures 3 -4a &Ad 3.4 The A western Bypass Stem:,•, is currently being started by the Oregon Deparaaent Teaneportation , ) DOT study will review alternatives to the of (CDC The ODOT aev to decide if the By,, . l etro and washington ,yp mass aho ed uld be construe county will both participate in the otudy, p rticularly' ir, the traffic, ana3tymie to determine ; which' alternatives are feasible and in the land Uee. analyais to determine the implications of the Stptewide Planrlixag Goalie. If the study J. f irme that a Sypase im, needed, an • a l,ignment for the Byres will be determined by OT °D g p g .. .. ,: 1n conducting they Tannin' Ludy: it has for the �Piortheset 'Bull Moudta I I I been aedumed that roadways Outside the study area gi deve].O accordar;Ice with the euie ing city, county; and regional transport tlon Plane* i i e or Srn, altefina Yt has been.. - aeaer.;med that the Western Bypae rnl. es tranepostatiorn !improvement of egativalent capacity Will be co � true Alternatives!' to the frf/Oetern Bypass will be considered durLi ri d process and will include bath tr,.:�� ®it and ,hl. hwa alternatives P 9 �` REPOR NONTHNAST BUM MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUD p1OTEn The City of Tigard Ilas suggested a series .of indirect minor kol lector'icunzicrt for s bcwe s Murray diva. and (.awrde TIGARD COMPRFF.HENSIVE PLAN 'MAP TRANSPORTATION ORD. 83-24 MAY 9, 1983 PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS YEAR 2000 106 .IECT10MS IOO YEAR 1990 tl0Q PROJECTIONS DEWRT4EIUT , CF PLANNING A O VELQPA ET, CITY 01w ltiolOiol,,OREGoN ' 8 VICINITY 1 CON*RCT10M.l�iiwtCI1 1•Matis italic now Ors Su Iasi. lttrMiC orris *tout stoat, .. worst" Aro sris ii:M�IOK CU, 1tnnet11LAKE 4 iota oraelmsaoso .14la.0 11 *acre. Staitti iita sw. 1.300 AvtMIC. • COMMEC110N ICtU. iii %CMOiaC 111MT d1r0 anti S. ilsib aKMCt; aiio Orator MK.lalvr. e 4 CO/n*CttOMS attest.. eitil T nett: it modulo* 1`1000 Alb SA OS static: S CCNNtCTloas storeys t mtaktN stair .MK1. suai*T d a1A pikol b!ci` AI�O 1oatTr noel CANN[Cralii ,ltrati 1 NNCIFic i ilor/1t lino 1 -5 ,ewi 1*at1i0CT$.S Teti a O9d\ �►a/, 6 tumetoo el. A iaodto *150 «111015 Tat' 5ts111 !r PI M11s" aR VIII 311 «`{{ "wa(A. • T COMMICl10M to CaCCIICMl. %inert littoral, SM. viii Aa0 11ii� Orril C . `'.t, ▪ 1 IMM►�I`ut/YCO ROMP 1 a'r I((T AI: Su, . , -Ai61 airy 9 reMCT I C.S. St..UT Calimilos. at ii scNi 44D 4114,!: IQ IW[N111 coil Sin* np',1TC as a S IM.t Lila tr /lttnM k11a. EXI aTU!G STIttt � , Bsr' R 6 EQIAL %2. ":0,4 Y4T MAJOR QQ i.i��Wr1`Dit 6"1"."7""." ••++ MINOR COLI,.EI' TOR LIGHT` RAIL TRA' SIT P�O0RS (I-R T ER S AIITERIALS maw as a PROPOSED ARTERIALS .....m,...or COLLECTORS PROPOSED COLLECTORS LOCAL STREETS This figure summarized , igwre stsaunarie` the County clasdificati ®ng." 'For, detailed information please refer to the Washington County ITrasSPotEation Plan; Functional classification System. 216th/219th alignment (5 lane arterial with access control) 4 lane limited access facility (generalized alignment) threi um ,r iukS�w00tC0.. a., New c. onstiuctlon Raip meteor g ii oet tntsa Widening ■.• TSM Improrvements F irterchangoAntet*,,iiot Improvements ... Utban growth bo iindany Southwest C orri or Study Recommended �' r y yy if 00 iY.u� J 0 TERNATI'VE4 cDNS IDEYRED, Figure'4 -1 shows the , existing "L dway slieatem in the study area . ,. `=nclude+ in the "existLn , roadway system is the extension .of , Hurray Boulevard whic1 ie rEget ir� „hy i;rh!9liurban Planning Area Agreement and for which p®rtione ' o the right.'.of -way have already been> dedicated. One v sf the alternatives considered is the alternative 'of no new : roads.; Zr' this ' a ; ternative. the principal roadwak system would remain as shown in F4 .gure ` 4 -2. ' Local streetei` would be built of of these principal roasd8 to ss rve the various local neighborhoods as they deve' ;gip. ex3.1ti.ng streets would be improvvid to ac omaioIate increasing trailf ei Volumes as the study area develops. The exigting street system provides f or no direct connection bea w eet Btl l Mountain Road and ''Walnut Street areas. All trips between the higher elevations of - Bull Mountain and surrounding area must ` use either Beef Send Road ,o Pacific 'Bigh aay. All tripe between , the wester,. "13► slimes of Bull Mountain and Pacific Highway; . generally urge Walnut Street, Bull Mountain Road, or Beef Bend BOad. Under the stadr a , alternatives 0'i)te' considered to p '+^,vide new roadway connections h tween the Walnut. gtreet Area and the Bull Mountain Road area and t c pr-`�►v►id alternate routes for eant.4 est travel the study area. within, t ' p . steep l ' ee�p ravines, and 4xistLug development Due to the r�e 9uce� of rates e�.o ��se, d nts is' eomewhCt I within the s1`.udy area, the potential for knew roadway align united. Figure 4 -3 ®bows Potential Corr dOrs foie new roadway routeeti the, 1 po ant: corridors are those routes where prtrlimiha. envineering review indicated that a collector roadway could be conetruci ed in accordance With established design standards. Potential routes which '�u 3i pas . tbroasgh existing develo ents anc require the . � ,... ' r of , >sxuvserous g pm s�hi.ch would �`� a�. existing _ horF►a were eliminated from consideration and are . nt t' ah��rl�sn Figure 4 -3. However, routen which follow existing roadway# w"! tzonse. slated ' n even ' her where removal of a small, number of 'existing 'hcaa�es, s g s LWeqgired., -- BULL MOUNTAIN TRAMSPOR`TA.t720 "+, STU' NORTHEAST 8 REPORT NOrt y�r.�:.:,,,�,^ ALL BLVD. HALL BLVD. 121ST 8th ti J S TRAFFIC , ?RC)a- RCTIONS w; , e' ut er; r rasa of th made , Using the I� /2 coc�ap ro ' ect ions were mad _., 9. Tra�f �.. p � c o' e�. ®t��,` assumed The traffic .pr j L e# roi titan. Service District (Metros � . that all roadway improvements in surrounding areas (outside, the study areas) would be completed in accordance with , the eiat' l3 ahead city, county, and regional transpoa-tatiofl plane. In surrounding areas it'' was . assumed ° that � ; by Mstro.` population and traffic growth 'will occur at th, rates projected Within the study area and immediately adjacent .zones, ,. population projections were sp cificallr reviewed and adjusted. based on a more' detailed review of development pon;:ntial. Appendix C shows traffic Projections for each alternative . based on full � build -out in the study area and adjacent zones. For traffic projection ga assumed that build -out in the study area, will occur by the urposes, it was ses year 2010 and that growth elsewhere in the region will. \be . consistent with the Metro projections. Study area build -out populations used are in accordance with the estimates shown ifi Appendix D. Appendix D assumes, that the build -out population of the study area will be less than the,, theoretical I eoretical maximum density allowed by existing zoning. In developing the ga p*, la tion projections, allowance was made for develo pme n t restrictions iosed by steep slopes, deep ravines, ' and similar topographic restrictions to development. Also taken into account was the preeenee of existing development on lots larger than the minimum sizes required by the existing It was assn ed that this ex' n�� development wc3ld react zoning.. isti Q pm unchanged 3xcopt where there is a potential to further subdivide: it e age parcels without destroying the existin g structures. There wen interest expressed at the public meetings i.iz knowing .how much of the traff c volume would be local traffic and how much would be through traffic. From the computer generated traffic f i s data,. projections of the nZtex'eaativee through traffic percentages were a eve$. for !elected . It appe are that the pe rc� a g e.. s of through traffic did be Similar in other alternatives- REPORT NORThEAST DULL MOUNTAIN TRMSPORTATtON STUDY PAGE 1,T .� ..... . +.wet o apph�ars that, oven with ,.construct ion ' i t i � test ®ion ,;of Beet Bend Road south to°' C urera, its 4, " oe sane_ 11ora -local - .tripe through 'the ^study area e south Beaverton ' areas. Expanded Local . • • to co • • sEND BEEF 1y Tualaty, i�ll NEf LOCAL TRIP 434 OF TOTAL VOLUME MTV; ,oBLIC 7.NPuT On ,February 8, 1989, a , neia11)°r1°, ° diicu;n the totteast ourtain Study. distributed thrOugh mailed notict4;3'`.tO ''13operty' otiners within the ittuay. area, through an artnnunneinent the City's Ail About Town" and through various newspaper art11:1100- *A13Proxi.ms,telY '120 people attended the ineeting. , At the February meeting, ,City staff discussied,the purpose of .the atu y an the alternatira routes hieing conaidered. Poten40L1 roadway rOuteS were discueeed and preliminary traffic projiketiortis were preseriteil. .copies of _ the drat.oilage telar:iwing alternative ic'ot.tteti'and trafic projectimgis...itzere made . avail.abl.ti, to those 'in itzteflo:lartee. AdditLonal coi:oieii were ,made .available to te „ , 4 publi.c at the Cit3r Bali and by :naii upo,2't request. kt the February meeting there was an extended question 'end ariewer period. At the end of _ the meeting, partiel.pitnte were asileeci to ,ltake the information beak to their , individual neighborhoods and steztia ertcol.tr■ getd to dinettee he alternatives in neighborhood grc)ups. On march so 1989, a second neighborly:10d meeting waft held t0 receive4nPut.' Attendance again eXceeded 100 resident's.' At the Harem 8th Meeting _ _ , citizens' connnente ancl condemns were heard. Some additiOnal el.terna. IMO!! , , • were suggested. suggeatLon* weri re-40110'e a. fo arSaft where Additional,,,,data wad needed. A stukaittarY of the ,7rtiriOnis idegte` pretiented Was .'recorded',On,:,'a,, flip chart at the meeting and is ava 1.1 able proSeet rederde. • , #0114evitagr' 1,1he klatch 8th meeting and atiggentiotte frOin a number of b'Ltiktihti • The'tg.zi, ,A,!,.:tiggeet gnt ,. in the form o1 letteyie, petitions, and ,phone 'calls: All new geaton considered ' ' • ' „, The alternEttitedi prorteertten Fororttery arol'onhowit in Append The REPORT - NoRTHEAst sum mouti.rittii IntAtisrPoRtzierIoll 14.7111Yst con •. 1 74 ROvEmENT STAND P.acf iic Highway, is a .state bigh4jay o£ regional .0.274taf "Canoe: T e r px;'ojectionss in Picatef that the „alternatives , consid ere d for tie s xee stems of the 'study' area , all 'would result a n eiv3h.ar ti a €f xc impacts enr, :' Pacific `Ei.ghway. Pacific Highway ' will , continue to to deiaigne 43 a Is, facility to serve tbrough.traffici All other streets considered in 'this ;report ate artreeta claesified ',ae col l.ecto* streeta inii accordance with the Tigard ' .Compi er anaie Plana The City °s Development Code specifies :design standards tfor, collector streets. To bring existing( ,streets into conformance . with design standards ,.would require `widen ng to collector otreet stanads, con3Lructibn f: c dew ? , sides, nstailation of atreetl ghting, and.slegrpiing to provide Safe", eight distances. Now .streets- will. be constructed ih cor forima'nce wit T the Established resign standards.' thin Ilaoth Minor collector street(: are typically marked as two -lane stxeote vith bike lanes or parking lanes on both aides. A Center left: turn: sometimes marked on minor co1i.eczhr', streets at mayor, terser tions. et a turn lane is marked, parking must . Major collector gtreets are typica.3.11 maa;ked as three lane street® (o ° lane in each dite,ction for through traffic p1u® a center ttura lane ran- street parking„ Additional lanai axe some tea r",) eeeaa on ma ox Additi � � collector etroats to provicae adequate traffil,c . capacity at majpx: intersections In general, streets with; projected rraaxim. w jp ak hour tratti+ voitaa esr vender 50D vehi cler4 per hour would be d 4gned se minor coll,asciiok ®tree with higher • projected traffic voli ee wiould designed ao imajjar` c01�!Ct0r streets. Variances to the design nta:idards mays be grairrted in, n ue s »t atioi 'Variances are so, Imes approved to reduce impacts on ati " d ... ., sometimes ', Pa �9 eve �' REPO AT NQRTHEAST BULL MotJN ' Y 1 T tS rtThTION s A ,:,, y � � � �� ,. ,...., ,,... ,. ,. ,.,_..� ,.., ...,,,. w , .� . ...,�. �.,.., .. 'It ft MO -I • - NEIGHP,Z 1400D IMPACTS As the . areas ori. and around Sul! 1 Mouatairi ;cantinas . to .develop, Graf f is volumes Sri ,l increase. Under „' xiy of the alternatives " considered,- street improvements will tae needed to safely accommodate the increaeed, ;traffic. Improvements to exiatang, etrebts may'- include addition of'x facilitates for he etreete to iaaprove night„' pedestrians and bicycles, regxad3•ng of t 'distances by eliminating or reducing existing hills 4n4:- d. {;ps.' minor ,realignment to reduce 'sharp ceirves, widemi.ng to provide. L.urn" ga.anes, and add,± t on of traffic si404la at , major'`' intersections. 1Dep0ding on thee' alternative selected, new roads 'may be constructed though t areas that,' curreStly have no through traffic;. Nel.ghb®rhood impact was the concern most fr'4.guently raised at the public meetins. concerns included increased noise, reduced building, setbacks aue . to street widening, ,safety concerns. resulting groat,-the anticipated increase in traffic, and potenti_e l decrease' in property sal ues. Many of these rain rns can be fully addressed only at the tiara .that detailed construction plans are .prepared.. At the time of final deeigne the city works with ;r p sty owners to review ways to minimize adv srse impacts. r owner - "here additional right way q g y is required, the Property must be compensated at the fair market value for any property taken'. Any change . to the val ° � Of the remaining property is considered in d2teiminifg' the appropriate aStreet may requi te cgs ci ! 1 desi gn consi�e ra t ion s tc acconmodate e xisting development. Many of the exietia hues on Gearde Street are ite clods to the exietin roador� y . idened equally on., � g a '.. ;�,� the3 - street fie w r a ouee both,. eidee may' end rap very both ideg, in the noa-caal fashion; :I a on close tO the 't.dgidened' etreet. Widening along the north side Of Gaarde, •bei xealwri.ct y .Y Street near 1i.5th Avenue will.. . he presence ®f a cem�t,ery ed b t ✓ ery close: to the existing roadway. Duiring the public me®tingsr one pernOn ne one sidle, �auggeeed that any widening to' Gaarde Street Should , be do 1. sari of the roadway with dome existing htxaes being rec dveel on L he side of the, l4tBPORT --» NORTHEAST BLiJJ M OO'fitalf/iiN tght1SPORTATtON S;rUD' ADS REPORT 1,:10FITHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION 1 Ct • .. COSTS &. PUNDtNG' Moder. any of the alternatives, the existing ccUe for street a �,.n tneN study area r °cl to he improved to adequately and s;aii. lyY pri vidib for' they , pro i0ct d 1r<aftic ,volumes.'t Walnut 'treet. aarr Street 'ai ' gu11. Mountain toad, would have a+ir tar improvement costs nn *r 'any or~ the. alternativ :s. for 121st Men'de,, .mprovem nt costs w'auld ,be s1'ightlyP hi.,gher under tho ,°''npt,.. '.. . is .. ... ' new roae s'' . alt'arnatives th:�.n undiler, other ' alternatives '. rider " ",rno new roads ",' g r it would need to be improved to wttajo , coleetor etandardsr under all other alternatives, 1 'minors collector - aandards .3uld' be adequate., ha p hew rcollector etree��ts ' will also be Ri uxe �alterna ive e that rovi,,,{ le i , ' ; . expensive. However, it is not boasiible to a0„,Curatetyr, the additional cost at this time. 'rhe new � ec,:tor, atrer to W .11 serve developing areas Where there arrfe no existing ' °roads.. ate, `they,; collector streets a z not built, it wila be net trose r'y to build a local street system to provide access to theec devel91,4n0 e L,layout of the . local Street' system depnndsl on , 'kmctora such. 'S 'the 'type andL sit* .' Of lots L. being deValoped. These factors are not known: until a specific development proposal LAI presented. Without a deft' Mite proposal for a focal street system, it is not paZassible to dateamine how mach additional coat is involved in bnliding a ,. port °a.on of the street, system to of.?lleCtor street atandarzis. pe y expense as general, to at 4�it14Q�w In enteral, �.iarelc� " �: � �-�. ; h �� now etr�e construct conditions of development app_ c ionge, of at ''7os'►�t�,. existing ieeets adjacent to new devel ant may also a i0 proved 'aved at tree. eAYenae of 1 he deLei.o r� t J � �o ra��ry anetats to o= Yn r•��me cases, develo ra are ' also se iced ' . existing streets which provide access to the development. , • P. ` ,new t �Y J V't -4t11 ••s AC.1 d .Except.as sentioned above, ' impror,v*ments etreete waxes general, .y aid e: se funds case fro<a devej, rent :l + s and p purl. iii' sit:,�e�!t ;fu�►�a. the from gastall:.ne t axe + In not a cae es, 1,uttdingf is al co c ' &Ocui. improvement districts o 40#4 special;a c levies: REPORT - NORTHEAST HULL MOUNTAtR t� A`i'Tx0 a UAY TH#tANSP+D 4• 'y a .: s r p 0 • co NOLtIMiONSh This chapter ',Presents,' conclusions o conclur'�.ens'; are based . on; the data contained' in this rep& the-city onCineerin • staff.: hese''' 0 kli.t3!..@•nr....1:"=.10aum.0...52.1.1. on of the �1lA informal meetings, there were rc eats, for deleti h Pit the inf meetings, requirement for a Murry y Boulevard. extension between , Old Scholia' Fe'ry ;fload and 135th avenue. TrOkfficl projeetiorsi were run . for the No . New I toac'> urra extension. Tha Pee projections were . compared With alternative witl`�, no �L '�► the previous projections which included the Murray extension. of tt� Mui ra When compared .tci the Plans previously ca�neidersu, ' deletion Y.; extension ,`."As found to ,haver the following impacts on future traffic.. voluMess Future traffic volumes on 'walnut Street would, be reduce d0 Voir �aoac oV. ° Walnut Street,, however, greater: traffic reductions .fie found in tie alternativkie that, include new rods There would be little change, in the future tai r Gaarde Street.' on ll5th Avenue, traffic would lea more than dorbled. There could be e. a increase in the traffic on, Nall Mountai R o kdb ll i volumes on Outside the Mtudy area, traffic wv,uld be eubrtta"tLaily i,� reseed .oak Davis Road, Scholia Furry! Roa`,77,4 12iet AvenQet North .Dakota and Greenbur Rc:;.:: traffic, would be decreailed on Murray .Bcnlel ard. ..g 3 in Beaverton and on Su nriee,p Lanes, The volume me diverted €rOm th 'Murray extension ;would apa:soximately egswl to the total iiiccreases in traffic volume° an 135th, Davies, And .121st o d) db ;w it was concluded that de1o±�� -oar off', the.. Mura.r! � ex+���eio tweai +�: D►1d Schgil:].n� and 135ith Would n. achi O an ' flignifidant rednction in * hroug f fic' would shift ot,rraete eunh volumed. The R��Ir.� t� �rn ®�� ari�.R�+E. . hif� as 2.j�tia REPORT RTBBAST BULL MOUNTAIN hIH TRIQS�]RT]d 10N B�', d • O y7 077,1) r a a . ti. .o1 vo1uae� The traffic wen'"d shift, to Estitiorcellitcto atreets fe,A..:13, as 135th iird'North Dakota. There wonld,be no benefit to,Gaarde4Str r da 1);\ el Constrtaction of the' tdurrall4 extension ____''7_1t,iiirnative tray route between the stud ertort. This alternative pr,c±vidfs a shol.,ter routm for acme ,mOtorists and improved 'atzen0 for emergency vehicles: Consftruf,ftion of this etainiectiion will help ii■I:encenrage' motorists to Ui3e the collector street nytsteilso rathr,than trave3.iatv .on local residential. etreets. It wr,,,s cc)nc3.1,Ided that the tit.trray e3ct,..ensicin between Old Scholia and 135th 44 .h. If the Murray extension is constructed, then the impacts of future growth arinen,L.- to be approximately equal on soW eltiating streets under all, of the alternatives. The projected traffic velLumes and the need for street improvements are nearly identical under the various alternatives. Thesis streets include 135th Avenue north of Hurray Boulevard, 1215t Avenue north of Walnut Street, and McDonald Street east of Highway The alternative of no net': re..,cilss plaslata the greatest ,traffic itupacts oh Walnut Street ctild 121st Avenue. This f".1.)t1Lon vtotild lead to lower traffi,c 0: growth on Gaarde Street than other alternattvee; howe7er, meidr collector dtrilet imrr°v meents w°111d still be ne*ded on Gaarde Street. *4- 01 Thin altetnati40 also puts a higher traffib 'Volume on tho ProPOeed fiatUta 0 &Li axi; a irt 0 ja n of ,5, tt nr i 8 et L an e . , a ,...e i ender thin aseuted that a aYatiwu of 1007a1 ntreetr0 would be con atructed to stlloW ntaigliberisciod traffic from* developing aretz:er, to acceits, • a. 'Co •,a r ". 1 r „9 • the existing collector street aYstem. i ecause local € neighbortaood access: would, be entirely on the local street' system, we could expect higher '. than. normal traffic volumes on some of the > lc.Pal. streets o '1 L an indirect connection between Bull Mountain Road and walnut. Street ie crated by ,the,' local street system, we could expect this ,100 nection of 'local" .streets to function as a collector street since. any alternative routes'would have longer travel distance' The alternative of no new roads is she lea0t desirable from' the standpoint of emergency vehicle access. If a cr; tiC'a1 access road is closed. , for any roasona■ the alternative access mate ma + ' prov,*de a longer than desirable accesa time, It , needed to adequately. serve . t �t war�r - that �on��e n�� raads ' are' long range needs of the study rea:. 121st. Avenue Extensi.c One .of the alternatives considered was the extensllon. of '1218t - Avenue south of Gaarde Street to Bull 1, ountai,n Road. , Sot these t 121st" Avenue in y g. :. scholia Ferry .load and Gaarde Street. currently a through street betv�eatr, The City of Beaverton his considered cone3tructic l of a 'new atre.:.t 'which, would d extend 121st Avenge no rth from scholia y ry Road an' d . pr ov i d e a connection to 125th Avenue. 121st ?!'venue provides one of the few through .north - -south connectors Because L in the , westerly portion of Tigard, Lt has been suggested .n the 'pas ,that it would be logical to extend 121st to Bull Mountain Road. The idea , s t° provide improved access betp:aeen Bull Moui7stain .Road and areas to the north. In fact, Hazelhil l Drive • h,s been Conatr acted wider thaia ' , t 'tpical residential streets in order to rxcc omodate a 1 r1otent ia3: t'or,igh t�'afflc . connectiott. Thin hroe 3 h connection wets, ' ` d�ec r` rase tr tiff d 141 'Chive Bull. Moun `,ain' Rand. volumed to the east of Tia:��l.h an. REPORT - NORTHEAST BuTz, MAuN'. IT4 TLUSPcRTATION stew! Pe�►�(i m ri e traffic prfa► j ect iona indicate that t rry 'traffic between ` the Bull Mount'1in Lat: Avenue ectension �reaidential areas .X , wou areaa` north of Gaarde :Street as ,expect ad. ow►iever, the traf.fic: pro'jectione, ,oleo indicate that'., the connection , would f linctfron, pr sta'rily ae; °an a;E,t yrnative route , fele the ugh tra f f.tc:'(�ton . Gaar • Street. The reamlt ' w outld! be an inncretaee rather 'a than a decrease in traf is. on BuM1 Moi:ntain Road,to{' the exist or Kozel x311' Dr 've. The expected traffics vol'umea on Mazelhill: Drive would„ be ad great that. reconatruc .LOn of .Mazelhill Dr?lve'would be required to eliminate ;the 'right angle turn_ near Bali mountain Road. While the connet.ion fflould reduce the traffic volumes on Gaarde ,Street, the' reduction :would not be significant cno4gh to change' the; i nprdvemeata: needed on Gaarde Street. Gaarde Street would still be :expected' to ,f ancion'' as a m3 jor collector roadway. Thee l2let Avenue connection' :would significantly impact the existing reeidentia +• neighborhood on Hase],tii12, Drivel would also Lticreaoe or traffic volumes on 121st Av► nt i nort , ,, of Gaarde Street, An area of erieting residential development. The potea ia). exist: , for . as alternat ve connection route in the vicinity of ''SW 132nd Avenue which would isapact Fritz fewer existinV homes. The 121et Avenue connection would not achieve the expected goal of ca,ecreaning traffic ' on BulI l Mountain Road.° Tye ' connection ,» would; not eliminUte the need for substantial improvements ` a,nd the expectation 'cif eubl °itantial traffic increases on Gaarde Street,, It . TherefoXe, it was cdsicluded that the 121st Avenue ektene ,on was Hrkbtt I +en' acceptable alternative. It appears to create eubStantt4 dietrim4ntal impacts without achieving the benefits that had been expected. !or "these 2 was not incl reaeosad, the 1.�1 ®�. avenue. exte on vases in I ' {:ham recrade, plan. I. ,I 135th Avenue Exte on An ekteins on of 135th Avenue south fry Wa irnut Strdett� t ` Bt I , road would provide °a new - +n,nection between the uP, and 1vwe3i Sul/ iicuntaine Such a new roadwa' la clearly o e REPORT - PORT ' BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTAT10111 uDi dp'1lIG$ r traffic.. Howev r, . it .appeare" 'that'.. its major function' 'would to carrya ,raf f is ;:to and from future developments which ark' expecfd in ,t the area betwween Fer0H.H 'Street+ and Hull Maunta3.n . Read'. , This' large developing area• will need to have roadway connect one. The alternative rouites for roadwa connections ;are severely limited by .;:opOgraphy: end e c sting' development. This. area w313. neEd to connect to Walnut . Street at `eXist3.ng 135th Avenue and to @ull 'Mountain ,Read in the vicinity of 139th_;Avenue. It can also Die expects to connect to 5enchview Terrace. If all of , theses ,connections arm constructed ae local streets, it is ext acted that e wil.1 still. carry aubstanatial traffic volumes wh 'n the area a f al .y ° dev�el�oped projected traffic volumes at build -out on 135th Avenue . south - of Street are nearly as .great with the "no new, - ,cads" iternat' vii a0 they are 1rLth the "Bath Avenue extension" atternatime. It ire l.kely that the f uture . eyat �� o ocal street® have ,,ntercon;pct�,on® that �ou la provide: a potental route for between a'.`nut Street and P ull Mounain I ad Thus, it appears that , the 135t4 Avenue .,extension concept wail, is fact, come tc pass �.e, development. ,.occurs her l ,, �thet we• p f or it or not. It was concluded, therefore, that plane should be made fora 135th .Avenue Connection as a min *dr. collector street t9 accot oda a .ljhe ; expectedd higher. ttaffis volumes. otherwise, the higher tirafff c voluaa.asi3 gill ,'be occurring in the future On local, streets in the arerw. Improve011e4i\ a w31 . . a 4.1 the ft4ture a1ona 135th Avenue south of '`!alaut eta £intersection 135th and Walnut Street. Wab,nut __._. t , Connection Between �+laltnut 135th an;d Gaarde 1216,, an et Iit appears dee irable to grov3 do a new rdadwa t to Carry traffic f am • V the, Walnut /1351-, h area to the Gaarde`121et 1 Area.' Such a , roadwa, , wou1b si'� nificantl. decrease futu a Walnut St rest on 1 .ale Avenf,ie' 4 Y re traffic: o `a ►ad` south of Walnut Street. The new r , adway would provide an a oeee route, to on th+ currently undeve properties between 121st and Avenues south of Walnut. 3 re+et. RTi AST BULL mouNTAIM a t• a 4 AG • . • IttV 1 - P the 135th Avenue area, ,r, these undeveloped arias, they develop. If no collector street system is loca , i Carry higher than den•tsab future. ;w i.'1 need' roadway .access as prov,ided. it is' l 'r Y�y that � a � ' le traffic valumes in the Therefore, it 'was concluded that a thtough and Gaarde%121et ie .denLrabl e. t the informal meetings, rs identa that . would not go through established Comr+^Aite Alternatives No. 1, 2, a.*d '3, The , . ths'ee composite alternatives provide connections to' 135th and Walnut:. connection 'between Walnut/1'35t re c uest:w i that 'routes „;be considered neighborhoods. The routes. shown L to best satisfy this request. 132 tad A venue® Roadway access needs to be maintai.nead.. ACCOLJ is needed to tber" • the Mountain Rcad.' A north-south connectio reduces the proj"scted traffic volx'lmee provides an alternative north- south route 121st Avenue extension. Therefore, to undeveloped area betweien Menchview and Bull' n the vicinity of 132nd avenue on 4hj 135th Avenue extension. It that compensates for the deleted it was concluded that a connection 'is. alternate 'routed e the 73elichview. Terrace avtea. needed in the 132nd Avenue vicinity. Existing 132nd Avenue near Walnut Street is a narrow driveway accesses to eacetir.q' hahe0 on both sides . street is not improved to colw��eotor street standards. street would have major impacts on t?te existing u d. concluded that the existing 132nd Avenue is not a Suit le collector r'oadwa , Other potential collector street routes ea weet of 132nd Avenue. estreet th very sti Af 1: he etrtet. The Widening of this Therefor*,, , It was Este for 'a 1 040 011 gstive connections for Bu11 Mc+ua Sot�,tls of Benchview Terrace, two alts ���i orce alternative would intersect H•�ilkuntaia�s R,oaa�x were cc�nsic�ered 4 l L:te rn�101.11 a el l r, 15ut �. Mare a near 133sd Avenue. The other alts► `" , MMTOOM'T' = NORTHEAST, STS HULL klegiI ATN T AT1e' 'S' n. ad° ' ne arr 129th Avenue . The connect ion ` near! 12gtN. ' Avenu+ pac` e, on existing. ',homes. Therefore, the .12gth FZYti+enue,Y � e recommended. plan:, In . the' :public- re ' meeting9 ;, comments we > �teaard that additionai connectf oils airs r needed 'to Beef •Benu � •:Road and that eef 'Fend '3toad shoo d carry a � ��her ' eharo o 'Z the traffic '.vie. Roadway 'Cabinet* one between :J 3u '.1-. 1 .? nta � n Road::.and Beef Bend . Roam at 150th Avenue, ate, Moue taingate '`and ;v at ";133 d r. AVeiitlae are part of the .e !.sting ' Transportatfs,on °Ptbn .ador :ed by Washington county. In developing the traffic M projections, ; 'thE�ee, three' roa�d.jay I connectione were assumed to exist, 'Still; the traffic projections tii icate that Beef Bend Road w4'ili I carry less traffic than Bu14 :1Mennta$1- Road. Beef Bend Road i a probably sot an attractive ±01#3 H Or most residents o'f` } Bull Mount ;ain beasc.4e of its alignment. An canr be aei!n oza . 1ne ..maE�e, , 3eo£ I �` i e I i , Bend Road iintereects Pacific Hi rit,a r very close to the . Bull . Mounta� n, 1Rtoad. interaeotion. Therefore,' Bull Mountain Rod s the morel; ±�ttra� hive roue for tripe beginning . or ending en' the. higher parts of the m �unt,a].n. Peef Berea Road in probably an ' attractive route only ,for ` those t * »1�pe beginn� n or ending near Beef . Bend Road. Beef Bend 'toad probsciiy! attractive route if it could be keel geed to intersectrPacif further south; however, the existence, of the Acing �C3.ty�' °develop ,.Y ;b. such an alignment impracticab]Ye. Thertfore, it appears unlikely that many may Orie wr C itIZ 4 2,' reuad divert to Beef Beni Road either as a thro'ngli route 'Ora i an 'a" case rou Ball Mountain The materials presented at the suggestion that Gaar le Street be realigne ;at ,Nighwa would realign Gaarde to interaeat 9IW ' & McD na RBPQR` MJ. R Ty"AST 8 L MOUNTAIN R TRAfdSPOR'TATXgH S R 8 :y; The ProPeeed realignment would prove .d Street to `Pacific, Highway. .e .= a. ' s 'alit stoat Traffic, " projections ',ndicate that the, realignment Cf Gaar`de Street will 'r of fie, t volumes on 'McDonald Street` have little .impact on b�he � t i s realignment in "'e =spected ,' o improve traffic safety., Signet iratrran o€ the exiting '�,Gaa de Street intereeeti� n at 99W fe►, considered' und�anirable, , for • W traffic operations reasons . The , ex sting Gaarde ; Street interne , , "4_ n is • t McDonald St�µ1!tet and .Cacterbul?Y Lane inte reection$. ' The k9f close o ve IIcDKnald Street intersectici s a lread y a ignalize, . ''Thy CAt►tlsb4 ry Lane scheduled for aignlization in Z9i®, interaek+`ion is Campos ite Alternatives, Three composite alternatives are shown in Appendix ,B All three conform to the conclusions Stated previously. The three alternatives. are identical' except in the vicinity Of 135th and W*7.n it. `Projected 'futures peak -hour traffic under build -out conditions are sl On Appp•,ad. ae C for Alternative No. 1. and 2. Alternative No. 3 woull expo „w tai to have similar- traffic' volumes. , sine Alternative 'No. 1 routes the Murray d extension through' ��� a Mu �� nut Strei��. a� : a the utideavelope�'i property north of ' Wad. alit of. •.32nd Avenue.''• This alternative requires a series of horizontal curves' but its grades are t f portiOn •I �. •,�„ of �Talnut. Street tern not as etee'� as site Alternative No would become a dead-end local street : under thil® alternative The 135th Avenue extension would ii7it ,card ,41:1 rray rorth Of evxisting WaXu,, t ' Street and north of the en+asing steep grade in 13 th, allots, a better intersection con i.gurat ion Composite Alternative No. 2 'routes Hum ey alon j exteting 135th ,And and along a new alignment west of 132v:41 Avenue. This alternative, has fe tefcizontal curves than Compoette Alterna tive o� e e it � tads graded (up tro 1®S) . 1te x'outei along the Steep elope tiieft CI' 132nd' wan NEPoRT - NORTHEAST Ruiz Motfl4; TALN t' TBANSPORTAtiON STUD IA 13' r _ , would req*ire au rtant cut and •- • _ - • would , than the existing homes on 13d, it would be expected to have greater noieeimpacts CoasDe ,Alter ° identical to south of Wlnut rerti • It then 461:1908""Ii4 exist.ng alignments 1 of Walnut Street1 and 135th AVenue Under this r*nei'sre t ,'• *tension '"' 7°111 11d. 777' 1°"r1376t' with Walnut Street. , _ , Composite 'Alternative , No. 2' ,•was elimidiatticl, from farther donsi4eration, as it would 'have greater impacts on EXiiting hOmes3 an would have steeper ,1 des than throw other two alterraat4,Ves. IntPrAlection. The existing in\%terfhtE3cti.on of .135th AVenue and lialnut Street cloti.313 not A operate well. The curved aL3prorzich of Walnut Street creates some confusion for turning vehicles, sight distance is also somewhat limited. As traffic volumes increase, it will be necessary to improve this intersectiFii.. CcsitipoEfite Alternative No 1 would el.ixttJ.nate the intersection and extend Under Composite ,,E:-.1tikk.native No. 3, it woald be ne■;;egaary to reconstrudt, the exiting iatersection. It unuld probably be necessary to purchace, and roinovea the exist:,itai houde on the southeast corner in order to reconstruct!' the I.ntersection.1 k Iknst)t!.•aar possibility would be to rettlign 1,5th Avenue ):Ietvieatin Feitri Street and Walnut Street. If the through street were ahi tmd to be e , _ would provide a better initeasecticitt with Walnut Street. However* such tefl tY 4 .r s acquisition.' It wold u greatly �E. rests% Pro �a�,rt3,es to the hest of 135th Avenue e ' ial eta float c f' the sex .sting. homes on 13!th Avenue snout * pears~ that 3 3 �['� ap � existing ali,�nment, without major l.ap ,exiatin+ reu ovei of the „;hones at, the corner of Walnut Street tire' del.te lic °Walnut Strc:'�t are ;Bet Or Vsld° in,n' i9s C�CO , except' th' C Therefore, e 'roeommended existing 1ccsl►tion'. Co.. shows 135th venue : to 'remain' ,' in its For tho most part' costs ''rere not a consideration in selecting the pret,iarr ed � M alternatives. rovement are, on existing streets wd are the Most of the nee d+�d etreet� i�ap w including no new roads alternative. ®gae in ill a3.to�•ativer�,, 9i whe°114 new roads are. `shown, 'their 'will, some type of new road access will need areas at the time of development. Constuctton of the access streets collector standards lL rathetr than local: ` street standard$.) wo i1d be a rela viVely minor cost impact: serve ourrently undeveloga l . areas. to be constructed to each Of the °0• ! he one : exception is CemPosite? A,lternat substantial right-of-way acquisition- The route ' between' be through property now aike].y that acquisition Purchase using City street: fua .ve, No 1, w] 135th A '7enUe would subdivided- It appears this area would need to be by ^.b would require alnut . greet asn�d ts� prOCC0f' ' of ati f being ne, r9.ght -of g.sv The prima bv/fef its of Alternative No ll ovef 1►].t stat v o. , 3 t .ion conf i r ttienu . .. agd, pit th int to be better 3 ntersect tie n: tut a ctens o*t ��rer of. � "4glnut S '� i' treat witJb y , RUPC T NORTIMAST 13= MOUNTAIN TRANsPoRTATI n are on Thaffic 'engirt�eering - review Appendi, , E)' concludes that t the intertectio c the', Gaary e'+ctension with Walhiti,;' Street would •actr:ially recru'i.re. !r"affic 'lined winder Alternative Ho. 3. Although the traffic vr;ilumed r; zeateat' on the west and, south eras'of the "T" intersection, the �orojected peMk-hour i:nrning movem .rite e e aualh that tl a "T* ' intersection i!II:: expected' ' to Operate well. A4tev iati've N +b:',:' 1 'does not • a are t beve benefits , adequate to justify ' tId's additional coats that would',: be associated w alternative. Alternativ. I No. 3 .provides ' a more ' in we direct connection between 13,5th `and Gaardeo Residents of Gaarde St4:9tet and McDonald "iStreet have ; advcr,ated a less; direct ,co aiiection.` Therefore, Cc: site i ltornatiN. Collector Street Standards'' Appendix E cont'airts a traffic engihteerir4 :report ,t, h, at My ,7 mates 'thsa "' 1W i. in i,w of lanes needed at future iauir�d -out t� f �,.: �. 4 a�lulties. S a da d, eci ile '- street improvi mentn 8,+�' i' adequate to ak:ac nodate: the o t tr$, CC vo1u es except at certain intereectione. • The following intersections w ll requiro the addition of a+ °separative W turki 1ane: 121st at Walnerlt ,'(north leg) fi4 Gaarde a+ 115th (east leg) Gaax�de at paci: is Highway Hull •, Mounta A. .at pacific Hi0 hwa Amend,' the ' "rfibeia.div.-a to iwa ;!)±91,Fieit of.,collec'tc:._.?x;•:-1,streigts„..itt:.accordaride with Fri dated Some minor revisions • to,,...".4doptedConnty an regional plans. may be „..aeteasary.to fully. conform to Figure Einve7r0r,"'•F*gure 12-1 appears to fully .eatitify, the 1.ntent„,,,,of.*tha'riating,adOptski City, County; and.:Regional plans. Adoption .ot' Pigur 12-i by all jurisdictions ' will, clarify the. alignment of p±Opose new roadWale and 'bring all adopted,pland, into '.full agrackibent.' ' to the tuvii ogirde Street.extena,on :between Reatrict rovir.thita ,access Streat tnd Gaar dC\inat and prohibit direct driLieWav, ace. us. to this ,reteriweiv.. ',Due to the Cgrirea, and hills this new roadway, it will be ' 'necessary to limit the PCaetil, at 'which roadway 'acces is litiviect in .e'c to assure that 'e sight dista0ae is maintained at all . „ spacing Cif rottadwaY access dike'.:4„driveway acce , wikl 34'1144' the points at which leff4.tntn lanes' ate.,,needed,, alioW , donsideritiaort of reduced etes.a.vm", w 3. psoileisies..13.29siai den '''',.....Aapj;reittitients. for the 135th Aveion and 132nd. Avenue extension Minor. collector roadwara ‘'ca71,7.--.;.inction-.,„,,, . with new Oeveloment Spedial depign, eionside;*ati9e!,1 are ueeded to better fit the steep and to minimize rerJidential deVe16,0ment. Redect steet ,,*wititha ahoulk be considered With t*i.-Eitteeet pazikitrm pt.t1,11.bited‘ Specia. cp!iidibiOnt, may be needed On new subdivisions to assure that thgtkif,'0 3 end, tot mini14, - -"titit o 121` that the a a a:lt e with the right of- t :' Oita ne tai rt • adopt, a tentative in ai , a ititculd h am tO their as ion u e ada, la et n Of adjoin lath +cam Addi and e at Cone it tf k a St n waz 1 'antedi BAST a i Ata E ». " .. s atn i " cti�rtd�nt�»y � �cn�. WOnn�:ain �� s�e�ved �,�.. �ni� �� � � ��� study � �� act �� ��� � ��� he et *rtt a `ea.� There: ate no tonrteoting roads, tom,' g ateep d1,npessa and deep raVided Of the north aidge, of Eu the touted f >r 110W toadwa3 e • Evert ed ►, ti. , to ate Available fa$: new y«adiway routed* ad ehn xi the attadhed irtta, corridors s where roe 43 d geld be ddnstrnated t t a'1fLC area, the tndiit alit ro atCB ($hown ttodld pd tent ss :y coebinatibn td fotin a roadway y ply; Banta n 1 . of Opt ions to slap shows the study looted In any we al alte> natty : ; omb natione off' o0atd s re a 'ied d tot e .on s,ndl, as eacars�pld�sl� �» ao�t .. ,, � �. altetl�e waas te�►ie�r& �Eo- ea �" ene at+ d the de ait tnatiLe , lea«' ttaf�.d paotei the '�t+d►tati+rri � othe r ►� applied aitei natifee with a iilaa �::eid �� 'c>« pat- 'efetted sltetttatiiite had been. detected* y lt of the ate tirnat iVeG ti eeented sat he die Write Of those eIteepied T.he Itetnati*ed which a eatmidered ate. b 'ieti '` did:caddied bOLOW., 1 dad c e. it le; e nideea * tt' taness And ts3 se iane�» on�ve t+ M q .. . o e nt. to ednn a slight, d3ietssasce toads ,alt it ad ee the a -tea hat . d , to teade ld, bid laptoted, n'� a.ten 3d alnat�ase to fie t td, ronte� ,ink + Ball Ate, to teat exd:e .. fat' c�a°ac�es of � n s t Bet ekthting tie, =sees sdiddid 'be i ipacHOte+d e 000n4eo' bton §h ad ►t + h titittiti# ' e tVI- nal . y be difte i 10de coulpo sia a lc include ,ads Would ad itt to iJRP O ' Alga he ,th A ernie exteimide eltekaativa ipoula extA stoad t► ._. twe onid hard tain. Ada This alternative also root tdee an e,xteiSion bf street to connect tr street near 3 This road Y ; 8 and �a�.�nut sty Avenue, ray would �ta�e �ar�e>e � 1,e> s m Widening Of a *bet�.ng 132nd wow near �r�e �`� 0 �`��.;�+� eeca:�s�ta�tictx.ert of cieivew aYs tc e tlstW£ng houde> • In ;oe ca;3 ae, eJtonst ctLng a drives ay slight, ii cl.ude conn wy w;xctlne� a new. q . � ,,a - ... � a� � existing � . � bits �, ' atage. ate ,teat. Fe connettled tc Walnut street, ease o> oea:� of 12tid would tt]4 be feast ale bpi * wow ld sec iLte t * ' ink' h ' s elision of ' SanchViett et 4 e i u d p'tovide a c o*tnectLbn between the two , 32nd,, &Venue .extenaiein atternat ve Chia aiternat Ve, w ru1d extend 132nd l ve*at e i outh to Egg t Mountain load. n to fr a�»nut Street axe a�bl.e�ais associated With # a a3�2nd Avenue crt�ecxa , d .scueaed above. In adiiitL nt exL> t 13 d, has grades as. a eeP as 11 the t nnectLon to Bu11:. Heuntaln , goad Wbuld run i:ktar e, $stLtts hotiSes brit w rbtu1d not need to temeve existing heu: es w; hvLeW Terrace e extended to peev .� t de.s Glow a Ste ,.�3 a wctx�d s ��s Lent ��`��+� between ���% and the area treat Of swish e4.. Vh.,Ls. .read ,.�1d have qra' than i ex ceps for the ex atiartt 1St grade in. Eench ties ',:: Thi ds� alternative proviOes a eoith-edilthitaelt s t id all vets find leas con a in than �g Streets* ........... ..ntr h c ' a1..te�ti e 2sth;; Aveiau *tension c� a This alternative would, a itei d, Gdaede �tteet, tc ea tc i. tut ;5t t neap Avenue, the . oad would have some grades u Y st Avanlie. [sting bbuses would be resaoved at the a riut tt cs nn �t connection. 'to 128th might eddoutage addit .bna north: 'c Walnut 3t set Contiedit /dad to genchview and to the ft3ur ay, lard eicteneien a1 to aati. ; • ,,ante: a.tenativ t teat Caul d be added to and c the cthee atet - `a: tena n of 121St Venue south et to t,. ad is 1_ 1~ twat the eadd Weald ceddect fi:i�e s t a �' the was i ueh, tta ICE it tiOuld be des ab3.e. to in DriVe add .1a *ep ee tit e sue �e eeet W Ott Pa Etic hWAV , ender any of a it to t et it, it a earsr that .a ter c si 1 +>aa+de ' d a d . taci gitiat ct t..+ , tea in r se cn o, a ;ram E b t ut tc ale its nner t5t , A, ,. I Air 121st 1 S ,W '8t a ' on p tattoo, prole ate ' tot the :i.. hour m 0.,7 traffic. he do nt, UC , ���,w., n.,,.,. ,....� „.,,,.�..,_.A„ 1 . r f15Ih Ave. 470 3s0 n1�i '?ilh! soh ,u ;� t X10 ,... rem nu! 41! n „+r+�Y�, Ii+M�i b7Gi[1 DMaj Pa l ibat vierd c cc)naidered bil Ut Oa: build : r fora i inq ie Unit (R rt 1e ;t ami ly house) wer identified and d , ir' size o ce10 that were oona .dered a»odev®1 Pahl vaacLed with location and, depended no hat on tt e: A t Ox maple � ea Par access � ��+�`� �.ndlr��.dua% ��, '�'��`' a . �h 1e a ebni1 ed but reoterigula shape and a �� e� pa��ar�..,,.,�.n bZ ��+�'� could be Considered cede �►�:"� � �' rp,01 in UZ 4 #3 may be +c 4iai rd 1 lu11p developed at one ropeie±tt ea were identified and the 'i %aiba of uniter 4 are tallied , u 10 Free identified AIL Parcels rcone�.deted �raoant or � v c��� tone i(clottest comparable .,,.: Tigard �c e far are � td axeaa ), These excluded )Ce t greenwevs, tichtle u i:Ltty pro �clei �� • r codp1 ain eho� e acreage o� theta � was qatheted from a t Iced and tallied b�' tone. altla a« of ti �ihs were ,�et►� recent dew'1OFme to , sore, based +�n ..�►ne,� loc;at�. . area.: ri p - . � at��ronnc�,�n >*+� aerie � a�`ed hhe � +�►tt�e Pa iat c van, hahta- t. ualxq Mittrb � 'e �oveW aLl: ohate © - 4► ona for bath nln§ efa m�ly and �nlh�+ � .�.y�, rsab+b nable and ' retil� � �d o n sent sititt��n3 And C' �ttent iflOOledg! t the &St# oil; II, any changes etarnah ,fo n shah +d�iac' ate huts develb � a i► Satoh: unfb° .. .. rauee�e fA otg =a At en+erc,�y a' a �h+e�n era. at e& � ,.. ,. , t tev+ea dowat' n In the , ec i rnal a o an a ec�t �- the el�utn of a high ram or near trends in the hbl industry c f the ` . ld t �.x1at�ten� errs ��; ed o �senhy deria�. y a eshihate alad ba�i deata�. ahh does 1 h toantcipa tit, any -change* n dsiU ee ti di aanda dsr t ,, ettin �aotaaM end -- , ale tee pf it - .lhy' that t +ea tae c ,, U , the, ' i yin4 i bid , p' _attic* ai,ay" nude olnl - Steeli Othet bit': 1. 1-+ c. cat La -6. cos h , ahhe 'titian. a 'p i lit ham.. taa ie i e5 e badsed, ern. kp L . ititiO *A a st .n 44ith. -do:.b t patt 3,tLon$u0 c a �tubd$v$.c'd g az poet 'Wit '! then el. a %iohiat bt n it of attnotniti a ; sue .e +by: ohd Adker ,gard titan n n D . Le.lon 1469 fel a a 0 118TI ;riT CD B ILD0U POPUTAT prix: 1989 (RoV rad: at_ 1989 ) SX Q$- " Gm-pm= MULTI-1101 1X DTI- TAMII' TCT NUMBER; +Q .! Ia1 or UNITS TULATION 685 1.736 4107 4792 522 1465= 1159 2868 356 313- X433:' 1386: 318 277 637 121 292 8` 4 706 7 C 1 8 188' 8 677 2203 198 3445 2485 864 } 0 1534 3528 792 182 1120 2576 or pu pre of tarbu u latio d a t e e g n.ratiOf a . y of T1gata Attention: Randy wool e 1315 S.0 . Hall Blvd, /*lord,- Oregon- 97223 E: Northeast .4411 'Mountain • Tra'nspc L�'ae.0 i eait CaactrC Number' near r. +at�'le pbit. .:your J, a titt.yhas, ..tihdertatte ri ad ay.lane: 'c nfi urati ns.` 'r.aff upon traf is Iry ec i iris d �m n ad, •City and sasstated • n:a ca.eilaed 'bar sa anc yo r request- in H. our 6 embe the urn ng move ents n.t lized o hr` traffic patterns;. generally as cif t Pf peak tau an a161.11 ti ot1ls Y anal os the re lies .e Brit ,na lt� • re ire. �1 ii' ea utlli ed here, based b th'e Washington un ; 'and nrri n ' to a en volum s were reviewed and+s=`ira�ed "i ..11re . depicts t:ha` ai<ta `s.s`rhese" s► considered the pei:r s�i .n a dire ona reversal . a l 04o0at cn.' w e di r+ a► a sc oils Ferry Road r' e S Murray oaa ors Gaarde t tree4' • Bull '' ou a n r, alhi .' n ls, : (South i Walnut') S 1. :st. ('t rt 6-" al ,;,- Sunrise an M S 132nd Ben.chvle'! re ss: ied j haled, v60 :tb :ed Col ,Co le ti ` lled .eeor wt ions a :crs att standard nt r If r ti leg array 1351 r orth �; Mur�ra at nth of h Choth eas ra at � � ��a�i�ut`� both yes t des � .� �.n4 oit Murray �� • t oache$ } - had a e the r ad a r °cau d be accommodated th ,a ies . Where ve 1.a ies are pro .:c ed 't inters e + r • tw through lanes w a imergre shout k e provi ed era isi't .oni do `i the an Standard se ion such t1 at. er : l hot back era .c up `the adjacent tiitersect .oa T a ._ y ell con struction of Scho s. err oac to its ultimate ai x th at the' intersect .on with M rra , as .a inimum cu d re om that acquire enough ht. o coast "uct, anes bet een cho s "+ o ►d asd. aunt X lL � � al for ., . i the, •ba�lan. i t i�. way se ton. thrice �merg lengths and : :.a,ctua.l �a. ig�nments. are, 'd er�m ed�, t is p o e reasa a e to onstruct these lin s tc e lanes mii edia ely (ie 35th so .t to Walnut) The •intersection of; Sid" • .21st an+d Walnut a re ie teed acid fo rid to operate adequate y with • the standard 3 lane section on • alb • appr aches and pith the addit' on a right tusrr aae om south�bou�nd to west. ou :d This ., el 1, a V a i� at.io� o O i c�us o o th • � h -t i ane� oulc .e;lc a o 9 Bull ou to ri €cad kas renewed assn i.n s alt ate sae con ration r m h ra to des;" a 0th •• Lame e tension No add tional turn lases - . K the intersections o u r ; carte the itur l th e ten .o 'aid t`he, tug iid a tee sic ri� " . ex ug •off •Bul •ounta r Rya , • as it approaches ghw s ee tided t a lo° s eat legit aid right turn lanes • at h±hta. s d upon an estimation c to n n pattern$ at as de and e would recd end that aa�de die can eructed to pro ide a: 3- lan4 se Lion •ws of the igh a c Anne . g into dour • .ants at it •approach tC I�g� a . Th s ou .d nc ud o ,e .ai e aesthound. and • three lanes, eastbound, consist ng of a le t a, t ough and a rig ht turnaie This analysis was undertaken primarily y utilizing the so t are which models the in erne t. hs n c of m.an e wit . . aSt capacity Manual S ec a s ►r_ .. ,' ! e f etho 'a.tlilted for4 sign a ized intersectio na 3. method. The Murray Road intersections ere a so re .e ,ted tit /" soft ra -ems This software ot.es snaession and aocates g een t me ch i 'promote en * o vehicular progression n hrraa , the spacing be + en : me sectio s a,s Haase . upon all estimate e o. tern ct on spacin as !scaled o a ii ie taps The es a p reauest t re u . s se ah a vides a - su i ar o the resu i rag rater ec tion e s ► ser e an rats es Msg. g Ti :°iAS: FERRY AT MO Fki "$ a • Y AT 1'5'HSOUTH 0.66 MURRAY WAL NUT 0.8 R Y AT 1 0 6 UR iGAARD , " 121ST .. it R. /GAA DE A. . 15TH 0. ' , ' x65 . 4 BULL MOUNT AT 13 2ND EXT BULL MOUNTAIN A 1 5TH titer r ULL O ANT S T 3%i tirN C rER ', SUIS� We would mice, i like t thank you + u have any 06s'',a .� ai a way additional attal s "s 1 ►' calculations are available e upon e+q t Sine 'Donald . er niott SW EONN£f (t ' AI R LEG T.SUM? PHASE:.'ARTS ►RO ER- b7 ST z, lit i4 SOLUTION Ii "` ' ; . M RitAY Of S k CT .1 i b, CYCL 78 Z►cS ( .Mi EVPIC I SIO 9 8 (fl4 p H .VRAGE '`ED = ' ., lE S ? VERA S P ED == TE ,R° ►P TEST E IA i CE � 0 OGE; Ot' '° GUO D Pit GRES IOS i' 7 - 1.00 - e +GRt.E " % S . TNtEA';E MIN I G E H R ►TAGS T.ZON ART CRS It E R NORTH SO+ H ND 1 115TH; a MA KE ZIE ENGINEERING INCO8PORAT E`0 O S W A N C V OE T 0 St* BOX .6 139 i iR1 ANO '0RiOON 972o'i.oO39 . (SO 284,5560 PA (503) 2gi -12115 anu',try 2., 1989 City ' a1 t i g:ard' Commun ty Dc vet oprnent I epat trnen t: • ;d teflr,�$ran: Gary ., ►' f3Ofl ► a l B red R O. 8t X 2389 , ga d1 Ole,gon 22 801 Mounts study tib Numb« r 189+ 92 t 1 ear Gary t res .. bnee + +carp ` requ s are iier einbe r` • v �t h +� a d. t-- r t e aw kceawu :e I t 'aanr a u S.•: "� r t de to mi net e a nc resui t •i t tbe M�v ar + esxtens� as csea+ n r e f teagnu c s r a a t i r an*d 1 rye r�i ,;� �, studied . i gn Gaarde 'treat as �:: � �`b� s a� meet air pan � p ,� r+esents the estimat d �'traffi c; 'rye r � `lure Z • ca'i u, yes ac. ase u ct�r s' ,:..0t4 ci o,1444 "`'f s the t . Staff i�1�, ta andaci�utaan 'Caun� n d ut`r r wed n au'rr of the r eau1 t09 i an.e c n' 3 gu a "t rap anal i i n i. �b�s � . � �cates t.hait trie s �a nd� r' tnree -'i teri a. ane a.r �raect. o a eate aat7 sft',�s rr th t �ai �°�� gu�rati an *i 1 chol Th err 1 5t icr"th and "l 8: th 8aut, ' . � "he i r se:+d a1 4cjnmen,t, c `ea.tes •a r T'2 4 nter'se�cti c at Wal nu and the 'iaa e c t ns'iOon... I ar t aie, ht+t 'rsect4On to Ho erate ,a't n ac e,ptabi'e level s+er a ae , the +east and edutb a caabee •shOu 'd pro* d+ separate � eft .�rn l a�r��s stn. 'tlae, yet �pp r sac i `e+quu4 re a. sepa.rato sine, '64 e indicates that , t,1e :tanaRrd areal ane arty i a', an.: = u;ra.t on he a+deq ate, th+ add', tau can the e eastbound ser . . a. te °' .s o a ' eu n de 4t.a Via' �i+ni�t�r rFg restl'ts, were ;a1.u"1'ats+d:; '�1ir:+liwro in.Y:�Yi �liii+iir++e::.reni:;f'w wiis' uil; iiJM' eii+ Jieiu .'LI.�r.:.�+a��;��^'��iras ie�'.er"wnnrr dli:.ierLiia+r"'/ri oliiw� .MwiiGYs:rwwiii�tlrpii+sV LL RR `: Ali' soota +W '� Y 8 AUR' 1LR Jan ijP+M . ; length 09 +� ''+erwi d e�ae un to ', he asst . cession with a: 8�, e1*,cic ratan ue t Of* reaa co pies Ori dry 30VVY 11528 CAL 'i ER " 12356 SW 132m Ti ARD r OR. 97223' D 'NALD 5988 SW WALNUT ST r OR 97223 BM litmAN salOora . 915' Z 'P 23,1 13137 SW PAc xc H' I`ICARD, 97223 PAtit HMV 1R ,AND 8585 sW ttboNAta I ARDr OR 97223 GARY =Eta 12645 SW 135TE : 1A tD 97223 tMARD le 8895 sic,'` r1GARt "r k R '9 2 3 HX1NS` - & Mo G. aE9OVICR 11525 SW NUT T1GARD r OR 97223 E LAVEt 13169 SW CHI �` RIB PIGAP► r. OR 97223 W=Am R 11455 sW WAttan TZARDr al 97223 aorm 12181, SW WESTEORY TIGARD/ OR 97225 12532 SW 123D TIOARtii OR 91223 MAN PORIA .1575 SW DD ,ST ' 'IODr oft 97225 RAE C VERBY 13303 sW WA TIARL7 r OR 97223 riRR ti'IS WADI X415 Sirs RAVE = S= 1294 3 :132ND TZ Atr OR 9722 tiAVELLE` Bah 1328o iSW' VAN TI / b 97223 At 5. 2522. SO.`' ,12 1.`1 ' , Ott 97223` 12045 SW ROSE' VISTA '1r 97223; Wes: • 5555 f14. 97 Stvitul 4 is 1Cim f 10105 s 97 WAldftt xyypp ' AY