PFI2012-00018 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12012-00018 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 05/21/2012 Parcel: 2S110AA00300 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: 14145 SW 105TH AVE Subdivision: 2011-041 PARTITION PLAT Lot: 2 Project: Pacific Health&Rehab Project Description: Driveway repair/replacement Owner: FEES Description Date Amount PFI Permit Fee 05/21/2012 $300.00 PHONE: Contractor: PHONE: FAX: Applicant: BONDINCORPORATED 1385 DAVIS ROAD S. SALEM, OR 97306 PHONE: 503-390-0985 Total $300.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant — 40� Signature: -)? /��� Issued By: (kivO Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY CITY OF TIGARD RECEIPT 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.639.4171 Receipt Number: 186816 - 05/21/2012 CASE NO. FEE DESCRIPTION REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER PAID PF12012-00018 PFI Permit Fee 100-0000-43114 $300.00 Total: $300.00 PAYMENT METHOD CHECK# CC AUTH.CODE ACCT ID CASHIER ID RECEIPT DATE RECEIPT AMT Credit Card 02161C HWATKINS 05/21/2012 $300.00 Payor: Mark D Bybee Total Payments: $300.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Page 1 of 1 DATE 511D 11-2 MPryp1` 5,1 '503, 50 R City Of Tigard Public Facility Improvement (PFI) Permit General Infortnati.on: ,FO SAF USE ONLY .property Address/Locatiott(s): .w f.05-To Engineering Case No.:�� Receipt No,: *Applicant's Name: 50VO I P GU t"':1-S �ATeo Date:_ Application Accepted By:,hav 11dd.ress: %.K- ,O A\f IS Revised 7/1/10 CityiSi:arc: A LAt� Z..ilr. � >ab Primiry Contact: C7 � t �j p e� _ REQUIRED SUBMITTAL r INFORMATION Fax; Q�J� 4 -- t���� Ersifeasional EnAipeered Plane akg required Cot2tcactor's Naine: 11 _ 0 CC # _�_�n 13 _ F�:pirarian: • SrrcctWider,* Subdivision Infhstructure Address: , V ASI I p O _� ■ T Main utility line extension, City/state:,'S pr M 7t f�j 0 Storm &rDrain, tstry-Tigard O 0 Water.-Tigard Warm:Sexmcee Area Phone: 0'— (33 Fax: 5�3�39� -'ei1p br (inckides Ourhana,King Ci,y and a Portion o.f unincorporated Washingron County) Plans By: ""Note:Sec Engineered Plan Address: Submim,0 Cheeldi,r amtchecl. City/State: _ 7.i -' p' For all other work:Submit scaled sketch of the pllonc:,-,,,,„, Fam work to he deme.(Fcc attached minimum sketch requirements and provided slteteh arca). Description of work: ?- DEMO, VULALC l;cu y�ln\ma:;ccr\land uxc a��pGearian\Pk l aPP,dire� x 5'1 1 NV Cu r-p-QtC1 .- D�-1Uk.�+A`{ GE{ _ANS T[ eftNZ S10EVJAU< r CXt'1Ri--'.- S tOP . J01PT Estimated value of work(within the public tight-of-way): Is work x illtted to 1 LAND-USE DECISION? YES NO FV If so,please specify(MLP,SDR,SUB,etc.)cage##: Is the work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? YES NO If so,please Specify(BUILDING PERMIT) case#: qm *NOTE:PerAon specked as"Applicant"shall be designated t'i'eartnittee,,and Ahall provide financial assurance for the wgrk. City ofTigt.rd f 13125 SW T):all.B1vd.,'1".igard,OR 97223 5()3- 18-2464 m7%VW.tigal-d-or.,gov I Page 1 of 4 - 'L�-kZ� SK 'T 9 MWAr - 43 City of Tigard 13125 SW Ha1.1.Blvd,,Tigard,OR 97223 503-7,1,8-2464 www.ti.gard-or,gov Page 4 of 4 V=copy&prIntcenter Complimentary Self-Serve Fax Cover Sheet To,"C i bA 1'�o $uo o P x`47" From: /1A!� F-� �a Fax 4.-: (o a �^ Phone #: �a 3 – ,5o – ocf-Zl, Date: S Repl Fir ax#: — Number of Pages (Including Cover): Urgent ❑ Confidential [] Confirm Receipt I G 50 We'll do it right the first time --- guaranteed. Black&whito copies Color eoples•Custom printing•Binding•Folding•Wide-format Copying•Diatom stamps•UPS snipping and more that a'^ ! r 5/(N,bizRv„009815