City Council Minutes - 09/30/2008 - Fifth Tuesday ' �. �R Cit} of Tigard Tigard City CoCd Fifth T d Met g .. - .._.... ... J T i"I,D CITY COUNCIL. 17ENDANCI: AT TM FOLLOWING AUETINQ ME1:T1 DATE: September 30, 2008, 7-9 p.m. MEETING L GATIon Cry of Tigard — Pubhc Works Building Auditorium 8777 Sof Bumham Street, Tic ard, OR 97223 Please forward to: ❑ 1*wsroozn4 Tigard Ti ties (Fax f%b. 03-54b-0724) ❑ Mwsrooni, The Ore;or Ian (Fax No. 503-294-4097) ❑ Editor, The Regal.Courier ❑ Listings,The Oregonian Members of the Tigard City Council will be available for the 5L� Tuesday rmeTing of September 30,2008,in the Tigard Y'ublk Works Bu"g Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnham Stnei.,Tigard OR,to hear and discuss citizen concerns, issues,or input on Grprelated matters. Proposed discussion topics will be limited to City of Tigard issues. A trained facilitator will be present to encourage open dialogue and equal participation. Those dens who attend will be asked.to sign in. The Council might set firm limits for suggested topics based on the number of topics inrrvduced and the number of cidzo-ns who artend.Council amy dezemaine chat discussion of a topic requires additional resources such as staff support,documents,or other materials to Delp respond to an inquiry.In such a case,CouncA might decide to accept Lhe issue for hurtleer discussion or correspondence at a later t m-- 7be meeting is a public meeting and topical iaiinutes mill be kept.A quorum of Council wM uoz be needed to conduct rhe meeting; iax fact,lark of a quorum is hkdy. Fifth Tuesdaymeetings will begin at 7 p.ra and conclude promptly at 9 p.m. or earlier if the discussions are concluded before 9 p.m. Council entourages citizens to attend the Fdrh Tuesday Nieefmg to take advanutge of the opportunity to Mee,The Council members and interacr in relaxed settiTig, For€+tether information,please contact DepuryCityRecorder Carol Drager by calling 501b39-4171,Ext 2419, Deputy Cry i carder 01 September 22,2008 Post: Tigard Guy HA TW rd PermE Qzn Tigard Public Library TI RD CITY COUNCIL FIFTH TUESDAY MEETING NOT-IC CrEy of Tigard 13125 5 i-laU$lvd.,' igard, R97223 1 503-639-4171 1 :dgard or-gov Page 1