City Council Minutes - 12/18/2007,i Agenda Item No. Meeting of , 8 , T' a n TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Track 1 Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. City Council present: Name Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor President Sherwood ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ Staff present: Assistant City Manager Newton,Community Development Director Coffee, Public Works Director Koellermeier,City Attorney Ramis,and City Recorder Wheatley • STUDY SESSION o Discuss Lake Oswego Memorandum of Understanding (Possible Water Partnership) and the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Partnership Memorandum of Agreement (Long Term Water Supply/Proposed Raise of Scoggins Dam at Henry Hagg Lake) Mayor Dirksen advised the Memorandum of Understanding with Lake Oswego will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate Council comment and consideration. Public Works Director Koellermeier distributed the last revisions that had been made to this MOU. He reviewed the changes with the City Council,which were minor in nature. Public Works Director Koellermeier described how the partnership will be structured. There is no end date specified for the partnership. There was discussion about the water right and whether Tigard could be also designated to the right. Public Works Director Koellermeier explained that the plan is to perfect the right and, to do so, the Tigard geographical area is needed. Councilor Woodruff noted his agreement when Public Works Director Koellermeier said that Tigard will be moving away from being a retail customer. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18, 2007 Page 1 Track 2 o Entryway Monument Discussion Public Works Director Koellertneier introduced this discussion item. A November 26,2007,memorandum had been presented to the City Council describing the progress made for entryway monument construction. A copy of this memorandum is on file in the City Recorder's office. One bid was received for$38,895 for each entryway monument,which is significantly more expensive than anticipated. Mayor Dirksen had expressed concerns about the dollar amount of the bid and requested discussion on potential alternatives. Public Works Director Koellermeier advised staff has reviewed some alternatives, which included discussions with the entryway monument design architect,who is present to discuss this matter with the City Council. Public Works Director Koellermeier introduced Kurt Lango of Lango Hansen Landscape Architects,P.C. Mr.Lango's discussion with the City Council his highlighted below: • The project is a difficult one to send out to bid because it is a small project. • Contractors have been very busy,which likely accounts for why there was only one bid received. • The one bid was from a sign copy. Mr.Lango said that normally a landscape contractor would be in charge of this type of project. • Other types of materials for the entryway signs were reviewed. • These signs are to be the"front door" for Tigard. It is important that the signs are not perceived as being extravagant,but at the same time good, quality materials should be used. • Using a manufactured stone would save approximately$4-5,000. He also reviewed other reductions by taking away elements of the sign. He received estimates for these lesser signs at$25-30,000. • He suggested that the drawings be submitted as they are now to a couple of landscape contractors to determine if there is interest in submitting quotes on the project since it is not in the height of construction season. He believes the cost will come down. Councilor Wilson commented that this project calls for several different trades and since it is a small project,you will likely need to pay a premium. He said if this was sent out again in the early spring,he would expect there would be more interest. He added that"it's going to cost what it costs" and he was not that surprised by the one bid received. He spoke to a quality monument and his preference for natural stone rather than manufactured. Public Works Director Koellermeier noted it was a struggle to get the one bid. He outlined the choices the Council now has before it: Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 2 1. Change the design to save some money. 2. Rebid the project now. Councilor Buehner said it's apparent that the time to go out for bid on a project such as this is during the winter. Councilor Sherwood noted past City Council discussions on the desire for quality for Tigard. She said she would rather do one sign a year rather than go for a cheaper version and do three signs in one year. Mayor Dirksen said he wanted to look at the difference between using natural stone and manufactured stone. It appears that the savings by using manufactured stone would only be$4-5,000 and this is not significant enough to try to "value engineer" the design of the sign. Public Works Director Koellermeier reminded the City Council that there are two locations that currently have a permit for this sign. One is on 99W, northbound (near the Albertson's store). The other is at Walnut Street and Barrows Road. Councilor Wilson asked about the option of the metal sign. He said he's a little concerned about the longevity of the wood sign. Mr.Lango said two options had been proposed one for a wood sign and one for a steel sign. He heard back from Public Works Director Koellermeier that the City Council preference was for the wood sign. Similar wood signs have been done for other cities. A wood sign does not have the same lifespan as a steel sign,but a wood sign could last up to 20 years. The wood will be stained dark;the letters and images routed and raised and then the sign will be sealed. In response to Councilor Buehner,Mr. Lango said they would make sure that the way the sign is constructed would be so that the wooden portion could be easily removed and replaced without damaging the base of the sign. Councilor Sherwood asked about protection against graffiti. Mr. Lango said they would check for types of anti-graffiti coatings. Council agreed that the project quotes for this project should be requested again. Track 3 o Administrative Items ■ Council received a copy of a December 18,2007,letter to Kathy Lehtola, Director of the Department of Land Use and Transportation for Washington County appointing Councilor Buehner as the alternate to Mayor Dirksen on the Washington County Coordinating Committee ■ Mayor Dirksen reported that he had been contacted a couple of weeks ago by the League of Oregon Cities regarding the Governor's Task Force on Transportation to look at developing a proposed funding package for the 2009 Legislature. Mayor Dirksen received word today that he has been selected to serve on the Task Force,which has been divided into three Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 3 categories: vision,governance,and community awareness. The Mayor will be serving on the vision subsection of the Task Force. ■ Council reviewed changes to tonight's Agenda • Executive Session cancelled. • Added Recognition of ACS Testing, Inc. before Agenda Item No. 2 on the Business Agenda. This business partnered with the Tigard Police Department to provide new bicycles and helmets to more than 50 Tigard children whose families were not able to purchase them. Council discussed the Tigard community and the generosity of our residents. Councilor Sherwood commented that this year she has received a greater number of telephone calls from Tigard citizens offering donations or to volunteer. There was also discussion about how quickly Oregonians mobilized to help residents of Vernonia after recent flooding. Councilor Buchner said she thought the pioneer spirit of helping one another is still exhibited in our state. Mayor Dirksen referred to the Oregon State Motto,which at one time was "The Union"but was later changed in 1987 to "She Flies with Her Own Wings." • Consent Agenda Item No. 3.2 will be considered separately from the rest of the Consent Agenda. • Assistant City Manager Newton reviewed upcoming calendar items with the City Council. Study Session concluded at 7:11 p.m. 1. BUSINESS MEETING 1.1 Call to Order-City Council&City Center Development Agency Mayor Dirksen called the meeting to order at: 7:30:51 PM 1.2 Roll Call Name Present Absent Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ Councilor Woodruff ✓ 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communications &Liaison Reports 7:31:28 PM - Councilor Buehner advised that she would report on the Intergovernmental Water Board at the end of the meeting. 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items7:31:52 PM None Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18, 2007 Page 4 ➢ RECOGNIZE A TIGARD BUSINESS, ACS TESTING, INC., FOR THEIR HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS 7:32:33 PM Tigard Policy Public Information Officer Wolf introduced this agenda item. ACS Testing partnered with the Tigard Police Department to identify children that would greatly benefit from owning a bicycle. ACS Testing co-owner and president,Mr. Bob Brown set a goal to provide a new bicycle and helmet to at least 50 Tigard children whose families were not able to purchase one. ACS representatives and Tigard Police personnel delivered the bicycles, helmets, bicycle locks and safety information to the children's homes on December 15. A brief PowerPoint presentation was presented to the City Council showing photographs of the delivery activities on December 15. Toys were also provided to other siblings in each of the families. Officer Wolf introduced the President and Owner of ACS Testing,Mr.Bob Brown and his wife,Mrs.Desiree Brown. Mr. Brown said it was an honor working with the Tigard Police Department noting his personal experience and that he wanted to give back to his community. He said that this was just the first of many endeavors by his company. Mayor Dirksen said he is so pleased when businesses step up to become part of the community. Councilor Sherwood noted her appreciation for what Mr. Brown and his company did for these children; they will remember this the rest of their lives. This community, whenever there is a need, seems to step up and "goes above and beyond." Councilor Sherwood is the Executive Director of the homeless shelter located on Greenburg Road and she commented that this holiday season they have received increased calls from members of the community wanting to adopt and help families. In fact,the calls have been so overwhelming; Councilor Sherwood said callers are being referred to other agencies that could benefit from their offers. She told Mr. Brown that she thinks this is an outstanding example of what can be done by one company in the community. Councilor Wilson also thanked Mr. Brown for making the City a partner in this effort. Many times when people have interactions with the police it is negative; this is a way for us to help the City build its image and help facilitate the police work as well. Mayor Dirksen presented a Certificate of Recognition to Mr. Brown on behalf of the citizens of Tigard. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION (Two Minutes or Less,Please) • Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce Representative—not present • Citizen Communication—Sign Up Sheet 7:39:23 PM ■ John Frewing, 7110 SW Lola Lane, Tigard, Oregon reported to the City Council that the Oregon Environmental Council produced a book entitled "Storm Water Solutions." The purpose of the publication is to promote the idea of incorporating regulations within City policies to minimize the Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 5 impact of human activity on the natural functioning of streams and land use. He said he will give a copy of this book to Assistant City Manager Newton for staff. Mayor Dirksen noted that the City is in a favorable position because we are doing a Comprehensive Plan revision,which will lead to Code changes. We will have the opportunity to make sure we include the newest information and innovations offered • Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication: None 7:41:28 PM .3. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dirksen reviewed the following: 3.1 Approve Council Minutes: October 16,2007 Item 3.2 was removed for separate consideration; see discussion immediately following the Consent Agenda approval below: 3.2 Approve a Memorandum of Understanding(MO U)Regarding a Possible Water Partnership with the City of Lake Oswego and the Intergovernmental Water Board(IWB)AND Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Understanding 3.3 Approve a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Regarding the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Partnership and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Agreement 3.4 Approve a Right-of-Way Dedication Deed and Restrictive Covenant for Motor Vehicle Access Related to the 550-Foot Zone Reservoir No. 2/Elizabeth Price Park Project Site and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Deed and Restrictive Covenant 3.5 Approve the Bylaws for the Committee for Citizen Involvement— Resolution No. 07-69 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING BYLAWS FOR THE COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 3.6 Appoint Elise Shearer and Thomas Murphy as Voting Members of the City Center Advisory Commission and Alexander Craghead as Alternate Members to the City Center Advisory Commission—Resolution No. 07-70 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELISE SHEARER AND THOMAS MURPHY AS VOTING MEMBERS TO THE CITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION, AND APPOINTING ALEXANDER CRAGHEAD AS ALTERNATE Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 6 3.7 Approve Budget Amendment No. 8 to the FY 2007-08 Budget to Reflect Adjustments to Several Capital Improvement Projects in the Gas Tax and Transportation Impact Fee Funds—Resolution No. 07-71 A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT #8 TO THE FY 2007-08 BUDGET TO REFLECT ADJUSTMENTS TO SEVERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN THE GAS TAX AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FEE FUNDS 3.8 Appoint John Bailey and Cameron James to the Budget Committee and Brian McCarry as an Alternate Budget Committee Member—Resolution No. 07-72 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN BAILEY AND CAMERON JAMES TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING BRIAN MCCARRY AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER 3.9 City Center Development Agency: Appoint John Bailey and Cameron James to the Budget Committee and Brian McCarry as an Alternate Budget Committee Member — City Center Development Agency Resolution No. 07-04 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN BAILEY AND CAMERON JAMES TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING BRIAN MCCARRY AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER 3.10 Adopt 2008 Legislative Agenda Priorities— Resolution No. 07-73 A RESOLUTION FORMALIZING THE CITY OF TIGARD'S LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FOR THE 2008 LEGISLATIVE SESSION Motion by Councilor Buehner, seconded by Councilor Wilson,to approve the Consent Agenda,with Item No. 3.2 removed for separate consideration. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes 7:45:25 PM Discussion followed on Item No. 3.2: 3.2 Approve a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)Regarding a Possible Water Partnership with the City of Lake Oswego and the Intergovernmental Water Board M)AND Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Understanding Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18, 2007 Page 7 Councilor Woodruff commented that he thinks Tigard-area citizens are aware of the need for Tigard to secure a long-term water supply. He referred to the work that has been done recently toward this goal and the Memorandum of Understanding presents a framework for a potential water partnership with the City of Lake Oswego. Councilor Buchner commented that the next step will be to develop an agreement on the terms of a Tigard/Lake Oswego water partnership agreement. Councilor Woodruff noted staff and attorneys have been working on this potential long-term water agreement and it appears to be a good solution for supplying water in the future. In response to a questions form Councilor Sherwood, Councilor Woodruff advised it is still to be determined how ownership of the water source would be structured. However, such an investment by Tigard would mean Tigard would not be just a retail customer for water any longer. Councilor Wilson and Mayor Dirksen remarked on the benefits for a true water partnership,which has been sought by the City of Tigard for many years. Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding regarding a possible water partnership with the City of Lake Oswego and authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes 4. REPORT ON COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS Assistant City Manager Newton presented the staff report. Consultants Marcia DeLong and Sherrie Woodhall were also present to update the City Council on the Community Survey. Highlights of the report are contained on a PowerPoint slide presentation,which is on file in the City Recorder's office. 8:27:57 PM After the presentation by the consultants, Council discussed interesting indicators presented within the survey results and how the information could be cross-tabulated for different types of comparable information. In general, the results of the survey confirmed the Council's perceptions that the City Council and staff are aware of and are addressing the priorities identified by citizens. Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 8 The survey results will be utilized by the City Council when they meet on January 4 to set the 2008 City Council goals. Assistant City Manager Newton advised the survey results will be posted on the City's web site on December 19. 8:39:23 PM 5. DECLARE END TO THE TERM OF THE CURRENT MEMBERSHIP OF THE TRANSPORATION FINANCING STRATEGIES TASK FORCE AND COMMEND MEMBERS FOR A JOB WELL DONE City Engineer Duenas presented the staff report. He reviewed the charge and the accomplishments of the Task Force,which was instrumental in the adoption of a local fuel tax to construct improvements to the Greenburg Road/Highway 99W/Main Street intersection. The Task Force will be reconstituted in 2008 with selection of members to serve, including any current members who would like to continue. The Task Force will continue its mission of exploring funding strategies for transportation-related improvements. Council members commented on their satisfaction of the work completed by the Task Force. Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood, to adopt Resolution No. 07-74. RESOLUTION NO. 07-74—A RESOLUTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE TRANSPORTATION FINANCING STRATEGIES TASK FORCE,TO DECLARE THIS PHASE OF THE TASK FORCE WORK AS COMPLETED,AND TO COMMEND THE TASK MEMBERS FOR A JOB WELL DONE The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 9 8:49:29 PM 6. PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND DECLARATION TO FORM TIGARD TRIANGLE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JANUARY 22,2008,TO HEAR REMONSTRANCES City Engineer Duenas presented the staff report. Also present was Dave Larson from Group MacKenzie. A PowerPoint presentation was reviewed with the City Council; a copy of the presentation is on file in the City Recorder's office. 9:04:06 PM City Engineer Duenas advised that the Local Improvement District appears feasible based on the preliminary engineer's report If the Council decides to proceed, a public hearing will be held on January 22. Joe Kearn from Specht Development was present and available should the City Council have any questions of him. • Council Discussion/Questions - In response to a question from Councilor Buehner,Mr.Larson said Specht Development owns about 60 percent of the property within the proposed Local Improvement District. - Councilor Buehner referred to the concerns of residents who live in houses on 70''Avenue. She asked how many private homes are still being operated as residences in the proposed Local Improvement District area? Mr. Larson said he did not have an exact number. (See Mr. Kearn's comments below.) - Councilor Woodruff asked if there were any property owners,who would benefit, opposed to the Local Improvement District? Mr.Larson said the neighborhood meeting was held last November. He said he did not recall that a straw vote was taken;however, the meeting was well attended. City Engineer Duenas said he thought a lot of the objections were from the people who live along 70th,which is why"we backed off' because when this area prepares to develop, they will end up paying their fair share and constructing their portion of the street. It didn't make sense to acquire property to build a street that would be right next to their living room window at this point. This is why the boundaries have changed. It makes sense to wait for those properties to develop. Specht Development,as part of their condition of approval,will sign a restrictive covenant saying that they will do the improvements along 70th Avenue at the appropriate time when those properties develop or when there is a reason to do so in the future. Councilor Wilson asked about the Smith property on 68th and Baylor; why was it excluded from the Local Improvement District? Mr. Larson said it was his recollection was that those frontages were largely improved. He said he believes there is a cul de sac on Baylor. There is quite a bit of grade difference between 68`''and the cul de sac at the Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 10 eastern termuius of Baylor. Mr. Larson said that from a practical standpoint,the improvements are"largely.there." Joe Kearn, 15325 SW Beaverton Creek Court,Beaverton OR 97006, responded to Councilor Buchner's question (see above) about private homes in this area. He reviewed the map of the proposed Local Improvement District area and indicated where he thought there were private residences. Some of these homes are rental homes. Councilor Buchner noted her concern is for long-time residents who are intending to stay in the area. 9:12:20 PM - Mr. Kearn responded to Councilor Buchner's earlier question about whether anyone is opposed to the Local Improvement District formation. He said he thought that most of the people opposed to the Local Improvement District were people who lived on the west side of 70`' Avenue and were concerned about the right of way being taken away. Now,70r''Avenue is a dirt road with trees in the middle of the street and some of the right-of-way acquisition (if the area was included)would take out garages or sheds and be within a couple feet of the homes. - Councilor Woodruff noted that this is a good situation to the degree that those who will benefit will pay for the Local Improvement District. He said he does not want to run"into a firestorm when we have a public hearing"with a lot of people coming and saying they are being unfairly assessed and this is not something they want to be a part of because it's not to their benefit. He added that this is something"we won't know for sure until we have the public hearing to see whether there is active opposition." Mr.Kearns said he would not be surprised to hear from one or two who are not in favor of the Local Improvement District. He said he believes that some of the smaller landowners are waiting for this Local Improvement District to come in as the improvements will enable them to sell their house or lot or develop their property. - Mayor Dirksen reiterated that a Local Improvement District is not being created tonight;rather,the City Council is deciding whether to declare its intention to consider forming a Local Improvement District The public hearing will be on January 22 at which time people will have an opportunity to speak for or against the Local Improvement District. - Mayor Dirksen commented that this is an area that was originally residential,but the zoning of it changed 20 years ago to mixed use employment As the area develops to that intended use,these kinds of street improvements are needed for development to take place. Formation of a Local Improvement District is one of the primary mechanisms that the City can use to see to it that needed street improvements are made before development occurs. - Councilor Buchner asked if Specht Development will be paying for a traffic signal. Mr.Larson confirmed that this was one of the conditions of approval. Councilor Buchner asked about the timeline for putting in the traffic signal at 68ffi and Dartmouth. Mr.Larson said that signal will go in at the same time as development occurs. He said that he understands that before they would be able to receive a Certificate of Occupancy,the Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 11 conditions of approval must be done. He added that Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has some jurisdiction over installation of a traffic signal and,if they have issues,then Specht would be able to get a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Specht is planning to start building this spring. 9:17:07 PM - In response to a question from Councilor Woodruff,City Engineer Duenas advised that staff is working on the design for the traffic signal at 72nd and Dartmouth. When the PacTmst development moves forward,then the signal can go in because PacTrust will pay for most of the signal's cost. If PacTrust does not develop,then the signal will be paid for by the City; however,some of the major property owners will be"back charged"for the cost.There are some funds available now,which have been collected over the years from different developments. It is anticipated this signal will be installed in the next year or so. 9:18:03 PM - Mayor Dirksen asked about whether this Local Improvement District was complex.. Mr.Larson said this one is fairly straightforward;however Local Improvement District's are getting more complex as time goes by. The project includes storm detention for the street areas. Each of the sites will have to do their own storm run-off control. The project also includes storm water quality for the street improvements. - Mayor Dirksen noted his appreciation for compromise and flexibility with regard to the assessments creating a more equitable situation. Motion by Councilor Sherwood, seconded by Councilor Buehner,to adopt Resolution No. 07-75. RESOLUTION NO. 07-75—A RESOLUTION DELARING COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO FORM A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (LID) TO IMPROVE CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE TIGARD TRIANGLE IN THE CITY OF TIGARD The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 12 9:20:17 PM 7. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Councilor Buehner reported that the Intergovernmental Water Board met last Wednesday night and voted on the two Memorandum of Understandings that were addressed by the City Council this evening. She noted there was a lively discussion regarding the Lake Oswego proposal; the Intergovernmental Water Board approved it by a vote of 3-1. The Tigard Water District representative voted no. With regard to the Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Hagg Lake project, the vote was 3-0 with the Tigard Water District representative abstaining. There was also a discussion about the upcoming vote regarding whether Tigard will continue to be involved in the Tualatin Water Basin Project. Councilor Buehner said she anticipates this will be a divided vote and will be an interesting discussion. Mayor Dirksen asked if the representative from the Tigard Water District expressed a reason for their "no" vote? Councilor Buehner said no reason was expressed for the "no" vote. With regard to the issue where the representative abstained, the Tigard Water District representative said that the Board did not have time to have a discussion about this item. 8. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Not held 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:22:29 PM Motion by Councilor Woodruff, seconded by Councilor Sherwood, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of Council present. Mayor Dirksen Yes Councilor Buehner Yes Councilor Wilson Yes Councilor Sherwood Yes Councilor Woodruff Yes Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder Attest: r Mayo City of Tigard Date: 0 5 I:\ADM\Cathy\CCM\2007\071218 fmal.doc Tigard City Council and Local Contract Review Board Meeting Minutes December 18,2007 Page 13