City Council Minutes - 10/23/2007 Agenda Item No. -3, 1 oL. For Agenda of TIGARD CITY COUNCIL/LOCAL CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD Meeting Minutes October 23, 2007 STUDY SESSION Council present: Mayor Dirksen, Councilor Sherwood, Councilor Woodruff, Councilor Buchner and Councilor Wilson. Staff present: City Manager Prosser, Finance LS,- Information Information Services Director Sesnon, Coil-inunity Development Director Coffee, Assistant to the City Nlanager Newton, Associate Planner Wyss, Assistant Commu' Developinent Director l3wich and Deputy City Recorder Drager • Review Requests for Quotes for the Coirrnunity Sun-ey Assistant City Manager Newton introduced Campbell Delong Resouuces, Inc. consultants John Cainpbell and Cheri Woodhull. Mr. Campbell distributed a draft of the 2007 Tigard Commuiuty Attitudes Survey and said their firm would be conducting a scientific suuvey by telephone witiih the next few weeks. F Ie asked for input on what Council would like to know. Topics identified were: > Sidewalks > Possible transportation bond measure > Attitude about traffic > Traffic solutions > Are Council Goals getting tie emphasis right? > Do people have to go somewhere else (besides Tigard) to get what they need? 1°assistant City Manager Newton said the results of the survey will be available in December. • Discuss Topics for Upcoming Meeting with Washington County Chair Brian City Manager Prosser read the list of potential topics. Mayor Dirksen suggested Clean Water Services and Urbanization as priority topics. City Manager Prosser will contact Chau Brian and report back to Council. • Discuss Comprehensive Plan I Tearing Protocol and Other Issues—Assistant Coni nuuzity Development Director Bunch discussed the comprehensive plan ainendtnent process and options for adopting including: Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes October 23.2007 > Move to adopt CPA 2007-00001 with changes to the Parks Chapter to address concerns regarding Land Aciltusition and Funding Recreation Programs and Facilities > Move to adopt with no changes (the Planning Commission's Reconnnendationn) > Take No Action: Continue public hearing for deliberation only > Move to adopt any but not all of the Goal Chapters, closing public testimony and continuing the public hearing to a date certain for deliberation only on chapter(s) not adopted • Attorney Fee Rates—City Manager Prosser met with Cit,attorney Ramis about rate changes and noted that no adjustments have been made for a few years. City AttorneN, Ramis said die requested increase is modest and due to restructuring, the rate for paralegal services has increased but the Cit}-will no longer lie charged for secretarial sen=ices. IIe said as a comparison,private land use attorneys charge $350/$575 per hour. • City Manager Prosser reminded Council about a lunch Widi Tualatin Valley Fite & Rescue scheduled for November 28, 2007. BUSINESS MEETING 1.2. Mayor Dirksen called die business meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Roll Call Present Absent Councilor Woodruff ✓ Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Council Communnications &Liaison Reports - None 1.5 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items - None 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Hall Ballard, 15997 NW Athens Drive Portland OR 97229, spoke about the 11ird I1%e Bike Safety Campaign. He said life-size cutouts of cyclists will be placed in businesses and public building lobbies to renlai ld drivers to treat cyclists on the road as if they Tigard City Council Mcetine Minutes October 23.2007 know them — diev may be sons, daughters or neighbors. I-Ie asked about submitting a proposal requesting financial support for bicycle safety. City Manager Prosser said Tigard's 2008-09 budget process is beginning soon and proposals are due in February or earlier. Mr. Ballard said he is a cycling instructor and since he offered to give free lessons to Beaverton's Cite Council;he extended the same offer to Tigard's City Councilors. John Frewing, 7110 SW Lola Lane,Tigard OR 97223, said he had two items regarding tree preservation. 1. There is a large tree on Burnham Road which is in an area slated for renovation. IIe said he sent an e-snail to the City Arborist but that input from the Engineering Department would also be required. I Ie requested that Council direct the City Engineer to explore ways to save dais tree. Mayor Dirksen said he will ask staff what can be done to save the tree. Cite Manager Prosser said die tree in question is located in the nhiddle of the right of War for die Ash Street extension. He said it:would be a challenge but die City is currently looking at alternatives. 2. Mr. Frewing also coniunented on die Deed Restriction language required by die Development Code to save larger trees. IIe is concerned that it is too generic. He asked, "What does the term `existing tree' mean? Existing tree prior to development? Existing tree after development? When the covenant is signed?" I-Ie said a deed restriction tray be removed if a tree dies or becomes a hazard. He asked if this means die deed restriction goes away for all trees initiall}=covered or just die dead tree. He also said it is not clear whether die reference to trees greater than 12"is a DBI I or caliper measurement. City Attorney Rarnis agreed to review the language. I Ie reiterated that the measutement of caliper used is the industry standard. IIe said regarding the loss of a tree, there does need to be some language so if a tree dies; die covenant has not 'been violated. Councilor Wilson said that caliper is a nursery term used until a tree grows to a cemgin size after which die term DBH is used. Mr. Frew' asked if die City has to go dirough die sone review process when constructing their own projects. City Attorney Ramis said a tree uiventory nnist be submitted widh any land use application and the City must go through the same process as a private citizen would. Tigard Chamber of Coininerce Representative Marjorie Meeks updated tie Council on recent activities. She invited Council to attend upcoming events including the Tigard Tigard City Council Meetin[t Minutes October 23,2007 3 downtown Halloween Night trick-or-treating, Tigard Tree Lighting and the Bowl-o- rama i1 November. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication: There was none. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dirksen read the Consent Agenda items. 3.1 Approve Council Minutes for September 11, 2007 )? Approve rinnendnnent 92 to the City, Manager Agreement to Change the Annual Performance Review Date and Merit Increase Date from March 1 of Each Year to August 'l of Each Year 33 Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Deed Restriction Related to die Jiro Griffith Memorial Slate Pail: 3.4 Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Deed Restriction Related to the 550- hoot Zone Reservoir No. 2 Project Site 3.5 Dedicate Non-Access Reserve Strips to the Public for Street Purposes — Resolution No. 07-64. 3.6 Approve a Cooperative agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for Pavement Improvements to Upper Boones Ferry Road — Resolution No. 07-6). 3.7 Local Contract Review Board: a. Award Contract for the Construction of SW Cherry Drive Sanitary Sewer Extension (Sewer Reimbursement District No. 44) to Kuenzi Comm>nnications b. lkwarcl Contracts for Two Landscape Architects of Records to Group MacKenzie and MIG, Inc. c. Approve the Purchase of Two lord F-250 Vehicles for the Parks Division from Landmark Ford d. Award Contract for Financial, Human Resource, and Risk Management System Software Councilor Buehner moved to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilor SheLwood and all voted in favor. Yes No Councilor Woodruff ✓ Ma}-or Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor Sheiwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ 4. CONSIDER ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE 2007 OREGON FIRE CODE IN THE CITY OF TIGARD Community Development Department Building Official Blalock introduced John Dalby, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue liaison with the City for fire codes. Building 'ri_nrd City Council Meeting Minutes October 23.2007 ;i Official Blalock gave background uiforniation on the requirements and highlighted changes. He noted that die City of Tigard has traditionally adopted the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue ordinance, most recently with Ordinance No. 05-02 adopting the 2004 Oregon lire Code edition. Building Official Blalock said approving the proposed ordinance would repeal Ordnance No. 05-02. Councilor Slherlvood asked if property owners are notified when the Eire codes changes. Mr. Dalby said the Pire Code is not retroactive and owners are grandfathered in unless there is a change to the building code or there is an inherent safety hazard to life or property. Councilor Woodruff moved to adopt Ordinance No. 07-IS. Councilor Sherwood seconded the motion. The City Recorder read the Ordinance and conducted a roll call vote. The motion passed unatinnously. Yes No Councilor Woodruff ✓ Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor Sherwood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ 5. DISCUSS TRANSPORTATION PROJECT FUNDING Community Development Department Director Coffee and Engineer Dumas gave an update on transportation-relating project funding shortfalls. He noted that upon the adoption of the 2007-200S Budget and the 2007-2012 CIP, Council and die Budget Committee realized there would be a street project funding shortfall. He said Council had been given a memo on October 15, 2007 detailing the project funding and funding needed for the 5-year financing plan. I Ie said they are asking Council for action on die iunrnediate financial needs; general direction on the short-terra needs and he also wanted to mention the long-terra challenges. Engineer Duenas described unrnediate needs and said most could be addressed with reallocation of existing fiends. He said there will be a need for additional funding for the Bonita Road/74'x' Avenue signalization. He said another key project is completing the Com nercial Street sidewak I-Ie said some of the nnoney allocated for die Hall Blvd. /Wall Street is available since the project didn't use what was projected. Engineer Duenas said the City has a balance for tie Tigard Triangle Local Improvement District (LID). He said the developer wants to go ahead so reinstating the funding will take the project duough die prelininary report. Councilor Buchner asked if die preliminary report would be completed this fiscal year. Engineer Duenas thought it could come to Council in December or January, widh the public hearing set for the second Council Business meeting in January. Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes October 23,2007 i Mayor Dirksen said conuiittnents have been made to nhove ahead with the Burn}hann Street and Greenburg Road/99W intersection projects and these two projects must be funded. Conhnnunity Development Director Coffee said gas tax revenues are not coining un at the predicted rate and at the rate die money is coming in, we tray not have enough by the end of the five years. He said this issue will need to be addressed as part of the short term funancing for Greenburg Road discussion. Tvlavor Dirksen asked if there is time to wait to see if revenues reach the projection. Engitneer Duenas said there is funding i1 place to do t1e design but right-of way acquisition and construction will require revenue up front. Councilor Woodruff said there was no question; voters were promised that we would do this so they passed the tat. He also requested that staff identify whether the Tigard or State gas tax is being referred to ui discussions. Ing' cer Duenas said it nhay require snore spending up front on design in order to pun down snore exactly what construction will cost but he felt tis would be better in the long run. Mayor Diksen said one possible option is go to go for a revenue bond based on expected revenues and dhen go out agail for the actual shortfall. City Manager Prosser said dhere are always issuance costs, which fluctuate, but if we issue bonds twice we'd have to pay issuance costs twice. Cotrununit), Development Director Coffee said staff would be bringing back budget and Capital Investment Program anhenchtnents to accotrunodate the ihulnediate needs and will identity the short-term financing for Burnham so construction can begin nett sunnnler. I-Ie said the Greenburg Road project twill be discussed separately. In response to a question from City Manager Prosser, Engineer Duenas discussed reasons why the gas tax has fallen short. He said State gas tax revenues are also lower. He said drivers along 99W have more gas station options, such as King City, Portland or Sherwood. Mayor Dirksen mentioned drat people are driving less. G. LEGISLATWE PUBLIC HEARING — COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA2007-00001 — UPDATE THE GOALS, POLICIES, AND RECOMMENDED ACTION MEASURES PERTAINING TO STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL G: AIR, WATER, AND LAND RESOURCES QUALITY; GOAL S: RECREATIONAL NEEDS; AND GOAL 13: ENERGY CONSERVATION Mayor Dirksen opened the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. He asked if any Council member wished to declare or discuss a conflict of interest or abstention. There was none. Tigard City Council Mcetin Minutes October 23.2007 6 The Staff Report was given by Associate Planner Wyss. IIe said Comprehensive Plan linendtnent (CPA 2007-00001) updates die goals, policies and reeoniLnended action rneasures pertaining to Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 6-flir, Water and Land Resource Quality; Goal S — Recreational Needs; and Goal 13 — Energy COnseLvation. Ile described the process which included a lot of con-imunity input through policy interest teens. IIe said die Planning Commission held a workshop and a public hearing on August 20, 2007. The Planning Commission made no changes to the Fnvironinental and Isnergy Conservation Sections and recoinLnended a few minor changes to die Parks, Trails and Open Spaces chapter, found u7 Attaclinient '1 ii die packet. IIe said staff recommends adopting die Ianguage forwarded by the Planning Coniiiiission, but based on die Mayor's request, staff also provided alternative language based on die Council's Workshop meeting. Assistant Coninhunity Development 1\Ianager Bunch expressed staff appreciation of the many citizens who participated in tis process, as well as the boards and convnittees involved including die Planning Cotntiiission. Mayor Dirksen noted Council's appreciation of die effort and time staff and citizens devoted to this comprehensive plan update. )\-Mayor Dirksen asked if there were any proponents who wished to testify. Brian Davies "12025 SW Sprin�vood Drive, Tigard OR, identified Himself as die Chaitnnan of die City of Tigard's Park and Recreation Ad-,.=isory Board (31�. 1B). IIe said all PRAB members support the Comprehensive Plan Amendment as it currently stands. Councilor Wilson commended die PB—,0 for dneir endiusiasm which he said was evident in die document. Carl Switzer, 10310 SW Hoodview Drive, Tig.Ld, OR, said lie came to discuss Goal S, and specifically wanted to address the citizen involvement towards getting a recreation program in die City of Tigard. He said as the Comprehensive Plan update process began the Policy Interest Team spent numerous hours debating what the City deserved and wanted. IIe said he supported language recommending a recreation program in Tigard and wants die Policy Interest Team language to be incorporated - not the modified language as forwarded by die Planning Convnission. IIe said Tigard has a lot of families and a need for recreation life never before. He said it is nota special interest group, but a huge number of citizens supporting bringing a recreation program to Tigard. He requested die conunents of the Policy Interest Team members be included verbatim. Michael Freudendial, 15533 SW Mason Court, Tigud, OR 97224, said he supported Goal S and as an original member of die reconstituted Park and Recreation Advisory Board wanted to support die recreation effort as described by the Policy Interest Team. IIe said a recreation program in Tigard is important to livability in Tigard, which is a major focus of PRAB. He said die recently opened Slate Park shows What is possible when people work togedier. I-Ie said die PRAB voted unanimously to support die Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes October 23,2007 7 original language and asked Council to reconsider die Planning Connnnission's changes and fcvert back to the original language. IIe suggested that if issues arise, compromises should be sought. John Frcwing, 7110 SW Lola Lane Tigard OR, said he was generally in favor but had sonic continents In opposition. He expressed concerns about the availabiliry of Council nhecting materials on the website only seven days prior to meetings and said lie experienced difficulty accessing some of the larger files from die Cit,'s website. I-Ie said in die section on Definitions (G-1), die 100-year floodplain definition should be expanded to not only include Fanno Creek and lower portions of Ash Creek and Sumner Creek (PENLi1-identified 100-year floodplain areas) but should also apply to any stream or any section of stream in Tigard. Mr. rreNving said he was concerned that staff proposed Green Spaces, Open Spaces and Natural Spaces be considered identical (G-4). IIe said they are three different things and staff should be asked to distinguish between them. He referred to page G-4 under tie term Municipal Separate Storm Pernhit. I-Ie said this has to do with Clean Water Services and storm water and suggested dhat it should say "Cit,innplementation" because the City performs a lot of the duties called for under the MS4 Agreement. I-Ie said the docurrnent defines Strcanh Corridor as something related to water quality functions but that a Stream Corridor also Protects habitat for fish and wildlife. IIe said he realizes fish and wildlife are not discussed in this section - which is about water quality - but advised that as these definitions will be used throughout die document, the terns Stream Corridor should be corrected. Mr. Frewiig recommends die words, "Approved by die Planning Commission" be included and that references to potential bonding measures not be deleted. IIe pointed out that it says die City shall "consider"; it doesn't say the City will go out for money. He said he lilies that as a citizen because it indicates how die Council will vote on .n bond measure. IIe said die Policy Interest Teann wants di-is on the table for consideration. He said it has been discussed for many, years and he questioned the necessity of additional surreys. I Mayor Dirksen asked for a staff response to Mr. Frewing's comments on definitions. Associate Planner Wyss said the 100-year floodplain definition is consistent with both die State and Clean Water Services definition. Regarding die MS4 permit, he said Mr. crewing was correct drat die City has an agreement with Clean Water Services but he did not drink that changing die definition was necessary. Mayor Diksen said the IGA with Clean Water Services may change someday and if it does it would require die Comprehensive Plan wording to also be changed. He said that as it is, "somebody" has to do it but we need to keep the Comprehensive Plan broad enough to cover potential changes in that agreement. He said lie agreed with Mr. l:rewing on expanding the Stream Corridor definition. Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes oclober 23.2007 g Associate Planner Roberts spoke about Green Space, Open Space and Natural Space defitutions. He said these terms are based on the Parks System NI-aster Plan wl-ich has a part: t-rpe classification system. He said staff doesn't want to develop definitions that differ between documents. He said Open Space is not defined ih the Parks Master Plan but is most closely defused as Green Space and Greenway. Mayor Dirksen noted that in past discussions there was an agreement in Tigard that Open Space means an undeveloped area. Councilor Wilson said it is difficult when reading die Tigard Municipal Code to distinguish between public open spaces and private open spaces with easements and he recorrttnended that this be addressed. Councilor Buchner said defrtitions were developed by the Planned Development Code Cotnuhittee and suggested those may be helpful. Associate Planner Roberts said they diel look at diose but thought it more appropriate to follow the Parks Master Plan. City Manager Prosser suggested that staffgo back through dle document and see how the words are used because takiig them out of context during this sheeting may not work within the document. Councilor Wilson suggested adopting the definitions last. Mayor Dirksen asked the City Attorney if there is a legal issue widi terns being used in different contexts. Cit-, Attorney Ramis recommended that staff go back through the document and ensure that each time a term is used it is in accordance with the technical definition as it is written. He noted that colloquial terms may not be recognized in court, unless called out each time as n colloquial term. Sue Beilkc, 1-1755 SW 114°i Place, Tigard, OR 97223 distributed a statement to the Council, a copy of which is entered as part the public hearing record. She said she was <t member of the committee working on the Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation section. She addressed the comments of the Platnning Commission and some of the wording. She said in Goal 5.1, Action Measure "19, their conntntttee reconunended the words, "Where feasible and appropriate male Parks,Trails and Open Spaces universally accessible by as many people as possible." She said the conhnnittee felt parks should be open as much as possible to the public but there also may be sensitive areas or wetlands where the City, may not want to put a trail. She noted there ma), be species present that need protection from the public. She said they want that language because it gives the Cit-, the ability to assess each area. Associate Planner Wyss said the Planning Conunission decided to take out words such as "where feasible and appropriate" to make tlhis more of an action document. Councilor Woodruff said he agreed that these words should be put back ih to give die City, more flexibility. Tigard Citv Council Mectin,Minutes October 23.2007 9 Ms. Beilke recommended keeping in strong language about a recreation plan as well as the language about a bond measure. She said the Natural Resources Inventory needs updating on species and acreage in Tigard to reflect current information. She said a lot of time was spent on definitions (Green Space xis. Open Spaces) and agrees that it should be more consistent and specific because the same issue grill be raised in the Natural Resources Section of the Cotnprehensi-krc Plan Update. Jason Rogers, 11035 SW Sunimnerlake Drive, Tigard, OR, said PRAB voted unanimrmously to support a recreation program in the City. He said he and some of leis neighbors use Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District programs and pay Out-of- District costs. He said their facilities are far superior to what can be found ill Tigard right no�v and be would lil.e to see that level of program right here un Tigard. He said lie supports the changes in the language however, the original language was there to snake sure die Part:and Recreation Program.is there in the near future. 1\Iayor Dirksen asked if anyone else wanted to spear:. There was no further public testimony. Mayor Dirksen asked for staff reconunendation. Associate Planner Wyss said staff recormm-riends adopting the Planning Comrnmssron recommendations. Councilor Buchner asked if Council could address each chapter separately since some chapters may be easier to reach a decision on than others. Mayor Dirksen agreed and recommended that Council discussion begin on Goal G and Goal 13, with Goal 8 being considered last. Mayor Dirksen closed the public hearing at 9:0S p.m. and Council tools a recess. Council reconvened at 9:18 p.m. and discussion resuuned. General Comments: Councilor Wilson recornincnded that throughout the document the phrase "educate the public," be changed to the please, "raise awareness" or "inform the public." Mayor Dirksen agreed. Mayor Dirksen said there were places ill the document where it says "the City will ensure..." which lie felt puts the City unto a position of guarantor. I Ie suggested using the word "require" not "ensure." City Attorney Rams agreed this was a prudent change. Air Quality: Page 6-4, Policy 7: Mayor Dirksen asked what this policy meant. Associate Planner WNrss said the 1 tiviromnental Performance Standards are located in the Tigard Comnminit}r Development Code Chapter 18.725 and their purpose is to apply the federal and state enviromm-riental rules and regulations to development in the City of Tigard City Council Heeling Minutes October 23.2007 10 Tigard. He said flus means the City xvill change the Code to make it better than it is now. Page 6-4, Policy S: Councilor Wilson said he was uncomfortable with wording in the Policy. He said the City may not have a huge influence on current neighborhoods but could impact :teas subject to redevelopment such as downtown and other commercial areas. IIe stated that the LPA and DEQ are already charged with regulating air quality and separate regulations for lawnmowers, for example,arc not necessary for Tigard. Councilor Buehner reported that laivnrnowers and blowers produce 7% of the air pollution in the Portland metropolitan area. She said there is very little inforination on flus given to the public or pressure applied to manufacturers. She said the vast majority of lawn mowers are gas powered and the technology has not changed since mowers were invented. She wants citizens to be aware of flus. klayor Dirksen suggested the words, "The City will encourage environmentally-friendly behavior." Assistant Conununity Development Director Bunch suggested this section wound worn: better as an action measure. IIe suggested the following wording, "The City will wort: with DEQ to inforin citizens about how to rriodif, their household actions that create emissions and reduce air quality." Page 6-4, Action Measure iv: Councilor Wilson suggested changing thus to read, "Identify underscived neighborhoods and fund funding to add transit service." E le suggested taking out the mention of Tri-11,Iet. Assistant Conununity Development Director Bunch said that would work for staff because they want to reduce effects on air quality no matter who is providing the transit Service. Page 6-4, Action Measure ix: Councilor Wilson said he did not agree that die Citv should be running a buyback program for wood stoves. Page 6-4, Action Measure viii: Councilor Wilson said he preferred die term "light trespass" instead of"darn: skies" regulations. Associate Planner Wyss said this section was intended to prevent parking lot lighting where bright lights are going into neighborhoods. Mayor Dirksen suggested that the City research light trespass regulations in other communities and consider developiig standards for Tigard. Page 6-4,Action Measures ix and x: Councilor Woodruff suggested with taking out these sections. Councilor Sherwood agreed. City Manager Prosser noted the late hour and asked Council if they would be able to consider Chapter S - Recreational Needs tonight as there were audience members In attendance for that topic. Mayor Dirksen said Council would probably not be able to "Tigard City Council Mecting Minutes Ocsobcr 23,2007 I l reach.a decision on Chapter 8 tonight. He suggested that Council continue the hearing to November 27, 2007. Water Quality: Page 6.7, Policy 1: Mayor Dirksen suggested the word"require" not"ensure." Page 6-7, Policy 5: Mayor Dirksen suggested the word"require" not"implement." Page 6-7, Policy 7: Councilor Wilson said he would rather not refer to green street concepts specifically because the cost benefit has not been established yet. He suggested leaving out the words, green street" Page 6-8,Action Measure v: Councilor Buehner said the City should not be forced to buy all of tliese properties so she suggested language such as, "Develop a management plan to allow for the natural function In removing pollutants..." Councilor Wilson suggested, "Encourage property owners to develop a management plan..." Page 6-8, Action Measure vi: 1\4ayor Dirksen asked, "Don't we already do this?" Associate Planner Wyss said the Tualatin Riverkeepers reconnnended this language be added. Councilor Wilson said he was not slue the City had the staff to do this. Mayor Dirksen said the word "ensure" needed to come out. Pagc 6-8,Action Measure viii: Councilor Sherwood said there is worn: started to build a day shelter where homeless people can use the restroom facilities but she suggested leaving this wording as is in case the shelter is not enough to address d>is issues. Page 6-8,xi: City Manager Prosser said this item appears to have two items and rcconunended diet/ be separated. Council agreed with this. Page 6-11, Action Measure viii: Mayor Dirksen said that Washington County is considering this but it may not be at Metro or state level, not the county level. I Ie suggested saying the City will take part in considering this. City Manager Prosser suggested the wording, "Wort: widh other jurisdictions un Washuigton County to consider the creation of an Office of Sustainability." City Ylttorney Ramis reconnnended staff return with this amended Goal 6 for discussion and consider a vote on Goals S and 13 on November 27,2007. Councilor Woodruff suggested drat Council receive a copy for review prior to the meeting. Mayor Dirksen moved to continue this public hearing to November 27, 2007 at wlhich tune Council will continue deliberation on these three chapters. Councilor Wilson seconded the "Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes October 23.2007 12 motion and all voted u1 favor. Yes No Councilor Woodruff ✓ Maj,or Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buchner ✓ Councilor ShcLAvood ✓ Councilor Wilson ✓ 7. REPO TO�`N��c�OF OPJ±GG,.r G1TIE, Ap,I JUA r GONIFF-pd-INTGE • Staff Introduction: Achnuzistration Departtncnt Due to the Iate hour, flus item has been continued to the November 6, 2007 Council meeting. 8. COUNCIL LLISON REPORTS 9. NON AGENDA ITEMS 10. ADJOURNMENT At 10:17 p.un. Councilor Sheiwood moved for adjournment. Councilor Woodruff seconded and all voted ill favor. Yes No Councilor Woodruff ✓ Mayor Dirksen ✓ Councilor Buehner ✓ Councilor SheLAvood ✓ COUI101or Wilson ✓ Carol A. Krager, Deputy City Recorder Attest: Magor, City of Tigard � (' Date: I.1A1A1\Cadlyl/yxl\?007\071073 dnc "11-nird City Council Meeting Minutes October 23.2007 13